July 2014 IVF Buddies

Emmi - haha :D stroking the bump just CANNOT be avoided!! Its kinda automatic and subconcious behaviour :D I used to play music to my bump too, he sings all the time and i wonder if playing all that music to him influenced him early on in any way lol

Exciting about ur 20week scan, will u just get told at ur next midwife appointment? Will u find out the gender?

Im now just about to take my last northisterone tablet and wait af (hopefully mon or tuesday) theni have my baseline scan on wed :) xx

Red - Sorry to hear about all the stress of t-to-t transfusion, it must be very scary time for you :hugs: I will be thinking of you this week and praying for a positive outcome :hugs: xx

Nobump - Really hope u and ur hubby enjoy ur time in london and that you are able to cycle again when you and ur hubby are ready :D xx

I think I also rub my bump so people don't think I have eaten too many pies!! With no clothes, bump looks quite defined but with clothes, just looks like I have raided the biscuit barrel :dohh:

Will be just having a scan next, the anomaly/ anatomy one so really hope to find out the gender. If Peanut doesn't play ball then I may have a private one. I also have a scan at the end of December just can't wait that long!!!

Oooooo so it's getting exciting for you though I know how nerve wracking it is too. Let this one be the one. :hugs:

How lovely to log in and see updates from you girls! I've been wondering how everyone is.

Redbean, I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. You will make it to the other side with some number of lovely babies, but the journey you're having to take to get there is so unfair. Keep us posted about your upcoming appointments... I hope you can find peace in whatever the outcome ends up being.

Emmi, so exciting. :) I can't wait to hear the results when you know the gender!

I'm glad to hear that some others of you are gearing up for the next round, and also that you're taking time off. I really value the fact that I took a year off from treatments before this IVF... our bodies and minds need some down time.

As for me, I'm enjoying just being a normal pregnant lady. I'm pretty big - the OHSS bloat just transitioned into baby bump - but at least it's round now, so it's clearer that I'm pregnant and didn't just eat too many donuts. (Mmmm, donuts.) I like Emmi's suggestion of rubbing my belly so it's more obvious that I'm pregnant... I may start doing that. I'm dealing with hip numbness and pain too, especially at night, but I'm not complaining. We're thrilled to just finally be on this road, doing things like setting up the nursery and picking names. It's starting to feel real, even.

Since I rarely check in here anymore but I'd love to keep tabs on you girls... are you all on Facebook? If you want to be FB friends, send me a private message about how to find you there! Or I can send you my info, but I'd rather not post it here.
How lovely to log in and see updates from you girls! I've been wondering how everyone is.

Redbean, I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. You will make it to the other side with some number of lovely babies, but the journey you're having to take to get there is so unfair. Keep us posted about your upcoming appointments... I hope you can find peace in whatever the outcome ends up being.

Emmi, so exciting. :) I can't wait to hear the results when you know the gender!

I'm glad to hear that some others of you are gearing up for the next round, and also that you're taking time off. I really value the fact that I took a year off from treatments before this IVF... our bodies and minds need some down time.

As for me, I'm enjoying just being a normal pregnant lady. I'm pretty big - the OHSS bloat just transitioned into baby bump - but at least it's round now, so it's clearer that I'm pregnant and didn't just eat too many donuts. (Mmmm, donuts.) I like Emmi's suggestion of rubbing my belly so it's more obvious that I'm pregnant... I may start doing that. I'm dealing with hip numbness and pain too, especially at night, but I'm not complaining. We're thrilled to just finally be on this road, doing things like setting up the nursery and picking names. It's starting to feel real, even.

Since I rarely check in here anymore but I'd love to keep tabs on you girls... are you all on Facebook? If you want to be FB friends, send me a private message about how to find you there! Or I can send you my info, but I'd rather not post it here.

Sooooo lovely to hear from you Amy:flower: Sounds like you have got over the worst and things are trying to settle. It's lovely to start to enjoy the pregnancy after all that we have been through. Hubby and I were looking at prams on Sunday, you would have thought it was diamonds or Caribbean cruises by my excitement!! Just love anything to do with planning for baba's arrival.

Have sent you a message on how to find me on FB :happydance:

Hi ladies. I think we should start a private FB group. Amy I will send you my info.

I'm 17 weeks. We went to Philly Tuesday for 9 hrs of scans. They determined it is not affecting the twins' health so we are stable, home, and getting scanned twice weekly. We couldn't be happier to have avoided very dangerous surgery and three months of bed rest. There are a few other things they are watching as well: placenta previa (so no more bding:( and a velamentous cord. But babes are healthy.

