July 2014 IVF Buddies

Quick update before i read and reply :D

Scan today -

14 follicles!!!!

7 on each side

left - 12mm, 11.5mm, 11mm, 10mm, and 3 smaller ones

right - 10mm amd 6 smaller ones

So the stimms have recruited another 2 follicles as AFC was 12 :D

I have another scan monday, then another wednesday with a view to have collection on friday 11th July :happydance: xx
Lizzie - on a good note, when they do get ur ovaries supressed you should have a great result from the stim meds as you had 3 follicles whilst down regging :D

I think youre right, my body's kinda getting used to all these meds :wacko: Dont think i really remember what its like not to be on meds lol xx
Ha ha Plex too true!! Great news about your follies and that you now have an estimated EC date to shoot/ grow for!
Lanet - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :happydance: Awesome news hun :D I can imagine it not feeling at all real! Have you called the clinic yet? xx
Plex that's an awesome count! My beta isn't until Wednesday so I won't call them until Monday. They will just think I was very naughty testing so early lol
Zas - Its either like Lizzie said (FSH) or maybe theyre testing ur AMH? Both are blood tests. I was told that the long protocol is for people that will (hopefully) respond well to meds. Short protocol is for those in which a long protocol has failed, ie poor responders or for people who have a diminished reserve doing their first cycle. The 21st will soon come by hun :hugs: xx

Amy - :happydance: Exciting to be starting stimms on Sat! Have they said how much u'll be put on? I inject in my belly, although i have a LOT of injections this cycle so may alter that plan later when i have no space left (I do have plenty to spare at the mo lol) xx

Emmi - Aaaaaaa! I hate waiting!!! Im wishing the time away for you :hugs: A great number fertilized! Its awful waiting for each call, Will they set a date for transfer when they know what the embryos look like 2moro then? xx
Plex, that's awesome that you have so many follicles growing! Happy for you. :)

And Emmi, congrats on the 7 fertilized! I can't imagine how nerve-wracking this waiting time must be. How are you feeling physically? Was the retrieval hard on you?

Plex - I'll be on 150 of Menagon and 150 of Follitism, plus continuing the Lupron (but going down from 10 units to 5).

Interesting that my clinic said no thighs for injecting... that seems like a logical place! I asked about it and they said a lot of women have trouble with pants rubbing against the injection sites. But it's summer, and I always wear dresses in the summer anyway! There was also one of the medications that they said absorbs better in the belly. I can't remember now which one it was, which is probably precisely the reason they'd rather me just do all of them in my belly. :)

Lizzie, that's funny that your husband chickened out about injecting you! I was impressed with my husband during our injectables-IUI cycle that he was totally brave about injecting me. I think he was probably squeamish, but he hid it from me. He enjoys the medication teaching too. He especially likes the part about breaking the glass vials for the Menagon. This morning the nurse offered us one to practice on, and he offered it to me and said, "You should do one! It's fun!" I insisted that he do it, and he did it like a pro and looked very satisfied with himself.
Hi ladies! Sorry I havent been here in a while.... I just went for a scan today and I have 55 freaking follicles! Thats too many... freaking out a little about OHSS. Definitely wont be able to do a fresh transfer...

My estrogen level is 1556 today, which is CD7. Retrieval is schedule for next week some time. Excited and nervous!

i started a youtube channel to track my cycle.. check it out later: https://www.youtube.com/lovecomadani XOX
Amy my clinic also said no thighs.
I'm doing intramuscular injections now and oh how I miss the tummy ones. My sore butt haha
Haleiwa my estrogen was 2825 on day 9 and I did indeed get ohss. I only had 28 follicles though
Emmi that's an awesome report, will you try for day 5?
Good luck to all of you girls!
Emmi - Hows things going for you hun? Im going to look back and check but how many eggs fertilized (just seen 7!! thats a great number!!), when was your transfer? hope everythings going well :hugs: xx

amy - How are you getting on - you started your stimms saturday - how are you managing the injections? xx

Halei - thats a lot of follicle hun :hugs: how are you feeling - is your retrieval definately set for next week - i hope you dont get ohss :hugs: xx

Lanet - Hows things going with you? Any symptoms yet? xx

Lizzie - Whens ur scan is it today? I hope everything goes well for you :hugs: xx

Ive just had my second scan and i have 12 of a good size - collection is going to be on friday :D
hi Ladies, Scan went ok this morning I think. Last week I had three follies measuring 27, 23 and 15 today the 15 one had gone and the other two had reduced to 20 and 17. Im waiting for a call to tell me whether im moving onto stimms or whether I need to keep trying to reduce them..... FX
Hello Ladies,

Hope that you are all doing okay?? Great number of follies there Plex!!!

