July 2014 IVF Buddies

BabyDancing, thank you! I could not find any info on this. do you know if it has something else except for progesterone? I come across (online) ladies who got pregnant on Norethisterone. it seems possible if you take it after O since it works as progesterone. do you know how exactly it works to quite ovaries? I am not sure I understand.
Aurora, I am so very sorry to hear that. Hugs to you and your family as you grieve.
No Bump it's me that's been in York, not Abydix.

DH and I tested together when I got back. Thursday was not a duff test. The baby died. At 13dpo, again. 3rd time in a row. Hope everybody else still 'in' has better luck than me.

Aurora I am so sorry hugs. You both must be devastated. Has your clinic said anything, do you have a follow up appointment scheduled. Xxx
Ahhhh Aurora, I am so very sorry to hear that. I can't tell you how much I was rooting for you and Lizzie. Hugs to both of you.

I will speak with them on Monday to schedule a review. I just feel so cheated. To get all through ICSI and have it magically work at each stage despite his limited decent sperm and my limited decent eggs, and even have our one embryo implant, just for it to fail exactly as happened when we managed to conceive naturally. I just feel they should have done more to think about what might be wrong there before we started, but I guess that's just the grief talking as it could have been fixed by the progesterone or the endo scratch so I guess they tried. I'm just back to feeling infertile and barren, but now it hurts even more as I had my dream dangled right in front of me then snatched away. I feel foolish for even getting my hopes up.

Anyway, I shall ask the clinic whether we can do any more tests on me eg immunology, uterus MRI etc to see if they can see anything causing the losses, fixable or not, so we can move forward. It might be my eggs are chromosomally abnormal too, by my research. We will see. We're going to try to plot all our potential options eg egg donation, adoption etc, including costs and timelines, so we feel more in control and sure of what we can and want to do and which needs to happen first (eg age limits for adoption).

Shall I continue to update here for the July ladies I've been journeying with, or is this going to evolve into an 'August IVF' thread (which unfortunately I worry isn't really going to be as safe a place for me emotionally)? I guess it might so I'll mention now that if any of you lovely ladies want to keep in touch with me, do visit me at my journal (link in my signature). Love to all, and sorry not to talk about anyone other than myself - I'm just too sad and scared and mourning right now, which I know you understand so thank you but sorry nonetheless xxx
Aurora sending you hugs. Completely understand you saying you may not be able to continue on this thread. I have posted in your blog. Want to know how you are.
Letsgo hope your transfer went well and you are getting some rest

Bebe glad to hear you're doing well

Briss, welcome.

Aurora sorry for your loss

Nobump hope you are doing ok?

i'm doing ok though i've been dealing with headaches, backache and cramping over the last 2 days. feeling much better today and hope it lasts for the rest of the day.
Aurora, write down all those questions for your review, you of course need answers and I hope that you get them. Yes you are grieving but you can't move forwards unless you have more information and all important answers.

Be kind to yourself even when it comes to writing on threads etc. After my last ivf, I just had to get away from it all, writing and thinking about it was sometimes just too painful so honey, just do what's best for you.

Aurora: I hope they can help provide some answers. I know you will be a great mum no matter which route you pursue. Will look forward to checking in on you on your blog. Be kind to yourself and know that we are sending hugs.
Aurora, my heart is breaking for you. I hope you can get some answers out of this, but of course answers don't make up for the hurt of yet another loss after this whole process. Hope you're taking care of yourself.

Lizzie, I've been thinking of you too and I hope you're doing ok.
Lizzie, Aurora: Thinking of you both and sending :hugs:

Nobump: Do you have your holiday planned for this month? How is the stimming going?

Plex: How are you?

Letsgo: Are you feeling ok post transfer? How are you spending the 2ww?

Emmi, Redbean: How many "weeks" are you now? I love how they count the two weeks prior to ovulation so when you get BFP it's like you suddenly have almost a month under your belt (literally)! Emmi is your scan this week? Redbean - next week?

Briss: Hope the down-regging is going well.

Sorry if Imissed anyone -- would love an update on where everyone is at!

