July 2014 IVF Buddies

I cannot believe this!! This is f**** unbelievably bad luck. it's not yeast infection, it may be herpes!!! where would I get herpes?? seriously!! of all days and months and years TTC it had to be 3 days before we are due to start IVF which we've been waiting for 9 months and finally got the funding and now it's all going to be for nothing cos you cant have IVF with herpes. I am devastated :( but the doc who saw me today said we obviously need to wait for the test results (which is going to take a week!) but she was quite sure it looked like herpes :( this is absolutely terrible. how could this happen to me? I am starting the treatment now just in case but the tablets are for 5 days and suppositories for 10, I am just so lost and upset, do I tell the clinic? what if they tell me they cannot treat smb who has herpes and I have to look for a different clinic now? can I still have NHS funding if I have herpes?

most importantly where would I get herpes??? could I get herpes from a scan at the clinic? I am pretty sure DH does not have it, we have been TTc for years I never had anything like this before.

Oh Briss, that is just bloody awful!!! And how strange, I don't know alot about herpes and had always just thought it was an std. And tbh, the doc could be wrong.
But I can imagine your heartbreak and am just so sorry this is happening to you. My clinic didn't test for herpes, just hiv, hep b and c but what you could do is email a private clinic on the pretext of a possible consultation and ask what their stance is on herpes??? Get as much information as you can.

Lots of hugs to you, words fail me as I know how you have worked towards this.



Hubby was just saying that herpes can be caught from cold sores that can be passed through, cups, glasses or even your hubby may have had the cold sore all his life and it's just manifested itself now as it's a virus.
Cold sores are highly contagious and the virus can be dormant and you could easily have picked something up with a cold sore virus and hence the germs spread.
Just his thoughts.
Quick update egg has fertilised. If it survives the weekend then it will be transferred on Monday.

Briss can't believe what is happening to you xx

Lets go hope on has stuck. Xx

Emmi enjoy your curry. Xx

Amy one heartbeat is fab xx

Yay, so happy for you Honey, am praying it lasts the weekend, you will then be pupo on Monday, very exciting.

I do have cold cores from time to time (not recently though cos all this TTC supplements and vitamins really improved my immune system) I've had them all my life (winter time often) but never down there. I really hope it's not herpes but what else can it be?

am trying to pick myself up from this blow and see whether IVf can still work us. but how could this be happening, it's just beyond my understanding.
Nobump: So glad to hear the egg fertilized! FX for a strong one that makes it all the way!

Briss: So sorry to hear that! Hang in there. You might want to try Emmi's suggestion, because you want to make sure that none of the IVF drugs conflict with the treatment you've currently started.

Letsgo: I hope things pick up on the next one and take off! With my first pg, I had a significant slow down between beta 1 and 2 and was convinced that it was all over, but then things started picking up steam again. In retrospect I probably did have more than one implant and one fall off (I had had three transferred).

Amy: Congratulations!! Hearing the heartbeat is awesome and that's an important milestone!

AFM: Still in limbo, but I'm not at all optimistic. Beta #4 yesterday at 23dpo was only 266. That's a third of what it was in my successful pg. It's still climbing, but twice as slow as it should be. RE said keep taking the PIO and aspirin and come back again for another test on Monday. Ugh!
Thanks for the encouragement, Bebe. Bodies are so weird. I hope we both get surprised by ours on Monday (the good kind of surprise). DH just drove through the night (been gone a week) hugged me and asked how the babies were. Sad to update him, I think he is sadder than I am. He is really looking forward to lots of girls.

Briss, that is so surprising that with all the pre IVF testing something would be missed. I hope everything works out for you.

Nobump, I have high hopes for you. Grow baby grow!