I had my transfer on Friday, 3 embryos on board....I was allowed 3 at my age so here's hoping I have at least 1 sticky bean.

I am on day 3 on the 2ww and already going maaaad....Hubby is off work this week so at least I have company but I know I am going to go well and truly crazy with waiting.

Emmi, congrats! I've been waiting to hear your news... so glad everything went as planned. Good luck not going crazy now during the wait. :)

Lizzie, sounds promising! Hopefully they'll give you the go-ahead now.

And Plex, Friday! So soon!

I'm on day 3 of stims and doing ok. The menagon gives me welts, so my stomach is sore and I feel like I'm already out of injection spots. But I'll cope. I'm definitely counting down until the end of that one... should be 7 more. Or as my husband pointed out this morning, "Only 3 more on the right side."

I took my usual walk yesterday, about an hour loop through the hills of our neighborhood, and it felt SO hard. A quarter of the way in, I was spent. I kept going and I did eventually start feeling better, but then downhill was hard because any impact makes the welts in my stomach hurt. :( I'm going to keep doing as much as I can because I know it overall makes me feel better, but I think I'll start going slower.

What do all of your clinics say about physical activity post-transfer? I think it would drive me absolutely nuts to not be able to talk my walks. Especially this time of year - summers in Oregon are beautiful.
Lizzie - thats really positive news, its taking time but you will get there :hugs: When do you expect the call? xx

Emmi - :happydance: yay for being pupo!! im praying that you get a sticky bean! xx

Amy - My doc says rest for 3 days after transfer, so i take that to mean pottering about - not strict bed rest. They like you to encourage blood flow to ur uterus but not do excessive stuff :) ive got lots of dvds and books ive not had the chance to read/watch so have plenty to keep me occupied for a couple of days lol If im anything like last time im up and down anyway just not anything too strenuous xx
Amy, drink lots of water, I mean lots of water. It really will help. The welts sound painful hon, strange how the drugs can effect us.

With regards to exercise, your clinic will go through do's and don't's. My clinic advise taking a week off work after transfer and no strenuous exercise, heavy housework etc. But gentle exercise is okay, I walk my dog gently around the park as blood flow is important. The summer days have been wonderful so lots of sitting on benches watching the world go by.

Thanks Plex, hope this is lucky thread.

Lets hope!! I have a good feeling about this month for us all!! xx
Hi all, late update sorry DH booked me into a hotel last night as I was in London for two days and the travelling is getting increasingly difficult. I got there ahead of him and fell asleep so didn't get chance to update you all!

Got the call and finally started on stimms last night. im now terrified of OHSS since ive already managed to produce follies when I shouldn't but I guess there is nothing I can do other than cross my fingers and toes. Had a lovely night with DH last night, he really opened up to me about how he is feeling about all of this which is a huge thing for him as he really struggles with emotions. Hopefully I made him feel a bit better and this might actually be bringing us closer rather than pushing us apart. In terms of this being a lucky thread DH assures me that he has "a good feeling about this one" I'm not at all sure what that's based on lol other than eh has never seen me manage without caffeine and alcohol etc this long before so feels like I deserve it ha ha.

Emmi - hang in there hon, those 3 embies are busy having a pow wow and working out where to stick to and burrow in I'm sure.

Amy - Oregon sounds so beautiful (and foreign to me!). Check with your clinic about exercise. I'm at the same one as Emmi so have been given the same advice. We might end up with EC around the same time now since im on day 2 of stimms. how's your Dad doing?

Plex - hope you are feeling ok too, keeping everything crossed for this thread!!

Heya - glad uve started on the stimms now hun! Whens ur next scan scheduled for and how much meds are you on now?

Dont be afraid to call up the clinic if you feel worried theyre there to reassure and help - hopefully you wont need to :) OHSS is not nice, but i follow the same advice as Emmi has given a few posts before - drink lots and lots :) xx
Yay, Lizzie! So glad you can move forward. I'm scared of OHSS too... aren't we all? My doctor counted 30 small follicles at my first scan, and we'll find out tomorrow how many of those are growing. But I guess all we can do is try to think positively (and drink lots of water).

That's great that you and your husband had a good talk. I think we've finally gotten to the point that it's bringing us closer together, too.

As far as my dad goes, he had a really promising scan yesterday! He's responding well to treatment and his doctor is optimistic. His treatment will be ongoing until about October, so we just hope he keeps going in the right direction. It's a huge relief... I feel like I can devote my energy more fully to IVF now.

Emmi, are you going to test soon, or are you being patient and waiting?

Hi Ladies,
I think I start my meds Thursday. Tomorrow is my first monitoring visit. It is day 3 of my cycle. I am little anxious about starting meds. I just want to make sure I do everything right..

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