July 2014 IVF Buddies

Redbean -:hi: 4 embies sounds good hun! On my second cycle I only had 2 fert day 1, one was put back and the other made it to 5day blast and was frozen - that cycle was a chemical due to my clotting factors (didnt know about them then) So all is not over yet :D Im hoping that those embies grow and are healthy! xx

Aurora - What you put about expecting the worst then thinking uve screwed it up by not thinking positive, made me giggle cos i can SO relate :haha: xx

Nobump - Acupuncture is awesome! Ive been today and I swear by it :thumbup: Chills me right out lol I did have a better response this time too regardless of the end result :) xx

Emmi - How long left till you test? I laughed about you telling the doctor about ur hubbies frozen sperm! Its a wonder he knew what to say? Hows ur hubby doing nwo - are the antibiotics kicking in? xx

Halei - Wow tons of embies!!! :bunny: Damn OHSS - horrible, but good its not too severe :hugs:

Ebenson - Good luck huni!! The next week or so will fly by for u till u start!! Do you know what protocol you'll be on? xx

Amy - how u getting on with all that gatorade? Its nice on occasion but the more you have of something the less you want it :hugs: As long as it does the trick though hey? Yeah my anaesthetist was awesome!! Infact they were all laughing and joking around - such a great atmosphere :thumbup: It was weird as he didnt look the type to like the pink panther lolol Whens ur collection? Uve had ur trigger shot right? xx

Lizzie - Whens ur next scan? Hope those follies are growing nicely :thumbup xx

Afm - i had a call today to say that im good to go with the frozen transfer tomorrow on the grounds that it thaws properly :( MORE worrying!! Who ever said just 'relax and it will happen' needs shooting :haha: I will update 2moro - I was told transfer would be after 1pm if going ahead[-o<
Plex - good luck for tomorrow hon, let us know how you get on :dust:

Next scan tomorrow morning followed by acupuncture. Will fit some work in somewhere too :winkwink:
Thanks hun!!

Nah work can wait :haha: It'll still be there when u get back :)

Hope ur scan goes well - do u feel any different bloating wise? xx
Plex that's wonderful! Good luck tomorrow!
Thanks!! xx

Ebenson - Its all so exciting yet nerve wracking at the same time! Good luck! xx
Morning Ladies,

Thank you all for the kind words on hubbster, he is doing okay. The stitches are across the crease of his arm so in a really awkward place. He is alot of pain and the doctors and hospital are both telling him different things, very bleedin frustrating...

Plex hope all goes well with the thaw, you deserve some good luck so I really hope that all will be okay for you.

Lizzie, good luck with your scan honey. Have some ginger nuts in the waiting room for me today, an in a ginger nut mood.

Nobump, how is your husband doing now??? It's all such a worry. I really hope that he is on the mend.

Hope everyone else is doing okay????

I am just knackered, my sleep pattern has gone to the dogs as I am so bloody anxious on this 2ww!!!Feel like I could sleep forever but when I have the chance to sleep, I don't. Even them bleedin hypnotherapy cd's don't help - sheeeesh.

Test day is Sunday so it's getting closer but the thought of testing makes me feel sick..... oh the joy....

Why is everything such a damn worry in this game? :( Annoying isnt really the right word is it?

I love to hate the tww, so many symptom possibilities but then so many side effect possibilities too :grr: I do love symptom spotting - I just try not to think of the side effect part :dohh: i obviously like setting myself up for a fall :dohh:

I am so utterly in awe of u Emmi! Youre doing so well holding off till test day! I would be testing EVERY DAY - multiple times :haha: I'd have to test out my trigger first u see, then go from there. I must be - :wacko:

How are you doing symptom wise anyway? Im really rooting for you :hugs: xx
Duh......I just read ur not sleeping well - my brain is only part working at the moment :nope: Im only thinking about today and not really thinking things through before i type/open my mouth - hope no-one upsets me today, they may get more than they bargain for :haha: xx
Of course you are only thinking about today honey, there's alot at stake and you need to have that little embie thawing good and proper.

No symptoms for me really now apart from intermittent mild cramping, I had quite bad cramping from day 4 to day 7 but then it settled....

I am too scared of getting a false negative so will wait it out. On day 10 on my last ivf, I bled big time so it was nice to pass that milestone without that happening.... That was just the most horrific experience ever!!!

But thinking about you honey, I hope that you have some good news to share with is later.

