Morning ladies. I'm ready for that MUCH NEEDED break. Between my house being broken into, and my laptop stolen, and my van breaking down at Christmas, and my son having bronchitis, and now my oldest daughter, who is medically fragile having a mystery illness AND bladder infection...I just need a freaking BREAK!!!!

We've been to the hospital 3 times in the last 2 days, and NOTHING has been found, except the bladder infection. The poor kid can't breathe, her o2 is 97 on room air, her heartrate is somewhere in the 120's (She's 6), and her fever just won't go the hell away.
Last night, at 8pm, she was 103.1 so I gave her Advil. Checked on her again at 9pm and she was 104.3 and very lethargic, not wanting to respond, you could SEE AND FEEL the heat coming from her, she couldn't walk straight, she was very confused, so I called an ambulance for her. She had a chest xray, bloodwork, urine, and an IV at the hospital, and they only found the bladder infection...she is very obviously sick though. She doesn't want to eat, drink, or talk..just sleep. The IV brought her fever down to normal, but she shot right back up again today. Fevers are dangerous for her.
Anyway, I'm ready for a break.
Baby will be sleeping in my room for a while, so he'll have no choice but to have a purple bedroom. I don't go all out with themed nursery's and colours. My kids all got a yellow room because that's what colour the room was before they came along. I do seem to be buying a lot of safari related items though, so the items seem to be gender neutral safari.
And 12 weeks tomorrow and my first midwife appointment! YAY!!!!