July 2017 Rainbows (13 Rainbows-4 pink -1 blue- 2 yellow- 2 angels)

Is anyone else having anxiety creep in about their pregnancies? I don't know why, but I have my 20 week anatomy scan in 3 weeks and can't shake the feeling that they are going to find out something is wrong with the baby. I'm 16+5 and I still haven't announced to anyone outside of my two best friends, parents, and in laws because I'm afraid something will go wrong which is silly because I'm showing and have had two strangers ask if I'm pregnant and I know that things will most likely be fine...I just can't internalize it

I totally am.. My good friend was going to let me borrow her Doppler but Im to nervous because if I can't find the hb I think I'd freak out.. I go next Wednesday for my 15 week follow up and am Praying everything is OK. They found it at 11 weeks after about ten minutes of searching at my doctor's office so I'm just praying everything is OK.
I'm feeling the same sil. I don't know why I'm so worried this time, I relaxed with DD after the 12wk scan.

Gag, I tried my Doppler again last night and still couldn't find the hb, but I could hear baby. He/she was very active in trying to bat the Doppler away so hearing those movements helped a little.
I'm feeling the same sil. I don't know why I'm so worried this time, I relaxed with DD after the 12wk scan.

Gag, I tried my Doppler again last night and still couldn't find the hb, but I could hear baby. He/she was very active in trying to bat the Doppler away so hearing those movements helped a little.

I think I'm nervous because this is our first and our rainbow.. I'm still having pregnancy symptoms, constipation, sore nipples.. So I should just be relaxed.. But I'm still very anxious.
I'm having some anxious times. It's not all the time, but occasionally. I think mostly mine is due to the time I'm at. We found out our last baby had passed away at 15 weeks, but he was measuring about 14 and 3 or 4 days. So that's coming up for me in a day or two. I'm feeling her move quite a bit though and I've been able to find her on my Doppler since 7+6. I think the movement helps more than anything.
I'm feeling the same sil. I don't know why I'm so worried this time, I relaxed with DD after the 12wk scan.

Gag, I tried my Doppler again last night and still couldn't find the hb, but I could hear baby. He/she was very active in trying to bat the Doppler away so hearing those movements helped a little.

I think I'm nervous because this is our first and our rainbow.. I'm still having pregnancy symptoms, constipation, sore nipples.. So I should just be relaxed.. But I'm still very anxious.

It will be our first, too. So I don't think I'll ever stop worrying! Glad you're still having nice strong symptoms. :)

I'm having some anxious times. It's not all the time, but occasionally. I think mostly mine is due to the time I'm at. We found out our last baby had passed away at 15 weeks, but he was measuring about 14 and 3 or 4 days. So that's coming up for me in a day or two. I'm feeling her move quite a bit though and I've been able to find her on my Doppler since 7+6. I think the movement helps more than anything.

So jealous you're feeling so much movement! Almost 20 weeks and still have to stop and think if that was actually baby or just gas. :haha: Stupid anterior placenta getting in the way.
I'm with you all. I'm past the point of both of my losses, but now there's the NIPT and anatomy scan. Just crossing my everything that baby is healthy and strong. I easily find the hb with my doppler now and that gives me some peace for the day that all is well.
Tcinks- I had anterior placenta with my 3rd baby and did not feel him move once until 26 weeks!!!! Drove me crazy! I imagine she is moving more often than I feel her, but it's always when I'm very still. Like when I'm laying down at night. I can feel her moving right now because I'm sitting here with my 1 yr old on my lap sleeping. It's really the only times I feel her, but I love it.

I never felt my last baby that I lost, so to feel her so early is a blessing but also makes me feel like I missed out on something with him.
I've relaxed a bit since my 12 week scan, every couple of days I take a listen on my doppler. Although I hear more movement than heartbeat, I'll find the heartbeat but before getting an accurate count I can hear baby kicking and swishing away just like DD did.

