Hey ladies! I had final exams this week so it's been a bit crazy. DD turned 2 on Tuesday, we went out to breakfast then sent her to Nanna and Grandpa's for the day for me to go take my exams. Saturday is her party, she's going to have a blast
Sil - I'm so sorry there's so much sickness in your house! Praying you don't catch any of it and everyone gets healthy soon!!
How far along are you? Size of baby?
What are your symptoms this week?
Beyond tired, awful rot taste in my mouth, nausea
Do you have any appointments this week?
I did on Monday! After answering lots of questions we got to peak at bubs on the ultrasound, but the darn machine kept fuzzing a black screen and another midwife called out sick so ours couldn't take the time to get another machine so no pictures. But we saw bubs heartbeat so I'm happy!
How is your SO dealing regarding your pregnancy?
Eh, he's not an outwardly excited person. He's not being very helpful, he says he has "sympathy tiredness" and it's annoying.
What are your holiday plans this year?
Christmas Eve with my side of the family, Christmas day with DH's
Have you bought anything for baby yet? If not, when will you make your first purchase, and what will it likely be?
Not yet, first purchase will probably be for DD. I've been looking at big sister shirts and books. I probably wont go shopping until we know the gender. DD's nursery theme is woodland creatures so it's gender neutral. Not that DD ever used the nursery lol