July 2014 IVF Buddies

Awww, Lizzie, I am sending you so many virtual hugs. IVF stress is bad enough without work commitments. And I am so sorry that today is the day of your mum's passing, there's alot you are coping with today and it's all so unfair. Just get through today and then you are nearly at the weekend. Do something lovely and spoil yourself as you deserve it.

It's great that your follies are growing and I am sure that your mum would desperately want you to be happy and have a little baba so just you take care and get through the day.

Huge hugs to you.

I got my call :happydance: one perfect lil blast looking great so far, hopefully my tough lil cookie will wait it out till I get there :) hopefully my next update will be that I'm pupo!!! Xxx
That's brilliant news Plex! Go little embie!!
Go Plex! Keeping everything crossed for you! (which won't improve my typing so sorry in advance for additional typos!)

Lizzie, good luck with your tough day! Wow :( Whats your work, are you a rep?

I'm a secretary (well, Assistant) to a very busy chief executive. He's ace, so I don't mind the long hours/difficulty taking leave without booking months in advance, but I am hard to cover - and not just cos I'm great! More cos I have sooo much information in my head - and I'm a control freak that doesn't want anybody else messing in my (well, his) diary, haha. Luckily my clinic is fifteen mins walk away so I can have scans etc before work or during lunch breaks. I'll get special leave for my hosp appt. I've only been here 6m so feel a bit cheeky asking for lots of flexibility and time off!
Lizzie, sending warm thoughts your way.

Aurora, you sound like a tough cookie who gets things done. I'm sure you'll have the same approach ivf. You will make it all happen!

Good luck, Plex. I'm thinking about you.

So, I got a call from the nurse, who says all four of my embies are dividing: 2 perfectly w four, one with three, and one w slight fragmentation. I'm going in tomorrow for a day-3 transfer!

Now the big question: given that I'm 38, how many do I transfer? It's too soon to know if they can make it to freeze yet. What would you do? The whole shebang?
Thanks Ladies. Got the call, I'm upping my stimms from tonight. On day 10 of stimming today so its not really been that long, it just feels like it because I was down regging for so many weeks I think. Just typing this and im logging off an going home. Really miffed DH hasn't even phoned/texted or emailed me to see how my scan went this morning. He is busy at work and it's the funeral of a guy he was in the army with tomorrow but still miffed, it cant be that hard to send a text?!? :growlmad:

hope eoe is ok and that Plex is now PUPO (??) :happydance: i'll reply better tomorrow but right now I'm done in :cry:
Plex, really hoping that you are now Pupo?? Hope all is okay and the day went well.

Hugs to you Lizzie. Hmmm, looks like all men can all be the same, my hubby would forget to phone and call at scans too.... Not on.... Really hope that you have a restful evening.

Redbean, sounds like your embies are doing real good. At 43 I had 3 transferred. Some clinics in the UK will only do 2 at my age but my clinic would do 3. Our thinking was that we had to raise our odds, if we get one, we will be so happy but if we got 2, all our dreams would've come true. And triplets, oh my..... we will have to buy hammocks.

Am sure you and your hubby will be discussing it big time, luckily, me and hubby were of the same thinking.

But all very exciting!!!

My clinic will only do one but think my hat might be because I'm funded for this first one? But as I'm seemingly pre-menopausal I'm wondering if they may let me have more as although I'm only 34 I guess it's the likely closeness to menopause not the age that counts?

Redbean, that is a fair description of me :blush:

Neeeeeed to hear from Plex...

Lizzie, I'm making DH come to all my scans with me!
Plex........hope everything went ok...??

Redbean, apologies i'd missed your update about your embies. That sounds wonderful, good luck for tomorrow and as Emmi said it something you and your partner really do have to discuss and agree on.

Aurora If you are NHS funded they only let you put one back. Some private clinics let you put two back (or 3 depending on age as Emmi said). We have kept our options open as to whether we will go for one or two when we get there. My job is very boring, no where near as exciting as you! I work in mobile telecoms as part of the deployment team (the ones who go out delivering all the phone masts and kit upgrades etc) but my boss is on sick leave so I'm acting up as head of department at the mo.

Emmi, I forgot to say. Randomly on the radio this morning was a discussion about mary, mungo and midge. Id never heard of them before i spoke to you so I think it was a sign of you :)
Ahhh, the fabulous Mary Mungo and Midge. I am a member of another fabulous forum for 40's and over and a favourite topic is always children's programmes from the 70's. It really was a magical time without so much technology and so many channels...Ahhhhh the memories.

I hope it was a good sign, my best friend sent me a necklace with 3 circles to represent the 3 m's.So sweet of her.

Hope that you are having a lovely evening, nearly the weekend.

