July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3


I'm feeling super nauseous but don't feel pregnant if that makes sense?

I am going to buy some more tests later just for piece of mind as thinking it was just a dream (obviously wasn't as I still have the positive tests upstairs!)

Just going crazy I suppose!! :wacko: hope everyone's ok!
Sammynashley - nausea has been killing me too in the mornings usually into the early afternoon. Sorry about your work uniform. Not sure what you wear, but can you modify it to make a bit more room? I've seen some cute ideas on pinterest lately. However, I live in yoga pants and sweatshirts everyday.
Hi Shirley - due date buddy :wave:

I know how you feel about going crazy. I took my last pregnancy test last week and can't buy any more (my dh would kill me). It's hard to just sit around and wait for an appt.
I feel really sick too, doesn't help that I'm coughing loads too. Docs just rang me and put me in for a scan today so fingers crossed!! I'll keep updating!
hello all:wave:

morning sickness kicking in a bit for me too - feels like being very very mildly car sick.:dohh:

i went in to get blood work done with my primary care doc to get the ball rolling and get a referral to OB. the referring doc said that OB will call me to schedule an appointment for 12 weeks. feel like everyone on these boards is in way earlier than that, but all my googling showed that 8-12 is pretty normal...:shrug: thought maybe it was just an indication of the bare bones care they do at military hospitals:roll: but hopefully not! she did give me a prescription for prenatal vitamins, which is awesome so that i don't have to pay $15 a month for the only ones they sell on base that i had been taking. while i can't comment (yet) on the quality of the care, having it all covered under my husband's military insurance is one less bill to worry about.:wacko:

otherwise, i started running (jogging?:blush:) a few days ago. i mentioned it to the doc yesterday and she said, "running is fine and you will be glad you did in the end." anyone else wanna join me for "mile a day" in november?
Hi Shirley - due date buddy :wave:

I know how you feel about going crazy. I took my last pregnancy test last week and can't buy any more (my dh would kill me). It's hard to just sit around and wait for an appt.

I got some and they are both still positive &#128513; My daughter was born on her due date (also 2nd) so I think I'm still in bit of disbelief! Feels such a different pregnancy already though!

Can't wait for a scan to see &#128525;
good luck with your scan lozmega!

Sammynashley I'm finding the morning sickness in morning and evening -last two pregnancies was always evening!

Jumpingo my original appt was 12 weeks 5 days! But Because of holidays the week after I moved it and the only appt they had left was at 10 weeks. So I'm right there with you :) Also I'm a runner. I'll be out for 2.5 miles tonight in my training program so I'll virtual run with you :)

Well. It's not so easy to get up and workout anymore. I'm so so so hungry. I'm usually a hungry person as soon as I wake up but I could go for a 45 min run and THEN eat. But not now! So I've missed the gym last two days because of it! I have a run tonight and will have to do some calisthenics after to make up! Also I'm so over work. :p come on mat leave.... in 35 weeks ha
I'm getting so nervous that I'm not having any symptoms other than slightly tender breasts . No cramping it bleeding but I just don't feel pregnant . I'm 5w4d so maybe I just need more time . I have a scan on Monday so hopefully I see a hb
5 weeks 4 days is still early! I'm enjoying minimal symptoms and especially the days with none! As that's not going to be the case for long! Good luck at your scan :)
Ugh nausea hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. No vomiting but damn close. And my sciatica is acting up awful. I'm just exhausted and have no desire to function today.
Hi ladies can i join . I got my bfp a few days ago . Due date should be July 12th going off my last af as I'm not sure when I ovulated . :) I'm so nervous after an early loss in 2011 . Went on to have a healthy girl after but i still can't shake the fear x
Congrats Keyval! Added you to the list! Have a Happy and Healthy 9 months!
Hi everyone!

lozmega - I hope your scan goes well today!

jumpingo - Although I dont feel comfortable starting up with running/jogging right now, I have been excerising daily since getting my BFP last Wed. I've been walking 2-3 miles and biking 2-5 miles per day and also doing a little bit on the rowing machine.
Lets keep each other motivated to have healthy pregnancies on this forum!!

beautiful - you are still so early so I dont think its too concerning that you dont have any symptoms. I dont remember any symptoms at all with my son except for bad acne. Right now my only symptoms are acne again (how did I get so lucky??) and sore bbs. Good luck on your scan on Monday!!

keyval - we are due date buddies! Welcome!! I'll send you extra sticky thoughts!

ajarvis - thank you so much for keeping up this thread! We all appreciate you!

AFM - nothing new except bb's are still sore. I am probably going to take another test on Thurs to see if my lines are darker. (I knew I was having a cp last cycle because my lines got darker and then lighter within days). I havent tested since Fri so it will have been almost a week. I'll be 4w4d by then. If the test is darker, I'll give my clinic a call and see what they want to do. Unfortunately HCG testing isnt common here so I'm thinking they wont offer it even with my history of 2 mc's. Hoping for an apt on Tues since I have off work; I'll be 5w2d then.
Munching away on Celery. I brought lunch today - Celery, carrots, cheese string and homemade stew. Determined not to eat anything else today. Well nothing else at work :p trying to get back to my normal healthy ways.
Welcome Keyval & congratulations!

Best of luck to everyone with upcoming scans. Can't wait to hear how everyone's little beans are doing.

Sorry of this is TMI, but is anyone else getting a lot of cervical mucus? I've pretty much had it consistently since a week after ovulation and it's not drying up. I'm not concerned cause I read it's from the mucus plug forming, but it's starting to get very annoying. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this & how long it usually lasts???
Finally had the scan. They found the sac, but couldn't see anything in it yet and put it down to maybe I'm earlier in my pregnancy than they thought. Still a bit upsetting though. Scared nothing's going to grow in it! They took my blood and want me in 2 days from now for more blood to check my levels. Feeling really down about it though. Can't stop worrying.
How far along are you estimated to be Lozmega? Hope you get good results from your bloodwork!

Joyofmylife - that is something I've not had thankfully! But from previous pregnancies I remember it lasting the first tri or so.
Thanks everyone I'm just so nervous . I got sick every day with my daughter until I ha her so you would think I would be happy about not having any ms but I read that when you experience MS your chances of miscarriage goes down 70% . But I can say my breasts are sooo sore right now so that's a good sign . Still dealing with stress from Fob since this was not a planned pregnancy and we weren't exactly in a relationship he isn't exactly thrilled but I'm not getting rid of my baby so he better suck it up buttercup
Hi everyone! I got my bfp last Tuesday, but with several early losses I've been hesitant to join. By ovulation I'm due 7/12. This will be my 8th baby! I have 3 girls, 4 boys and a house full of love!
Yes, this is my last one :haha: Although I have said that before! I'm getting old!
I'm hopeful to share this journey with you all!

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