July 2014 IVF Buddies

Redbean: I hope the specialists can guide you and lead you to a good outcome.

Nobump: I hope those follies keep growing nicely!

AFM: Not good. Beta #3 was only 185 at 21dpo. I consider myself out, but I have to hold off on the capuccino/bacon/red wine consolation until after it's official. They told me to keep taking the progesterone and aspirin and come back for another blood draw on Friday. Ugh! :cry:
Bebe sorry to hear your beta numbers are not good. Sending you some hugs xx

Got to trigger at midnight trying to stay awake!
Bebe sorry to hear your beta numbers are not good. Sending you some hugs xx

Got to trigger at midnight trying to stay awake!
Bebe, sorry to hear that, Hun. That has to be incredibly disappointing. Hopefully next time that emby will be perfect and ready to stick. I'm so wishing more of us would have some good luck.

Nobump, good luck! I hope you get some great eggs-- and more than one!
Nobump, did you eat an entire shop of chocolate? Great increase in lining. Very excited to hear trigger is so close. Are you feeling those ovaries, or just same old?

Bebe, sorry to hear your update and that the process will be dragged out. I do like your consolation, though. I thoughtlessly took a sip of my husband's wine the other night. It was so good I kept trying to go for kisses.

Redbean, it sounds like it is time to trust the experts, which includes your body. It is a good thing that you are not being pressured to make any decisions immediately so you can gather information to make the best possible decision for you and your family. Hang in there.

Aurora, good to see you drop in. Take care.

As for me, OTD was today. Had my draw at 9am...and clinic called at 4:40. Nothing like waiting til last minute. Beta was good: 119.6 at 10dp5dt. Back for second test in 2 days. Stopped on way home tonight for pizza and ate like a mad woman. Back to vegetables and sensible choices tomorrow.

I've noticed in the past couple days, especially, that I am getting that "full" feeling in the middle again that I had leading up to ER. My nurse said it's probably from borderline OHSS, but I was never considered at risk for that. Even the embryologist said they weren't worried about that with me. Anyone else with wacky ovaries?
Letsgo, I had growing ovary pain and bloating for about 2-3 weeks after transfer. I was never classified as ohss but it sure felt that way. I drank slots of fluids and did light exercise and stretching and found that helped. It seems like a good sign that hormones are being made, though. Congrats!
Nobump: Good luck with the EC!! FX for a couple of good strong embies!

Letsgo: Congratulations on the beta! It sounds like you are off to a great start! YAY!!!

Emmi: I can't believe you are 9 weeks already!
Ahhh Bebe, so very sorry to hear that. All very cruel sometimes and tough having to wait until tomorrow. Look after yourself honey.

Lets go, that's great news! Has the news sunk in yet??

No bump, how have you got on Honey?? Hope that you got some fabulous plump eggs??? Hope that you are doing good?

Redbean, how are you?? Any more updates? Thinking of you and hoping that you are being well looked after by your medical team

I got my 12 weeks scan through for mid Sep when they will do all the Downs tests etc, just praying little bean is healthy and cooking good in my tummy. Gosh lots of worry but still feeling sick with mahoosive boobs so I just have to pray that all is okay.

Letsgo the clinic said I had a similar jump last time. But started drinking raspberry leaf tea, eating chocolate and natural stim wink wink

Emmi hope scan goes well rhe worry never stops.

EC is in morning, driving through to cousins tonight. A friend is giving us a lift to hospital. Will stay at my cousins afterwards. Will update when I can. Xx
Emmi, my bbs are boobalicious, too. I need new bras, in fact. Also, I'm starting to show. I thought it was bloating, but I asked a physician who said, "No, with multiples you'd be showing already." Whaaaaat? At 7.5 weeks?? I'm not ready to tell people for obvious reasons, so I'm wearing tents for shirts and leggings everyday.

I haven't met with any doctors who can give me any reassurance about anything yet. Really still trying to get an appt before the one I have. Not so easy. Specialists are in demand these days, I suppose. Right now, feeling out of breath all the time, my heart is racing, and I'm sick as a dog. I should be gaining weight (I'm too little to carry twins much less anything more) but just can't bear the eating. You'd think this would be a fun problem, but alas ice cream doesn't even taste good.

Wah wuh...

Nobump, thinking of you and will be tomorrow, as well. Lots of hugs!
Emmi, my bbs are boobalicious, too. I need new bras, in fact. Also, I'm starting to show. I thought it was bloating, but I asked a physician who said, "No, with multiples you'd be showing already." Whaaaaat? At 7.5 weeks?? I'm not ready to tell people for obvious reasons, so I'm wearing tents for shirts and leggings everyday.

I haven't met with any doctors who can give me any reassurance about anything yet. Really still trying to get an appt before the one I have. Not so easy. Specialists are in demand these days, I suppose. Right now, feeling out of breath all the time, my heart is racing, and I'm sick as a dog. I should be gaining weight (I'm too little to carry twins much less anything more) but just can't bear the eating. You'd think this would be a fun problem, but alas ice cream doesn't even taste good.

Wah wuh...

Nobump, thinking of you and will be tomorrow, as well. Lots of hugs!

Really hope that you meet with specialists real soon, you are high risk and need to be monitored etc. I saw my midwife yesterday, maybe you don't have them over there:wacko: but basically, I am high risk with my age and with just one Baba through ivf so you really need to be looked after.
I can imagine you must be showing, gosh so much going on for you and with you boobies too, Lordy. I am have no bump at all but then I am no skinny minny and as hubby tells me, there's not a lot of muscle tone there:haha: so I don't look too much different.
My boobs are so sore though, they feel gigantic, Lord knows what size they will end up:dohh:

Try and find a food that you can keep down, you so need to keep up your strength. I constantly feel sick but I am totally ravenous. It's late here and I could totally scoff a bag of chunky chips with ketchup:shrug:

Look after yourself Hon.