Emmi, sounds delicious! There is nothing like mom's cooking to make everything right. Keep fueling up.
Briss, sorry to hear that! What a shocker! Herpes is one of those viruses that sticks around forever. Could be hormones changing finally just brought it to the surface. Not sure if they wouldn't help you just bc of that. I thought they were looking for more serious life-threading infections w those tests, no? Btw, cold sores are a different strand and are not passed from lips to genitals, though some have known to do so. Genital herpes are contracted by genital contact, and you could've gotten as a teen only to be showing now. (I know all this bc I'm a high school teacher and have read all the health pamphlets;)

Letsgo, I've been reading a lot about vanishing twin. That nurse could be right. Numbers do drop suddenly and you'd have no symptoms. Hang in there!

Afm, I'm bleeding today w cramps and am really scared. Bleeding is common w multiples, and there's nothing I can do about it, but I've been cramping last three days and having dreams of bleeding and losing a baby, plus my nausea disappeared suddenly for two days. Losing one doesn't freak me out, but losing all four is a reality. Just scared ALL THE TIME and cry to hubby every day. He's researching minivans.

Our anniversary is tomorrow though, so I woke up to flowers and wedding photos all over the house. Ugh, water works now over that! I'm a mess.
Red bean are you going in for a scan? I have an sch and I bleed (hemmorage) sometimes, and although they know what it is, I was instructed to go to ER every single time I see red. It's getting exhausting and expensive.
I called the on call dr who said that it is either miscarriage or sch and probably I'm ok if it's either. She told me if I soak a regular pad through to go to ER. It seemed to have stopped but then I was out to dinner and gushed w a bit of tissue. It's stopped again. I really don't want to go to ER on a Saturday night unless it really is urgent. So far, I think it's not. Just scary.

I don't know. Ugh. What is your bleeding like, lanet?
The first time it was blood on toilet paper and in toilet, then stopped.
The next time it was a gusher, every time I stood up it would pour out, it was horrifying. At the hosptital I passed a clot the size of my fist. By the grace of God it was right after I had just seen both babies via abdominal ultrasound, and then right after the clot I got a vaginal ultrasound, so I knew babies were still there. It stopped after 3 hours. But man nothing prepares you for red.
It was misery being at a crowded emergency room and waiting. I've even asked my dr if it happens again can I wait it out and she said no, go to er. Maybe bc I'm farther along and the chance of me losing too much blood, idk.
Wishing you the best, when is your next scan?
nobump, great news on fertilisation! when is ET?

Bebe, I am so sorry beta is not claiming up as you hope but there is still a chance for a successful pregnancy. I so hope your next beta will be more promising.

Redbean, Happy Anniversary! I so hope your babies are fine but this is so worrying. I cant imagine how tough it must be for you.

I've been thinking a lot how and where I could have got herpes (at my time of life!!) and the only explanation I could think of is that it came from DH's mouth :( basically he kissed me down there and did not realise he had a cold core, it only appeared later. I am so upset but cant think of anything else. I did not have sex as a tean :) I was a virgin until my 20s. There was one man with whom I did not use condom a couple of times when I was 24 so it's possible theoretically but I think it would have shown.

I am very impressed with norethisterone, yesterday was my last day on it and not a sign of AF! I even did a pregnancy test cos it's unreal for me not to see AF when it is due and I needed to start herpes medication asap but it's not used in pregnancy so needed to be sure. Still in pain, bloody herpes! I still cant believe I am in this mess...
Briss, I'm sure you're right about getting it that way. Still sucks! it'll work out, though. And I hope it doesn't worry you too much. It's a common disease (imagine all the ppl you know w cold sores!), so I can't imagine it'll interfere too much. Have you asked your RE?

Lanet, yours sounds worse than mine. I didn't have a huge clot. I think I would've gone to ER had I seen that. My next scan isn't until the 3rd, and I had to badger for that one. I'm trying to get in to a different clinic before then.
That is a long time to wait! I get scans every 2 weeks. It was once a week in the beginning.
Amy congrats on hearing the heart beat!! how exciting!!!

Redbean, how are you? Have you had any update on what your bleeding was? Hope you had a fab anniversary flowers and photo's sounds fab, it is our anniversary tomorrow, might grab an early meal out somewhere tomorrow.. got hubby a card, but it's currently hidden in the glove compartment, will need to sneak out the house later...

