July 2014 IVF Buddies

Thank you Aurora.

Now Ms Plex, symptom spotting is obviously an Olympic sport for us ladies but is rather too early. But we are so aware of every twinge and pang, it can drive you loopy. The heat I am sure is not helping, I haven't been sleeping properly and the heat is just hideous on top of everything else.
I am so nervous about Sunday, the 2ww seemed like years away but now Sunday seems to bloody close.

Lizzie, oh how you have made me giggle. I have to say 3 hail Mary's before I enter that car park, it is just too stressful. Once, I was so sure that I would reverse into a parked car if I moved so I just waited half an hour for the folk to come back to their car and leave.... This behaviour is so wrong on so many levels.
18 follies is fabulous, some of this mid size ones may well catch up. Hmmm, tough call when it comes to EC but even if they say it's your decision, they will advise what's the best.

But you got your parking space, biscuits, tea and hot chocolate, people willing to talk to you in the waiting room of doom and great news about the gonal f, that stuff is more expensive than diamonds.

But let us know what the clinic says.

Hope everyone is enjoying this fabulous Friday.

lol its so difficult to not symptom spot and its my main thought throughout the day :dohh: dont do myself any favours :nope: Im determined not to test though :) xx
Hi, ladies, sorry, I'm on an opposite schedule than you. You all have such great news in different ways. Keep on watching the positives. It's inspiring! Of course, if you ever need to whine, I'd be fine w that, too;)

I'm feeling excited but cruddy from the high progesterone, steroids, and antibiotics, but I'm also almost finished w the latter two. My ovaries still hurt like hell. You ladies with so many embies after retrieval are machines! I only had 11 and I feel like golf balls are banging around in there.

I ended up using the three strongest, which is the conservative recommendation for my age group, 38-40. The three were perfect, so I think it wise not to use the fourth. If the stars aligned, I could be ok w twins or even triplets but not sure about quads! Yikes. The fourth is still dividing well but has some fragmentation. We will see if it makes it to freeze.

We watched 21 Jump Street last night, and several times I laughed until I cried. So that was good.

Lizzie, tough decision. I thought I had wanted to go to blast too, but given I only had four and am older, the doctor said that the safest place for the embies to be is in the uterus. You might consider what will happen if you change your mind and want a three day. If they are fewer or slower or weaker, it might be preferable to do a 3 day.
That is odd that they don't transfer on Sundays. You would think they'd have to be a no-close business. I did my cycle at a research hospital for that very reason.

Emmie, I'm dying for you to test. I can't believe how you're holding out, but I also get it and the building anxiety. I've never seen a double line. Not even a feint one. I'm developing a complex about testing so I too will probably wait for the beta. I'm sending baby dust your way!
Oh Luzxie as if this isn't hard enough :dohh: You poor hon having such tough decisions to make. Nice one on the positives though, and like Plex said maybe by Wed you might have even more mature ones? DHs are so much help, eh?!? Although if they were all 'I think this...' I might be annoyed and telling them to back off and they haven't had nearly as many Dr Google consultations as me plus it's my body plus I wanted babies first haha :haha: I'm sure it will all unfold for the best (heh heh my positivity meditation is clearly doing it's work - what other stolen platitudes can I come out with I wonder?) I do mean it though :kiss: but don't envy your decision.

Plex, step awaaaaay from the keyboard and get some kip! Unless it's to update your journal as I like reading that :rofl: but remember the internet is not necessarily our friend at a time like this!

Amy, do you get updates on your embies?

Redbean, what's your 2ww plan?

Emmi, the time is draaagggggging I know - but hoping you're staying sane!

Hope Lanet and Haleiwamama are doing well too.

No bump, so sorry for my awful autocorrect earlier!!! What's happening with you?

Afm, yep I need 3 at 1.8 for EC, and I just got the call that I have one at 1.4 and 2 at 1.2. Back for scan on Monday, and ec likely to be Thurs or Fri. I really hope it's Thurs! So I will be eating aaalllll the protein this weekend! Might get on hubbies protein shakes that he has for his body building or is that a bad idea!? :strong: Hubby's I should say - I have only got one, honest!
Haha, in the time it took me to tap out my monster post, you all posted - so soz if I look weirdly behind/confused/daft and do ignore anything that's now out of date!
thanks ladies, your combined wisdom has settled me down as has sitting down with a cuppa and giving myself 5 minutes :coffee: :winkwink: I'll see what they say when they call but I'm erring more towards EC on Tuesday.

aurora - you do make me laugh :kiss:
EC booked for Tuesday :) Doctor looked at my scans really carefully and feels that Tuesday is the right day to go for - eek!
gosh, ive been feeling really, REALLY crap!! this weather is not good for me. Felt sick and had a horribly upset stomach :( still feel icky. Im so looking forward to these thunderstorms we're supposedly having lolol

I had gone upstairs to lie down when i started getting ill :grr: I just cant win!!
Lizzie - whoop whoop!!! Tuesdays not far away hun :happydance: xx
This weather is hideous Plex, I just can't cope!!! I had some meetings today and I nearly died in my car, no air con and the temp was just too much. Really hope that you are feeling better, hopefully thunderstorms will come real soon.