Well......long story very short - Im PUPO!!!!!! :happydance: I am chilling after a veeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyy long productive day :)

One funny part ( apart from me not being able to control my fits of nervous giggles whilst my legs were nearly up around my ears in stirrups :blush:) When we arrived, as we're paying all out we get private parking free of charge, (i should think so too), the guard who controls the gate - shouts out, and i mean SHOUTS OUT as we arrive (and he spots me in the car) HEEEEEEEEEYYYYYY, REPRODUCTION GUYS!!!!!!!! :blush: OH MY GOOD GOD :blush: all this while we're in a bit of a traffic jam waiting to get in the damn car park. Had a good giggle about that, afterwards! :haha:

Anyways my lil blast thawed really well and im so damned chuffed. Happy just tp be pupo. I have a beta on fri 25th but i know ill be testing like every day until then :thumbup:

hope u are all well - sorry this is a very 'me' post but im now going to go to :sleep: and will catch upin the morning

thank u all for ur thoughts - theyve done me some good :D xx
Plex, don't apologise hunni it is ALL about you today and being PUPO :happydance: :wohoo: have a good nights sleep tucked up with your little embie x
Oh Plex I'm so happy for you!
I had nervous giggles on transfer day too. I actually laughed so hard while trying to swallow my Valium that I spit water all down the front of my gown.
I can't wait to see your results!
Sheesh, I missed a lot! Exciting that everything is happening for everyone right now.

Plex, congrats! I have a good feeling about this for you.

Aurora, you made me laugh restraining yourself from saying "if I get to..." I've been much better about speaking positively lately too. It's hard.

Redbean, great news! So hard to decide how many to transfer. Hopefully you and your husband will find some clarity about that.

I had retrieval this morning... 34 taken out! Holy moly. I'm a teacher, and we were joking about how we could have an entire classroom full of kids now. But of course we know nothing about quality or fertilization yet, so I won't get ahead of myself.

I was really really crampy when I woke up but the pain meds are kicking in and I'm doing better now. My husband is bringing me gatorades and playing songs for me on the piano and he tried to do some geeky little dances for me but it hurts to laugh so I made him stop. We also got the DVD box set of Perfect Strangers specifically for this occasion, so I have Balki Bartokomous to cheer me up.

Plex, my anesthetist was not nearly as fun as yours, but apparently when I woke up the doctor and others were talking about Ben Folds and I opened my eyes and jumped right into the conversation. The doctor thought that was funny.

Hope everyone is doing well...
Ok, what's PUDO?

Whatever it is, it sounds great. Happy PUDO day!
Red bean PUPO is Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise ;)

Amy, 34 wow!!! That is a lot of eggs, amazing hon. Hope you fee less sore today and are able to enjoy your box set. I'm off to google it now as I don't know what it is, I might need to order it to add to my own tww collection :winkwink: let us know how many fertilised when you get the call but it sounds like things are going great xxx
Lots going on was exhausted just reading all last night.

Lots of eggs being collected exciting times ahead awaiting reports.

Plex FX for you.

Emmi DH has not fainted again so hoping all will be good. He was badly bruised so took a bit of time to recover. He's just annoyed he can't drive. Also means I will need to attend appointments myself with 100 mile round trip each time.

Feeling good after first acupuncture on Tuesday. Had some spotting not sure if due to acu or because I have stopped royal jelly.

Izzie hugs x
Plex, woop woop at being pupo honey!! Great news and nowt like having a giggle along the way. I was singing Abba during my egg collection...
So glad that you are now back in it after a few awful days.

Amy, wowsers, that some number of eggies!! Here's hoping that you have some fabulous ones. Really hope that you feel better soon, never nice to be suffering. I hope you feel better after egg transfer to be able to laugh as there is research to show that laughter is important after transfer. Happy hormones go along way. I have been working my way through a whole lot of comedy.

Nobump, that's tough when you have to be doing all that driving. Rest up in between so you don't get too knackered. My clinic is about an hour away but it's a nice drive so all good. I hope that your hubby is now on the mend, all such a worry.

Hope everyone else is doing okay today???

3 days to test and I am officially loopy..... These 2 weeks have seemed like 2 years and I am laughing one minute and sobbing the next, I swing to extreme hope to extreme despair.....Sooo bloody hard. Am so scared to test now, this journey is too bonkers for words.....I am just so relieved that hubby hasn't divorced me :)

OMG Emmi, all of a sudden that seems really close. It's funny how we all need to act in different ways. I think i'll probably start testing early because otherwise i'll be too scared to do it at all. Stay strong, you are nearly there and have had some really encouraging signs along the way. I have a good feeling about this one for you, not that that will help you, hopefully on Sunday you will be staring at two beautiful lines and wondering which of the 3 Ms they are for xxx
Oh my gosh I am so excited for everyone!!!! :wohoo:

Two Puppies (no offence Emmi and Plex but I can't think of a better term for someone who is PUPO!)

LOADS of eggs for Amy (and haleiwamama), up to 4 potential future babas for Red Bean, and Lizzie, No Bump and I are all still in the running too - yay!

My PMA continues today. I figure miracles happen to some people and maybe I could be one? :shrug: especially with you lovely ladies as my lucky charms :flower:

I feel 'something' is happening down there - twinges and bloating at least - and I'm eating ALL THE FOOD to give my eggies lots of nutrients. DH and I are still BDing every other day just in case we cocked anything up (fnar) and I ovulate naturally by mistake (plus hey it's fun!).

My main problem right now is staying remotely cool due to the uk heat wave. Stuffy office and keeping all my tattoos covered does NOT make for a well-ventilated Aurora - so I may have fried eggs by tomorrow's scan... I'll let you guys know! Sorry anyone I've missed. Mwah! :kiss:

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