Briss, sorry if I missed anything, but has your clinic said if you can continue your cycle? or do you need to treat the herpes first?

AFM, been staying with family over the weekend, had ET this morning, embryo was still at 2 cell stage, on day 3 it should be 4-6 cell..., they said it was a grade 5... grade 1 being the best 8 being the worst.. the embryologist said that the best place for the egg is inside me... at home resting now...
Happy anniversary to both Redbean and nobump! I hope you both are being pampered and appreciated by your partners extra this week. In our intense focus on getting and maintaining pregnancies, I am so pleased you are taking time to celebrate the whole reason behind the baby wishes.

I am still in the game, a little. 3rd beta today was up from Friday's dip.
Beta 1 @ 9dp5dt 119.6, beta 2 @ 11dp 111, beta 3 @ 14dp 236. Back on Weds for another draw to see if I've got one left thriving. I feel awfully guilty trying to figure out if I can swing another cycle this year. Trying to be hopeful but realistic.
Thanks letsgo.
That is fab news your numbers are growing. FX for Wednesday.
Hello Ladies,

How are you all today???

No bump, how are you?? I hope that your little embie is snuggling in. Hope you had a fabulous anniversary Hon.

Redbean, I really have been thinking about you honey, how have you been?? I put 3 embies back too so I really have been hoping and praying that there is some hope in there somewhere. hope that you managed to enjoy your anniversary honey.

Lets go, am so hoping that those numbers keep on climbing, fingers crossed big time.

Briss, any updates honey??

Bebe, how are you??? What the latest with your numbers?? Keeping everything crossed for you.

ladies, I still have not called the clinic, I've been getting some spotting occasionally since yesterday but not the actual flow so i guess it's not CD1 yet???

also, as if getting herpes was not enough I got a nasty cold yesterday and have been in bed feeling pretty miserable, feels like our chances to start IVf are really slim this cycle. On a positive note my medication is working and i feel 90% back to normal. sorry for TMI but peeing was a nightmare so at least I was not suffering for very long. DH feels terrible, he was so depressed this morning that he did this to me, although unintentionally, he just can't forgive himself. but somehow this brought us closer together.

Hoping AF will start properly tomorrow
Briss think full flow would count as cd1.

AFM just nearly killed us (slight exaggeration) went through a light late as I didn't want to break harshly..... hubby didn't give me a hard time which makes a change. Just been out for a nice lunch. Waiting for it to settle then go for a walk. Don't want to over do things posr transfer but think sitting doing nothing is a bad idea. Xx
Letsgo, yay! You're in the game!

No bump, don't forget to laugh and try to relax. You gotta convince your body that all is the way it should be. I'm sure your hubby is trying to keep it positive. Good for him.

Briss, they say full flow is day 1, but after the bc I never really had that. See what tomorrow brings and if it's the same then maybe count today.

I am pretty anxious over here. Wake up every morning w a sinking feeling. I'm so tired and nauseous (back worse than before the hiatus) and poor hubby doesn't get it at all. Keeps planning outings like a festival weekend, which sounds like an impossible hell to me. I throw up, which I keep thinking will help him get it, but alas, he's in excited land. Pushed for a scan on the 3rd. That's the earliest anyone will see me.

Since Sat night no more bleeds, but I have AF cramps after standing. The bleeding seemed out of nowhere and I suspect it was a miscarriage but could be wrong.

Oh, and here's a kicker: I got a jury duty summons! Bad timing. I'm hoping the dr can get me out of that duty.
Briss from my understanding oral herpes is not the same as genital, and although in a rate case you could get oral ones down there, it's not the same as genital ones, so not as bad etc.
red I just keep thinking of you. I'm so surprised you aren't getting more scans with everything going on. I can't wait to hear what your next update is. I hope all is well, it's good that the bleeding stopped. And nausea is a great sign though it's brutal, I've barely ventured out of my house the past 3 months except to drag myself to work. It's starting to ease up though. And the cramping is most likely that uterus stretching!
Good luck to all you girls, I'm sorry I'm not good at keeping up!

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