Emmi and Plex, it's amazing that you guys are so far ahead of me but still in that "bilateral or baby?" stage. I'm HUGE! I look and feel 7-8 months and can't breathe or eat anything larger than a snack. I'm pretty jealous and also a bit afraid of how big I'll get.

I can't wait to get you other ladies on board, but I also hope you are taking this time to enjoy each other and life in general, too! Take care of yourselves first and foremost.
Red just wanted to comment, I also had placenta previa and a big bleed at 15 weeks from it. At my 20 week scan it had moved up and is no longer an issue.
I also feel huge and am measuring ridiculously far along, and quite uncomfortable and a bit scared, so I understand that. And can't imagine an extra baby. I'm so happy to hear they look good right now. I always look for your updates.
I'm glad the other preggos are doing well and moving right along. Good luck to the rest of you gearing up to go again.
Hi ladies. I think we should start a private FB group. Amy I will send you my info.

I'm 17 weeks. We went to Philly Tuesday for 9 hrs of scans. They determined it is not affecting the twins' health so we are stable, home, and getting scanned twice weekly. We couldn't be happier to have avoided very dangerous surgery and three months of bed rest. There are a few other things they are watching as well: placenta previa (so no more bding:( and a velamentous cord. But babes are healthy.

Emmi and Plex, it's amazing that you guys are so far ahead of me but still in that "bilateral or baby?" stage. I'm HUGE! I look and feel 7-8 months and can't breathe or eat anything larger than a snack. I'm pretty jealous and also a bit afraid of how big I'll get.

I can't wait to get you other ladies on board, but I also hope you are taking this time to enjoy each other and life in general, too! Take care of yourselves first and foremost.

I am so very happy to hear that all 3 are doing good:hugs: that is truly amazing news and am sure you are both relieved :flower: Wow, no tango time for you guys now and I am sure when your 3 little one's are with you..... well may just be hard to fit it in :dohh:

I am 20 weeks next week and am really noticing changes now, bump is getting bigger and I have noticed my breathing is not brilliant when climbing stairs etc, I am asthmatic too so that doesn't help. But I am more than happy to put with anything!!

Hope all you other ladies are doing good???

Agree, a FB would be great!! Maybe a private one?? Have not announced it on FB just yet, may do at Christmas....I am just so nervous about it all but getting there slowly but surely.

Redbean - I am so pleased that all is ok with your twins, no bd'ing... I agree with Emmi you may not be doing that for a while!

Amy, Emmi and Lanet, it is good to hear how you are progressing.

A private FB page would be good.

I am feeling a little down at the moment, but that could be because the witch is visiting... have not felt much like posting.
Red just wanted to comment, I also had placenta previa and a big bleed at 15 weeks from it. At my 20 week scan it had moved up and is no longer an issue.
I also feel huge and am measuring ridiculously far along, and quite uncomfortable and a bit scared, so I understand that. And can't imagine an extra baby. I'm so happy to hear they look good right now. I always look for your updates.
I'm glad the other preggos are doing well and moving right along. Good luck to the rest of you gearing up to go again.

They did tell me that about 90% move up. I think the growing so fast is the scariest. Two days ago I was 36 inches around at the belly button. Today I am 40!
Redbean - I am so pleased that all is ok with your twins, no bd'ing... I agree with Emmi you may not be doing that for a while!

Amy, Emmi and Lanet, it is good to hear how you are progressing.

A private FB page would be good.

I am feeling a little down at the moment, but that could be because the witch is visiting... have not felt much like posting.

So sorry you are feeling down, time out from forums can be a really good thing as ttc takes over our lives. Hope you feel a wee bit chipper soon:hugs:

Redbean, that's great news! Such a relief. Fingers crossed that the placenta goes where it's supposed to go, and the rest is a breeze.
Red - so pleased things arent as drastic as they thought :hugs: obviously still lots of monitoring but good news! Are u nearly 18 weeks? I can only imagine how full/uncomfortable u must feel already :hugs: with my lb it was hard to move around towards the end, walking, sleeping and everything else was difficult! I loved being pregnant, was lucky it was pretty uneventful! xx

Emmi - haha :D u made me laugh about the too many pies comment, i never thought of it that way round although i just did it all the time anyway - i even catch myself doing that now (touching my belly, yes its that big :haha:) and im not pregnant!! :dohh: had him like 3 and a half years ago too. V.hard to kick a habit :dohh: lolol xx

Amy - FB page sounds like a great idea :) Cant believe how much time has passed and how far along u are. Bet its such a lovely nursery - do u have everything u need yet or are u still buying? xx

Nobump - :hugs: take all the time u need hun - we're here when u need us. Did u and hubby have a nice time in london? xx

Afm, im on my 4th day of stimms and feeling no different at all. really concerned nothings going on but i suppose ill just have to wait till my scan on wed :grr: bloomin waiting!
I just caught up with this thread and I am so happy I did! I've been wondering how each of you ladies is getting along.

