TTC #1 DH 30, Me 29
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I had my baby boy on June 27th at 6:30 in the morning. We named him Elijah Oliver.
Things got started at midnight last thursday when my water broke. I was then induced Friday night. I had an epidural when my contractions became stronger. Oddly enough, I ended up sleeping until about 4 the next morning. At that time I was feeling a lot of pressure and had the urge to push. I pushed from 4 until 6:30 when my baby was born. When baby was almost out, I heard the doctor talking about using a vacuum, but I wanted to avoid that, so I tried to push harder to get him out without it and succeeded, but ended up with a third degree tear. They put the baby on my chest briefly before I was taken to the OR to be stitched up. I have no words to describe the feeling when seeing my son for the first time. Very special. My son seems to be a very content baby, but does fuss quite a bit when hungry. I really struggled with breastfeeding at the hospital, my milk took a long time to come in, it's still not much, so I have to supplement for now. Everything else is going great. We are back home now and trying to settle into a routine. I love my son so much, I look at him and can't believe he's mine. Wishing you all a good delivery and speedy recovery!
Congratulations Hun! He's gorgeous! Stick at it with the bfing, it takes a few days for the more plentiful milk to come in, totally normal, you're doing great!! X
Congrats again starlight. I'm curious to know he who told you that you weren't producing enough milk? From everything I've been told by lactation consultants and doctors your baby doesn't eat very much at one time during the first week or so as the tummy is very tiny. You could be producing exactly the amount your baby needs. Have you tried lactation cookies at all?
It's officially my due date, ladies!! Happy Fourth of July.![]()
Happy due date and happy 4th! Hopefully your lo decides to make an appearance soon.x
Wow these babies are stubborn!!!!
Bubbles sounds awful![]()
K4th that sounds pretty promising to me, esp with the cleaning urges as well!
Sorry had 3 mental days here (school intake sessions for my boy on weds thurs and the end of year preschool day out with all 3 kids yesterday!)and hubby's gone back to work, plus needed to go shopping (with all 3 kids again!!!) this morning, so hardly been online as a result!i'll lose the baby weight in no time at this rate
You must really have your hands full with 3 kids!
Bubbles so sorry for you sounds painful!!!!
Dan-o that must be a good work out, cheers to you!
So my results coming back slightly higher has not affected my c section date, iim still July 8th scheduled to meet my son
Yesterday was horrendous though, we planned to move DD out of the crib into a toddler bed, I was so scared but actually turned out great in the end and we now have the nursery done for the most part. The awful thing is though I came home to my poor dog laying on the floor in a puddle of poop... Yes poop. I took her into the tub to bathe her and she was in pain I could tell, I look at her butt and I see an oozing open hole, sorry so much TMI but I've now learned its an abcessed anal glands infection and I didn't even know, I feel so badshe has an urgent appt today with the vet I'm hoping they can just give us antibiotics and we can be on our way. I'm such a bad puppy mommy
Bright side, here are some nursery pics![]()
I'm glad the transition from crib to toddler bed went well and so happy that the nursery is getting together! I'm really sorry about your dog. My hubby's dog had an abcess that was caused by extra testosterone in his body. Hopefully the vet can treat her and get her back on her feet in no time.
Babyvaughan, yay for AC. Makes a world of difference!
Question....has anyone here experienced back labor? After my contractions settled last night, I could hardly walk with back pain. I thought it was from being up so much finishing up packing. I slept alright, but had a few contractions this morning. DH and I DTD and my back has been in constant pain almost since. I get a few twinges in my abdomen that come and go with pressure, but constant back pain. I'm not bent over in pain, but quite uncomfortable. I don't want to waste a trip to the hospital, but I dont want to be disillusioned either. What do you all think?
I am going to keep an eye on this as I have constant back pain as well but it gets way worse when I have a contraction. My mom experienced back labor with all 3 of us and said that you would feel it in your abdomen as well.
AFM: still moving right along. I took a spill yesterday and seem to have nudged Luke down further into my pelvis. We are both ok though