Khatif, definetly speak to your mw about your concerns but it does sound like she is just totally chilled out. I've heard of that a few times and no issues, baby is chilled out when they're out in the real world.
I am 35 weeks today.
Lumi good luck!
Tasha congratulations.
Dan o phew. Do you baby early though?
Khatif, definitely speak to your midwife
I got shocked into packing my hospital bag this morning. Lost a bit of my mucus plug!!!!
Here's my bump today, grown loads recently!![]()
Most of you ladies are way more prepared for your little ones then I am, and mine are 2 weeks old!!!!!
I came in the other day, and they had "loaner clothes" on Emma because she had graduated out of her isolate and needed to be dressed.
Here is a recent picture, I can't believe they are 2 weeks old already!
Afm- nearly ended up in L&D this morning had very bad back pains and tightening feeling in my back for about 5 hours I had a bath and it's slowed down and stopped, pretty glad because I still haven't packed my bag and would like mr to cook a little longer.
Also feel like I'm counting down every day until my csection now I know the date! Gunna drive myself crazy.
Well Evie Hope arrived 4 weeks early on Friday weighing 6lb 6oz xx
Baby Dreams congrats !!!! Beautiful name
Jrepp yes we have been home for a week today and we're both doing great. Other than being a tiny little peanut you would never know he was preemie. ❤️❤️
Well Evie Hope arrived 4 weeks early on Friday weighing 6lb 6oz xx
Baby_dreams!! Congratulations!! Welcome Evie! Hope you are both do in well!
Keyval, I had a bad tear too and nervous about it. I had forceps so hoping to not need those again and maybe it won't be so bad? I'm a bit nervous too I had a terrible time recovering and still feel pain sometimes![]()
Well Evie Hope arrived 4 weeks early on Friday weighing 6lb 6oz xx
Most of you ladies are way more prepared for your little ones then I am, and mine are 2 weeks old!!!!!
I came in the other day, and they had "loaner clothes" on Emma because she had graduated out of her isolate and needed to be dressed.
Here is a recent picture, I can't believe they are 2 weeks old already!
Congrats Baby Dreams!! Can't wait to see pics!
When would be a good time to start washing clothes, blankets, etc? I have like 6.5 weeks to go...
Yesterday, I had SO MUCH PRESSURE in my vagina. It was pretty uncomfortable. No BH or contractions, just pressure when I would stand, so I sat for a while. Anyone else have that? Does that mean labor will be coming soon? I never had it with my daughter. I do have an OB appt this afternoon so I will let my OB know.