Plex, fingers crossed for this round for you. Stimming and waiting and stimming some more is no fun.
Redbean, your story continues to amaze me. I am so glad to hear that you are getting good care. It's pretty awful knowing all that can not go well. I hope you have found some aspects to enjoy as you take each hurdle.
Emmi, I wore a maternity top when I visited my family at 11 weeks and told them. I couldn't help but touch that bump. Those tops are not flattering when you feel too big too early, but yes, better to have the truth out than have them thinking the (pie) alternative. Actually, pie sounds really good right now.

I wore a costume at work Friday to tell those who didn't know yet, a homemade skeleton top with a baby outline in the middle.

Best wishes for those gearing up for the next steps, whether it is a new round of treatment, a deserved break, or a new trimester.
Red - so pleased things arent as drastic as they thought :hugs: obviously still lots of monitoring but good news! Are u nearly 18 weeks? I can only imagine how full/uncomfortable u must feel already :hugs: with my lb it was hard to move around towards the end, walking, sleeping and everything else was difficult! I loved being pregnant, was lucky it was pretty uneventful! xx

Emmi - haha :D u made me laugh about the too many pies comment, i never thought of it that way round although i just did it all the time anyway - i even catch myself doing that now (touching my belly, yes its that big :haha:) and im not pregnant!! :dohh: had him like 3 and a half years ago too. V.hard to kick a habit :dohh: lolol xx

Amy - FB page sounds like a great idea :) Cant believe how much time has passed and how far along u are. Bet its such a lovely nursery - do u have everything u need yet or are u still buying? xx

Nobump - :hugs: take all the time u need hun - we're here when u need us. Did u and hubby have a nice time in london? xx

Afm, im on my 4th day of stimms and feeling no different at all. really concerned nothings going on but i suppose ill just have to wait till my scan on wed :grr: bloomin waiting!

Wow, stimming again, how exciting and nerve wracking!! One day at a time Honey, wishing you all good things.

My belly has suddenly started to look more like a pregnancy bump and people are noticing. I think after years of being so envious of women rubbing their bumps, just so glad to have one of my own:happydance:

I just caught up with this thread and I am so happy I did! I've been wondering how each of you ladies is getting along.

Plex, fingers crossed for this round for you. Stimming and waiting and stimming some more is no fun.
Redbean, your story continues to amaze me. I am so glad to hear that you are getting good care. It's pretty awful knowing all that can not go well. I hope you have found some aspects to enjoy as you take each hurdle.
Emmi, I wore a maternity top when I visited my family at 11 weeks and told them. I couldn't help but touch that bump. Those tops are not flattering when you feel too big too early, but yes, better to have the truth out than have them thinking the (pie) alternative. Actually, pie sounds really good right now.

I wore a costume at work Friday to tell those who didn't know yet, a homemade skeleton top with a baby outline in the middle.

Best wishes for those gearing up for the next steps, whether it is a new round of treatment, a deserved break, or a new trimester.

Ha, pies are always good, just not too many as I have learnt over the years!! I finally bought some maternity clothes last week, my jeans were killing me and I'm just loving all those over the bump trousers, far more comfortable!!

Halloween costume sounds amazing, what great fun!!A great way to tell people:thumbup:

Plex - Congrats on starting stimming again! Good luck for your scan... keep us posted. Nope, we've barely bought anything for the nursery, but we've cleared out our old stuff, arranged some basic furniture, and put the things we want into a registry! I'm finally seeing major benefits to being the last of my friends to have kids, in that they're giving us tons of hand-me-downs. It looks like we're going to get away with not buying much!

Letsgo, love the skeleton costume idea! That's adorable.

Emmi - I am SUCH a fan of the over-the-bump jeans! It's going to be hard to go back to normal pants. I also just bought my first maternity underwear so I'd stop stretching out my normal ones, and oh boy am I in love. :)
Plex - Congrats on starting stimming again! Good luck for your scan... keep us posted. Nope, we've barely bought anything for the nursery, but we've cleared out our old stuff, arranged some basic furniture, and put the things we want into a registry! I'm finally seeing major benefits to being the last of my friends to have kids, in that they're giving us tons of hand-me-downs. It looks like we're going to get away with not buying much!

Letsgo, love the skeleton costume idea! That's adorable.

