July 2014 IVF Buddies

I have to decide by 12 weeks (3 weeks from now). The whole thing gives me a head and heart ache.

Amy, glad bleeding stopped and you're just waiting for scan.
HI ladies, sorry to butt in! But I need some help... Im 4dp5dt today and my progesterone came back at 70.2, so nurse called and told me to drop PIO injections from 2cc to 1.5cc. The thing is I lost all trust in my doctor because even though I told him from day 1 I wanted to transfer 2, he did all sorts of tricks to get us to do just 1, even said rude things about me not caring for the safety of my children. I kid you not. So now I'm afraid he will sabotage me!

Can you guys tell me anything about progesterone levels or dosage? I'm scared of dropping my dosage to 1.5 and that meaning that I don't have enough Progesterone for 2 embryos... I've been sick to my stomach ever since she called... Any info will be greatly appreciated!
Hi Haleiwa,
Sorry, I don't know anything about progesterone levels. My clinic does not give me those numbers and I've never asked for them, and I take my progesterone vaginally. Does your doc have reasons why he recommends only 1 baby for you? Is there a nurse you can contact and ask for further explanation for why your PIO would be lowered and what is the ideal range they are trying to reach? Perhaps more information will help you feel more at ease.
Bebe, xoxo to you. I hope the next few weeks treat you as gently as you need. Best wishes to you and your family for your next steps. I look forward to seeing you back around if that's the choice you make.

Briss, keep growing those follicles! One or two strong ones are enough, but more,are always welcome, aren't they?

Emmi, you are so close to second trimester! Has it truly sunk in yet? Waiting between scans is like waiting for holiday or summer break--seems forever in between. The reassurance is so necessary.

Amy, sounds like everything is great. You deserve a break from terrible symptoms for a while, but I'm sure it can be alarming. Hoping you get that earlier scan for your sake. And thanks for the Gas X tip. Going to keep that in mind.

Nobump, travel safely. Friday is coming quickly, but never soon enough. Fingers crossed.

Redbean, glad to hear you found some relief from your symptoms. I am sorry for the lost little ones. Take care of yourself and trust your decisions.

Definitely in a holding pattern here. Had another draw last Friday, numbers did not quite double but clinic is happy enough to stop testing for a week. One more draw this Friday, then if all is well I travel to the clinic the following week for a scan. I feel cheated, a week behind schedule. I want to take a look in there and see if everything is going all right. I'm a little obsessive and checking online calendars to see where I should be. No big symptoms, really. Waking up in the middle of the night for hours.
Letsgo looks like you have got track of us all. I miss things when on the phone. Good news about your numbers.

Redbean, do you think that nature will help you out again? Horrible situation to be in. Hugs xx
I had a little bleed in the night and more cramping. Will buy some tests later want to know
what the result is before Friday. Thinking I may end upwith AF today. Chilling out before catching train home.

Hello Ladies,

Amy, glad that you are getting there slowly but surely. My scan is on the 15th and boy it feels like years away.

Redbean, wow, words fail me!! 5, that is just wow. Is triplets something that your medical team think that you would be able to manage?? But then I guess your body may still make natural choices. All very hard, hoping that you of course get the best outcome possible.

Lets go, lots of ups and downs but here's keeping the faith that everything is alright. All very tough but sounds like you are on the right course, the scan hopefully will make you feel so much better.

Haile, I really don't know I am afraid, I so wish I could advise. Your Dr sounds like an idiot, when the time is right, write a letter of complaint. I really hope you get some answers somewhere, take care.

No bump, how are you?? Any updates???

Briss, how are you???

Afm, I am 11 weeks today and so looking forward to passing the 1st trimester mark. Am petrified of all the down syndrome etc testing at my next scan as the stats at my age are enough to scare the crap out of you. But one step at a time, just praying that my little peanut is growing strong and healthy. It's at times like this that I need wine!!!

Think I am out. Negative test. 2hr hold and fresh blood. Will test again in morning.

Emmi. 11 weeks. That's great. Xxxx
nobump, keeping my fingers crossed for you I so hope you will see the second line in the morning.

afm, my next scan is tomorrow. I am worried but trying to stay hopeful and imagine lots of follicles growing and inside perfect healthy eggs :)
Briss: Hope those follies keep growing!

Nobump: I don't know my AMH but in June the RE said my eggs were looking like a 38 year old (which is good considering I'm 42), but that can change quickly at my age. FX for you and hoping AF stays far away.

