Well done passing the GD test Babyvaughn. HarleyQ, I hope they let you manage with just diet. I have my test in two weeks - they do the test at 28 weeks here. I had a big baby first time round (9 pounds 12 ounces) but passed the GD test and a more average weight baby second time round (7 pounds and 12 ounces) and passed again, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I pass this time. What happens if you fail your GD test? I keep getting paranoid that I feel very thirsty during the night when I get up to the toilet.
.... I love Jojo maman bebe - do you get it in the USA and Canada?
I can't believe a lot of us have less than 100 days to go till our due dates!!!
Thanks! My results were actually pretty similar to last pregnancy when I failed. I was just 0.3 over the mark this time, and only 0.1 over last time. So I think it should be manageable much the same way. Last time they referred me to a clinic at the hospital and I went to a workshop where they gave me a blood glucose monitor (for free!) and taught us how to use it and how read food labels and what to eat and such. It was very informative and a great program they have set up here. I just don't know if I need to go do it all again this time, ya know? Like, I think I know what to do and how to eat and all that.
Sorry you didn't pass Harley. Sounds like you know what you're doing though so that will make it easier!
I'm reading girls but my attention span is zero, it's the day my little girl slipped away inside me four years ago today, her birthday is Wednesday.
On a brighter note, I'm third Tri today.
Thanks. Thinking of you and your precious girl today.
Afm - possibly had a Braxton hicks this morning. I don't think I had any with dd. it felt like lots of pressure for a minute & then was gone. Could have been baby moving or pressing on something though. For those who have had bh - how can you tell??
I had them in both pregnancies, but never actually felt them in the first one! Only way I knew I was having them was when I had an NST and the nurse was like, "Can you feel those contractions?" Uh... no! The second time around, I got them starting around 30 weeks. Just felt like dan-o said, belly tightening and baby being vacuum packed! lol
Oh so much to catch up on, I don't even know where I left off! Things here are so hectic and I'm back to puking constantly so...fun...

Sorry to hear that.
How much have you gained baby v and everyone else?
22 lbs. so far. Yikes. Not surprised, though, as I gained right around 40 lbs. by the time both my sons were born. Only difference is, this time I didn't lose all the weight in between pregnancies like I did between the first two. So I already weigh what I did at the end of those pregnancies. Just makes me that much more uncomfortable. *sigh*
28 weeks bump... I've gained 4 lbs so far but I still get sick everyday (I feel your pain Medzi)
Aw, man. Sorry you're feeling so sick still.

Great bump though!
AFM, I've starting looking around for a good woven wrap to buy. Been joining various buy-sell-swap sites on fb and looking around online, asking my babywearing friends for tips. I'm really hoping I can get the hang of babywearing so I can put Henry up on my back and still have two hands free to deal with the other two! LOL. It's going to be an interesting transition for me to go from working full-time to being a stay-at-home parent for my year of maternity leave!