Thinking of you No bump.

Bebe, thank you. Hoping tomorrow brings you some relief and answers soon after. It seems cheap consolation to suggest the next cycle the docs can tweak your regimen based on what they learn from this cycle. Hugs to you and your loves tonight.

Nobump, thinking of you and sending gobs of eggs and lining dust your way. Appreciate the chocolate suggestion. Looking forward to some of that wink wink ;)

Redbean, thanks for the advice. I didn't do very well today with drinking liquids,so I'm trying to make up for it with some low salt Gatorade. Pretty sure it doesn't work like that but trying anyway. So hard to not grab my sides throughout the day and say "my ovaries!"

Emmi, no sinking in at all! DH is gone this week and he asked hilarious questions last night, like if I know if both babies stuck, when we will know, how soon we get an u/s. When he gets here I think it will help. My chest is getting bluer all the time, though, so there's that.

Briss, how are you doing? Have you started stims already?

My childhood best friends were going to conference call tonight (they don't know what we are up to) but seem to be flaking. They made me promise after my MMC that I would tell them if i got pregnant again so they don't learn of it with the sobby sad call. I might just send a POAS pic and see what happens.

Grateful to be down almost 4 pounds since retrieval, not that I can tell based on my belly. Trying to keep this private at work as long as possible since I've always carried weight at my waist so every bit helps.
sorry ladies I am away and seem to have missed so much! am visiting my mum but back on Tuesday in time for my first scan provided AF shows up as planned. am still on norethisterone (tomorrow is last day on it finally!) and I think I finally feel it - somehow I am so terribly angry all the time, so easy for me to almost get into a rage sort of state for no good reason. at one point I even woke up in the middle of the night cos I got really angry about something in a dream! I woke up feeling so angry I could have hit my pillow :( could this be norethisterone playing up with my hormones? I also got a mild itching down there - not something I usualy have, very unpleasant I really hope it's not some kind of yest infection.
:thumbup: Oh Cool!!.. Even I have been dx with mild endo otherwise unexplained.. To confirm lap needs to be done, which my RE is not keen on... And, it was really good to read ur reply that IVF bypasses all the problems posed by endo!.. thats gr8.. If you hav anymore info abt this can u plz share it with me...?
One egg collected will get progress report tomorrow.

Tired. Expecting to hear the same as last time.

Briss good to hear you've joined the grumpy club :) have you tried natural yoghurt to help with itch?
Hi all,

Just quickly caught up on the last many posts since I've been here, so I apologize for not responding to everyone, but know that I'm with you in spirit.

Redbean, I cannot believe what you are going through right now. It's such a rollercoaster, and so unfair. I hope that your body and/or your specialists can turn this into a healthy pregnancy for you, but I know that the road to get there will be emotionally difficult. Keep us posted.

AFM, I had my first scan and there's one heartbeat. There's a second sac that appears to be empty, but we'll go back in 3 weeks to make sure. It's a relief. It's ALMOST starting to feel real.

My ovaries are still gigantic (doctor says the left one is 10 times the volume it should be), so I'm having twinges from those but otherwise I'm pretty much over the OHSS and feeling ok. I have a lumpy, painful butt from the PIO injections, but I'd still prefer them over the suppositories! 5 more weeks of them, ugh.

Wishing you all well...


Having a little "hold it together" moment. Whose numbers went down? This girl's. Boo. Beta dropped from 119 to 111. Nurse says to not give up yet, it could be both blasts implanted but only 1 is sticking around. Back on Monday to see what the numbers look like then.

It is wicked hot here this week so I'm laying low. What is everyone planning for the weekend?
I cannot believe this!! This is f**** unbelievably bad luck. it's not yeast infection, it may be herpes!!! where would I get herpes?? seriously!! of all days and months and years TTC it had to be 3 days before we are due to start IVF which we've been waiting for 9 months and finally got the funding and now it's all going to be for nothing cos you cant have IVF with herpes. I am devastated :( but the doc who saw me today said we obviously need to wait for the test results (which is going to take a week!) but she was quite sure it looked like herpes :( this is absolutely terrible. how could this happen to me? I am starting the treatment now just in case but the tablets are for 5 days and suppositories for 10, I am just so lost and upset, do I tell the clinic? what if they tell me they cannot treat smb who has herpes and I have to look for a different clinic now? can I still have NHS funding if I have herpes?

most importantly where would I get herpes??? could I get herpes from a scan at the clinic? I am pretty sure DH does not have it, we have been TTc for years I never had anything like this before.
No bump, really hoping that the egg that they have got is the golden one, hang on in there Hon.

Amy good to hear from you, happy to hear that you saw the heartbeat, it's a wonderful feeling. Real glad that you are feeling better, I really hope that your pesky ovaries are back to normal size soon, gosh, what you have been through so much.

Lets go, I really hope that it is the case that one is implanting. It's horrible waiting so try and keep busy, it's all so hard.

It's a long Bank holiday weekend here so we're off to my parents for beer (for hubby) and lots of curry! Am making sure peanut is used to food from the homeland, nothing like my mum's authentic Indian food.

Take care ladies.

Quick update egg has fertilised. If it survives the weekend then it will be transferred on Monday.

Briss can't believe what is happening to you xx

Lets go hope on has stuck. Xx

Emmi enjoy your curry. Xx

Amy one heartbeat is fab xx

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