July 2014 IVF Buddies

full flow is here finally so i called the clinic and booked my scan for tomorrow. I still do not know if they go ahead this cycle cos i only spoke to a nurse but I figured I'd better go there and talk to a doc in person. today is my last day on herpes medication and I feel 90% cured but not quite. as soon as period started properly I could feel minor burning sensation so am worried AF may aggravate the condition. I will only get my test results on Friday so until then I am not even 100% sure it is herpes. also, my cold is really bad, for the first time I did not go to work for 2 days, I always had my colds in the office but this time t's just really nasty, I can't even read anything without getting terrible headache.
Fx you will be able to start. Every now and again you need to give into your body and rest. The time of work will have help you.

Hi all,

Hope everyone is feeling better. Seems like plenty of sickness for various reasons around here lately. Keep strong as you grow your babe(s), get ready for transfer, head into the 2ww, or gear up for your next cycle.

Today, a bright spot for my numbers. A true (near) doubling for the first time! From 236 two days ago to 460 today! Back on Friday to see if this trend continues. I am so poked and prodded but will take it all. Visualizing 1000 for Friday. Making myself eat some fresh caught salmon for the protein boost.
Congrats, Letsgo! That is so awesome. Some ppl just get a slow start.

Good luck, Briss. Hope all works out.
Congratulations on your doubling letsgo!!!

AFM thinking I over did things yesterday. Original plan scuppered due to a cancelled ferry. So ended up with a different day trip. Which was relaxing and enjoyable. Just meant driving extra and a bit more walking. Trying to work our via doctor google what is better in TWW rest or activity. Xxxxx
Redbean, I've been having bleeding and cramps too... Cramps especially after I stand up, too. I started bleeding at work on the first day back for teachers... Better than the first day with kids, I suppose. It was terrifying and I rushed home to lie down and call the doctor (or, cry uncontrollably while my husband called the doctor).

What the doctor said is that if it turns into a miscarriage, it'll be extremely painful this far along. Since my cramps never got worse than AF, we're probably ok. He did say it could be the loss of the second embryo, which was there last week but small and with no heartbeat. Most people absorb it, but some bleed it out. It could also be "normal" pregnancy bleeding. Basically what comforted us was being told that if I was miscarrying, we would know without a doubt.

We're nervous of course but we think I'm still pregnant. I have a feeling you're ok too... Perhaps your body was paring down to a smaller number in there, but I want to believe that you didn't have a complete miscarriage. Just take it easy and I really hope you can get a scan soon.

Just a quick update, I did not get go ahead today unfortunately cos my lining is still thick it's 5.5-6 mm and they want it below 5 mm. My ovaries are ready but there are only 4 follicles on the left side and two on the right. fortunately neither herpes nor cold has any relevance. as long as I did my herpes treatment which I finished yesterday they are happy to proceed provided my lining gets thinner. They booked me for another scan tomorrow to see if the lining gets thinner.
Briss your lining should get thinner the more you bleed. For me it was chocolate and raspberry leaf tea that did the trick for me so maybe avoid those. Fab news about your cold and herpes not putting a stop to things.

Hope everyone is ok.

Afm think I over did things yesterday and couldn't sleep last night. Feel tired today. Have booked a few nights away to help distract from the TWW. We are travelling by rail so no driving for me :)
Nobump I think your approach to the TWW is lovely. I tried to figure out the best approach too, and looked at loads of fertility clinic sites. There isn't common agreement there--some say no bed rest after transfer because normal activity increases blood flow, others say take it easy, still others say bed rest. What a range! Also read some studies about how sex can be beneficial to embryo (something I've already forgotten about antibodies maybe?). My doc says no until ultrasound proves baby. If I didn't feel like my insides were uncomfortably stuck together I might be more bummed about that. Poor DH.

Briss, maybe the extra time will help you be a strong super egg making mama! Glad your symptoms are resolving and your doc isn't concerned about herpes.

Amy, happy to hear you are hanging in there. No school for the kids until after Labor Day? More time to worry about that sticky bean. Sounds like things are as well as they can be considering your scare. Keep strong!

Redbean, thinking of you. I hope you can enjoy some of this long weekend even though it makes your wait for your scan stretch out.

I probably should not have moved furniture at work like I did yesterday, but didn't even think until I was stuffing a table into the elevator. I did use sliders and had a helper. I haven't felt any twinges or anything and I'm no little flower so I'm pretty sure I'm ok. It will continue to take time adjust my head and question if I should be more careful.
Just realised I should have been shaking my progesteron before use. Hopefully not lost much...

Letsgo I am sure others will have done tge same if you feel ok then hopefully your all ok.

Amy my sister in law has had 2 miscarriages amd I believe they were very painful. She gave up trying after the second.

Redbean how you doing?

How's everyone else?
Letsgo: Congrats on numbers; it sounds like you are off and running!

Nobump: It sounds like your tww is going well. I'm sure a little activity is good.

Amy / Redbean: Hope things are going well! I had bleeding a few times with my first due to a marginal placenta previa. It's always scary, but at least there are a lot reasons why bleeding occurs without harming the pregnancy.

