Got my 3+ today!!! Go HCG!!! Yippeee!!!!!!
@MrsPop - I am a LTTTC'er and I have put up withabout 20 women at work getting pregnant before me - one was pregnant when i started ttc and is now third tri with her second. Our close friends got pregnant by accident when they didn't want another one. But I have been gracious and happy for them despite the jealousy eating me up inside. There have been times when I have had to go off to the loos at work and cry because there is yet ANOTHER announcement in the room but I would never want to be treated differently because I was struggling to conceive.
Your friend has only been trying for 3 months which is feck all in the scheme of things. She would have known there was a 50% chance that you would get knocked up before her and quite frankly I think she's a shit friend if that's what she thinks. She should be HAPPY for you. There's women on here that have been TTC for 10 years and been through so much and they still carry on with dignity. She should be bloody ashamed of herself.
Rant over.
DragonMummy, it was great but yours gonna be even more exciting as most probably you will already hear the heartbeats, too!
I agree with DragonMummy as well MrsPop, there have been loads of people round me at work getting knocked up in the 2 years we have been TTC (one of which annouced hers the same day as me so i had a perminant reminder of where i should have been if my pregnacy had progressed) Everytime i have been fine to there face and yes i had to have a little cry in the toilets sometimes but i would never have said anything like that to them. hug hun that she was such a bitch and a bad friend xxx
AFM - Ringing the EPU over lunch as i have a very sharp pain on my side, doesnt feel related to the baby but better to be on the safe side as its getting worse as the day goes on. Also gets worse as i need the loo and i have the runs a bit (oh the sharing i love it TMI and all!!) so i am guessing its linked. Will update after i have chatted to them.
Ooh, I think I'm all alone on my date - July 10th. 5 weeks pregnant today. Not really feeling any strong symptoms - a bit of an achy abdomen/low back, trouble sleeping, stronger sense of smell and a bit achy bbs and shoulders. No sickness yet, although I think that's coming as my mouth and throat feel odd, dry and slightly sicky.
Really excited though, it's our first! I'm seeing the midwife on Tuesday, but probably won't have a scan until December (I think 12 weeks is Christmas week, what a great present).