Congrats, jbk! Must feel so nice to be done!
Bubbles, my reflux has been worse in third tri. Still not too bad, though, so I guess I can't complain. But it does make me nauseated at times. And I have noticed that acidic foods make it worse, like too much tomato (or tomato-y sauces) for example.
Welcome back, Khatif! Hope you had a nice relaxing holiday.

I can't remember if you've missed any big news. Some ladies are starting to schedule their c-section dates, which is pretty exciting! Including Tonya later this month with her twins!!!
AFM, I am super excited because I bought a woven wrap today! Just a "cheap" Chimparoo one, but I'm really looking forward to learning how to use it (and DH too). Might have to give it a go with my 21 month old to see if he likes it, since it will work for kids ups to 35 lbs.
Also, have any of you started to notice that you might be losing teensy bits of mucus plug? I swear, the last few days I've had a little bit of thick, green mucus a few times when I wiped after peeing. I know it doesn't really mean anything at this point, but has anyone else noticed something similar around 30 weeks? I don't remember that with my other two.