I'm kinda worried about finding out what Freckle is. I have my heart so dead set on a boy, only looking at boy things, only putting boy things on the registry, that I'm afraid if I find out Freckle is a girl (making 3 girls, 1 boy), I'm going to be disappointed and maybe not love her as much as I would love a boy. I actually get upset when people suggest that Freckle is a girl (I've reemed my mom out for insisting Freckle's a girl, and still yell at her when we talk about him and she says girl).
My instinct says boy, but I don't know if it's actually instinct, or that I REALLY BADLY want another boy (mostly so my son has a boy to grow up with).
I was so excited when the tech said 65% boy, but it's still a pretty low percentage, and that nub can still go either way at 11 weeks.
Anyway, all my symptoms have been the same as with my son, chinese gender predictor says boy, most old wives tales point to boy, I inseminate 18 hours before ovulation, giving a better shot of a boy, but I'm still so scared that I'll be told girl. I'll love her, but I'm scared I won't love her as much as I would if she was a boy, or as much as my other kids, because of how much I wanted a boy (my other three were always what I wanted).
Anyway...sorry for the vent. But Zoie, I definitely say girl for you!