Emmi - I am SUCH a fan of the over-the-bump jeans! It's going to be hard to go back to normal pants. I also just bought my first maternity underwear so I'd stop stretching out my normal ones, and oh boy am I in love. :)

Oh I so need maternity underwear, mine are starting to look like thongs and are so uncomfortable!!! Need to get myself to the knickers dept real soon :happydance:

Hi Ladies,

redbean, that is fantastic news, so glad that everyone is healthy at the moment although not such good news that there is to be no BDing for you. I think you are amazing, I would eb so terrified but despite it all you sound so strong.

Ha ha for all the rest of you lovely preggo ladies I'm going to leave you happily discussing maternity pants ;)
Hi ladies,

I'm up in the middle of the night, per usual, so thought I'd check in. Right at ten pm acid reflux and congestion kicks in. Then sore hips and can't get comfy, followed by a bloody nose and pee break. Every night!

Sounds like the pg ladies are starting to become pretty preggo! Emmi, you may have to announce before Christmas!

No bump, I had many of those days. Heck, still have a few. Hormones only exacerbate our woes, eh? One min I'm laughing and the next I'm yelling at the dog and crying. (It doesn't help either that these hormones make me so horny and I'm not allowed any bding or fooling around.) ;) This process--front and back--doesn't ever get easy. But, hopefully it's worth it. Hang in there, lady.

I had a scare yesterday: some light spotting. We went right in and all was fine. It's the placenta previa. One of my two dogs had decided he MUST climb atop me and must've been a little too rough, I suppose. The dogs cannot leave me alone and won't let my hubby near me. Way protective. They have to be touching or lying on me at all times. Cute but soooo uncomfortable, hot, and now apparently not safe. So my new task is to wriggle free of them 24/7.

PS, I eat pumpkin pie for breakfast every morning. Ymm, pie. Time for a 2:30 am snack...
Hi ladies,

I'm up in the middle of the night, per usual, so thought I'd check in. Right at ten pm acid reflux and congestion kicks in. Then sore hips and can't get comfy, followed by a bloody nose and pee break. Every night!

Sounds like the pg ladies are starting to become pretty preggo! Emmi, you may have to announce before Christmas!

No bump, I had many of those days. Heck, still have a few. Hormones only exacerbate our woes, eh? One min I'm laughing and the next I'm yelling at the dog and crying. (It doesn't help either that these hormones make me so horny and I'm not allowed any bding or fooling around.) ;) This process--front and back--doesn't ever get easy. But, hopefully it's worth it. Hang in there, lady.

I had a scare yesterday: some light spotting. We went right in and all was fine. It's the placenta previa. One of my two dogs had decided he MUST climb atop me and must've been a little too rough, I suppose. The dogs cannot leave me alone and won't let my hubby near me. Way protective. They have to be touching or lying on me at all times. Cute but soooo uncomfortable, hot, and now apparently not safe. So my new task is to wriggle free of them 24/7.

PS, I eat pumpkin pie for breakfast every morning. Ymm, pie. Time for a 2:30 am snack...

I am trying to think how you feel, what I am times 3:dohh: Now that's something else!! Yeah, we may have to announce it before Christmas but have a lovely idea of pooch in a photo announcing it, will be a cute Christmas announcement so we'll see. Most close friends and people know just the wider circle that don't.

Are yes, horny hormones, my dreams are x-rated, just so bizarre and randy. While hubby is exhausted from work, I am a nympho:shrug:

So glad the spotting wasn't serious, enough to worry about. My dog has started acting so strangely, she's a very independent little girl but loves to sit and lie near me now, very sweet really.

Pumpkin pie for breakfast, fabulous!! I have been known to eat ravioli straight from the tin, chocolate biscuits and meat pie for breakfast...... wrong on so many levels.

Take care Hon.

How are all you other ladies doing???

Redbean: I'm with you on the acid reflux, aching hips, and pee breaks (though not as bad as you I'm sure) - but nose bleeds! Ugh! Another thing to be thankful I don't have. :) I'm so glad the spotting wasn't a big deal. My cat has jumped hard onto or off of my tummy a few times and it doesn't feel good... I've taken to keeping a pillow on my lap whenever I sit on the couch to protect myself!

Lol at your pumpkin pie for breakfast. I'm still being pretty good at breakfast time, but I've been really bad later in the day. Pumpkin spice latte, rice crispy treats, pizza, and ice cream all in one day? Sure!

Emmi - I like the idea of your Christmas announcement! I definitely can't hide the belly anymore, but maybe if you wear really flowy clothes for the next month and a half?

Emmi, when's your 20-week scan? Mine is next Friday! We're not going to find out gender, but I'm eager to see a more detailed view of what's going on in there. :)

Redbean, do you even get the typical 20-week scan, or are you so inundated with scans that they're all blurring together at this point?


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