July 2014 IVF Buddies

Amy, glad that your visit with your dad is a good one and that he is having a few good days whilst you are with him. You made me smile thinking about your dad choosing to have his tummy injected in solidarity - now that is love!

Emmi - AF seems to be playing hide and seek with me which is stressing me a bit. The clinic said if it hadn't arrived before tomorrow then my scan will have to be put back a week. I'm not sure whether it has arrived but is just going to be a weird one because of the buserelin messing with my system or whether it isn't really here yet. Had a migraine since yesterday so desperately trying to make it through the day so that I can get back to bed. Sorry I promise to rediscover some positivity soon!
Oh no, I thought af was in full flow. The bursereline can screw up our bodies so much. I know it's disappointing if the scan is put back but it's better that your body is in tip top condition for when you start the stimming. So sorry that you are feeling so rotten, just look after yourself. I know you may not feel like it but when I had spotting, I jumped on hubby and tangoing brought it on.

Hi Ladies,
I hope its ok to jump in half way through your jouney?! Its nice to see some other girls from the UK here, I am from the South and am just starting my journey and wanted some advice and try to get my head around all the meds etc.

We have been ttc for 3 years, unexplained had all the tests, and more tests before they would do anything!! So frustrating when I've known all along there was an issue (just a gut feeling). Anyway we have an appointment to see the consultant (first time) at the clinic, so feel like things might start moving now!

I am hoping that they wont want to do any more tests as we have had heaps at hospital, did you all have to have extra tests when you moved over to the fertility clinic? I know I will have to have another scan and DH a sample, but other than that I am so worried they are going to fob us off for more tests and its just going to keep being delayed, at the moment I cant ever see it happening?!

Any information would be great. (wondering what stimms is?!)
TIA xxxx
Hi Tia,

Is your appointment with private fertility clinic? I think all experiences are different but when you pay, the clinic want to see the results of certain blood test, rubella, lh, hep b, hep c etc. You should be able to get most of these tests done at your GP.

If it's the NHS, then I am really not sure what the journey will be. I started out with the NHS, and with my age, the best the fertility clinic could do was clomid, which wasn't much help as is seems that it's hubby's sperm that is the problem.

Stimms mean stimulating drugs. If you are on a long protocol, you are basically shutting down your reproductive system, down regulating and after, you begin to stimulate your follicles. But your clinic will explain everything to you so don't overload yourself with too much.

Zas in my experience, which is in the us, and private pay, the fertility clinic repeated any tests that weren't current (sad when your fertility tests have been so long ago!) then a repeat ultrasound for me and SA for dh. However, we had done 4 SAs at different places, but most don't look for the antibodies. So in our case repeating that test is what finally got us a diagnosis.
Today I go for acupuncture and then head to a hotel later tonight for transfer tomorrow!!! I can't believe it, actually I won't believe it until it's done lol
Hi Zas, My experience is also of private but my tests were all so old we needed to have them redone. As Emmi saya, we could have had some done on the NHS but to be honest the cost was a drop in the ocean compared to everything else we are paying for and I know my Dr would have dragged his heels so we just had them done at the clinic. Sorry I can't help with regard to what the NHS options might be.

Lanet - omg that has sneaked up on me (although not you I suspect!). Lots of good wishes for tomorrow and hope you have a good nights sleep tonight ready to give your frosty the best home you can :dust:

Emmi - As soon as I posted that :witch: arrived properly so I'm all good for next Tuesday :thumbup: Good luck with your scan tomorrow, make sure you update us!

Amy - hope your visit with your dad is still going well x

Plex - hope you are ok too hunni

Thank you ladies,

Emmi, its with NHS, so thats probably why its taking so long! I think we will end up paying the same as going private in the end so should have maybe looked into going private in the first place! (and sorry for the confusion, I'm Zoe, not TIA, its an abbreviation for Ta In Advance! sorry!!)

Look forward to hearing your journeys, and hopefully mine will start soon!
:hi: sorry ive been awol - had my baseline scan today and im good to go! I start my stims 2moro :happydance: I start cetrotide on the 2nd and I have my next scan on the 3rd July, so its all go here! xx
Oh beg your pardon Zoë :) How old are you? I think the thing with me was that I just didn't have time to mess about with the nhs. It's been a huge struggle finding the money but the difference in treatment is amazing. It maybe worth to see what the nhs offer you and look at time scales etc.

Lizzie, how are you doing? Not long now until your next scan!

Plex, that's great news! You are now on the crazy train!

Amy thinking of you honey.

Lanet, how has everything gone, hope that all is good?

I had my 2nd stimms scan and all growing nicely, my right side is growing faster than the left but am hoping that the left will catch up in the next 3 days. So another scan now for Monday.

