July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Well, i had my scan yesterday and didn't get the best of news.

Last time they thought it was possible coactartion of the Aorta, but yesterday the Aorta was found to be normal. Instead they have discovered what looks like a bulge in the wall of the right ventricle that wasn't there before aswell as a slight leak in the valve on that side. The Dr said it was very unusual and they don't realy know what is causing it atm as the rest of the heart is completely normal.

I go back to Leicester on the 27th May for another cardiac scan and I have to go for weekly scans at my local hospital in the meantime, to check that there is no fluid build up starting.

So at the minute, I could either be delivering early by c-section or baby will continue to be fine and be delivered normally! :(
Lovely 3D scan pics ladies!

Welcome mumatmadhouse :)

Lib- :hugs: that sounds a bit scary, glad to hear they are looking after you & baby with the weekly scans, is it something that could resolve by itself?

Afm- I feel knackered, I'm not sleeping well the pain with my hips is horrendous! Safe to say I waddle like a penguin :haha: I'm going out with a friend from work today for lunch, feels like it's the first outing I've had since being on leave so looking forward to it.

I've already asked this in the c- section bit but does anyone know if a low lying placenta can cause issues for a csection? When I had my last scan 3weeks ago they told me mine was low lying right next to the birth canal and wondered if it hadn't moved up by my next scan in 3weeks if it could cause complications, I haven't had a chance to talk to my midwife of consultant yet.
Lib- :hugs: that sounds a bit scary, glad to hear they are looking after you & baby with the weekly scans, is it something that could resolve by itself?

It is a bit scary tbh. The dr said it could be something that doesnt cause any issues or it could be something serious. As it's so unusual and they have no idea what has/is causing it as baby is otherwise healthy, we have no idea what will happen.

I am going to take it week by week, as baby is currently fine, fingers crossed he is still fine next week!

To top it off, my DD has come down with chicken pox! So I can't go out unless my OH is home :(
Oh Hun, hopefully it won't affect baby. Your poor DD too chicken pox isn't nice, I'm dreading when my two will catch it neither of them have had it yet, they caught slapped cheek about 3 weeks ago that was awful! Hopefully ur DD recovers pretty quickly from it.
Lib- very sorry to hear that. I hope they can figure out what is causing it.. and maybe it's just something that bubs will have but never have a problem from it. Glad they are monitoring you and I hope you get some answers or peace of mind about it all.

I'm going for my gtt today.. Blah. . I'm not worried about it, just not really looking forward to sitting there for an hour and keeping my son entertained at the same time.

Sammy- I'm starting to get a bit of the pregnancy waddle too... pelvic pain for me though. . Makes me feel so much more prego than I am lol.

Welcome mumatmadhouse! We have the same due date : )
Ugh my husband was actually laughing at my waddle last night. If I sit or lay down for awhile it's nearly impossible to walk when I get back up because of the pelvic pain. after a couple steps it seems to ease up and get better but man I dread getting up. I think a big part of it is that I'm pretty sure baby is still transverse which is making things much wider than they would be if he were head down. I think he turns sometimes but goes right back.

Lib- I hope everything turns out ok and will be thinking of you.
Hi mumatmadhouse, you're due the day before me.

Thanks to everyone for the info on tests/lack of tests -it's good to know that it's pretty normal not to have too many. I really like my obstetrician and her practice, and they all seem very thorough, but it was making me wonder a bit. There's obviously a lot of variation from place to place.

Countryblonde, I had my GTT this morning. The test itself was really boring (I did the 2hr one, which seems to be standard here) but I didn't find it too bad aside from the really uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room (they were fine at first, but after an hour and 45 minutes, it was another story!). Results will be in on Monday, so I'm going to enjoy lots of carbs this weekend just in case it's a last hurrah! I haven't had any GD symptoms, so I'm hoping all will be OK.

Also, my doctor told me to start taking Zantac for my heartburn which has been chronic - I had one pill at lunchtime and the difference is amazing! I looked into this weeks ago, but my pharmacist put me off. Dr's advice is overriding that now.

Lib, sorry to hear your news, hope it isn't causing you too much stress at the moment (especially with chicken pox to deal with, too).

