July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

We did end up going. We are still there. I started peeing blood :/. I have a bladder infection and the pain got really, really bad. Not labor yet but now I am almost dilated to 2 and she said 70%-80% effaced and the baby is really low. Not contracting though but having some rough BH. Finally not in massive amounts of pain though so that is a huge plus. They gave me some meds for the pain and I managed to doze off a little. Now just waiting on my Dr. to get out of surgery so she can give me prescriptions.

Thanks for all the support ladies! On the upside things do seem to have progressed from Wednesday when I was at the Dr.

Oh no - that sounds horrible :hugs: Hope the medication shifts the infection really quickly. & glad you are making some progress too :hugs:
We did end up going. We are still there. I started peeing blood :/. I have a bladder infection and the pain got really, really bad. Not labor yet but now I am almost dilated to 2 and she said 70%-80% effaced and the baby is really low. Not contracting though but having some rough BH. Finally not in massive amounts of pain though so that is a huge plus. They gave me some meds for the pain and I managed to doze off a little. Now just waiting on my Dr. to get out of surgery so she can give me prescriptions.

Thanks for all the support ladies! On the upside things do seem to have progressed from Wednesday when I was at the Dr.

Oh, poor you. That sounds horrible. I hope you will get better soon.
If you are already 70-80% effected maybe labour is not that far. Finger crossed!
Starlight congrats!

Bubbles hope you feel better before real labor starts!

Dang full moon failed me :growlmad: I took my pup for a mile walk, tried some reflexology on my feet (hubby was working had to do it myself) and sat under the moon for a bit. Not even the slightest sign of labor. I guess baby girl is happy where she is. I really cant complain I feel fine, I just want to meet my baby!

Livvy I think you'll be the first to make it the full 40 weeks so far. (Though im sure youre not super thrilled about that :winkwink:)
Bubbles that's awful! Hope everything turns out ok and you feel a lot better tonight. :hugs:

K4th I'm so annoyed with them too, I'm trying to be polite and not let it bother me though. It's the worst when people literally don't understand that the baby might NOT be here by tomorrow. Someone even wrote on my facebook "by this time next week you'll have a baby in your arms!!" ...well... not necessarily but I hope so! :dohh:

Rach I think you're right -- at least I'll get to celebrate this holiday weekend if the baby doesn't show in the next 48 hours :haha:

I'm reading conflicting things all the time. One thing I read said FTMs go to 41+3 on average. Another thing I read said that due dates based on early ultrasounds are rarely off by much, and decrease "overdue" happenings from 10% down to 2%. Well... I had a really early ultrasound at 7+3 and that's what my due date is based off of, and here I am still! :shrug:
I had my baby boy on June 27th at 6:30 in the morning. We named him Elijah Oliver.
Things got started at midnight last thursday when my water broke. I was then induced Friday night. I had an epidural when my contractions became stronger. Oddly enough, I ended up sleeping until about 4 the next morning. At that time I was feeling a lot of pressure and had the urge to push. I pushed from 4 until 6:30 when my baby was born. When baby was almost out, I heard the doctor talking about using a vacuum, but I wanted to avoid that, so I tried to push harder to get him out without it and succeeded, but ended up with a third degree tear. They put the baby on my chest briefly before I was taken to the OR to be stitched up. I have no words to describe the feeling when seeing my son for the first time. Very special :cloud9:. My son seems to be a very content baby, but does fuss quite a bit when hungry. I really struggled with breastfeeding at the hospital, my milk took a long time to come in, it's still not much, so I have to supplement for now. Everything else is going great. We are back home now and trying to settle into a routine. I love my son so much, I look at him and can't believe he's mine. Wishing you all a good delivery and speedy recovery! :thumbup:

Congratulations Hun! He's gorgeous! Stick at it with the bfing, it takes a few days for the more plentiful milk to come in, totally normal, you're doing great!! X
Thanks, everyone. Home now with meds (been home for awhile but laid on the couch for a good bit). My pain was at an 8 and now we are down to wavering between a 3 and a 4, so I'd say that's a major improvement. Just gotta finish these meds and hopefully that will zap this infection before Ashlyn comes. I'd hate to have this when she's born; this pain on top of labor pain sounds like a nightmare and a half.

This morning, I honestly thought we'd be coming home with a baby tonight/tomorrow. But I am glad to know she is alright at least, and now I can get rid of this nasty infection. Makes me wonder how long it's been there, and how much of the pains I've been feeling have been associated with the infection rather than the pregnancy.
It's officially my due date, ladies!! Happy Fourth of July. :)
Congrats, Starlight!

Happy Fourth and happy due date, Livvy!

