July 2014 IVF Buddies

Amy - Oh my - amazing number of eggies!!! Never heard of perfect strangers either - is it a comedy? lol at u jumping right into full blown conversation when coming round :D

How u feeling today? Hope ur not too sore :hugs: xx

Red- I f id have had the chance i'd have had 2 put back if average quality :thumbup: Although if i had superb quality blasts, even hatching, then probably just one. I think its only a decision you can properly make on the day of transfer but has to be roughly decided before hand - so many variables!! What are ur thoughts on it - have u discussed it much? xx

Nobump - I did acupuncture yesterday too - how are you finding it? I always feel soooo relaxed afterwards! How are you getting on? xx

Emmi - Omg 3 days left till test??? It goes quick for us reading but an eternity when ur waiting it out :hugs: Im hoping i can be as strong as you and not test, i made a decision last night to try to wait till beta day:haha: I was speaking with huuby and said there would be nothing better than finding out together, as if i test i generally see the result first, so here goes....waitng for the beta - this will be damned hard!! Can u send me some of your will power pretty please? :D

How u feeling? Any possible symptoms today, anything new? xx

Lizzie - Are u going in for another scan 2moro, sorry im a bit behind :dohh: Im praying that ur follies are doing nicely :D xx

Lanet - Thanks hun, its sooo exciting!! Whens ur scan scheduled for? I have a feeling its twins with ur great betas :D xx

Aurora - This heat is bloody awful!! I cant stand anything above 24degrees i just seem to be a hot blooded person anyway so extra heat makes me sizzle :( I think id be struggling if i had to be moving about the place, feel for u chick xx

Afm - im all achey today, googling like mad and feeling hopeful :D

sorry for anyone ive missed xxx
Thank you all ladies, it's surreal that it's only 3 days away.....I am so glad I didn't bleed like last time, that was so horrible so just relieved to not have gone through that. I think having the will power to resist testing is also wanting to stay in the pupo bubble, at 43, how many more chances will I have.
But you ladies that want to test, then if that's the right thing for you then go for it. Just be aware of the false negative, you can get so disheartened and then get a positive at the end of it.

Aurora, keep eating lots of high protein food, lots of eggs, green leafy veg like spinach, avocados and nuts etc. And dear god, much as I love the sunshine, this heat is just bloody hideous. Am absolutely sweltering.... tooooo hot!!!

Plex, normal to feel sore I guess. Rest up and try not to Google too much..... it's addictive but the bottom line is that every woman's symptoms are different. It makes it so bloody hard.... sheesh....

Lizzie, how are you feeling today?? Hope that your day is much better than Yesterday?? I am praying so hard that Sunday gives me those magical pregnant lines, it would be the most amazing thing ever.

Amy, how are you feeling now after EC??? Hope that you are feeling better... You really have been through something else.

How are you redbean, no bump??

Thanks ladies, today is a much better day. Lost my temper on a conference call but other than that all is well :) Now moved my laptop into the garden and am sitting in the shade trying to find some motivation. Upped my stims yesterday as instructed but ive got to be honest I'm not feeling bloated or crampy like I was doing. I'm trying not to panic and am wondering if the acupuncture could be minimising the side effects whilst the meds still do their work? My acupuncturist has said before that one of the biggest benefits is helping with side effects but I never thought to ask her any more. Next scan tomorrow morning anyway so i'll see then whether im still progressing in the right direction or not.

Hi all,

I'm feeling so much better today... Glad the major soreness was extremely short-lived. Just waiting for the fertilization report now and still drinking tons of fluids. You know what's funny? The Gatorade is growing on me! Especially mixed with coconut water and diluted with regular water. I don't usually like coconut water but it's great for making the Gatorade a bit more soothing.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Perfect Strangers didn't make it to the UK... It was my and my husband's favorite 80's sitcom from our childhoods. But watching it back now, we realize it's somewhat terrible. The nostalgia is fun but I wouldn't recommend you all order it. Actual recommendation for comedic distraction though: Hyperbole and a Half! I just got the new book and I love it so much. If you're not familiar with the website, start there... The book is the same idea.

Lizzie, hope your scan goes well! Do you know when your retrieval might be?

Emmi, your logic makes perfect sense but I'm still impressed at your willpower. I'm so excited to hear your news in just a few days.
Amy, so glad that you are feeling better! Its so funny hearing about things from the the other side of the 'pond' that are completely new here. Cant wait to hear your fertilisation report later today :) They did say EC on Monday but they have upped my stims twice since then so I won't be surprised if it is put back, its just making work a little hard to juggle.