Briss: Glad things are working out. Exciting to be getting close!

Emmi: You must be getting close to the next scan.

AFM: We are officially out now, although I've seen this coming for a while. It seems that the embryo got a blood source, but did not develop properly, so it looks like a chemical pregnancy. Final numbers were:
16dpo - 89
19dpo - 130
21dpo - 185
23dpo - 266
26dpo - 373
29dpo - 400 something
I have stopped PIO and aspirin now and should start bleeding in the next week or two. I will go back in for a blood test next week to see where things are at and discuss with the RE. We are sad and disappointed of course, but at least glad that my body did pretty well with all the other steps and uterine environment in case we decide to try again. I feel relieved in some sense to not be in limbo and we can at least move on to next steps. Will be be checking to see how things are going with you ladies! Sending lots of :dust:to all of you. xo
Bebe, I am so sorry, so heart-breaking. You are right you should take comfort from the fact that your body did so well, just unlucky this time but it will happen for you and I hope very soon.

update: good news my lining went down from 5.5. to 3.8 mm in one day, ovaries are quiet so we are good to go! just got a call from the clinic to tell me that I am startting the stims tonight!

I survived (well, just about) the dilapam today, 3 hour agony, well maybe not exactly agony but it was pretty uncomfortable and taking it out also proved to be quite an exercise. I just hope it helped. I now have to take antibiotics cos dilapam comes with a risk of infection.

my herpes test was completely screwed, the clinic messed it up and they did 16 other tests none of which was for herpes. bloody idiots! I will never know now if I had herpes. they did find some minor yeast infection though so am also going to take suppository for that but apparently it does not prevent us starting the stims.

I was prescribed a new medication – dexamethasone – it's a steroid! I am supposed to be taking it during stims to improve egg quality and follicle development. obvious side effect being that it suppresses my immune system, not great considering I am recovering from a nasty cold but whatever helps my eggies I suppose
Ahhh Bebe, so sorry to hear that, all so very unfair. You sound so positive though in looking forwards so here's hoping that your healthy bfp really is around the corner.

Briss, great news about the lining. Sounds like everything is all set to go?? Great news Hon.

No bump, hope you are doing okay, the 2ww is so bleedin hard!!

Lets go, numbers sound great so yay to that!!!

Amy, how are you??? Any updates, I really hope that all is okay with Baba.

Redbean, any updates with you?? Hoping that you are okay???

Am now 10 and half weeks and still have 2 weeks until my next scan.... seems like an eternity. I worry constantly if everything is okay and drive myself bonkers, very difficult. I still feel constantly sick and my boobs are just so huge and heavy! So one day at a time.

Bebe, sending you some hugs. Hopefully your doc can provide some good feeback if/when you decide to do another cycle. Just re reading your signature you got a good number of eggs. Do you know what your AMH is? xx
Aw Bebe, I'm sorry to hear that. But you are right to be optimistic about the next try, and I'm glad you're able to feel positive.

Briss, dilapam sounds unpleasant! Glad it's over.

Letsgo - No more moving furniture for you! It is really hard to limit your activity when you're feeling well, though. And hard to figure out the right balance between being a couch potato and pushing yourself too hard.

Emmi - Congrats on still feeling sick and having heavy boobs! Sounds like you're right on track. :)

My bleeding has stopped and now the cramping is finally better, too. I was feeling REALLY awful yesterday and my nurse recommended Gas-X, and it helped a ton. I wonder how much of my pains all along have been from gas.

I'm a bit nervous that my nausea has nearly disappeared, but I do still get moments of queasiness that reassure me. And I definitely can't fit into any of my old bras. So we think we're ok for now. Next scan is supposed to be in another 2 weeks, but we may reschedule for next week just for peace of mind.
How's everyone?

Briss how's your lining looking?

Amy has your scan been rescheduled?

Afm enjoying a few days away. Had pain in left hand side over tge past 2 days, felt like AF was on her way. But feel ok today. Not sure if I will test before blood test on Friday. Xxx
nobump, when do you think you are going to test? fingers crossed the pains were just implantation

afm, had a scan this morning, nothing interesting, only 2 follicles are growing so far, there are a few little ones that may catch up. a bit depressing but as always hoping and praying, it's only Cd 6 and 4th day of stims.
We head home on Wednesday so think I might pick up a test then and test Thursday morning assuming the witch has stayed away.

2 is good. You only need one. Plenty of time for the others to catch up.
Hi, ladies. Sorry I've been away. The sickness just got worse and worse but finally saw a dr today and am on meds.

Scan showed three healthy triplets today. A relief from 4 (btw, they missed one earlier--there were originally 5! Two sets of identical twins and single). But we still have to think about what's best for the babes. They look good now, so good at moment. The twins are actually ahead of schedule.

Nobump good luck w test!

Anyone else have something imminent? I feel like we've been in a waiting pattern as a whole.
Redbean, I'm so relieved to hear that! And also, I cannot believe that there were 5. You're super-human.

Tough decisions ahead, but that's wonderful that they're healthy. When do you have to decide what to do?

Nothing new with me - feeling decent, just waiting for next scan on the 13th.

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