July 2009 buddies wanted!!

i know,well to be honest ive no worries going bk to wrk while pg,wel till baby is at least a few mth old,cos me and OH live together i dont get all the benifits i wud if i were alone,so OH is supporting me mostley ! i mean on incap u cant claim the £500 mat grant even, i wud be able to get it once im claiming child tax credits when baby born,the last thing i want/need is to be stressing me self over wrk and panicking bout this aswell,it felt like i was in benfits office not consultants !! plsed with the low risk tho,and the extra scans !! :wohoo:
Thnks Ellie - Its a real pain in the arse to be honest. Seems very unfair when Ive worked since I was 16 and never begged off the government. Just wanted a bit of extra help. You can claim MA for 39 weeks and all I get is a lousy 8 weeks. They make it so hard for you to do too. WHen I tried to claim sick when I had my mc it was virtually impossible. Even my gp said they make it so hard, you end up not continuing - thats their plan!!!

Honey - great news about your scans sweetie. I wouldnt worry about the consultant. I have had serious anxiety issues since getting PND after William. I have suffered on and off for a long time (thankfully seem to be a lot better now) But because its on my notes I had it - everytme I go to see the consultant or even the MW they ALWAYS ask about it. Am I doing ok? DO I need to see someone in thier specialist department? etc... I feel like saying to them I havent seen anyone for a long while now - and anyone I did see about my problems were bloody useless anyway!!!! But I dont. I hjust sweetly smile and try to move on...lol... My OH obviously knows about my past, but I havent been 'bad' since Ive met him. So when we go to the hosp and they keep bringing it up, Im sure he must think I was a raving loony before we met!!! lol
i know,well to be honest ive no worries going bk to wrk while pg,wel till baby is at least a few mth old,cos me and OH live together i dont get all the benifits i wud if i were alone,so OH is supporting me mostley ! i mean on incap u cant claim the £500 mat grant even, i wud be able to get it once im claiming child tax credits when baby born,the last thing i want/need is to be stressing me self over wrk and panicking bout this aswell,it felt like i was in benfits office not consultants !! plsed with the low risk tho,and the extra scans !! :wohoo:

Yeah that's really good!! You've had a brilliant week this week!! (apart from the idiot consultant) :cloud9:
just like medication im on,im reducing it safley and he said well in 3rd tri i shudnt do this cos it can cause problems, and also im on incapacity benfit cos of bad anxiety and panic attacks and he asked me if id ever wrked:? i said of course i have ,im 28 !!! he said when the babys born i shud look into getting all the noisence sorted and find wrk :? i said it wud be sorted by now if i didnt keep getting fobbed off all the time, and then he said well its not wot were ere to tlk bout,so i said ,so why are u asking me then :? im not thinking bout wrk at the moment to be honest,i need help to relax and stop the panic attacks etc,course i wana wrk but i need the help to do so first !! OH wrks uknow,we dont live off benifits,he just seemed very put off by the whole wrk situation,ive only been on icap for 5mth :?

What a tit!

:rofl: You said it perfectly Elllie! :rofl:
oh and niki - i have felt teeny flutters on about three occasions but nothing major or regular so i do think we're just too early...midwife said as of 20 weeks if when you'll have no doubt in your mind that you can feel movement!

Yes, by then there should definitely be no doubt, well unless some women have that placenta thing that shields the kicks for a while.

I have had no doubt for a while now, and pretty much confirmed when I actually felt it kick on that outside. I just happened to have my hand on my stomach at the right moment. Doubt I'll feel that again for a while, though.

Was showing my OH my stomach on cam, and he said didn't look different than last time. I know it is, though. He just doesn't know what he's looking at. I can finally see a small bump forming just below my belly button, and it's hard, even when I lay down.

I don't really want to get big any time soon, but it's sad that he can't feel it, especially when the lo really starts to kick and move where it can be felt. Visual is all he's going to get until it's born, which I'm hoping he'll make it home for.
Hey all hope everyone is ok,

God im o a downer 2day, just realised its my niece and nephews birthday in a few days and im missing it all, love me life up in bolton we got married in august and we are having our first child. Just miss me sisters both had a baby so I just wanna be able to pop round and see them n have a natter, feel like im on my own at times just gets me down, saw pics on facebook didnt help family pics and im hardly in any. sounds sad i know but just feeling really low, DH just left for work so not helping matters.