You have all inspired me today though and I have just ordered a load of bargain nostalgic comedy DVD and some of my favourite stand up comedians to ensure that I have an hour of laughs each day after transfer just in case my current TWW watching material was too drama orientated! See I wouldn't have known how important laughter is without these forums :)
Hi all,

I'm feeling so much better today... Glad the major soreness was extremely short-lived. Just waiting for the fertilization report now and still drinking tons of fluids. You know what's funny? The Gatorade is growing on me! Especially mixed with coconut water and diluted with regular water. I don't usually like coconut water but it's great for making the Gatorade a bit more soothing.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Perfect Strangers didn't make it to the UK... It was my and my husband's favorite 80's sitcom from our childhoods. But watching it back now, we realize it's somewhat terrible. The nostalgia is fun but I wouldn't recommend you all order it. Actual recommendation for comedic distraction though: Hyperbole and a Half! I just got the new book and I love it so much. If you're not familiar with the website, start there... The book is the same idea.

Lizzie, hope your scan goes well! Do you know when your retrieval might be?

Emmi, your logic makes perfect sense but I'm still impressed at your willpower. I'm so excited to hear your news in just a few days.

Now Amy, was Perfect Strangers about a guy from Russia or somewhere that arrives in America to live with his cousin, Balky or something. The theme song started a bit like -Flying high on the wings of your dreams???:dohh: Is that the series you are talking about.

Now here's the article about laughing after embryo transfer ladies.

There was a fabulous nurse who we got on so well with at my clinic and right after transfer, she came into my cubicle and we just had such a giggle, I was roaring with laughter. Then I went home and watched Bridesmaids :) It can't hurt hey ladies.



It's funny that you are all talking about laughing after transfer. My husband has been funny all day, but we couldn't help but tear a bit when we saw them. We even got to take the tiny dish home w us.

Amy, I also watched Perfect Strangers growing up. It was funny then. I'd totally forgotten about it!

We are thinking of 21 Jump Street for tonight. Our favorite comedy is Out Cold w Zach Galifinakis. So funny of you can find it.
Plex I enjoyed the acupuncture. Did find it difficult to switch off to start but went staight from work. Got another session on Saturday so hopefully that will be a good start to the weekend.

Emmi - yes, that's the show! But Balki is from the fictional country of Mepos. :)

Get this: 25 embryos! They did ICSI on half and regular fertilization on half, and both worked. We're shocked and excited. Not that we need 25, but it takes the pressure off to know that we should have plenty to freeze. I wanted to name them all, but hubby said no.

Unfortunately, the consequences on having had 34 eggs are hitting. I've been throwing up and I'm terribly bloated. Hoping for some relief soon.. At least so far, it appears to be worth the trouble.

Wishing you all well... Especially the Puppies. :)
Emmi - yes, that's the show! But Balki is from the fictional country of Mepos. :)

Get this: 25 embryos! They did ICSI on half and regular fertilization on half, and both worked. We're shocked and excited. Not that we need 25, but it takes the pressure off to know that we should have plenty to freeze. I wanted to name them all, but hubby said no.

Unfortunately, the consequences on having had 34 eggs are hitting. I've been throwing up and I'm terribly bloated. Hoping for some relief soon.. At least so far, it appears to be worth the trouble.

Wishing you all well... Especially the Puppies. :)

I feel ya sister...I had 48 eggs collected last Friday and I felt like crap for a few days... Ive been taking Cabergoline twice a day and my doc says it helps a lot. Its a prescription med so you'll have to ask your doctor for it... I couldnt even stand up straight for a couple days there... Hope you feel better soon. Lots of liquids and lots of heating pads!! XOXO
Wow Amy so many embryos that's fantastic! Naming them all, aww :kiss: hope you feel MUCH better soon.

Congrats Redbean! How many did you go for and how did you decide? Sorry if I missed this on my darn phone :dohh:

Good luck at scan Lizzie. I'm going in for mine now too. Gosh if this heat doesn't kill me these early mornings might :haha: hoping the stimming is working - I'm so scared.

Hope everyone else is ok.
Red bean congrats on being PUPO :happydance:

Amy, oh no I can't believe you feel so poorly but amazing news about fertilisation rates. That's so brilliant :hugs:

Aurora hope your scan goes well, mine isn't until mid morning. Let us know how you get on.

Emmi and Plex, hope you are both ok

No bump, haleiwamama hope you are both ok too.

Have I missed anyone?

Aurora did you say you were still BDing in an earlier post? We have been told to use barrier method until afterwards. Because of the down reg drugs. What have you other ladies been told?

Good luck with your scan. X
Hi nob ump, we didn't ask and weren't told actually - oops maybe shoulda checked! Why exactly - what might happen - did they say?

Scan done, but apparently won't know full results until this afternoon when they will phone me. Not ideal! Busy office with the senior assistant (my line manager) buzzing around and more to the point no husband to share details with/think of the right questions to ask/support me if it's bad news!

Looks good though - well, good given my limited range of outcomes. I have 7 follicles with almost 3 starting to look mature. :happydance:

Back on Minday for next scan all being well bloods-wise. Egg collection likely to be wed or thurs WHEN we get that far (see, no 'ifs' as I am a positive puss now!). All the luck for your scan, Lizzie x
Amy, that is an incredible number of eggies and that fertilisation rate is incredible. But no wonder you are so bloody sore, your body has really gone through something else. Rest up and take it easy honey.

