July 2014 IVF Buddies

Yep, trigger tonight at 11.15! Have set about 4 alarms so I don't forget!

How are you doing today honey???


Good luck Hun, can't believe you're at trigger already! :hugs: keeping everything crossed for you xx
Emmi - :happydance: Im so excited for you! Although I hate this part as its the part we cant control as is the next few weeks :hugs: What time are you due in to the clinic wed am? I think im going to be about a week behind you, estimated collection for me is 9th July :D

How are you feeling now you'll be taking your last injections tonight (unless your on progesterone injections that is)? xx
Ahhhh, thank you babydancing, the month has just flown by. All a bit scary now. How are you doing honey???

Plex, am in at 11.15 on weds, hubby has taken holiday during this time so am really happy that he will be with me for 2 weeks. Feeling really petrified really, you can't shake that feeling after you have had a fail and injecting is a really nice comfortable bubble. The rest is just scary and bloody nerve wracking.

It won't be long until it's you, the weeks just fly by.

Hope everyone else is doing okay???

Its the unknown for sure - its good that ur hubby will be off with you hun :D Have you thought much about what u'll do in ur tww - bed rest etc? xx
My clinic advises a week off work but at the same time, complete bed rest is not good. You need to keep blood flowing so as I have my gorge little pooch, daily walks are a sure thing. The 2 ww is hideous but got a long way to go yet, need to get me some nice juicy eggs and fabulous embryos....

Just another 24 hours to egg collection, need to keep busy busy.

Hi Emmi, Glad trigger went ok. This time tomorrow it will all be over. Sendign you lots of positive eggie dust :dust::dust::dust: although Im sure wont need it. Hope you manage to stay busy-ish today xxx

Hope everyone else is ok too?

My update is that the DR scan this morning showed that the buserelin hasn't worked. I have three large follies when I should have none :( So they have upped my dose and im back in another week for a second scan...
Lizzie - :hugs: how frustrating hun! I hope the increased dose works for u - how u feeling about it all? Every set back is awful :( xx
Feeling a bit down about it all really. More because I'm worried that I won't actually get off the starting blocks than anything else. Wouldn't it be great if we all knew what our ending would be in advance. I wouldn't mind the delays and surprises along the way if I knew that I just had to stick things out for x amount of time.
Lizzie, how frustrating! But I'm glad that they upped the dose and will try again. Did they seem hopeful that they could get things back on track? Fingers crossed for you... let us know.

Nothing much new on my end. I had a mini panic attack on Sunday because my period came a day earlier than predicted (I'd taken my last birth control pill Friday night, and it came Sunday at noon). I got really panicky that the traveling had messed me up. I called the nurse yesterday and she wasn't worried at all. Still, I don't think I'll feel confident until hopefully having a successful scan on Thursday. Well, maybe not confident even then, but at least I'll be freed up to worry about the next thing instead.

Emmi! You're so close! What are you doing to keep busy?

Emmi - Good luck for your collection today hun! xx

Lizzie - It would make things so much easier if we cud know when things are going to happen for sure! I really hope that the increase in meds works for you!! xx

Amy - I have a scan on thur too! I wish you all the best for it - is this your baseline scan hun? xx
Hello ladies, we got 13 eggs. Now we have to wait and see how many are mature and how many fertilise. So nerve wracking this whole bloody process. Am so knackered now, hubby has gone to get us a takeaway and then early night.

Hope you are all doing okay.

Emmi, that's great! Fingers crossed for fertilization now. How are you feeling?

Plex - yes, it'll be my baseline scan. Do you have an estimated retrieval date?

Lizzie - Still thinking good thoughts for you! Hope you're doing ok.
Hey Emmi that's great news, one more hurdle down :) hope you feel better after a good nights rest, let us know how many fertilise. Keeping everything crossed for you.

Amy - thanks Hun, trying not to post miserable things so appreciate the kind thoughts x

Plex - how are you feeling?