Letsgo: It sounds like things are going well! Looking forward to hearing good things after the scan.

Haleiwa: I was on 1.0 of Progesterone and I had three embies implanted. I think it all depends on what your body produces and what they think they need to supplement. I don't know if extra progesterone is needed to support more than one baby or not.

Redbean: Wow - 5! That's just incredible. I though that identical twins were still kind of rare, even with IVF. Hopefully your body can regulate what it can handle. Thinking of you and hoping for the best outcome.

Emmi: FX for a great scan and test results! We have not decided if we will try again, but you are definitely inspiring for us! Did you have to do many cycles to get to this one?

AFM: I started bleeding yesterday. I did all my crying a couple weeks ago when things were looking bad, so now I'm just glad that this isn't dragging on forever and that my body is starting to get back to normal. It's been like a slightly heavy AF, but not too bad. I go in for bloodwork tomorrow and should hear from the RE in the afternoon about what's next.
Amy: Looks like things are going well for you too! FX for a great scan in the next week or two.
Briss: Hope those follies keep growing!

Nobump: I don't know my AMH but in June the RE said my eggs were looking like a 38 year old (which is good considering I'm 42), but that can change quickly at my age. FX for you and hoping AF stays far away.

Letsgo: It sounds like things are going well! Looking forward to hearing good things after the scan.

Haleiwa: I was on 1.0 of Progesterone and I had three embies implanted. I think it all depends on what your body produces and what they think they need to supplement. I don't know if extra progesterone is needed to support more than one baby or not.

Redbean: Wow - 5! That's just incredible. I though that identical twins were still kind of rare, even with IVF. Hopefully your body can regulate what it can handle. Thinking of you and hoping for the best outcome.

Emmi: FX for a great scan and test results! We have not decided if we will try again, but you are definitely inspiring for us! Did you have to do many cycles to get to this one?

AFM: I started bleeding yesterday. I did all my crying a couple weeks ago when things were looking bad, so now I'm just glad that this isn't dragging on forever and that my body is starting to get back to normal. It's been like a slightly heavy AF, but not too bad. I go in for bloodwork tomorrow and should hear from the RE in the afternoon about what's next.

Ahhh, darling, so very sorry to hear that:cry: All so very tough and there is a grieving process with it all so take care:hugs:
Everything is so very raw at the moment but this is my 2nd IVF at 43, I will be 44 when my little peanut will be here. So give yourself time and see what they say at your review. IVF is so very tough so you do have to be in the right emotional head space. My cycle failed in Sept 2013 and then I cycled again in June 2014, I think that time between was right for me, not always the best thing to cycle again after the recommended 3 bleeds.
But keep us updated with what you decide to do.

Think I am out. Negative test. 2hr hold and fresh blood. Will test again in morning.

Emmi. 11 weeks. That's great. Xxxx

Ahhhh No bump, sorry to hear that, have been so rooting for you. Who knows what the morning will bring but thinking of you.:hugs:

Sorry to nobump and Bebe. I'm sure you've got a lot of mixed emotions right now. Glad you both still have a head about you. Keep coming here for all the virtual hugs!

Emmi, so jealous you'd even want wine! Does that mean your nausea is totally gone?

Letsgo, I think dropping the testing a bit is a great sign. So excited for that scan.bFingers crossed!

Afm, I still have a 20% chance of losing one or more. It's early in the game. But the twins are measuring a week ahead and the third is right on schedule. All well placed w healthy heart beats, so I think it's a stretch.

Right now, we'd like to go for it. I'm healthy like a 20 yr old. I'm a former athlete, And though I'm lean I'm taller than average w strong muscles. We have a huge family who will help. I think I can do it. There's a wild card, though. I had precancerous cells removed yrs ago from cervix and there's a small chance that'll weaken it. So, while 3 isn't ideal and can be dangerous, and our entire lives will have to change, I just can't imagine reducing the twins (that's what we'd have to do) after I've seen them dancing around in there.

Oh, and the chance of getting pregnant w a pair of identical twins is 70,000,000 to 1! I don't even know what it is if throw in another fraternal, and it's even more rare w ivf, from which they can usually see splitting before transfer. No, we don't even pay attention to odds anymore!
Ah nobump it is amazing how thorough I can be while being awake for hours in the wee hours of night :). Very bummed to hear this might not be your cycle. I hope the time leading up to your appt passes quickly so you no longer have to wonder.

