I like Jesse too.
I understand your feelings. Our baby girl will be named Kathryn. I am fully sold on the name, but somehow I still am questioning myself and doubt if this is the good one, while I feel that is her name, or not?
AFM. I am bit down again. A friend of mine got her baby is December. She was born 31 weeks, after weeks of struggle. The doctors expected her miscarry the baby, since she had no fluid around her and the baby's weight was low, however the baby stayed alive. Since the birth, they are still in hospital and the child still needs medical support to eat (via tube) and breath, she is getting sick all the time.
Yesterday, they hear that the little one is deaf and has some other genetic problems ( I don't want to write it down so I am not getting anyone scared) and her adrenal gland is not function well. There is no chance that she ever will have a normal life. They aren't even sure if they ever can take her home.
I am still in shock after all this. I feel bad for her and the baby girl, for her family. I am a bit scared and worried about my baby now. And I feel useless and powerless to help her...