July 2014 IVF Buddies

Oh Emmi, I've been craving Indian food for weeks now. There are no good Indian restaurants around here. I'll have to make some... but I bet your mom's is way better.

Lizzie, what's making you so swollen? Just the down-regging meds? Is that an expected side-effect?
Hi ladies, I'm doing a fet at the end of this month. This one cycle has taken me nearly 6 months to complete!
Have most of your started yet?
I started with 5 weeks of bcp, then 150 follistim and 75 menapur for 10 days. I had 22 eggs and ohss! My retrieval was on May 5th and I haven't made it to transfer yet...
heya girls - sorry ive only been lurking the past few days :( I have my ups and downs and when im on a downer i only like to read as i dont feel up to posting. Its annoying as those days are getting more frequent!

Im gunna have a quick catch up and reply xx
Lizzie - Hope the swelling has gone down :( why do you think thats happened? Is it cos of the warmer weather? xx

Emmi - All that talk of food is making me damned hungry!!! I right fancy a big ol chocolate cake, but have no access to ANYTHING as im at work!!!! :haha: Good luc for your scan on Wed!! xx

Amy - Glad the mock transfer went well :D You and ur beautiful uterus :D I dont know what idve said to that lol although id be dead chuffed knowing that i had an ideal home for my embies :cloud9: The other thing, not so nice :( bet ur glad its over now though, and at least you had a lovely day out afterwards! xx

Lanet - :hi: heya hun - good luck for your cycle :D I bet the ohss was awful :( I know a few ladies on here that suffered with it and it wasnt nice at all - how long did it take for you to recover? I bet youre itching to start FET? xx

Afm, Nothing to report here cept i started my northisterone on the 9th June and i still have another week of it left, im just praying that af doesnt rear her ugly head before the 25th!!
Hi all,

Plex, how are you to today? Is it just the meds/ the whole Ivf thing that's bringing you down or other stuff as well? Either way hope today is good day for you.

Hi lanet, what a nightmare for you. I've seen you posting in some of the other threads so it's nice that you are joining us here :flower: I'm still down regging at the minute on buserelin waiting for AF to show some time in the next week or so, depending on how long she is delayed.

Amy, thanks hon. I'm assuming its a side effect of the meds as I feel bloated everywhere. DH just peered at me asking how I felt today then followed it swiftly up with "never mind I can see" lol :wacko:

Emmi, how are you today?

Lizzie - when did u say ur scan is again? I really hope that swelling goes away asap for you - not nice :nope:

I think its the culmination of everything, particularly with the ivf. It just gets me down cant remember who said it on here but im optimistic one day then pessimistic the next :wacko: I find it draining!
Also I have a lil boy already and hes been sent for all kinds of tests/checks for developmental delays etc :( i think its too much worry at the same time. Its frustrating that nothing is ever easy :grr:

I feel a lot better today though thanks! :D xx
Ahhhh Plex - I hear ya Honey. Am feeling so weepy today. There's a few things bothering me but I just feel so emotional as ultimately I swing from high to low on whether this IVF will work. It's so very difficult.
I can imagine the worry you have for you little boy - school never teaches us how to cope with all this crap!

Ha, Lizzie! I think that my husband is feeling the same as yours. I feel so out of sorts today - it's a weird feeling. I had a fabulous time with family and friends yesterday and started to really miss my mum..... She is not too far away but I don't see her much as I want to and I think my hormones are just going a wee bit crazy. I was weepy on the phone to her and she was all bit like - stop being so silly and go and have some chocolate!

How are you doing Amy??

And all you other ladies??

Plex - I have to wait for AF before my scan and I generally have quite long cycles so it's probably going to be another couple of weeks I think. Life is crappy sometimes and just seems to throw everything at us all at once. Sending you hugs xxx

Emmi - I'm having a weepy day too. I was inconsolable this morning when the melon I wanted for breakfast was too green to eat lol never mind over the real stuff. My mum died a few years ago and I'm missing her so much going through all this so I can sort of imagine how difficult it must be for you but it sounds like the lady is talking sense telling you to hit the chocolate!

Hope everyone else is having a good day?

Ahhhh Lizzie, sorry to hear about your mum, it's all so hard. My mum nearly died 5 years ago but defied all doctors and came off the life support machine after multiple heart attacks, pancreatitus and organ failure. She is very fragile but doing really great even though she was diagnosed with breast cancer last year - hormone tablets seem to be working. She has given us the money for IVF- she keeps telling me that she is an old woman now and the only thing she wants is for me to be a mummy. I so want this to work for her....

I was that weepy that I put on my Les Miserables dvd so I could just let rip - boy did I bawl.

And how dare that melon not be ripe enough to eat!!!

Oh Emmi, I'm in a very similar situation with my dad. He was just diagnosed with aggressive lymphoma and is undergoing chemo, leading up to a stem cell transplant (science is amazing, isn't it?). And he's given us the money for IVF, and he doesn't want us to even consider delaying it, as he wants nothing more than to be a grandfather. No pressure, right?