Sorry to go on suppose im just not feeling my self hopefully ill pick up soon xx
Hey all hope everyone is ok,

God im o a downer 2day, just realised its my niece and nephews birthday in a few days and im missing it all, love me life up in bolton we got married in august and we are having our first child. Just miss me sisters both had a baby so I just wanna be able to pop round and see them n have a natter, feel like im on my own at times just gets me down, saw pics on facebook didnt help family pics and im hardly in any. sounds sad i know but just feeling really low, DH just left for work so not helping matters.

Sorry to go on suppose im just not feeling my self hopefully ill pick up soon xx

I think we all have those days, hon. It should pass. :hug:
maybethistime im the same hun, i dont speak to my mum or dad, and im just hoping both my brothers wil take part in the babies life,as i know i wud want that so much if they had kids uknow,sometimes tho, we move on/away to b with our OH/DH and have our own seprate lives, least uv got fb tho hun :hugs::hugs:

yes ellie,ive had a fab wk, part from that consultant,but hey who cares :shrug: just hope this pregnancy carries on as good as its been up2 now :) x
Hey all hope everyone is ok,

God im o a downer 2day, just realised its my niece and nephews birthday in a few days and im missing it all, love me life up in bolton we got married in august and we are having our first child. Just miss me sisters both had a baby so I just wanna be able to pop round and see them n have a natter, feel like im on my own at times just gets me down, saw pics on facebook didnt help family pics and im hardly in any. sounds sad i know but just feeling really low, DH just left for work so not helping matters.

Sorry to go on suppose im just not feeling my self hopefully ill pick up soon xx

i know how u feel too luv, i moved to coventry 3 years ago now and even tho i know a few girls at play groups i go to ive got no close friends here, u know someone you can go out shopping with or pop round for a cuppa.
i phone home and my mum will say oh we are just going round your brothers for tea and my mates are going to eachothers houses for drinks and im here on me own :cry: (ok feelin sorry for meself now)
i try an go home for family parties and whenever the kids r of school and when im there i actually cant wait to get back to coventry!
i love my little life here with my little family but miss all the goings on back home aswell.
suppose im never satisified! im here i wanna go there an vice versa lol

ah well few months time we will have new babies to keep us busy! :happydance::happydance:
Thanks girls,

Thats exacally how I feel, I love my life hear but Iv always been so close to them, sometimes I feel like its me chasing them all the time so that gets to me, I go see them all time and my sister been mine once and the others dont really bother, I think im so rapped up in not wanting to let go of my life there, but suppose I have to really. The baby is really keeping me going and my DH of course.

Im close to my sister in law but its not someone I can go round all time, I dont go go out that much which is quite sad lol, Im feeling a little better but glad im not the only one that feels like it xx
Ah, don't worry. I don't go out hardly at all, really, now that OH is gone.

Actually, if we lived on a farm, I wouldn't mind the isolation as much because I'd have things to occupy my time. But here, I've nothing to do but stare at 4 walls. It can definitely get depressing, and the lack of socialization just adds to it.

But it will come and go.

Do you have anything to occupy your time?
My dissy for uni, but I cant seem to get motivated, DH has his family we were gonna have me little bros over for weekend but he got called in 2 work, and I cancelled cos they really love spending time with him and I enjoy watchiing, he then said "there your brothers" hurt me a bit so think thats what it all stemed from x
just like medication im on,im reducing it safley and he said well in 3rd tri i shudnt do this cos it can cause problems, and also im on incapacity benfit cos of bad anxiety and panic attacks and he asked me if id ever wrked:? i said of course i have ,im 28 !!! he said when the babys born i shud look into getting all the noisence sorted and find wrk :? i said it wud be sorted by now if i didnt keep getting fobbed off all the time, and then he said well its not wot were ere to tlk bout,so i said ,so why are u asking me then :? im not thinking bout wrk at the moment to be honest,i need help to relax and stop the panic attacks etc,course i wana wrk but i need the help to do so first !! OH wrks uknow,we dont live off benifits,he just seemed very put off by the whole wrk situation,ive only been on icap for 5mth :?