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Lib, I'm glad they are monitoring so closely I hope its something that can resolve before birth. Just keep taking it week by week its what's best for you and baby! Were all here for you!
Yesterday I got asked how far along I am then told I'm tiny and they would have guessed 4-5 months. It never offends me because I know soon it will be the question of it if I'm about to pop lol. But its amazing the difference in everyones experiences with pregnancy. I know I'm on the smaller end, BTW my weight gain has been way better I was gaining like 3lbs a week but it went down to 2lb in 3 weeks :) I think maybe because baby is getting bigger so less hungry feeling. I'm 29 weeks today shower is in two days I'm so excited! I will take a bump pic at shower to share! :)
Welcome, mumatmadhouse!

LIB, that sounds so scary. I hope nothing complicated happens and everything goes how it's supposed to. And I hope they can figure out exactly what the problem is with your little one. :hugs:

AFM, yesterday I thought I may have a blood clot in my right leg due to uneven swelling (right foot was more swollen than the left) and pain in my right ankle and knee. They did ultrasounds of my legs to check for clots, and luckily there were none. It scared me though. I didn't want to have to be admitted. :/
Lib sorry to hear, hope things turn out well.

Dano my next ob appt is may 20th.

Sorry you ladies are having pain. Does stretching or heat compress help? (Sorry if thats an ignorant question)

Had a check up yesterday. Everything went well. Officially taken off restriction. Yay! Now I can play with my neice/nephew and friends babies! (Was told not to lift above 10 lbs.)

Babyvaughan everyone tells me im small too. Even my OB! lol she measured me and was like, huh you look on the smaller side but your fundal height is right on. Do you know what percentile baby is? My little peanuts 32nd, dr said since shes stayed around 30% the last 10 weeks she'll probably be around that when shes born. (Which im greatful for, ill take a 7 lber over 9lber during labor and delivery. Ha)
Rach- he is 65th percentile my mom carried like I am though. I thought I'd be a lot bigger at this point but I'm fine with it because I know soon I will be big lol.
Well, i had my scan yesterday and didn't get the best of news.

Last time they thought it was possible coactartion of the Aorta, but yesterday the Aorta was found to be normal. Instead they have discovered what looks like a bulge in the wall of the right ventricle that wasn't there before aswell as a slight leak in the valve on that side. The Dr said it was very unusual and they don't realy know what is causing it atm as the rest of the heart is completely normal.

I go back to Leicester on the 27th May for another cardiac scan and I have to go for weekly scans at my local hospital in the meantime, to check that there is no fluid build up starting.

So at the minute, I could either be delivering early by c-section or baby will continue to be fine and be delivered normally! :(

I'm sorry you didn't get the best of news. Hope that baby stays healthy and makes it to term.

Lib- very sorry to hear that. I hope they can figure out what is causing it.. and maybe it's just something that bubs will have but never have a problem from it. Glad they are monitoring you and I hope you get some answers or peace of mind about it all.

I'm going for my gtt today.. Blah. . I'm not worried about it, just not really looking forward to sitting there for an hour and keeping my son entertained at the same time.

Sammy- I'm starting to get a bit of the pregnancy waddle too... pelvic pain for me though. . Makes me feel so much more prego than I am lol.

Welcome mumatmadhouse! We have the same due date : )

Good luck at your test today!

Hi mumatmadhouse, you're due the day before me.

Thanks to everyone for the info on tests/lack of tests -it's good to know that it's pretty normal not to have too many. I really like my obstetrician and her practice, and they all seem very thorough, but it was making me wonder a bit. There's obviously a lot of variation from place to place.

Countryblonde, I had my GTT this morning. The test itself was really boring (I did the 2hr one, which seems to be standard here) but I didn't find it too bad aside from the really uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room (they were fine at first, but after an hour and 45 minutes, it was another story!). Results will be in on Monday, so I'm going to enjoy lots of carbs this weekend just in case it's a last hurrah! I haven't had any GD symptoms, so I'm hoping all will be OK.

Also, my doctor told me to start taking Zantac for my heartburn which has been chronic - I had one pill at lunchtime and the difference is amazing! I looked into this weeks ago, but my pharmacist put me off. Dr's advice is overriding that now.

Lib, sorry to hear your news, hope it isn't causing you too much stress at the moment (especially with chicken pox to deal with, too).

Hope everyone else is doing well.

I'm on ranididine which is perscription strength Zantac. It doesn't do much for me but I'm glad you are getting relief from it!

Welcome, mumatmadhouse!

LIB, that sounds so scary. I hope nothing complicated happens and everything goes how it's supposed to. And I hope they can figure out exactly what the problem is with your little one. :hugs:

AFM, yesterday I thought I may have a blood clot in my right leg due to uneven swelling (right foot was more swollen than the left) and pain in my right ankle and knee. They did ultrasounds of my legs to check for clots, and luckily there were none. It scared me though. I didn't want to have to be admitted. :/

How scary! I'm glad everything turned out alright. My left leg swells way more than my right which is odd because I had a really bad injury to my right leg.

