July 2014 IVF Buddies

Hello ladies :wave: Sorry if I am crashing your thread and do tell me to bog off if so as I know we all need our 'safe spaces' when going through these sorts of things, but if you do have 'room for a little one', that would be lovely! I'm on my first IVF cycle (likely to be ICSI), just had my down-regging scan this morning and have been approved to start stimming tomorrow. We have Male Factor and also I have adenomyosis and low ovarian reserve (not many follicles, I think that means so not likely to get many eggies etc). Good luck to you all with your cycles! Aurora xxx
Hello Ladies,

How are we all??

Lizzie, how are you doing on the stims honey??? That made me smile an out your hubby opening up to you, we forget how tough the journey is for them too. My hubby wears his heart on his sleave but doesn't really say much about ivf except that we will have a baby, he has this blind faith that it will happen.

Amy, fabulous news about your dad, so happy for you. So now, we gotta get busy trying to get him another grandchild.

Plex, how are you doing with your follies??? Hope that they are doing great???

Aurora and any of the new ladies, just get stuck in, the more the merrier. Good luck with the stimming, sing to them follies to grow grow grow.

Hi Aurora,
I am new to this too. Not only to IVF but to the forums as well. :) Good luck on your cycle.
Hi new ladies, of course we have room for you too :)

Ha ha Emmi 'blind faith' is obviously the way to go for the men folk as that's exactly what DH his like too. How are you feeling? Have you decided when you will test yet?

I'm fine, feeling twinges, absolutely knackered but think that's the amount of travelling I'm doing for work this week. Just hoping and praying that everything goes as it should for my next scan on Monday. After the dr not going quite right I've got a bit of bee in my bonnet that I'm doomed lol total overreaction I know.

Aurora - "Bog off" isn't a term we have in the US, so I definitely won't tell you to do that. :) Really though, welcome. Good luck starting stims!

And welcome Dauson, too!

Today was my first scan since starting stims and the doctor says everything looks like it should. He's counting about 30 follicles total, but he only measured about 3 leading follicles on each side. So who knows what that'll mean in terms of how many mature ones we get, but he was happy so I decided not to ask more questions.

Plex - Friday, right?

Lizzie - Positive thoughts! Your doctor wouldn't be moving forward if you were doomed for this cycle.

Emmi - Do you want us to stop asking when you're going to test? :)

Thanks for the welcome, ladies! I am off to try to catch up by reading from the start of the thread... I may be some time :haha:
Thanks ladies! I started stims today. It was not as scary as I thought it was going to be.

Amy, how many follicles did you have before you started the stims?

I only have one ovary. I lost my left tube and ovary after an ectopic pregnancy in June 2012.
:hi: Heya all and welcome to all the new ladies :hugs:

Im gunna be lurking for the next few days, feeling very rough :(

Had my scan yesterday - 9 lead follicles (15mm and above) and 11 follicles (8mm-14mm) consultant says im at a high risk for OHSS now :grr: why cant this just be straightforward???

Im happy with the numbers but i feel sick!! Im not sure whats causing it - it cud be worry, the ton of injections/supplements ive been taking, the trigger shot (which i took last night :happydance:) or possible OHSS?? Im trying to drink plenty but i dont feel like having anything. I also think i could be reading too much into this icky feeling :shrug: really dont know. Ill see how i go today, drink as much as i can.

I have my collection at 10am 2moro morning!!!!!

I hope u are all doing well?

:hugs: to u all xx
Plex, sorry that you feel so rough, I think it's the combination of everything. We are doing so much to our bodies and it's tough. But you have some great size follies so you should hopefully get some mature ones.
Thinking of you for your collection honey.

Amy, ha, I test next Sunday but it seems like such a long time away. Also, I am happy just to be pupo, I can't face the possibility of more heartbreak....
You have great number of follies, here's hoping for some fabulous mature ones.

Lizzie, one thing I know about our clinic is that they do know what they are doing. All the scans will make sure that they are keeping their beady eyes on you. It's natural for us to worry about everything anything but just phone the nurses anytime, they are lovely. And lets face it, we are paying a whole lot of money so we deserve to have that extra bit of assurance.

AFM - I am having strange cramps on and off. Nothing severe, just mild like a few days before my period. I am told that this is normal but the mind works over time!!!! Honestly, why is it sooooo bloody hard!!!!

Hi everyone. I'm only halfway through catch-up but I'm enjoying learning more about everyone's journeys so far, and also picking up some tips - and questions! Must drink more milk, eat more protein, cut caffeine! What the heck is PUPO? How do you actually 'use' (insert) progesterone suppositories? How scared should I be about my low Antral Follicle Count and AMH? And finally, how soon is too soon to start asking you ladies about your thoughts on/experiences of :sex: during the process? :haha: x
Plex - So sorry to hear that you feel lousy, and fingers crossed that you don't get OHSS. From what little I know about it, I think it would be too soon to be getting OHSS now... am I wrong about that? My guess is that it's the injections, the fact that your ovaries are huge and your hormones are wacky, and also maybe the stress making you feel bad.