:hugs: its got nothing to do with him what you do :hugs: xxx
Morning girls :happydance:,

honey, great news about the scans :cloud9: xx

Mb :hugs:, we're always here for you when you need a chat :hugs: xx

Sorry shelley I cant help you, I havent a clue :dohh:, when I was preg with the wee man, I had just started a new job, and I wasnt there long enough to get mat pay, so I got MA, but I didnt even know how tho fill the form in :dohh:, I had to get someone else to do it :dohh:, but I hope you get sorted :hugs: xxxx

hope all else is well, have a good weekend, anyplans anyone ? I had to work this weekend to get next weekend off :cry: as dh is away next week, its a mans world, out last night and away next weekend !! :muaha: xxx
just ad the letter in the post that i shuda got thurs :? looks great to see it on paper .... 1-8300 extremley low risk :dance:
also im getting extra scans ,theyve already booked them in for me,which im so plsed bout, ive got my 20wk scan on 26feb, one on 22may,one on 19june,then one on 17july which cant understand cos am due on 16july :? but fab news :dance: to make sure baby is growing,also plsed that when we find out the sex at 20wk they cud check it everytime (im scared of been told its one sex then turns out to be another...it does happen dont it !)
also i got 4mosses/pram sheets off ebay and they arrived 2day,all still in wrap aswell for £8 !! so plsed uknow,feels realer everyday now :)
for those whove moved/dont see family/not many friends, im the same uknow,this is why i defo need to get bk to wrk soon after baby born, just PT wud be great to meet others,sometimes i think if i didnt av gary id av no one,and its not a very nice feeling, so ive got to do it for myself and confidence xxxx
honey great news, you got all the dates and the low risk :happydance: :cloud9:

girls check this out for a bit of fun xx

Honey: sorry to hear the consultant was so intrusive. I'm sure I'll get the same at my appointment in March. It is annoying the way they insist on dragging up the past and stuff. I didn't want to admit about my anxiety and depression problems, but I guess it is all over my medical notes, so can't really hide it. I wonder if I will get more scans like you though as I am on High risk? Hope so. Would be nice to see baby more times than expected.
Shelley: sorry about the money probs. Sounds like a nightmare. I hope you can get something. There are so many silly loopholes in this government's systems! Some people just seem to get money poured on them, and others seem to be able to get nothing. Always seems so unfair.
Maybethistimine: sorry you are feeling low. Hope it passes, sweetie.
I lay still for 2 hours in the early hours today trying to analyse if I could feel baby. It's odd, as a few weeks back I thought I was feeling flutters, but nothing now. Ah well, there's plenty of time yet to be kicked to bits by little one.
I seem to have stupidly high sex drive at the moment!! Anyone else? It is higher than any time in last 15 years I reckon!! Could have done with this when we were TTC, not when I'm too damn scared to have sex!!! Grrrrrr! Mind you, we are making most of it in other ways!!:winkwink:
I seem to have stupidly high sex drive at the moment!! Anyone else? It is higher than any time in last 15 years I reckon!! Could have done with this when we were TTC, not when I'm too damn scared to have sex!!! Grrrrrr! Mind you, we are making most of it in other ways!!:winkwink:

Me, too, now that the sickness is mostly gone. It's like torture now, since OH can't be here to take care of it.

Oh, well. Just have to live with it.

For you, I would say just go ahead and have sex if the doc didn't say not to.
Well it must of been one of those days yesterday feeling loads better, so thanks everyone

Niki-well that wat put the smile back on me face, lol we had nt done out for ages lol, so just catching up, felt for DH tho got in at 3 this morning and I dived on him and again this morning he had a power nap and I asked when he woke up and said no wait till im home from work haha its just not right, had small little kicks for a while after felt a little bad :-S lol
nikki i know i defo felt baby a wk or so ago but nothing since, its still very early aswell,and like u said,uv plenty of time to get kicked ! lol .... why are u high risk nikki ? if they dont offer u more scans (which i think they will) u shud defo ask them n say uknow,so how are u helping me then :?
as for the sex drive ive had zero drive since day one:? im hoping it cums bk ! OH doesnt seem to bothered uknow...then i got a right parna on thinking he must be getting it somewhere eles,but even when we were TTC he didnt av much if a drive then either !
shelly hope u can get somat sorted hun xxxxxx

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