AFM: I am 7dp5dt / 12dpo and got my :bfp: this morning! Faint line, but definitely there. I POASed yesterday and it looked like it was "not nothing," but so, so faint that I wasn't sure. Have been having slight AF-like cramplng yesterday and today and continue to cry at the drop of a hat, but basically feeling good.[-o< that line keeps getting darker; OTD is Friday.
Aurora, I am very sorry about your loss. This is heart-breaking. The only BFP I've seen with my Dh in 4 years TTC ended in chemical last year and it was very traumatic experience, seeing this line for the first time and finally feeling happy and hopeful only to see it faint and beta going down, I am trying not to think about it and keep going forward because it still hurts. I hope you do not mind me joining July thread although I am obviously starting just now, I did not mean to cause any unnecessary pain to a fellow TTCer, it's just I know a few ladies on this thread and felt it was the right place for me cos our chances even with IVF are pretty slim so I would need all the support I can find to go through this cycle. I do hope you will pop in here with your updates. There only thing that helped me is to focus on our next cycle. At my review I was told that a chemical is actually a more positive outcome then clean BFN so they were very optimistic. I did read many ladies were getting proper BFP on their second go. Unfortunately we were not so lucky, our second cycle was even worse with zero fertilisation so it took me months and months to recover and here I go again. But deep down I just know we will get there, I do not know how or when but we will get pregnant, carry to term and give birth to healthy beautiful babies!

Bebe, most wonderful news! fingers crossed for good strong beta. When is your official test day?

afm, apparently I am not down regging after all, norethisterone is just to time AF and I am still considered on short protocol so we only properly start once I get my scan on Cd1-3.
Bebe Thats fab news about your BFP. Hope line keeps getting darker.

We were talking about what to do for our holiday. But it's all a bit up in the air. If we end up with no eggs to transfer again then I think we'll book a week in the sun. If we get to tranafer then we are looking at booking a week in a hotel maybe in Leeds. Hubby likes trains so we can get a rover card and do lots of day trips. I am back at hospital for a scan. Will be day 6 of stims. Will find out if they want me back Friday or Monday for next scan. Back at GP on Wednesday, think I will get signed off a little longer. Hubby said I looked white when we were walking home from the football yesterday. Think the early start and 120 mile round trip will take it's toll on me tomorrow.

Briss it would be great to hear your journey on this thread. FX for you.

Would love to hear how everyone is doing. Xxx
Aurora - :hugs: oh huni - i really really feel for you, chemicals are awful things to go through :( Ask about being tested for clotting factors and about natural killer cell levels in utero, they may 'flag' something as being an issue. I had a load of bloods done after my third mc/chemical and they found i have APS which is a blood clotting disorder, they do test for a wide range of things. :hugs: so sorry you are going through this shit, im here if u need to rant/talk. thinking of you xx
Briss- yeah, i take northisterone to regulate my cycle to start when they want it to, then u just jump straight onto the stimms. I actually prefer that as the whole cycles quicker :thumbup: uve probably said but when is ur baseline scan scheduled for? xx

Nobump - are u due in for ur first stimm scan 2moro? If u are good luck hun! hope u have lots of lovely follies growing in there :) sorry ur still feeling rough :hugs: more time off cant hurt and to be honest sounds like u need it :hugs: xx

Bebe- Congratulations hun! Hoping for a sticky bean for you xx
Plex, it looks like I am on the same protocol as you was. I was told to call the clinic once I get AF and they will schedule a scan on Cd1-3 and we go from there. I would not mind doing down reg but I was told with high FSh they usually go for short protocol.

Nobump, thank you! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and your follicles to grow nicely and produce healthy eggs.
Hello Ladies, just got off the phone to close friends and family, gosh, all so tiring. One beautiful and strong heart beat seen at our first scan today. I was in shock and hubby didn't stop crying!!! Lordy, what a relief, am bloody knackered.

We had wondered if there were twins after 3 embryo's transfered but we will take one gratefully.

Am really exhausted so sorry for the quick post. Cuddles, TV and takeaway for now.

Bebe, great news!!! The line will get darker and darker, stick little bean.


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