Woop woop to you Lizzie, Tuesday will be here before you know it. And there was you thinking that you would never get there but all looking great now.

Hope everyone has some great things planned for the weekend.

Halei - forgot to ask u how ur lil embies are getting on hun? xx
Hi friends,

I'm feeling a heck of a lot better today... no nausea! My clinic prescribed me a medication yesterday that kept it under control a bit, but I still felt queasy and dizzy for most of the day. Today I haven't had to take anything, and I've even been able to get off the couch and move around a bit! As much as I enjoy being waited on by my husband, it's nice to be able to do things for myself.

I don't know if my clinic will actually give me any updates on how our 25 little ones are doing, unless something changes dramatically. I asked yesterday if we would hear from them today, and the nurse said, "Nope, there won't be much to report." I want to ask lots of questions because I've read enough to be curious how they're doing, but I also appreciate my clinic's tactic to keep things as simple as possible and not give us anything to obsess about unless absolutely necessary. I think their plan is just for the doctor to sit down with us before Monday's transfer and tell us what we have and give us his recommendation.

Lizzie - Tuesday's almost here! So happy that you finally have a wee bit of certainty to look forward to. :)

Aurora - I heard that whey protein was good, but I can't speak to other types. Just make sure the shakes don't have other strange ingredients like herbal supplements. You wouldn't want to end up giving birth to a little body builder. I'll be thinking good thoughts for your scan on Monday!

Redbean - I'm on your schedule too! I get confused when these girls say things like "this morning" because it's nighttime for me. Hope your ovaries start feeling better. :) I was surprised that my ovary pain subsided pretty quickly, but maybe it's still there and I just don't notice it because it's surrounded by a shield of pain from the bloating. Congrats on being PWTUPO. (Pregnant With Triplets...)

Haleiwa - How are you feeling? I broke out the heating pad today and it's great. Thanks for the suggestion.

Emmi and Plex - Still thinking of you and counting down the days until your good news...
Oh Luzxie as if this isn't hard enough :dohh: You poor hon having such tough decisions to make. Nice one on the positives though, and like Plex said maybe by Wed you might have even more mature ones? DHs are so much help, eh?!? Although if they were all 'I think this...' I might be annoyed and telling them to back off and they haven't had nearly as many Dr Google consultations as me plus it's my body plus I wanted babies first haha :haha: I'm sure it will all unfold for the best (heh heh my positivity meditation is clearly doing it's work - what other stolen platitudes can I come out with I wonder?) I do mean it though :kiss: but don't envy your decision.

Plex, step awaaaaay from the keyboard and get some kip! Unless it's to update your journal as I like reading that :rofl: but remember the internet is not necessarily our friend at a time like this!

Amy, do you get updates on your embies?

Redbean, what's your 2ww plan?

Emmi, the time is draaagggggging I know - but hoping you're staying sane!

Hope Lanet and Haleiwamama are doing well too.

No bump, so sorry for my awful autocorrect earlier!!! What's happening with you?

Afm, yep I need 3 at 1.8 for EC, and I just got the call that I have one at 1.4 and 2 at 1.2. Back for scan on Monday, and ec likely to be Thurs or Fri. I really hope it's Thurs! So I will be eating aaalllll the protein this weekend! Might get on hubbies protein shakes that he has for his body building or is that a bad idea!? :strong: Hubby's I should say - I have only got one, honest!

Hmmm, not too sure about protein shakes.... Am sure that they are fine but maybe stick to natural high protein foods, chicken, fish, eggs, avocados, spinach, watercress, nuts etc. If you Google foods good for ivf, you'll get lots of fabulous ideas of what to stuff yourself with:thumbup::flower::winkwink:

Hi friends,

I'm feeling a heck of a lot better today... no nausea! My clinic prescribed me a medication yesterday that kept it under control a bit, but I still felt queasy and dizzy for most of the day. Today I haven't had to take anything, and I've even been able to get off the couch and move around a bit! As much as I enjoy being waited on by my husband, it's nice to be able to do things for myself.