Hoping all of you are well.
Sorry to nobump and Bebe. I'm sure you've got a lot of mixed emotions right now. Glad you both still have a head about you. Keep coming here for all the virtual hugs!

Emmi, so jealous you'd even want wine! Does that mean your nausea is totally gone?

Letsgo, I think dropping the testing a bit is a great sign. So excited for that scan.bFingers crossed!

Afm, I still have a 20% chance of losing one or more. It's early in the game. But the twins are measuring a week ahead and the third is right on schedule. All well placed w healthy heart beats, so I think it's a stretch.
Right now, we'd like to go for it. I'm healthy like a 20 yr old. I'm a former athlete, And though I'm lean I'm taller than average w strong muscles. We have a huge family who will help. I think I can do it. There's a wild card, though. I had precancerous cells removed yrs ago from cervix and there's a small chance that'll weaken it. So, while 3 isn't ideal and can be dangerous, and our entire lives will have to change, I just can't imagine reducing the twins (that's what we'd have to do) after I've seen them dancing around in there.

Oh, and the chance of getting pregnant w a pair of identical twins is 70,000,000 to 1! I don't even know what it is if throw in another fraternal, and it's even more rare w ivf, from which they can usually see splitting before transfer. No, we don't even pay attention to odds anymore!

Ha, nope, still feeling nausea which is worse in the evenings. It's not stopping my appetite though, am wanting to eat for a family of 10:thumbup: I was out with friends last night and they were on the wine and boy oh boy it looked good:dohh:

That is something in your favour that you are so very fit and I love that you have a fabulous family that will help. I hope that the amazing 3 make it, yes it will be life changing but wow, what a precious gift from the universe. I really do think that if you are monitored and believe in your body, all is possible.

I really would have loved twins but will take this little peanut wholeheartedly but I believe in my body. I am not particular fit but walk and swim and my body has always done what it's supposed to, we needed ivf because of male factor issues.

So, here's hoping that we all get our happy ever afters, we really deserve them:hugs::hugs::happydance::happydance:

a quick update, no miracles for me unfortunately after 6 days of stims on 450 menopur only 3 follicles seem to be growing (one on the side where I have a cyst so may not be accessible), the rest are small and does not look like they have time to catch up but I am still hoping. Will have one more scan over the weekend. I guess at this point I am just glad they carry on with the cycle and still hope for a positive outcome. I am trying to stay detached from the process cos up until EC there wont be any certainty as to whether I have any eggs and if I lost any to early O and up until ET I wont know if any embryos have survived so I have not cancelled any business trips yet and will deal with that when I get there. I have to be honest the fact that this is an NHS funded cycle takes so much pressure off, for some reason I'd be more upset now thinking how much money we are wasting. taking money worries out of this is huge actually. although I guess going forward it's just going to be a natural IVf for me
Briss I on my cycles it was right or left ovary that stimmed each time not both. Hopefully they will be able to get access at EC.

Redbean thanks for the virtual hugs. I wish you well. Triplets sound fab it is great you have support from your family.

Emmi sorry but think I will savour my wine tomorrow night assuming negative is confirmed as expected.

Bebe hope you get some answers from your appointment. let us know what your next steps are x
Hi all :hug: just checking in particularly to see about No Bump, still keeping everything crossed for tomo just in case - and also sending lots of love to everyone else - what an emotional time xxx <3 xxx
Hi Haleiwa,
Sorry, I don't know anything about progesterone levels. My clinic does not give me those numbers and I've never asked for them, and I take my progesterone vaginally. Does your doc have reasons why he recommends only 1 baby for you? Is there a nurse you can contact and ask for further explanation for why your PIO would be lowered and what is the ideal range they are trying to reach? Perhaps more information will help you feel more at ease.

They want to reach 30-60, but I dont know why. People that do fresh transfers have progesterone levels in the hundreds, so its not like its bad. After some research I read some stories of women that had twins and had a lower level than I do... so it gave me some peace of mind...

Emmi, my doctor IS AN IDIOT! I should have never switched to his clinic!

Bebe2, thank you so much for the feedback! Very helpful!
Oh ladies, today is going to fry my brain! I'm 6dp5dt today and didnt have any more pregnancy tests, so I peed on a cheapie LH stick... and there's a line... I know some people say that you can use those as pregnancy tests because they also measure HCG HOWEVER, Im also on Climara patches (estradiol)... can the posituve be caused by the patch or does this mean Im pregnant?

Im going out of my mind!!

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