July 2014 IVF Buddies

Lizzie sending you hugs. Take as much time as you need. This process is torture. But it is fab you have some frosties. Xx

Emmi I am a well praticed aunty my little brother 4th is due in October. Bur this will be his girlfriend's first. It's complicated.

Aurora testing with hubby is a good idea. You need support around you. York is lovely we took my folks down for a break in April. There is a lovely french restaurant there. Does your friend know your doing another cycle? It might help to talk. If not just concentrate on asking her questions.

Hope everyone else is good. Taking it easy today. Going out for lunch. Its the anniversary of my DH mothers death. 9 years. He doesn't talk about these things but thought it would be good to do something nice with him before he heads to work.
Nobump - :hugs:I hope today goes relatively well for you both - tough times :(

How r u feeling today? Hope u are better - are you still on the same amount of down regging medication or did they cut back on that a bit? xx
Red - I think they should always just go with ICSI if there is even a remote chance that none will fertilize, after all who wants to take that chance, given that its a very expensive all consuming chance? I dont think they give enough information on that side of things, maybe they just dont want to scare us?

Do u have the results of your 2nd beta yet? Hoping all is well with u hun xx

Aurora - Oooo that trip sounds awesome and just what u need that the moment :hugs: u made me laugh about 'bed based parmesan' - I knew what u meant but ur right it doesnt sound quite right :haha:

I think its good for u to have the distraction even though it may not feel that way at the moment :hugs: I sure as hell hope those 2 things DONT happen while ur away hun xx

I ALWAYS feel hungry, wake up hungry, move around hungry, like every few hrs and im bloody hungry! Reading all this about food, well, i have to go make myself a damn sandwich now :haha: I blame u all xx
Lizzie: So sorry to hear. This process puts you through the wringer. Sending you lots of :hugs: . Take the time you need for yourself.

Nobump: Exciting to begin stimming! Good luck!

Aurora: It sounds like a nice getaway. I hope it goes well and provides some good distraction. That's a good idea to test with DH. I think I will do that too for moral support.

Emmi: Enjoy eating for two (or three) . . .I spent first part of 2ww back-reading on this thread and it made me really crave those bourbon biscuits in your waiting room.

I'm 4dp5dt now. I'm not as tired now. Maybe all the sleeping at the beginning was caffeine withdrawal. I don't know if it's the progesterone but now I am super weepy (on and off). Last night I cried reading the children's story "Courderoy"; it's not even sad -- the bear gets bought by a little girl! This morning I started sobbing because DH wouldn't take the trash out (because he was late for work). Coo coo!!
Plex I am on the same amount of Burselin (suprecur) 0.5ml, and on 300 UI of menopur... still bleeding a little, but think that is due to my fybroid. I think last time I down reg for to long, hopefully my follies will start to grow, at baseline I had 2 on my right and 3 on my left, my left didn't do anything last time, but hoping for some action this time around.

We had a nice meal in a cafe/restaurant, then I drove him into work, he works constant back shift. Back home, shattered after yesterday, fired up the lap top, want to start looking at options for having a break when we are on holiday at the end of August, somewhere in the UK if all goes ok, or a last minute deal in the sun if it goes wrong...

I am feeling more positive no I am stims, but still feeling wiped out, this year has been tough, had a hysteroscopy and D&C to remove a polyp in December, moved hours in Jan, first cycle in Jan/Feb, then low iron stores due to failed cycle bleed and heavy AF due to fibroid, DH fainting and now not able to drive for 6 months (as a precaution), work being stressful... talking things through with my friend yesterday helped. We are only human and sometimes we need to take a step back from everything, and need to put ourselves first. My work will still be there when I am ready to go back, if I am successful then will stick with the job as I do have a good amount of flexibility and will have the option to go back on a reduced working week as others have been able to do the same, but if I am unsuccessful then I think it will be time for a change..

As I am on the lap top I can now send some hugs to all :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

thanks for your support.
Like Redbean, I had some weird dreams. Anyone else? Is it the hormones? I kept dreaming the (small, going-away) bruise on my arm from the anesthesia spread to most of my forearm. I think I'm worrying too much about keeping private at work, but it is so hot that wearing long sleeves is out of the question.

Holding each of you in my thoughts. Seems like we are at a lull for some, waiting game for others. Try not to fall prey to the impatience. My heart goes out to Lizzie for your news.

Transfer tomorrow, then a 10 day wait for blood draw. When I can keep my eyes open I'll be checking on you all.
Bebe - :hugs: I remember being super weepy when i was pregnant with my lb so thats a really great sign :D Whens ur test date? xx

Nobump - have u ever thought about one of those breakfree holidays? Im looking into it now its from £15pp for a 4 night break, to a caravan. All u do is sign up to a free daily mail rewards club, enter the codes from the back of 4 papers then they send u the code to put into the break free site, from there its easy to book. Im going to book something to fill time in between cycles :thumbup: just dont know when or where lol

Gosh sounds like youve had a year from hell hun :hugs: I so hope that u get a great response form this cycle :hugs: I hope u start to feel more normal on these meds asap xx
Letsgo - good luck for the transfer tomorrow hun! Hopefully those 10 days will fly by! Are you planning anything in your tww? xx
Ladies, do you mind if I join?

I am about to start my 3 IVF but this time with full on stims. previously I had 2 unsuccessful natural/modified IVFs.