I'll be flying across the country this Thursday to be with him for a week before coming back to finish IVF (assuming he's still stable). I'll be starting my Lupron there. It's a shame that I'll have to be shaking up my routine at a time when I really want my body to be stable, but I'll do my best to eat regularly and exercise there.

Sorry to hear that so many of you have been hit with the weepies lately. I've had my share of them and I know they'll be back. At this very moment, I'm actually feeling somewhat optimistic. It's mostly the relief that my scans on Friday went well, and also I really think the acupuncture is helping my brain chemistry. We'll see how long this lasts, though. I'm sure I'll be joining you soon enough.

Lizzie, your melon story made me laugh, though I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time. The last time I was on injectables and they were making me crazy, moments like those felt like reality checks that the medications were really messing with me. Like, if I was upset and cranky about important things, then I'd just think "Well, this is me now. I've become a miserable and cranky person." But if an unripe melon made me cry, then I (with my husband's help) might think, "Hmm, this isn't normal. This might be the medications speaking." It helped a little bit to remember that.

Well, Plex, I hope some brighter days are ahead for you. Sending virtual hugs.

And Lanet, fingers crossed that this FET is a happy ending to a difficult process for you!

Amy, sorry to hear about your dad hon. My dad had non hodgkins lymphoma but (touch wood) has kicked it's sorry ass but it's a horrible thing to go through. You're right at least the melon thing made me realise the meds might be responsible. It's so hard to work out what is really me and what isn't these days! I think acupuncture has really helped me too, I'm due my next appointment tomorrow and think that should settle me back down -hope so anyways!

Emmi, hugs for you too hon. It's so difficult to see people you love so fragile. I am chuckling about the les mis escapade though because I felt like doing the same but haven't been able to shake DH long enough and a good sob just isn't the same if he's sitting looking at me with a look of obvious panic on his face. It probably means I'll bawl my eyes out over something insignificant at work tomorrow!

Lots of love to all xxx
Ahhh lovely Ladies - so sorry that we have all gone through the crap with our parents. It's difficult to watch and makes you realise that life is so transient. My best friend lost both her parents within 4 months and she will always say - all the things that you keep planning to do - do them now as you don't know what the future holds and as for money - well it's just money. My mum is always saying that she can't take it with her and there's a great Scottish saying - there are no pockets in a shroud.
But I like to think my mum will just keep going and going - she is a very tiny Indian woman who is totally eccentric who spends most of her time with tiny nephews as they all seem to be on the same wave length :)

Amy - I really hope that your dad will be stable and am sure a visit from you will just the tonic for him. And yes - they can do so much these days with medicine!
And yes - the added pressure you feel....

Lizzie - so glad that you dad kicked non hodgkins lymphoma ass!

Ahhhh no - you got to Les Mis on your own - mind you, my hubby is a softie and would most probably bawl his eyes out too!!!

This thread moves so fast I don't know if I can keep up! Do you girls have a retrieval date/week or a stim start date? That might be easier for me to know where everyone's at.
And yes the ohss was the most awful thing I've experienced physically. It took about 2 weeks for the fluid to go away and about 4-5 for the shoulder pain to go away, and I still have a weird pain in my rib!
My transfer date is June 27th, I have my first lining check tomorrow. I'm on estrogen im injections so I'm hoping everything looks good.
Lanet, good luck with the scan although I'm sure it will be fine. I don't have a stims or transfer date as one depends on when AF shows up and the other on how I respond to stims. I don't mind if you can't keep track of me though ;)
Lanet, if all goes according to plan, my retrieval will be July 16.
Emmi, How was the scan? Did you enjoy the complementary bourbon biscuits in the waiting room?

Hope all you other ladies are ok?

All good with the scan thank you! All so nerve wracking but had a lovely nurse who showed me everything on the screen and explained it to me. So waiting to see when I can start my stimms.

I was early for my scan and they saw me straight away and was in and out like a yo yo. So I settled in the waiting room afterwards and drank lots of tea and ate lots of the biccies:thumbup:

How are you honey? And everyone else?:flower:

:) glad you made the most of the free amenities!

Im ok, still no sign of AF so trying to stay upbeat but its starting to get to me a little bit. Messed my injection up last night as well so it hurt and then swelled/got red and itchy so a bit nervous of tonight's now.
We have all messed up injections and it's such a painful experience, but it will pass. AF will come and if it doesn't arrive within a certain amount of time, the clinic will give you something to help bring it on. I was really lasted last ivf and it was just awful, but it will come.

take your time with you injection tonight, there's no rush and it will be okay.

Lizzie do you have to start af by a certain day?
No fair my clinic doesn't have free biscuits! Lol
My lining was already looking good on Monday and I have to go in again tomorrow (my clinic is 3 hours away, I kind of wish they didn't check me so often) things seem to be on track

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