July 2014 IVF Buddies

Welcome Briss! Keep us updated as you move forward.

Nobump, a holiday sounds lovely. Time to be away together sounds perfect. A little worried to hear about the white--if your DH is anything like mine it would have to be pretty obvious to see. Please don't overdo it!

Oh Bebe, that's wonderful news! Looking forward to hearing your betas.

I am 2 days post transfer and hoping I didn't wee on my leg while I was staring at the toilet paper hoping to see some implantation spotting. Darn thin tissue paper at work!

I will be POAS Friday or Saturday, way early, because DH is going out of town for a week. His trip made more sense if I had stuck to my original calendar, but obvs I can't control these ovaries and we are days behind. So it will be a crap testing on day 6 or 7 past 5 day transfer. I would rather get some of the emotions out while he is here rather than wait to official day, smack in the middle of the week he is gone. I'm a strange mix of exuberant hope and what will be will be. Completely exhausted ever since I began the progesterone. At least I will be getting my beauty rest.
Emmi, that's brilliant! Very good news to see that little flutter. Rest up.
Emmi, fantastic news! so pleased for you.
Plex - yes scan to check stims tomorrow, was talking things through with hubby this, going over my spreadsheet of what I think will happen when! I plan to much! :dohh: Meeting a friend afterwards in Edinburgh, before driving back through to Glasgow so will break up the journey for me.

Emmi, so happy for you, so does this mean you have started telling people your news?? :happydance:

Letsgo, that is bad timing for your hubby to be away, have you been testing the trigger out?? Is there a chance you will see a false result? when is your OTD? Sorry to many questions! :haha: I am normally pale, can go for a 2 week holiday in the sun and I come back as white as I went... We took the car part route to the game so only had about a half mile walk to/from the ground, normally walk entire route about a mile and a half....

Aurora, have you managed to get a date for your review setup?

Abydix, have your headaches cleared up?

Redbean, how are you doing?

Lizzie, sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Briss, no down reg! that sounds fab!

If I have missed anyone sorry...

Wonderful news, Emmi.

No Bump, the earliest review date they had was 3 Sept - three and a half weeks away! Feels pretty mean to keep us waiting for so long :nope:

I did a little 'good-bye' ritual in our garden this afternoon. I have a 'fertility hope shrine' I created last month. I planted a fern that likes shade, in a dry, barren patch where nothing usually grows, and put a stone from our wedding and another one painted with the word 'hope' there too.

So today I went and sat by it and burned a candle my friend had given me for luck in my IVF. I stuck some incense sticks in the ground, and sprinkled some herbs I'd grown around the fern and buried a tiny gemstone that had been on the candle by the fern. I said goodbye and sleep tight to the lil one. I positioned a little angel statue to overlook it too. This probably sounds silly but it helped me feel I was honouring the embryo we loved and lost.
Love to everyone.
Emmi - Thats great news huni :happydance: seeing the heartbeat is a big step! Hope u manage to get some rest now :hugs: xx
Aurora, what a lovely way to honor your child. You did have a baby (babies) and were parents, if only for a brief time. You had plans and hopes and dreams, and worries and fears that were realized all too soon. Losing a baby before he or she is born or generally announced as coming is such a lonely loss. So few people may know of the loss that we lose support options, and it can be hard for our support systems to understand why we mourn these early lost babes.

Letsgo, that is bad timing for your hubby to be away, have you been testing the trigger out?? Is there a chance you will see a false result? when is your OTD? Sorry to many questions! :haha: I am normally pale, can go for a 2 week holiday in the sun and I come back as white as I went... We took the car part route to the game so only had about a half mile walk to/from the ground, normally walk entire route about a mile and a half....

Honestly, I'm not exactly sure what testing the trigger down would be. POAS everyday and watching the lines get lighter as the trigger goes? I'm much too nuts for that. Once I start I wouldn't stop. False +\- are both possible. I have my OTD on the 20th, 10 days after transfer, so I would be testing 3-4 days early at home and have those few days to keep on peeing until I got to the nurse.

You must have been white as a sheet then! A little walk can be good to add a bloom to those cheeks.

Bebe, my wait is just regular life business. School starts up next week at my Uni, so I am full of trying to get things in order, reading a common book, planning going away events for a colleague (I have already made a vague statement about not drinking on a "school night" so there is less suspicion), and smoothing over everyone's feelings about the going away and more work to spread around.

I'm watching American Ninja Warrior and have decided if this baby doesn't work out I might take up slack lining. It seems like a truly bad decision considering the random bouts of dizziness I've had since starting the progesterone. Must be bedtime!
Thank you lovely ladies, to think our little one is growing inside me is just the most amazing miracle. Need to now keep calm until the 12 week scan, gosh, more waiting. We are still keeping it low key for as long as we can, still early days. Though I think my parents have possibly been telling the whole world as they are bursting with excitement.

Aurora, that is just totally beautiful what you have done for your little ones. It's important that we honour what we create what we lose. In india, they have what is called a 'puja' table or room, a place for prayer and photos etc of loved ones, deities. Through this, I have created a shelf full of momentos and love from the losses from my first ivf, photos, prayer cards, incense sticks and just other little things that I have placed there over the year. It's my little place where I can remember the Baba's that weren't meant to be.

Really hope you other ladies are doing good???

Aurora - just read ur tribute to ur lost lil one :cry: made me blubber! What a beautiful way to remember the baby you held for too short a time :hugs: xxx
Aurora: That sounds nice -- we need those rituals in our lives.

Emmi: Congratulations!! - What an exciting milestone!

We also have a little baby Krishna puja area (from my Mother-in-Law) because DH's family is from S. India.
Oh Bebe, that really made me smile. When I had my transfer, I
was chanting to Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna, am positive they were watching over me.

Nobump feeling better headaches gone.

tested today and got a :bfn: feeling down but still hopeful till the 18th
Abydix could it be a false negative?

Had my scan this morning. 3 eggs growing on left overy. Right overy is doing nothing... but last time it was the left that did nothing and one dominant follicle on right so can take some positives. Back in on Monday and EC will be later in the week. FX
Nobump, this cycle seems to be picking up speed. EC is coming up before you know it! I hope each of those follicles does their thing and matures right on schedule. Definitely crossing my fingers for you.

Abydix, do you think you may have tested too soon? I am worried about doing so but think it is better for my own situation. Keeping my hopes up for you that the test was just wonky or not sensitive enough. The 18th seems like an eternity away though, doesn't it? Do you have plans for the weekend to keep yourself occupied?

Little to say here, 3 days after retrieval. Any phantom symptoms I suspect could just be all the meds. tomorrow I start the estrogen patches and hope they don't make me ill. My body isn't used to having normal balances.

How is everyone else getting on? Good, bad, ugly? I know it's the middle of the night for most of you :)
Letsgo- I think i may have tested too soon.
I'm off to Paris this weekend for my friend's wedding so should be pretty distracted .

I'm not feeling too positive but FX.

Hope everyone's doing ok?
Abxdix: FX for you!

Nobump: I hope those follies keep growing nice and strong! I found that they kept creeping up, even to the night before ER.

Letsgo: Sending you lots of patience for the 2ww!

AFM: Lines are faint but still there, so far, so good. Hoping for a good beta number at my OTD on Friday. Last time I obsessed over this site: https://www.betabase.info/ but I'll try and take it with a grain of salt. I teach and school starts next Monday. Ugh! I'm not really ready for the craziness, but at least it will keep me busy!

Sending everyone :hugs: and :dust:

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