I got all my meds today – huge bag!! I am supposed to start Norethistone twice a day from CD14 which is tomorrow – I think this is meant to be down reg stage. slightly worried cos we BD around ovulation this cycle so there is a tiny chance of pregnancy which I probably going to ruin with this medicine. On the other hand we have been TTC for 4 years with sperm issues and I never had even a sniff of a BFP with my DH. the only time we had chemical was our first ICSI. Huge part of me just does not believe we stand a chance but there is a tiny one that keeps nagging "what if" "what if". I need to make up my mind whether to start now or wait one more month. we've been waiting for 8 long months to get the NHS funding so I really cant wait to start. we tried everything we could to improve DH's sperm but there was no improvement and my age is becoming an issue.

I have low ovarian reserve and high FSH, although my AMH was 13.4 (UK scale). I do not hope for many eggs but just hoping for a few good quality embryos. I think my top limit is around 6 follicles (I had 2 and 3 on low stims) cos I practically have only one accessible ovary (there is a cyst on the other one which makes EC difficult) but even then not sure if we can get that many.

I also asked for IMSI cos of poor sperm morphology
:hi: Briss - welcome hun! I just love sorting through the meds bags! When do u have ur baseline scan booked in for? Exciting to be starting! Wish u the best for this cycle :D xx
Hello Ladies,

Briss, hi there!! Here's hoping that it's 3 times lucky for you Honey. You have to try or you would always be wondering what if...

No bump, no wonder you need a break, what a year you have had. A break here or abroad will be wonderful. I went away with my best friend before I started the ivf to Portugal, it was just what I needed and allowed me and hubbster to have a break with all that bleedin ttc naturally....

Plex, how has your day been Honey??

Awww Bebe, random crying seems to be part and parcel of this journey. I cry at everything and anything at the moment, have been playing bump Simon and Garfunkel, James Taylor and other stuff I listened to at Uni, but then have been crying at memories of yesteryear and at how old I am!! Hubby thinks I have lost the plot.

Lets go, have been having very bonkers dreams, especially whilst on the drugs. In one dream, I was Cosette in Les Miserable...... demented or what!!! Good luck tomorrow Hon.

Bet that was a weird dream Emmi, was it like a musical too? Have ur dreams been really vivid as well? I remember having some really real dreams when i was pregnant, it was weird as i knew i was dreaming whilst in the dream :) xx
My dreams are always very vivid. My career has been in west end theatre so not surprising I have a sing song in my sleep every now and again but the Les MIS one was so real, woke up needing a bit of Hugh Jackman.... During the time we were trying to get pregnant naturally, I would often dream about loved ones getting pregnant. Pretty scary when you dream that your 73 y o ma has a bun in the oven....

Plex, I am going to be down reg from CD14 to 25 and then wait for my AF. I am supposed to call them on day I to book a CD3 scan. I was actually thinking that stims will start earlier than CD3 but I guess not. My FSH was very high this cycle so I just hope it will get down next cycle so we can stim properly

Emmi, thanks! I really hope we will get lucky this time
Bebe, crying is a good sign! Ooh, getting exciting!

Letsgo, I think the dreams get weirder on hormones, but like Emmi mine are always vivid. I think now the anxiety is directing them, though. I've heard that pg causes all sorts of wacko dreams. I haven't had any yet, but a pg 75 yr is right around the dream corner, I'm sure.

I hope everyone has lovely, distracting plans for the night. My friends are getting together for movie and pizza night. I love those kind of nights.

Aurora, I'm hoping your friend visit is less stressful than rejuvenating and fun. Maybe your friend won't even ask with the year you've had.

No bump, you have been through the wringer, no doubt. You are due some good news and happy days. Hang in there.

My beta2 came back. I'm doubling every 56 hours, so that's good. Whew! I got nervous bc the cramping went away, and sometimes so does the nausea. But last night I gagged in front of my friends and almost lost my cookies so had to make up something about phlegm. Lovely. Scan is 10 days from today. Ugh. An eternity.
Briss: Welcome! Good luck with your cycle!

Redbean: Yay on the beta #s!!!

Letgo: Good luck with the transfer tomorrow! Keep us posted when you're feeling better.

Nobump: What a year! You deserve a nice relaxing holiday this month.

So funny about the crazy dreams! Emmi you should be able to sing some good lullabies! I'm pretty off-key myself!
Bebe glad to hear your feeling less tired.

Letsgo hope your transfer went well. Take it easy over the weekend

Briss, great to hear your going for a 3rd round FX for you.

Abydix hope you enjoyed York.

Lizzie how you doing. Xxxx

Plex how are you do you have plans for the weekend?

AFM just had acu. Said my pulse was still week. He did some on my head to help with sress. Tierd up while resting through it. Booked back in nwxt Saturday. Xx
No Bump it's me that's been in York, not Abydix.

DH and I tested together when I got back. Thursday was not a duff test. The baby died. At 13dpo, again. 3rd time in a row. Hope everybody else still 'in' has better luck than me.
ladies thank you!

I've started Norethisterone, was a bit stressed but it turns out Norethisterone is just progesterone?? the nurse said it's supposed to thin my lining and "quiet" everything but I do not think that's what it does. It just seems to regulate the timing for IVf so my AF starts on a weekday (they do not do scans on weekend). they are trying to delay my AF by 2-3 days so my AF starts Monday-Wednesday :( it's not really down reg, is it?
It acts in the same way as BCP to help shut you down/make ovaries quiet. When you stop taking it, you will have a bleed to thin out lining.

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