Alea - with my first she was born at full term and we took her out for a walk in the buggy at about one week old. After that we'd frequently go shopping or out for lunch & at 4 weeks I started going to a mum & baby group. I'm one of those that gets cabin fever if I stay in too much!!
Lucy - congratulations!!!
Khatif - thanks for asking hun! I'm feeling a bit better, but it's because hubby is home for the weekend so he's helping out massively! So good to have him here

Hope my pelvis is a bit better when he goes back to work on Monday!! Exciting stuff about your plug!! Hope it's a sign of things getting started for you!! I've been losing little bits over the last three days but not enough to think that it's gone yet. How are you feeling about your induction?? I would be so excited in your shoes
Poppy - I can relate to the pain. And the certain feeling I'm going to go overdue. Urgh - so ready to meet this little one!!
Babygirl - only 7 days!! So jealous you have that certainty lol! Glad your appointment went well

tasha - good to hear you're all doing well. Can't believe it's a month since you announced the arrival of little Orion!!!
Jrepp - hope your plug coming is a good sign that things will happen soon for you!!