Lib sorry to hear, hope things turn out well.

Dano my next ob appt is may 20th.

Sorry you ladies are having pain. Does stretching or heat compress help? (Sorry if thats an ignorant question)

Had a check up yesterday. Everything went well. Officially taken off restriction. Yay! Now I can play with my neice/nephew and friends babies! (Was told not to lift above 10 lbs.)

Babyvaughan everyone tells me im small too. Even my OB! lol she measured me and was like, huh you look on the smaller side but your fundal height is right on. Do you know what percentile baby is? My little peanuts 32nd, dr said since shes stayed around 30% the last 10 weeks she'll probably be around that when shes born. (Which im greatful for, ill take a 7 lber over 9lber during labor and delivery. Ha)

Glad to hear you are off of restrictions. I bet you are super excited to be able to do stuff again! That's interesting about percentiles! My little man measured in the 50th percentile for everything but weight which was 30th centile. Maybe I'll have a normal sized but light baby.

AFM: started to panic about money last night knowing I'm not going back to work in the fall if I can help it. I'm considering selling the stuff I've been making for Luke (well similar things anyways) on etsy or a private website to make a bit of extra income, but I don't know if anyone would be interested in buying anything.
Jrepp, that is odd about our legs! I wonder what causes the uneven swelling? Strange. Also, I've been panicking about money too. Big time. We are making it ok right now, but our vacation really set us back. I think you oughta try opening up an Etsy store! I have friends who do it and one of them does pretty well. She does a lot of homemade baby stuff as well. Doesn't hurt to try. There's definitely a market for it, and the extra income will help you to feel better.
Welcome mum.

Lib that sounds scary but so glad they're watching you and baby closely.

Bubbles, yikes. I head a dvt (mine was postpartum and in my arm) they are scary. Glad you got checked out.

Sammy it is anterior?

I can't believe tomorrow is May and so I and some of you will be saying next month I'm having a baby :shock:
Ahh Tasha that's crazy, terrifying and super exciting all in one! We're getting so close to being able to hold our little ones!
Lovely 3D scan pics ladies!

Welcome mumatmadhouse :)

Lib- :hugs: that sounds a bit scary, glad to hear they are looking after you & baby with the weekly scans, is it something that could resolve by itself?

Afm- I feel knackered, I'm not sleeping well the pain with my hips is horrendous! Safe to say I waddle like a penguin :haha: I'm going out with a friend from work today for lunch, feels like it's the first outing I've had since being on leave so looking forward to it.

I've already asked this in the c- section bit but does anyone know if a low lying placenta can cause issues for a csection? When I had my last scan 3weeks ago they told me mine was low lying right next to the birth canal and wondered if it hadn't moved up by my next scan in 3weeks if it could cause complications, I haven't had a chance to talk to my midwife of consultant yet.

I don't think it would cause complications - I just know that if it remains low then they will NEED to do a C-section and that you cant have a vaginal birth.
Tasha- How exciting! So when are you delivering? Are you having a C-section?

My baby shower is in 3 days (Sunday) and the weather is supposed to be nice (70 degrees!) My sister is throwing it for me at my house - we have a large backyard and we have been working on it a lot to have it look presentable for the baby shower as people can come outside on the back patio and enjoy :) We have a new patio set and set it up last night! So excited :)

I am having hip pain and pelvic pain too :( stretching helps and baths help a bit but then is back to it. Tylenol does nothing really.
Trying to post this now as BnB wouldn't let me a few days ago:


I'm starting the market research to see the baby stuff making possibilities and price points. :)
Tasha- yes it's low anterior that's what's made me think it could be a little issue, I know it was in the way of stopping baby moving downwards, he's always transverse at every appt his head by my right hip his bum by my left and his legs over his head looks really uncomfy! Never seems to change position.

Bubbles- I had a swollen crampy leg earlier on in pregnancy they suspected a blood clot so had scans, they put the pain down and swelling down to extra blood flow.

Jrepp- lovely bump!

Babygirl- I'm having my 3rd section with this one so section itself isn't a issue (although I'm crapping it!!) I just wondered if it could be riskier.

Afm- it's not even 9pm and I'm laying in bed :) might aswell try and catch up on sleep while I can. Baby's wiggling so much tonight I love feeling it!

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