Bubbles, so glad you are feeling better. Hope the meds do the trick soon and your pain is down to a zero.

Well, I've also had some pink/red/brown mucus over the last few days that resulted in nothing. Today there was hardly any, so it must have been from my sweep on Tuesday and now I am back to normal. Oh well. Did manage to have sex tonight, so let's see if that pays off.
Happy due date livvy!! Hope your baby makes an appearance soon!!

Good luck getting things moving Harley :)

Afm - mild period pain off & on yesterday. Not convinced it was anything but indigestion, but a girl can dream! I'm gonna go & deep clean the bathrooms & see if that starts anything - if nothing else I'll have a sparkling tub to wallow in later!
Happy due date livvy!!! Lots of labor dust headed your way!!! :dust:
Wow these babies are stubborn!!!!

Bubbles sounds awful :hugs:

K4th that sounds pretty promising to me, esp with the cleaning urges as well!

Sorry had 3 mental days here (school intake sessions for my boy on weds thurs and the end of year preschool day out with all 3 kids yesterday!)and hubby's gone back to work, plus needed to go shopping (with all 3 kids again!!!) this morning, so hardly been online as a result! :dohh: i'll lose the baby weight in no time at this rate :haha:
Bubbles so sorry for you sounds painful!!!!

Dan-o that must be a good work out, cheers to you!

So my results coming back slightly higher has not affected my c section date, iim still July 8th scheduled to meet my son :)

Yesterday was horrendous though, we planned to move DD out of the crib into a toddler bed, I was so scared but actually turned out great in the end and we now have the nursery done for the most part. The awful thing is though I came home to my poor dog laying on the floor in a puddle of poop... Yes poop. I took her into the tub to bathe her and she was in pain I could tell, I look at her butt and I see an oozing open hole, sorry so much TMI but I've now learned its an abcessed anal glands infection and I didn't even know, I feel so bad :( she has an urgent appt today with the vet I'm hoping they can just give us antibiotics and we can be on our way. I'm such a bad puppy mommy :(

Bright side, here are some nursery pics :)


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Happy due date livvy! Means baby will be here in no time, even though they will seem to drag forever. . : s

Dano- what baby weight! ?!? ; p

Bubbles - glad they got your uti under control, sorry it wasn't labour

Afm- full term tomorrow. Still no changes here just a lot of bh. I did way too much yesterday though and have some pretty achy stomach muscles as a result. The head cold I have probably doesn't help... the count down is on! Two more weeks of work
Nursery looks great!

So sorry about your pup, hope she recovers quickly!
We are all getting so close....squee!!!!

I had a few hours of contractions last night, but they fizzled. A few this morning and a large clean out (embracing the pregnancy TMI). I'd love to have him today despite not being ready and hubby's longest day at work, but doubt it will happen.

Heaveneats, I didn't realize my dog was suffering an infection at one point and came home to him having chewed his tail off! It looked like a murder scene. I felt/feel awful about the whole thing! He had surgery, of course, and now has a docked tail that doesn't affect him at all, but there is such guilt. We just have to let go of it and know they love us. I hope your puppy feels better and the toddler bed remains successful!
Happy due date Livvy!

Happy 4th everyone! Hope we see some more babies soon!

K4th and mamabee, you guys might be next...sounds like you're having some promising symptoms!
Happy 4th July girls.

Happy due date livvy.

Dano it's the same here, craziness always happens at the end of the school year but add in a new baby :wacko: I've pretty much lost the baby weight, I'm three pound off my booking in weight (and there must be more than 3lb of weight in these boobs :haha: ) but my body looks nothing like I did before pregnancy. I'm looking forward to being able to tone x
Happy 4th Ladies!

I too wouldn't mind having him today but I think he is going to remain stubborn, all though I think he is dropped more because I'm peeing a lot and when I go I feel pressure pushing down not painful though! I have had a tiny bit of period like cramping but nothing that lasts! We finally figured out our issue with AC in our room so I can relax knowing baby won't be effected by this heat! Now I need to get everything cleaned up again.. Lol
Babyvaughan, yay for AC. Makes a world of difference!

Question....has anyone here experienced back labor? After my contractions settled last night, I could hardly walk with back pain. I thought it was from being up so much finishing up packing. I slept alright, but had a few contractions this morning. DH and I DTD and my back has been in constant pain almost since. I get a few twinges in my abdomen that come and go with pressure, but constant back pain. I'm not bent over in pain, but quite uncomfortable. I don't want to waste a trip to the hospital, but I dont want to be disillusioned either. What do you all think?
I had back labour with Orion it was horrific :haha: so it was pain all the time which I could cope with but then the contraction was like a back spasm. It was awful and no denying what it was x

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