July 2014 IVF Buddies

No Bump, it sounds like we may be in a similar boat - I have low AMH and low antral follicle count. I am stimming for the first time and just praying for some eggs to grow. Scan on Fri 18th to see if we have any and can proceed to collection. I'm a mess of emotions and doubt atm but trying to tell myself it's just hormones and not think too much about how poor our chances are!

Good luck with your transfer, Carmela!

How is everyone else feeling?
Plex I'm so so sorry! Did they do icsi?
Aurora good luck with stims.

I have just booked an acupuncture session next week to help me relax. Think last cycle I had to many things going on. We were in the middle of moving house and work was busy. Sometimes life gets in the way.
Plex - i have just seen your post...im so very sorry to see that this has happened to you. Its Bullshit.

Last month i went through IVF and having had 14 eggs retrieved, 11 of which were mature i also had the call the next day to say zero fertilisation. I believe i was over stimmed for too long. i was on 450 gonal f and left unmonitored for last 5 days. The last two days i felt moldy...like i had ovulated....like i was past my best. In fact, the embryologist muttered something about eggs possibly being over mature and some issues with sperm and egg binding.

they asked me to come in and see the embryologist and consultant a few days after because it was so rare for this to happen....although i got no clear answers. They said next time icsi should help.....given my age and lowish sperm count they should have considered that then. I wrote to them to complain and am awaiting their response.

my heart breaks for you....i am so sorry to read of someone else going through this. It is especially heartbreaking for you as i see you have done other IVFs.
I now feel like a fool 9 eggs (elated!) However, :cry: none, NONE fertilized!!! Great quality eggs, great quality sperm ZERO fertilization. Devastated does not quite cover it. Will post again when i feel able xx

Oh honey, I can't believe how crap and unfair this journey is. Words fail me. Look after yourself.

Huge hugs to you.

Hope everyone is doing okay? I am slowly going mad in the 2ww so just trying to keep as busy as possible but even then, I am obsessing about it constantly.... How's you Amy and Lizzie?? Hello to the new ladies.

Hope that everyone is enjoying their weekend.

Oh Plex, I can't believe it. I'll be thinking of you. Do get in touch when you feel up to it... I'd love to know what your next steps will be.

I'm tired of the process. My abdomen is completely bruised and every injection hurts now... we're going to try ice for these last few. My last two ultrasounds have also been painful - we think I might have a yeast infection, so my doctor prescribed medication to take today and tomorrow to ensure that there's no infection during Wednesday's retrieval. I just feel like a mess, and I'm dreading the pain of Monday's scan and then, eventually, transfer. (At least I'll be knocked out for retrieval.)

Hope the rest of you are feeling better than I am!
Oh no Amy I'm sorry you're feeling so bad! Hope the medication helps with the infection and it clears up quickly for you. Hopefully by the time transfer comes around it will be gone. Is it the stims causing the infection? I know it's one of the side effects of the gonal f I'm on too.try to hang in there chick, you are nearly on the other side, then you can be miserably interpreting every twinge and cramp - the fun never stops :wacko:

Emmi, hiya hunni, you're tww feels long even to me so goodness knows it must be driving you wild! I'm hoping the 3 Ms are all still busy burrowing in. As much as we might want to avoid it it just seems impossible for this stuff not to tak over your life. It's like your brain divides and one part is always thinking about what is happening with your ivf cycle right now even when you are busy doing something else. No wonder it's so tiring!

Nobump, I'm doing acupuncture too and I think it has really helped me with side effects, especially since I down regged for over 4 weeks!!

Carmela, how are your embies doing? Have the clinic given you any updates on their progress? When will you do transfer?

Aurora, how are your stims going? I'm a mess of emotions ATM too, can't seem to help myself, sigh.

Sorry if I've missed people?

I'm ok, bit emotional, absolutely knackered, feeling achey in the middle which is hopefully a good thing. On day 6 of stims today so have first scan tomorrow. I'm feeling quite scared about what the scan will show which I know is silly but after struggling to down reg I'm worried that I won't have responded properly to the stims or will have responded too well because I'm a high risk for ohss. Gah, so much to over obsess about I'm driving myself quite nuts.
Amy, so sorry you have had such a rough time of it. You are so close to egg retrieval so just hang on there though it all sounds so painful. I hope your hubby is looking after you, it's all so tough for us.

Lizzie, sounds like you are just enjoying the oh so joyful journey of ivf....Every step is a worry and just when you are relieved about one thing then there is something else to be stressing about... It's all so unfair and bloody exhausting.
Let us know how you get on tomorrow, shame I can't join you in the waiting room fit a cuppa and a bourbon....