What I'm becoming incredibly anxious about is developing pre-eclampsia again. My doctor at the time wasn't listening to me saying something was wrong because my bp was within "normal limits" but it was very high compared to my norm. And the strips weren't showing that I was spilling "that" much protein. Finally after hounding they decided to do a 24 hour urine catch to help me calm down, sure enough when I returned with my pee jug they felt DD's heart rate was in distress and my levels were high enough they sent me to the hospital to be induced. Delivery was difficult, scary and so was recovery. When I think about it too much I get really scared.
Dragonfly- I had somewhat of a similar experience. My bp is always really low when I'm pregnant. It started going up but was still within 'normal limits' also so they weren't concerned. Since I was seeing a midwife instead of an ob they had me doing my own pee checks. The protein levels were going up but never got into the danger zone so they dismissed it. I didn't throw a fit and figured they knew what they were doing. I didn't develop pre-eclampsia, but after I had him I developed postpartum pre-eclampsia. I didn't even know that was possible. I was dangerously close to having seizures or a stroke by the time he was about 2 weeks old. Looking back I feel it was mounting before hand and they should have done something. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on everything this time as well. So far my bp has stayed in my usual 110/60 - 112/65 range that is usual for my pregnancies.
Hmm I wonder if that's what happened to my best friend. She had a seizure about a week after delivering her baby and they never gave her an explanation.
Leson- that's really scary. I was having headaches, seeing spots, having kidney pain, dizziness, and just generally feeling unwell. Of course after you have a baby you don't expect to feel marvelous right away so it got really bad before I went in. My bp was through the roof. I was on high bp meds for a few weeks.
Blessed - I was with a midwife too and I kept showing them my dip sticks and they said they were fine. I'm hoping the midwife through the hospital will do a more thorough check of them. How scary you developed it postpartum, the highest my bp got was the day after DD was born - my bp shot up high enough the nurse booted everyone out and paged the dr because she thought I would need a magnesium drip stat. Thankfully I didn't but it was still very scary. Great to hear your bp is staying in a healthy usual range for you, does your current doctor know about your history?

Leson - How scary what happened to your friend. I'm glad that she turned out okay but so strange they didn't give her an explanation as to why she had the seizure. I know that you can develop postpartum eclampsia up to 6 weeks after delivery, I was terrified those first 6 weeks.
My friend is bipolar and she went really manic, wasn't sleeping, and her anxiety shot through the roof after giving birth. I wanted her to go back on her meds straight away, but she was so set on breastfeeding she refused...and then her milk didn't even come in. I think they just pointed to the no sleep, but hey maybe it had absolutely nothing to do with her mood disorder. Anxiety and a high bp go hand in hand, so I'm definitely thinking it was that now.
Dragonfly- I did mention it to him, but I'll be saying something as I get closer to the end too. After they do my blood pressure I always ask what it was. I have a bp cuff at home to check too. I'm glad they were keeping an eye on you! With my first I got it before the birth and they kept saying after I had the baby it would go away. I've never had it since so I always assumed after having the baby it wasn't an issue.
Delivery is the only "cure" but yeah, it can make an occurrence 6 weeks postpartum. Although the dr reassured me if it's going to happen 9/10 times it'll happen 48 hours after birth and 24 hours after was when I ran into problems.

I'm grateful they'll be watching me close, it gives my anxiety a little wiggle room to try and relax :)
17+2 today and got my doppler delivered. Found my baby's heartbeat at home for the first time. So happy! Was really starting to struggle with my anxiety between appointments as I'm not feeling much movement yet. I love to listen to that sound.
Had a call from antenatal yesterday, I've got to have extra scans due to a low papp-a level and being at risk of growth restriction in 3rd tri. It's upset me at the moment as I know it likely means I won't get the birth I wanted. I'm going to call my midwife on Monday and see if we can discuss best/worst case scenarios so I can prepare myself.
I have my next appointment on Wednesday and I'm going to discuss birthing options with my doctor. My step dad who's an ob is pretty sure I'm going to be pushed to have a section since I fractured my pelvis in three places and when your pelvis heals from a fracture it narrows. Although that makes me extremely nervous and anxious I have to do what's best for peanut.

My dh and I also discussed finding out the gender. I want to do a small gender reveal with close friends and family. My husband wants to know right away. So we came up with a compromise. We will have the tech put it in an envelope and my husband will open it on his own. Then I will find out during the gender reveal with everyone else... Hopefully that will make both of us happy..
Canadianlady- :cloud9:

Girly- I hope the appt goes well and you have some peace.

Gagrl- ouch! I agree whatever gets baby here safe and sound. Your compromise sounds perfect!

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