July 2014 IVF Buddies

Letsgo- I think i may have tested too soon.
I'm off to Paris this weekend for my friend's wedding so should be pretty distracted .

I'm not feeling too positive but FX.

Hope everyone's doing ok?

Oh, and Abydix, that sounds like a fantastic distraction!!!
Thanks everyone for your kind words about my puja. I am not devout to any particular religion but I have been chanting to Durga for strength! I have had for a while a little statuette of Saraswati on an altar in my room, especially for her wisdom and closeness to nature and the 'flow' of life, to help me with TTC, but I also added one of Ganesha a few months ago for his help in overcoming obstacles!!

I am quite worried about my DH, he seems to have become really down over our lost lil one this time. He is not a very emotional man, and if he is, its always positive emotions. However he is very sad about our loss and seems on the verge of tears all the time, which I've never seen before. I hope he will be okay. On the upside, its making me 'man up' a bit to make sure I'm not bringing him down and that I am showing him that I believe we still have hope for the future. He told me that he had actually told his parents that we were pregnant, in the week that we were. He has never even told them that we were trying before! I think he really believed that 'this was it'. Now he is crushed. He has never paid much attention before to all the TTC stuff that I was into, he just took my word for things (or even if he didn't believe me, he humoured me!). Now he is doing his own research! I've been worried for years that we might not be able to have our own genetic baby, but I think its only now dawning on him that we really might not be able to. I've started to consider things like egg donation or even adoption, but he can hardly bear the thought at this stage. I hope he will be okay :nope:
Aurora my heart goes out to you and your hubby. Some men are not great at sharing their feelings. Have you suggested he post on hear? I think there are a few men on here. Has your DH got a close friend or relative he can talk to? Hugs to both of you.

Letsgo hope you enjoy Paris. We were there for a couple of days last year.

I was at docs today signed off for another 2 weeks. Mixed feelings but think my eggs can do without the stress of work.

Hope everyone is good. On phone so can't scroll back sorry if i have missed anything xxx
Hi ladies. I am in Vermont at a conference and super busy but wanted to day hi.

Emmi congrats on the scan!

Aurora so sorry you are having a hard time. Hugs to you.

Nothing new here. Acupuncture helping w major nausea.

Will check in properly in a day or two.
Bebe, Friday! Only 2 more days! Looking forward to hearing more after your appointment. I noticed from your signature that you have been here before with your daughter. Do you feel similar symptoms or are you experiencing this differently this time?

Abydix, what an awesome plan to while away the time. Maybe I will pretend I will spend the weekend in Paris too.

Aurora's post has got me wondering, how have each of you approached telling/not telling your family and friends? I have a few people in my life who know we planned to do ivf, but only one who I visited while down regging knows this is it. No family knows (easier that we are far away now). DH is so private I have to remember to respect that when I so want to tell his mum some of what we've been through. I would be kind of nuts without this site because I need the extra support.

I slept so poorly last night that I forgot to start my estrogen patches this morning! Slapped them on straight away when I got home from work. I feel like a terrible mother. I've been trying to think more about myself as a mother, to get used to that thought.

Sweet dreams and baby dust.
Morning Ladies,

A grim rainy day where I am, is summer over already!!!

Aurora, I am Hindu but went to a Catholic Convent school and have travelled the world and have embraced all cultures. It's taught me that no matter what you believe in, the power of faith, hope and prayer can never be underestimated. Ma Durga will look after you, she will give you and your husband strength, I am sure of that.
I really feel for your hubby, by telling his parents, he believed that dreams were coming true. He must be hurting so much. I think alternative plans are so important in the fertility game but you have to be ready as the journey is all about processes. When people mentioned adoption to me last year, I would just get upset etc but as time went by, there came the right time emotionally to look at adoption.
You have just been through such heartbreak so time is needed, hugs to you.

Redbean, hope conference is going well!

Abydix, enjoy Paris, one of my favourite cities.

No bump, that's great that you have 2 more weeks off, I think that takes away any added stress.