AFM, am going proper loopy on the 2ww, it's too hard for words.... I had cramping on day 4 to 7 and now I am not feeling anything at all....I am driving myself insane with the thought it hasn't worked....I can't even symptom spot as I have no symptoms!!!! Bloody hate it all ��

Hope all you new ladies are having a better time??? At least we have had amazing sunshine here this weekend.

Emmi when will you test? I had cramping on 2dp5dt and then nothing. I got bfp 3 days later.
How is everyone? I'm feeling more positive today so basking in it whist it lasts lol.

had my scan his morning to check on progress of stimms, after 7 days I have 14 follies all between 5 and 10 mm. I thought they'd be bigger than that but then what do I know :shrug: so, another scan on weds and Fri and hopefully EC next Monday.
Lizzie - Yay for positive days! A few days ago, I told my husband "I think it'll work," which was the first time I'd felt or voiced anything so optimistic. He almost fell off his chair in surprise, but then he agreed and it felt nice to actually be excited.

Emmi - You're so close to the end! Though I realize it must not seem close at all to you.

Plex - My heart is still with you. Hope you're doing ok.

I'm feeling much better today. I just had my last scan (thank goodness for that) and my doctor is expecting 20-30 mature eggs for Wednesday's retrieval. Which is both exciting and terrifying. I'm glad I'll be knocked out for that, and I'm hoping recovery isn't too bad. Triggering tonight at 10:15!

How's everyone else?
My nurse just called that my Estradiol levels shot way up in the past 2 days. They're worried about OHSS and want me to drink lots and lots of Gatorade.

Amy, great news in your first post, not so brilliant in your second. It sounds like they are just being careful with you though so hopefully following the advice will help to avoid ohss. Glad you have a positive day in amongst the crappy ones too, it does help!! I can't believe you are triggering already :) good luck and enjoy the injection free day tomorrow.

Clinic called this afternoon and told me to increase my gonal f/ stims injection from tonight so we shall see what difference that makes on weds
Lizzie, so glad that you are feeling better. You still have more stimming to do so those follies will really keep growing. Keep singing to them follies, I am sure that they like it.

Amy, glad that you are feeling good too, it's nice to share excitement. And wow, that is some number of mature eggs so go you. Can't believe it's trigger time already. But nearly there Honey.

Am okay, just still going loopy with the wait and analysing everything and everything.... Hubby is back at work so I am up to my own devices to keep occupied to stop me going any more bonkers... But at least it's been sunny, you can't help but smile on sunny days.


Okay a bit more to add, Lizzie, great that they have upped hour Stimms, that will really help.

Amy, boo to your last post but at least they are checking to ensure you will be okay, really hope the Gatorade works.
Hi, ladies, may I join? I was in the other June/July IVF room, and they all fell pg (yay!), but now I'm all alone. I'm hoping their mojo rubbed off on me and I'm bringing it here.

I had my ER today. 11 eggs. Will find out tomorrow I suppose how many are mature enough to fertilize.

I can't believe how sore my uterine area is! Can't tell if it's bloating, or if it's from being punctured, or if it's luteal fluid or what.

Will anyone else be in TWW wait w me starting this weekend? Fx, all.
Oh noooooo I just accidentally hit the back button after writing a super long post addressing everyone and I'm on my stoopid phone so I couldn't get my draft back, rats pants bugger! And now it's too late to re type it all as I need to do my 'Stimulation Visualisation' before I fall asleep and to get horizontal so that melatonin production which peaks when on your back at 10pm (allegedly) can help me actually grow some follies and eggs (allegedly)! Yes I have gone quackers this week thanks to Dr Google. Lots of luck to those that need it, lots of love to those that need it. Exciting times for Emmi, Amy and Lizzie. Welcome Redbean and continued cuddles to Plex. Loving Lanet's hcg figures. Shout out to similarly eggularly challenged No Bump and sorry anyone I've missed! I don't dare scroll up to check in case I accidentally delete this attempt :dohh:
I feel so behind with this thread now :(

Miss u guys - sorry ive been awol, didnt want to put a downer on ur fab cycles :)

I feel a bit better now, still have NO idea whats happening but, hey, what can i do?

Ive emailed my consultant so am just waiting for a reply to come in 2moro - hopefully telling me what went wrong and that I CAN have my :cold: transfered on wed :happydance: - something to look forward to!!

Im going to have a quick catch up - Thank you all for your kind words, theyve not been lost on me :hugs: xxx
Plex I'm so so sorry! Did they do icsi?

No just normal Ivf - didnt think it was needed as we'd had such a good response last time (90% fert rate) really dont know whats happened :shrug: xx

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