Sorry to hear about what you are going through brunette
Gypsy mama if don't know what your situation is with your dh but sorry to hear you are having a rough time. I can relate. My dh os not very happy about this pregnancy he refuses to talk about it--it's like the elephant in the room

I have an ultrasound today that I will go to alone and he likely won't ask how it went! :'( are you one of the girls having twins? How exciting!!
No, I am not having twins. I don't know what I'd do if I were. DH is having a hard time coming to terms with this pregnancy because of our finances. His company is being sold and his position is being eliminated as of December 31st. He wants me to terminate the pregnancy and I absolutely refuse. I know that he'll be able to find another job and I'm also working a full time job and between the 2 of us, I know that we will be just fine, but he doesn't see it that way. He's still traveling for work until the end of next month, so we haven't seen much of each other and have barely spoken in the past week, which is so unusal for us. Before finding out about the pregnancy, we would move heaven and earth to make sure we kept in touch every day either via skype or phone when he was away for work, so this is not going well at all right now. When I sit to think about it, I can't help but feel so overwhelmingly sad and disappointed at his behavior, which is why I try not to sit and think about it too much. I just have to have faith that everything will work out just fine with or without him.