Lets go, we told quite a few people last year about the IVF but it was just so horrific when we had to then people that it failed. This time, we just told very close friends and family, it lessened the pressure which was so much better. I think everyone is different and has to do what's best as everyone needs different degrees of support. And yes, these forums are a Godsend.

Bebe, how are you doing???

Amy, Plex, how are you???

AFM, I have constant nausea, not strong but a constant feeling of queasiness.... Some smells and food makes me gag, all very weird. I don't have the smallest boobies and boy oh boy have they grown, I will need a wheel barrow real soon to push them around!!!

Aurora: So sorry to hear about DH. I think it's also hard for the guys sometimes because there's a little bit of a remove, whereas we are completely excruciatingly aware of every second because so much is going on with our bodies.

Red bean: enjoy the conf. Must be beautiful there!

No bump: so glad you have another 2 weeks. Relax as best you can!

Emmi: I wish my boobs would pop out a little; they shrunk down to nothing after I stopped breast feeding last spring.

Letsgo: the main diff I notice this time is that my belly is popping out immediately! I wasn't sure if it was just too many cookies, but then I read that that's common on the second go because your uterus never really shrinks back. The pg belly seems to start higher up too, under the ribs (as opposed to the cookie belly). Had to do the rubberband through the buttonhole trick yesterday which is just crazy. Last time this started so much later.

AFM: 10dp5dt / 15dpo now. Will go in for otd tomorrow. Unfortunately, I'll be in a work mtg all day, so I'll probably have to get a voicemail on the response. A little nervous about the beta -- hoping it's good!
Letsgo: our policy on telling people has basically been to only tell people that we don't mind telling if it failed. I'm more private and DH is more of a blabbermouth, but that has basically meant parents, siblings, and a few close friends. Even then, I haven't shared all the details (that's what these great forums are for!). I am going to have a little bit of a sticky situation at work though. They are already planning spring schedules and I'm not sure how I'm going to handle that.
Letsgo - hope you are enjoying Paris. We told some close friends and DH sister the first time and let my mum and brothers in on things when it failed, they s know what is going on this time, and my mum has told some other family, we are a large family but all close, think my mum will need support as well if this fails this time. Some friends from work have been texting me wishing me well since I have been signed off, some I would not mind them knowing, but it is the effort required to keep people uptodate with what is happening that is an effort, I think that when I go back I will share with some of them what has been going on if all goes wrong, and if all goes good, well I may explain a bit more once we are happy to share the news, as we all know that a BFP is only the begining, think we would want to wait until much further down the line, but now that my mum is on one things, not sure how realistic that would be as she can't hold her own water...

Aurora - when I was at the hospital today I was looking at some of the posters in the waiting room, and there was one that detailed a website for men to share things https://www.mensfe.net/ not sure if it will be any help for your DH.
Bebe - hope you get a fab message!!

Emmi - wheel barrow for boobs this early made me laugh... my counselor was taking to me about donor eggs today... don't think that is a route we will go down, even getting to transfer there is no guarantee that that would work, adoption or fostering may be an options for us, but will need to wait to see how this cycle turns out and give us time to recover if it fails before we start talking abut the next step.

Redbean - hope you are enjoying the Vermont and that you have some down time while you are there.

AFM - Phoned work this morning to tell them I had been signed off for another 2 weeks, my boss just asked how I was and I said just really tired, and was about to head to a hospital appointment in Edinburgh. Had a counseling session but took the train through as the driving 120 mile round trip has been knackering... traveling by public transport made it a long day but more relaxing. I have a works family fun day on Sunday, taking my niece and nephews, and my mum and little bro girlfriend and DH (to help with the 3 kids!), so can't really pull out... my boss is going and taking his 2 kids, who he loves to bits and talks about often, he is not aware of what is going on... think I will explain things when I go back to work, but not ready to go through things just yet. There will be others from work there as well, but will just smile and thank them for there best wishes...

Wow long post... on laptop... easier to type!!
Quick update: OTD was today and :bfp: is confirmed! Beta#1 is 89. Sounds low to me but the nurse said it was fine and we will just look to see if it doubles when I go back in on Monday.