Lanet hope you are in a happy little PUPO bubble

Emmi - Thats a great number, like Lizzie said thats one hurdle down :thumbup: - I hope you have a good number of those fertilise :D have they given you a time for your call 2moro? xx

Amy - Hopefully collection will be the 9th July fxd! xx

Lizzie - Im good ta - I dont really feel any different, hopefully i have some follicles growing in there! Last time i only had 2 medium ones with 4 small ones on my first stim scan - first time i only had 1. how much have they increased ur meds by? xx

I wish i felt bloated or something - id feel much more confident if i did! Last cycle i went in so confident as i felt really bloated and i only had 2 follicle :grr: dont want to get too optimistic this time. At least ill know by 730am 2moro :D
Plex - its all such a worry isn't it! I'm not convinced that how we feel is actually any indication of how well or otherwise everything is going to be honest. I've felt rubbish for weeks lol but still managed to have 3 follies pop up when they shouldn't so I wouldn't read too much into you not being bloated. Maybe your body is just a bit more accepting of the meds this time? Keeping everything crossed for you though :)
Emmi do you havea fertilization report yet?
Hi everyone else. Guess what!!! I caved and got a bfp at 5dp5dt!!!! I can't even believe it and I'm afraid it's a dream!!!!
Hi ladies,
Sorry i dont post much, i just stalk how you all get on!! So exciting and interesting!!
I got a call from Salisbury fertility clinic today to say funding is through and the only test they will have to do when we get there is the one to see how my egg reserve is. How is this done? Does anyone know? They said the results may take 3 weeks, so I doubt I will ve starting meds at the end of July like I hoped 😢 need to stop gearing myself up fprnit happening asap and wait to find out what's happening on the 21st. The lady mentioned that I might go on the long or short cycle. Does anyone know the venifits to either and why there is a difference?? X
Hi all,

Just got back from my scan - all is good! I will start stims on Saturday.

We also had our learning session for the new injections. I was a bit overwhelmed but my husband is confident that he's got it down. I do worry about having enough injection locations now that we'll be up to three injections a day. The nurse said I can do the Lupron in the back of my arm if I want, but that it would sting more. Do you all stick with your abdomen for all of the injections?

Congrats Lanet! Here's hoping that we'll all follow in your footsteps soon!

Hello ladies, hope that you are all doing good today??

Amy, great news that you are ready for stims, whoop woop. I inject in my outer thighs, nothing has ever hurt me because of my love handles and I just alternated. And if you are worried about doing any of the injections, there is alot of help on you tube.

Great news lanet, bloody marvellous.

Zoë, not sure what the test is you will be having, I just had lots of blood tests and then before I started ivf and then a pre treatment scan to see how many antral follicles there were. Long protocol is when they shut down your system and then stimulate and short protocol is when they just stim. Not sure how they choose.
But do post, I think it's good to share and you will always get a response.

Plex, gotta think that not everyone feels any symptoms and that doesn't mean nowt! I felt bloated but that was to do with all the drugs bunging me up - oh the joy!

Thinking of you Lizzie, awful horrible side effects that you are having. Here's hoping that you will be stimming next week.

So, I didn't sleep a wink last night as I had convinced myself that none of the eggs had fertilised.... all so stressful this malarkey. But, out of 13 eggs, 11 were mature and 7 have fertilised. So will get a call tomorrow morning to see how many are still fighting and when to do the transfer.... So more waiting and stress....arrrrrggggh!

Lanet - absolutely amazing news so pleased for you!!

Zags, that sounds like the FSH test to me which is just a blood test. It's usually done around cd 3 I think. It's a very normal test that everyone at my clinic has to have and in fact was one of the first tests we had when looking for a diagnosis and referral initially. It's nothing to worry about (easy said I know :) )

Emmi, I know I said on the other forum but I'll repeat myself, great news Hun, hang in there and tomorrow will hopefully bring even more good news about how they are getting on. Grow little embies grow!

Amy - I'm another outer/middle thigh gal. I just alternate. The only injection I will do in my stomach is the clexane when I get to it because I have to. My DH LOVED the injection teach, to an embarrassing extent. Got home that night and he knew all the theory but admitted he couldn't actually do the injection on me lol. All that swaggering he did at the clinic and scared little ole me had to do the deed. I let him fill the syringes for me now to keep him involved but honestly, men! Sure you DH will be much more 'man'd up' than mine ;)


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