I would never suggest that it's in your head, but I'll just say this: If the clinic told me that I was at high risk for OHSS at a time when I was already feeling fragile, I would likely work myself up and end up feeling sicker than I otherwise would have. I've been known to do things like that. Keep taking care of yourself and know that one way or another, you're almost over the hump.

Aurora, as for your questions:

-Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise :)

-Your clinic will go over how to use the suppositories, but usually you can just stick them up there with your finger, like a tampon, and they'll gradually melt and get absorbed. They'll also leak out, so you'll need to wear a panty liner. Depending on which type of suppository you have, you might have the option to do them vaginally or anally (glamorous, I know). And depending on the type, you might get an applicator with it.

-Sorry, I don't know about Follicle Count and AMH.

-As for your last question, I've gotten to the point where between the painful injection sites, the injection side effects, and the frequent ultrasounds, I can't imagine wanting sex until this is all over. I've read that some clinics recommend sex right before and/or after transfer, but my doctor has suggested that we just let things rest and heal between procedures. We're ok with that.

On a funny related note, my husband asked the doctor yesterday how long he should "save up" before retrieval day and the doctor said about 3 days, and then he smiled and said that the next time we see him he'll give my husband his "ejaculation schedule" so there won't be any guesswork.

Ok, that's probably enough information for right now. :)
Can I join in? Due to start down reg on 24th July. Nervous. My second cycle first ended up with no eggs to transfer. Only 2 collected. One fertalised but abnormally. Have low AMH basically low number of eggs left. Baseline scan showed 3 on left and one follicle on right. But left ovary didn't respond well to stims last time.

Have been following the thread. But wanted to wait until I had go ahead before joining. My iron was low had to build it back up.

Good luck to everyone.
Evening ladies,

Emmi, I can totally understand you being happy to enjoy being in your PUPO bubble - enjoy it hunni. The big bad world can wait a while, hopefully about 9 months ;)

Aurora - I think Amy has covered the questions you had hun but i can also confirm that :sex: is unfortunately the last think i feel like right now. In fact it suddenly dawned on me that of this cycle works i'll be too terrified to BD for weeks and weeks so i more or less leapt on DH last weekend before he thought about divorcing me due to the lack of action over recent weeks!!

Amy - thats so funny about the "ejaculation schedule" i hadn't thought about it but am going to re-read my notes later as I think our clinic say 3 days before and now I'm panicking that it will be too long when we get EC sprung on us - ugh how are we supposed to make sure that works when we trigger 36 hours before EC but need sperm to have been saved up no more than 3 days?? If I try to tell DH when he needs to have a bit 'me time' he is likely to run away screaming from me!

Plex - poor you missus! I think i would also be panicking about OHSS but that doesn't mean it is. It os most likely a combination of all the drugs and that you have responded so well. Im sorry you feel so rough but sending you lots of positive vibes fro EC tomorrow. As soon as you feel well enough let us know how you get on. :hugs:

hey no bump and welcome. Have you made any changes to your protocol this time around to see whether your response or quality can be improved? Hopefully this is a lucky thread and you will get your happy ending this time .

Not much to report from me. Ovaries are definitely aching so hoping thats good. Have friends coming tomorrow for the weekend and we are going to the open air concert at Warwick Castle on Saturday evening so hopefully that will take my mind off fretting about my scan on monday xxx
No change to protocol on long protocol. Was on highest dose of stims. Been taking on royal jelly, coq10 and been on iron tablets for 3 months so hoping this has made a difference. Hope that I only have to down reg for 2 weeks. Did 3 the last time it nearly killed me.

Yeah having the you need to entertain your self conversation at a certain time in relation to EC is not good.
I now feel like a fool 9 eggs (elated!) However, :cry: none, NONE fertilized!!! Great quality eggs, great quality sperm ZERO fertilization. Devastated does not quite cover it. Will post again when i feel able xx
Oh Plex I am so sorry to hear this. It is devastating to go through the cycle and not to get to transfer. X
Hi Ladies, please can I join you?:flower:

To cut a long story short- i had an ectopic in Sep 2012 and a year and half later we were told our best option is IVF.
Like a lot of couples we could not afford IVF so I done a little research and found a clinic in London that are conducting a clinical trial, which means you get a free cycle of IVF!!

Fast forward a few months and here I am, a day after ER. They managed to get 21 eggs, 15 of which matured and 13 fertilised:happydance:

I am having my transfer on the 16th July (5 day blasto)

Extremely excited but so very nervous! Im taking progesterone vaginally 3 times a day at the moment, I stupidly lost my instructions and I am inserting them every 8 hours. Any ideas if I am doing this correctly?:dohh:

Where in the process are you Ladies at?
Much love and babydust to all xx
Plex, I am so sorry hunni you must feel devasted. We are here when you a ready and want to talk about it xxx

Hi carmela, I'm not sure about the timing of your press aires, can you call your clinic and check? Great news about your fertilisation number :)

Hope eoe is ok ?

Oh gosh Plex, I am so so sorry. This process is so cruel and heartbreaking. Sending you hugs and strength and hope xxx

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