Hope everyone's having a peaceful weekend!
Just had a fright, day 9 of stims and have started bleeding, anyone had this?? will phone clinic in morning...
Bebe, how exciting! Congratulations to you and your family! Well done! Keep sticking, Bebe babies.

Nobump, I didn't have anything like that happen. Maybe someone in the larger forum has? You could start a new thread on the boards for spotting or bleeding during Stims. As I wrote that I remembered that I actually got my period about 9 days after starting Lupron, 4 days after taking my last bcp. I'm guessing that is not what you are going seeing though? Do you feel all right? I hope the weekend events go well for you and don't put you in situations where you are pushed to share more than you want. It is good to have that support no matter the outcome.

Redbean, are enjoying Vermont? All those cows, the cheese, and a pretty vineyard. I love the New England picturesqueness of the parts I used to live near. I know you are there for work, but I hope they give you an afternoon or evening out to enjoy.

Any other news?

I went to a new family doc today. I told him I was a little pregnant and he told me about his triplets entering high school. Seems several years ago IVF was more liberal with how many eggs were put back in and he and his wife transplanted 4 out of 5 fertilized eggs their first round. Wowzers! Seemed like a good sign. Slept wonderfuly last night after 2 night of crap sleep and waking up sweaty.

OTD is still 5 days away. POAS and saw a faint line this morning, will repeat tomorrow and compare lines. I don't know how my body will process out the HCG trigger. It took me nearly 3 months after mmc to get below 5 HCG so maybe my body just loves it.
Bebe, excellent beta! congratulations!!

nobump, definitely check with your clinic it does not sound right but with my first IVF I was spotting until CD9
Great news Bebe, very exciting!! It's such a great feeling.

Lets go, sounds promising. Fingers crossed that the line gets darker everyday.

No bump, really not sure about that. I hope all is okay, look after yourself Honey.

Hope everyone is doing good, am dashing out with hubby for a day out, feeling totally quesy but have come to the conclusion that it's comforting.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Nobump: I think there are lots of non-serious reasons why you could have spotting or light bleeding, but definitely check with your RE.

Letsgo: YAY!!! Excellent!! :happydance: Hoping they get darker and darker!

Emmi: Queasy is good! :winkwink: Do you drink ginger tea or do anything for the nausea?
Phoned clinic they are not sure what it could be. Just to comsein on Monday as planned. Heading to visit family today. Then we are going to blairdrummand safari park tomorrow. Lot of driving for me. But staying over in fife so will have a shorter drive to hospital on Monday to hospital and hubby will be with me on Monday yeah for that.

Letsgo hope line keeps getting darker. You doc sounds like a good guy.

Briss think I am cd14 had been spotting post AF but that had stopped. Will have to wait and see. How's your cycle going? Where are you with things?

Emmi glad your enjoying feeling queasey

I am still on norerhisterone. Nothing to report.
Nobump, I hope the doc appt eases worries today.

Bebe, I hope the second beta is soaring today!

Briss, what is your expected timeline? Is the nore..... med all right?

Hi to everyone else who may be around. This thread is slowing down as we join others, but I plan to keep checking every few days.

Two days left to my wait here. POAS over the weekend was promising so I am hopeful for Weds beta. Waiting until then to make decisions to travel in October. I'd really like to book a flight for my dad's birthday but want to get some timing straight with my clinic about when they will do follow up visits, since the clinic is almost 2 hours away. It would be lovely to share good news with my family at that point, and bring them in on the joy a little earlier than I did last time.
Letsgo, best of luck with your beta on Wednesday!! re norethisterone, I do not feel any different. I was expecting more progesterone ymptoms like sore breasts but nothing at the moment. I am supposed to finish norethisterone on Saturday and then my AF should arrive in the next few days I guess the first possible scan will be on Tuesday after the bank holiday weekend. My natural AF is supposed to come on Friday so I am curious whether norethsiterone is really going to hold it. will report back.

Nobump, how are you? any more spotting?

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