I've had to get some maternity jeans today - the ones i have were cutting in too much when i sat down so just gave in, but think generally i'll stick with skirts and wrap around dresses.
Toothfairy - I have A- blood type, the blood type isn't the issue (A, B or O) it's the negative value. If the baby has a positive blood type and the blood mixes then you can develop anti-bodies which would cause problems in future pregnancies, the injection prevents this from happening. In the UK the anti-D is given at 28 weeks and I think after birth as well. Also, if you experience any spotting/bleeding after 12 weeks you will need the injection as a precaution.
Sunflower - yep, I had that blood test - I think it's the same as the quad blood test
Brandi - Can totally understand why you're feeling down. But, what I found after I left my long term partner a few years back was that when I missed him, I didn't actually miss 'him', I missed the feeling of loving someone and feeling loved and all the support and comfort that goes along with that...but jeezo, that man was a nightmare and it sounds like yours has been as well. I'm now with a total gem of a man and I don't know if i'd have realised quite how amazing he was if i hadn't gone out with such a nightmare! So, every cloud and it's silver lining! Your next chap will be tons better x
Afm - Mw appt yesterday and she said i have low blood pressure. I checked the notes when I got home and it's a lot lower than when I had it taken 4 weeks ago...It's better than it being high of course, but I realise why i've been feeling a little light headed and breathless now.