Plex that's great news! All aboard :happydance:

I'm officially a bit of a head case today. I've had what felt like a migraine for the last 3 days and it hasn't gotten any better. I couldn't get out of bed this morning, it was so bad it made me sick to move so I had a bit of a panic thinking it was something terrible and rang the lovely nurses at my clinic. As any sane person will realise it's just a side effect of the buserelin I'm on it just took me completely by surprise to suddenly appear like that after 3 weeks! The nurse was lovely though and pointed out at least it showed that the drug is doing what it's supposed to so all good news for my scan next week hopefully. It did bring it home to me how much perspective I've lost at the minute though!

Hi Zoe, things will start moving along before you know it I'm sure but if time is a pressure it may be worth looking at going private. The only thing is though that I'm sure I read somewhere that if you are entitle to HHS funding but choose a cycle privately I think you might lose the funding, ie you couldn't use it later. That may not be true for every PCT though.

Lanet - hope everything has gone well today and you are resting up at home?

Amy - sending hugs

Emmi - great news about your scan, not long now!
Awww poor you Lizzie, bursereline can really play havoc.... Really hope that you feel better soon, keep drinking lots of water:flower:

I have lost all perspective, small things become huge. I was getting my knickers in a twist about all sorts but a few words from my bestie and I am feeling back to normal again. I am proper losing the plot:wacko: This journey ain't easy huh:dohh:

Lanet - Just having a quick catch up and i see u went in for your transfer today? I hope it all went well hun? Whens ur otd? Congratulations on being PUPO!! xx
Lizzie - :hugs: oh wow :( I wouldve called the clinic too sounds like it was really nasty. Hows ur head now? xx
Hi ladies I can't believe I finally made it to transfer! Everything went smoothly. Otd is July 9 but no way am I really waiting that long;)
Here are the embies
Lanet- so happy for you that you finally got to this point!! If you don't mind me saying so they look very handsome embies :mrgreen: Sending them lots of sticky dust, enjoy being PUPO before the urge to POAS gets to you too much :dust:

Emmi - hang in there Hun, I know the next bit is the scary bit. I think the injections is almost "safe" as the only expectation around it is that they work as they should do iykwim. After this it's scarily out of our hands.

Plex - thanks, bit better today. DH drove us to our caravan in snowdonia last night so I'm relaxing inside whilst he does all his "blue" jobs ie he's outside playing with a pressure washer while I snooze away inside with a kool n soothe slapped on my head. Can't understand how he can keep his hands off sexy old me at the minute :lol:
Ahhh have fun Lizzie, sounds fabulous.Love the cool and soothe, hope that it's helping. Hubby and I have been having a sofa day, the rain makes it all a bit grim and I am sure next week will be stressful so am happy to chill.

Hope that other ladies are doing good.

Hi all,

I'm back! Working on getting back into my routine with yoga and acupuncture and such. My husband offered to take over the Lupron injections for me and I decided to just keep doing them myself... I never thought I'd say that. I am looking forward to having him do the more complicated ones, though. I have my scan on the 3rd and hopefully I'll get to start stimming on the 5th.

Congrats Lanet! That's so exciting. How are you feeling?

So glad everyone's scans have gone well so far, and glad your headache got a bit better Lizzie. Plex, today's your first stimming day, right? Hope it goes easily!
Lanet - :cloud9: I just love looking a blast pictures! Im so excited for you hun - when do you think you will test? I dont think i could hold off until the 9th either lol xx
Lizzie - :haha: u made me chuckle :D Glad ur doing better! How long will you be at the caravan for? Sounds lovely to just get away from it all xx

Emmi - How u getting on with the stimms? Many follicles? Whens ur next scan? xx

Amy - Thanks hun! Yes first injection today - had to sneak off to the loos at work (everyone obviously thought i'd been doing a massive poo as I got asked if that was better :blush:) took about 10mins to sort it out properly. Mixing 4 vials is a bit tricky when ur working off the top of a sanitary towel bin :haha: its so romantic this baby making business :haha:

I have my next scan on the 3rd too - I hope you get to start your stimms on the 5th hun! xx

Zas4 - I think they have a ting about testing at clinics - like they get a thrill outta it or something lol When i had my last nursing session she put my notes up on the computer to show me all the tests ive had done and im surprised i have any blood left! Although that is testing over the last 2-3 years tho. Seriously they will run tests again with addition to some other tests but generally they will do all they need in one go :) xx
Hi guys, so nice to hear all your stories, Emmi I am 30 in August, so plenty of time to get baby making, we will give the NHS a whirl and see what happens!
Do you have to do the injections at all certain Time?

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