Haleiwamama, hope that you are feeling better too. I didn't know women could have so many eggs, so just wow to that.

Redbean congrats on being pupo though it's impossible not to start symptom spotting straightaway. Try and enjoy it.

Plax, how are you honey???? Symptom spotting -tee her hee.

Aurora, never great when phone calls come in when you are surrounded by people etc. But follies are sounding great, they will keep growing and then not long until EC and et.

No bump, I don't think hubby ever wants to tango ever again after 2 years of ttc, he was over the moon when he knew 100 percent that we were trying ivf again. He could just snore his head off when he came home instead of having to perform on demand.

Lizzie, hope all goes well with your scan honey, fingers crossed that them follies are doing you proud.

2 days left for me and I'm feeling rather sick...... Please let it be a positive, here's hoping.

Red - Dont know how i missed it but - Congratulations on being PUPO!!! :happydance: how many did you have out back in the end? xx

Emmi - ooo Sick is a good sign :thumbup: I feel bloody knackered! Ive been having some twinges and my uterus feels full - weird sensation that last one lol I was sat talking to my dad earlier and suddenly just wanted to sleep! Im trying not to read too much into that one as it is blooming boiling today. 2 days left!!! :happydance: u feeling nervous about ur test on sunday now? Ive been good and NOT tested so far!! xx

Amy - :happydance: excellent number of embies huni!! The worst part is not knowing whats going on with ur future babies isnt it? Id say you have an excellent chance of have loads to freeze!! Plenty to play with :D Sorry ur feeling so rough though hun :hugs: Have you spoken to the clinic about the vomiting? Hope u feel better soon xx

Aurora - thats a good number of follies :) Is ur clinic the same as mine - they like to trigger with at least 3 mature (over 18mm) follicles, well thats their criteria for proceeding with ivf here. How are you coping in the office today in all this heat? xx

Lizzie - Hope ur scan went well today huni and those follies are looking right on track :thumbup: xx

Nobump - Glad it started to do the trick for you - its a bit weird and i found it difficult to switch off for the first few times too but the more you go the more easy it gets to relax :) I do think acupuncture really helped this last cycle of mine - I really hope you get a far better response this time :hugs: When do u start treatment - sorry if uve already said my brain always seems to be like swiss cheese at the moment :haha: xx

Not much occuring with me atm, i may go and have a kip in a min although i need to update my journal and do some essential googling. The googling especially is far more important than sleep :haha:
Afternoon all,

Aurora - glad the scan was positive, all sounds like everything is progressing the right direction for you - so pleased :thumbup:

Nobump - don't think we were told not to BD during the downregging or stims phase. Your cycle is artificially under control so I'm not sure why there would be a problem with it although i'll be interested to hear the reasons behind it. I think things to differ from clinic to clinic though so all you can do is follow the advice that you are given I guess :shrug:

Emmi, hunni I feel sick for you but really am feeling positive for you. It must be even harder now that you are so close to OTD. I had a cup of tea, three bourbon biscuits and a hot chocolate in the waiting room this morning. I also spoke to two other ladies so feel like I have done my bit for your campaign today :kiss: PS there was definitely judgement on a couple of faces :winkwink:

Plex - I think you just have to trust your body sometimes to know whats best for it and if its' telling you to snooze then snooze away :sleep:

Redbean - how are you feeling?

Amy - Hope you are feeling better again today. Any news from your clinic about how your whole class of embies are doing :haha: or when transfer is going to be?

Ok me. Had my scan, now have 18 follies. couple still too small at 7, two or three around 17/18 and a batch of them at or around 10. So, I had said that I wanted to go to blast but they are looking at EC on Tuesday or Weds next week. If I want to go to blast it has to be Weds as they don't do transfer on Sundays. So I have to decide. I'm worried that by waiting until weds that the Egg quality will be less but I really did want to go to blast which I won't be able to do if I have EC on Tuesday. Pff, tricky one. The nurse is going to discuss it with the consultant and lab guys at lunchtime and give me a call this afternoon hopefully with some recommendations. They were at pains to stress it has to be my decision which I get but I don't know which way to jump on this at the moment. DH love him was no use when I called him he just told me to do what I thought :huh: On the plus side, I managed to get the last parking space in the car park, had free tea, hot choc and biscuits plus a free bottle of gonal f because ive run out and watched somebody else take 20 minutes to get in a parking space so its not all bad. Come what may I have next (and hopefully last) scan on Monday.

tough decision Lizzie - sounds like the best thing to do is wait until ur next scan as u'll know more then. If you want to go to blast then hopefully the extra day wont hurt and will give a couple of the smaller ones a chance to catch up and mature :D

Dont envy you making the decision though - i wouldnt know what to do for the best :hugs: xx

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