July Jelly Beans!! 2014!

Yeah Linnypops one would think that you would not have it when going to the loo so regularly, but apparently due to the fact that I was going so much caused it to completely come out.

But I have always suffered from piles, it just got worse in the 1st trimester....

Toffee, you only tarting to go to the loo now, in the middle of the night, It has been like this I think from 8 or 9 weeks, I used to get up twice a night, and if I tried to keep it in, it would feel as if though I was going to start peeing out of my eyes, LOL..

Anyway I am down to once a night now in the 2nd trimester....

As for labor, hubby wants me to go all natural, but he does not want to video it, although I want everything documented, I want to see what I went through, I know I am definately going to feel it, but I want to be able to watch it back and see the experience... But he says it will freak him out... LMAO...

Hubby will listen to any complaints I have except for my toilet business, then he goes on ignore mode....
Yea my plan is to go all natural. If I end up with an induction I will consider an epidural. But I am really wanting all natural. Hubby supports me even if he doesn't understand.

I have been getting up so much at night since 6 weeks. About 4 times. Now I am down to 1-2 but now hip pain is keeping me up.

Also I think I am feeling baby move. It started yesterday and comes and goes. I am going to watch and see if it keeps getting stronger. I am also having a growth spurt this week with lots of cramping and stretching.
Yea my plan is to go all natural. If I end up with an induction I will consider an epidural. But I am really wanting all natural. Hubby supports me even if he doesn't understand.

I have been getting up so much at night since 6 weeks. About 4 times. Now I am down to 1-2 but now hip pain is keeping me up.

Also I think I am feeling baby move. It started yesterday and comes and goes. I am going to watch and see if it keeps getting stronger. I am also having a growth spurt this week with lots of cramping and stretching.

Krissie, I think I was asking you about cramps last week. Your reply really helped me relax because the day after I asked you about it they went away. So I guess it was my little princess growing :D
I had a big clear out in early labour too, kind of gross but I was actually pleased too because there was nothing left to poop when pushing etc

I had my 16 week appointment today and heard my baby's heartbeat for the first time, it was lovely :)
I do not plan on going natural I want gas and air and the injection which ISN'T an epidural. I really truly want to avoid an epidural! I have a terrible fear of paralysis and I don't want to be freaking out right after Munchkin gets here because I can't feel my toes! I may change my mind in labour but right now I'd prefer to avoid it.
Hey ladies who have cramping stretching. Me too, not had it before now. I looked it up and apparently this is a severe growth spurt and involves a lot of crampiness. X
I had been planning on a natural birth (with perhaps some help from gas and air) but felt reassured that as I'll be in a hospital, should I change my mind, an epidural would be available.

As it transpires, there are only two people employed at the hospital who are able to administer the epidural - and that's not just for the midwives department, the WHOLE hospital (which is not small).

So it looks like whether I want an epidural or not, it may be hard to get one! I am enrolling on a hypnobirthing course in the hope it will help me visualise and breathe through the pain (probably wishful thinking!).

As for pooing etc. I have already accepted birth is not a dignified thing. I've been watching One Born Every Minute obsessively and only a couple of women looked particularly glam while giving birth. I think no matter how terrible I'll look, and how messy it all will be, I will be doing something pretty incredible so I don't care how I look or smell in the process :haha: Even though already parts of my body amuse me (my comically large boobs for example) and may not be as attractive as they were before, when I look at them all I see is the miracle being created inside me. :cloud9:
Cally that's definitely the best way to look at it :) and I have to say, when you're in labour, you don't care WHAT you look like or how many people are looking at your bits or anything, you've got other things on your mind! Xx
Now I am so scared and nervous for labor it is not even funny,
I have been watching youtube videos of people giving birth and having Caesars and water births, and I tell you I am freaked the F out.....
My freind said to me that the best advice for labour she was given was by her sister - who said that it will be bearable for ages and then it reaches terrible terrible pain, far worse than you thought you could handle - and when you get to that point - the baby comes out. :haha: I'm not sure if that's the case for everyone though but it helped my freind - and it gives me a bit of comfort.
Planning natural here too, will probably try the gas and air a little lol, plans is still to go for the home birth. According to my midwife you tend to get a epidural quicker being transferred from home than waiting for one in the hospital as the know your coming and are waiting for you lol.
I went all natural with my first 2 deliveries and will do so with this one.
I dont know if its true but from what I have heard and from friends stories the epidural seemed to slow down their labor. Yes they may not have been in pain, but they were there alot longer.
I've been pretty lucky with both my previous deliveries. I was in labor 4 1/2 hours with my daughter and 3 1/2 hours with my son.
Hoping this one is under 3 :)
And as far as the "pooping" I didn't have that happen with either one.
Like someone said before I have had the yucky loose stools right before labor that "cleaned me out" TMI.
19 weeks tomorrow!!!!!
Does anyone else feel like their losing weight everywhere else except for in the belly. My clothes have started getting baggy in my legs and butt and arms but tight in my belly and boobs.
I'm not scared about the delivery. I'll deliver in the hospital as I did with my previous 2. I'm all for modern medicine if that is what one wants. I had an epidural with both my daughters. My mother was a royal B when I was having my 2nd and talked some crap to me so I'm debating if I want her in the room with this one. She went on and on how she had my brother and I natural, well :thumbup: to you mother but I want and got an epidural. If I want and feel I need one then I will. I've never heard of gas being used so I will be asking my dr about that at my next appt...might give that a try. I've heard/read or whatever that once you are in active labor to not eat anything to avoid pooping during delivery. I was in no mood to eat or drink when I went into labor so no worries there. The only thing I don't want is a c section! So I pray all is well with this lo and I wont have to.
My first labour was amazing, urge to push in bed and when at the hospital he was here within 7 minutes.. I shocked myself at how I coped with the latter pain, so much better than before I was established..hoping for a home birth this time..so hoping karma doesn't bite me in the bum and I have to be induced or have everything going...

would love to document it too, I blog so remembering everything is very big in pregnancy x
Don't panic!
You hand in you dignity at the door of delivery suite and collect it again on your way out... and it's fine! As Sun_Flower said, the hormones in your body are going crazy and they focus you on birthing that baby, nothing else matters in that instance. I was stomping round my room wearing nothing but a bra and a TENS machine :haha:
My freind said to me that the best advice for labour she was given was by her sister - who said that it will be bearable for ages and then it reaches terrible terrible pain, far worse than you thought you could handle - and when you get to that point - the baby comes out. :haha: I'm not sure if that's the case for everyone though but it helped my freind - and it gives me a bit of comfort.

This is true and the other thing to remember is when you are not having a contraction there is no pain (just exhaustion!) the contractions are painful through! X
I'm open to anything ha ha. Very much doubt I'd last without pain relief x
My first two were natural with no pain relief. Short labors. So im hoping number 3 will be the same.
Hi ladies, I know I always have something to bother you with but has anyone else been having recurrent yeast infections. It seems like I get rid of one and around a week later I have another one. Has anyone heard of using baking soda or something like that to cure them because I'm so tired of using Monistat all the time. I am a very sanitary and hygienic person so its driving me insane!:loopy:

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