Crampings good :) hopefully a positive sign! fingers crossed :D

Oh gosh - bet the bleeding last time was absolutely awful/devastating :(

Only 4 days left till ur test!! What have you been doing in ur tww? xx
I was lucky in that hubby took 2 weeks off over the week of EC and ET and then he had the first week off in the first of the 2ww. It was lovely having him around, he did a really long walk with my pooch in the morning so I could just have a nice gentle walk with her in the afternoon. We watched alot of comedy DVD's as laughter is supposed to be real good after transfer. We did lots of lovely things too, days out, picnics etc. This week I have been doing something everyday, lunch with friends, hairdressers etc anything to keep me busy!!!

Only 4 days now so nearly there.

Sounds like youve been having a relaxing time - doing lots of lovely things :)

yeah ive heard about comedies being good too - ive got a stash of disney/pixar/dreamworks films (love animation lol) and theyre all funny looking forward to watching some as havent seen them in ages :) Also love romantic comedies :)

I have no idea what to do in my tww if i get it lol Im sure ill think of something - theres only so many dvds even i can watch :haha:
I went over to leicester yesterday and had a FAB day mooching about the shopping centre - used to be the shires i think? theres a brilliant indian outside in the food court 8 pound for 2 courses and the staff were amazing. Im think I may go back sometime next week either way :) gotta love retail therapy twinned with great food! xx
Hi ladies. Huuuuuuge good luck to Plex today.

When's your collection, Amy? Good luck if it's today.

I'm just arriving at work. Pregnant girl outside smoking. Argh!

I haven't got any time booked off for ec/transfer/2ww - and none left to take. Will just try to stay 'zen' at work - plus hopefully the time may pass quickly as my work is really busy! I'm trying to be more positive so not saying 'if I even get to ec/transfer' (but you know I'm thinking it) :haha:

Have a good day, everyone x :bunny:
double:dohh: to the pregnant girl smoking!!!:dohh: makes it really annoying when ur doing all u can and she's just continuing with bad habits and managing fine!! :grr:

What do u do work wise( if you dont mind me asking), is it feesable to have ec without booking anything time off wise?

Duh, I lost ur journal for some reason earlier - but i can now click on ur link, lazy i know - i just dont have the brain power today! lol xx
Plex honey hope you get good news soon. When do you think you will hear about the thaw? The Shires in Leicester is part of the Highcross center now. I know cos I wandered around their looking for somewhere that google said was in the Shires only to find out id walked past in several times as part of Highcross lol :dohh:

Aurora - that absolutely infuriates me, it isn't only her own health she is risking - why oh why oh why!!

Emmi - you are doing so well, glad you have passed that milestone on day 10 though because that must have really been driving you crazy. Im a mental case today so didn't manage any biscuits in the waiting room I just fled afterwards lol. Now sitting in a motorway services trying to do some work before my acupuncture appointment.

I feel like im trying to keep one too many plates spinning today. Left Leicester to go to Northampton for my scan. Scan was ok I think, follies have all grown a couple of mm with most now around 10 and a couple behind at 7. Waiting to hear whether im increasing the dose again or not. Next scan on Friday. Now at Northampton motorway services killing time/working before my acupuncture session in Coventry, Then have just had an appointment for work put in my diary that I can seem to change to be in London at 3. I could cry. Today is also the anniversary of mum's death and all in all I'm really not up for anything other than going home and locking the front door to be quite honest. Sometimes being a grown up and having to put a brave face on everything absolutely sucks!!
Lizzie - :hugs: Oh hun :( what a bloody awful day for you :hugs: How on earth will u get to london for 3 in the first place let alone anything else! xx

Sounds like they will increase ur dose, although how many days stimms have you done now? I generally do 14 in total.

How much do you pay for acupuncture? I only ask as i see a fab woman from root acupuncture and her prices are brilliant - £20 a session! She works in rugby, leamington and also works from home, which is about 30mins from leicester (I know as i went there after yesterday lol) if ur intersted :)

I hope u manage to get some down time all to yourself huni - ill be thinking of you xx
oh and as for me - no phone call yet............:coffee: xx
I just realized you are all in the UK and can share places to eat, etc. jealous!

But, yeah, someone would call child services on that pg smoking lady here and she'd probably end up in the clink. That is unbelievable.

I love that some of you are getting time off during this process. Enjoy those comedies!

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