I don't know if my clinic will actually give me any updates on how our 25 little ones are doing, unless something changes dramatically. I asked yesterday if we would hear from them today, and the nurse said, "Nope, there won't be much to report." I want to ask lots of questions because I've read enough to be curious how they're doing, but I also appreciate my clinic's tactic to keep things as simple as possible and not give us anything to obsess about unless absolutely necessary. I think their plan is just for the doctor to sit down with us before Monday's transfer and tell us what we have and give us his recommendation.

Lizzie - Tuesday's almost here! So happy that you finally have a wee bit of certainty to look forward to. :)

Aurora - I heard that whey protein was good, but I can't speak to other types. Just make sure the shakes don't have other strange ingredients like herbal supplements. You wouldn't want to end up giving birth to a little body builder. I'll be thinking good thoughts for your scan on Monday!

Redbean - I'm on your schedule too! I get confused when these girls say things like "this morning" because it's nighttime for me. Hope your ovaries start feeling better. :) I was surprised that my ovary pain subsided pretty quickly, but maybe it's still there and I just don't notice it because it's surrounded by a shield of pain from the bloating. Congrats on being PWTUPO. (Pregnant With Triplets...)

Haleiwa - How are you feeling? I broke out the heating pad today and it's great. Thanks for the suggestion.

Emmi and Plex - Still thinking of you and counting down the days until your good news...

So glad that you are feeling better, it is nice to be looked after but as you say, sooo nice to be doing things yourself. Hope that you keep feeling better honey.

It's great that your clinic only tell you things when they need to, you really can obsess about anything and everything.

Isn't it strange and rather lovely that you have 25 little mini you and hubbys at the clinic??? I have a photo of my 3 M's that are now in me and I am in awe that they could be our potential children. I love nature but gotta love what science can do too:happydance::flower::thumbup::hugs:

Plex, hope you are feeling a bit better? I think the heat is playing havoc with how people feel.

Amy, so glad that today has been/is (???) a better day for you. I can imagine you don't want to sit around when you don't have to but take things easy and don't do too much too quickly your body has been through the wringer this last few days.

Emmi, I know, finally I'm almost there :) now I need to start stressing about the next thing lol. Only kidding, trying to reign myself in a bit. I'm going to channel some of auroras PMA. Hope you are doing something nice tomorrow to try and take your mind off Sunday?

Lots of post since this morning!

Aurora - 7 is good

Emmi -not long know

Lizzie - great you know havw a date

Redbeam - hope time passes quickly for you

Plex - I remember how muggy it got when I worked down south. Think 25 is about the highest it has got here.

Amy - no news is good news you have fab numbers.

Sorry if I have missed anyone

Afm - think they recommend barrier because of the burserlin. Although Google says many different things.

Got another acupuncture session tomorrow looking forward to it. The lunch with friends and a night away with hubby followed by visit to family. I have another acupuncture session booked for Tuesday. Start down reg on Thursday first scan on the 7th August. Hopefully get go ahead then to start stims.
Thanks Nobumo :flower: but still wondering what specifically about the Buserelin affects bd or vice versa - am really intrigued!

Are you looking forward to starting? Bet it can't come soon enough?

Lizzie hope your feeling ok about the Tues news - realise its not what you wanted. Is it a silver lining that you could be PUPO by next Fri? Or not really? Hugs either way.

Emmi/Amy I am on lots if natural protein too, I won't be turning to just shakes I promise! :thumbup: I bloomin' love avocado so have taken the opportunity of scoffing two in the last 48 hours nom nom nom... right off to listen to my IVF meditation - it's this btw if anybody interested. Sorry can't see how to hyperlink from phone. https://befertile.com.au/guided-relaxation-for-your-ivf-stimulated-cycle/

Sleep tight (or not if you're across the pond - naps allowed though of course - encouraged, in fact!) :kiss:
Halei - forgot to ask u how ur lil embies are getting on hun? xx

Doctor just called and said that all 13 embryos are of the best quality possible!! The lab he uses doesnt use the abc type of grades, just good, good/fair, etc and mine were all good! yaaaaaaaay!! Very very happy!!
You ladies need to come to Ohio. The polar vortex returned here and it's freezing. We had a golf outing today and I needed a sweater at noon. Not usual, mind you, but nice.

Aurora, This 2ww is going to drive be batty bc I'm a teacher and am off right now for exactly 2 more weeks. Of course! I have a lot of planning to do, but his to concentrate. Ugh. I'm planning on filling it w going to cafés for lots of decaf. A new place each day.

Amy, glad someone is in my range! I log on and so much is happened in my absence, I can't keep up. PS, I love your pwtupo.
Halei that is fab news!

Aurora I think is more unknown impact on baby if lucky enough to conceive. Which is highly unlikely but not sure I want to take the chance.

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