July SMEP - We all did it! April Bump Buddies :)


1 girl, cooking #2
Nov 19, 2009
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We shared experiences through July whilst doing SMEP for the first time and ALL 5 OF US got a BFP! :happydance: :bunny: :yipee:

Congratulations: Nimbec, Laubull, Daisy, Ginny and SilverWillow!

So i am starting this thread so that we can stay bump buddies and share our pregnancy experinces too :hugs:

Of course anyone else is welcome to join in too! :flower:
Found it!

Great idea SilverWillow and thank you :)

Still can't believe it, PREGNANT, ahhhhhh!

How is everyone feeling? I am still having the odd twinge, feeling very tired and the odd headache on and off.

I've got my first dilema to face tonight, I am out with work to celebrate our half year results and it's meant to be a big night, they're paying for drinks, food and taxis! Obvisouly I am driving and not drinking but I haven't told them that yet..... I was thinking of telling them I am doing a month detox to help with TTC, they know I am after the ectopic. Not sure if that will work though and whether I'll keep a straight face!

Fingers crossed for sticky beans!

Haha yes it will sink in eventually, PREGNANT PREGNANT PREGNANT!

I think if they know you are TTC and you suddenly go off the booze they will have a hunch! :shhh: We have a party on 18th August with close family and they will know as soon as they see I don't have a can of carlsberg in my hand (I always do lol) :blush:
Will the driving excuse not be enough? Or my best friend said she was on antibiotics on Christmas day and that totally fooled everyone!

I am still feeling totally normal, no symptoms at all. I am dreading the sickness this time because I am a breakfast chef, possibly the worst job for morning sickness :sick:
Driving won't work because they've offered to pay for taxis and antibiotics won't work because they know I've not been ill or to the doctors!

Ummmm it'll be a fun evening dodging questions!

Breakfast chef, now I am hungry just thinking about breakfast! You never know you might be ok this time round?

APRIL BABIES!!!! Thanks for starting another thread Silverwillow. It really is exciting that we all got our BFP. I'm exactly like you guys, still hasn't sunk in yet eventhough yesterday I had to go to a clinic to confirm the pregnancy that way I can apply for benefits and even after the nurse confirmed it, it is still sort of not real. Except when my boobs ache and when I wake up every morning feeling not right or like I'm gonna come down with something.

Oh and yesterday, wow, it has to be the pregnancy hormones because I had the worst reaction to something that I should off laughed off. DH was trying to be funny and while I was washing dishes, he ran behind me pretended to trip, he was really scandalous about it though. Well I got super scared, I knocked over the drying rack and I was like "what's the matter?, what happened? and without warning I bursted out into tears and telling him how it's no funny, I mean it got to a point that I was laughing and crying and I really felt like I couldn't control it. The look on his face was too funny, he looked so confused and he kept saying he was sorry. Oh man if this is at the beginning I don't want to see myself in a month or so LOL
Yey I'm so pleased I found you I keep getting lost in the other big threads :) great news o. Dark lines girls I'll catch up properly tomorrow with you I'm up at dads to tell him the news!! I got my 3+ digi today omg!!!

Good luck to us all!!! I have first scan in to weeks eeek
Hi girls!

Hope everyone is well. I'm feeling blurgh (like I'm hungover!) which I'm happy about, with my ectopic I generally felt aright so I'm hoping it's a good sign this is a keeper! Also my boobs are hurting more, especially when I'm in bed, plus they've grown, always a bonus! I told my parents yesterday and they're thrilled, obviously not getting too excited but keeping everything crossed, same with the ILs.

I've got my reassurance scan booked for 19th August, 2 weeks away, hopefully all will be well :)

Off for a night away with friends today, I wonder how quickly they'll guess, lol!

Hugs to all x
Hi laubull I feel the same :) I feel a little less nauseas today but absolutely shattered!!! Hope you have a lovely time with friends gl for keeping it quiet!

I've got a scan booked on 24th August-they said they'll be able to hear heart beat for sure by then EEK!!! Plsssss stick little bean!!!!!!

Hope everyone else is ok? Any symptoms?
Hi how is everyone doing? Hope you and your little beans are all ok. You've got a scan booked already Nimbec how exciting! Your scan is on my LO's 1st birthday :)
That sounds like the start of morning sickness Laubull (or all day sickness as I had last time!)
Think I've started with the tears too Daisy, one of my work colleugues left and as she drove away she waved goodbye and it made my cry! I was so embarrassed my boss was there and said 'are you ok?' I wouldn't normally cry over that I hardly even know the girl!

I have made a MW appointment for tomorrow and I'm going to ask if she can do a blood test or something. It is really odd because I am still getting a positive every morning but still much fainter than the control line. I do hope beany is stuck ok. The only thing I can think is it might be a dodgy batch of tests. No other symptoms here (oh except indigestion which I don't usually get but not sure if that is anything to do with being preg or not).
Hi Silverwillow hopefully my scan date is a good one then! celebrations all around lol! I am having an early scan due to previous losses :( i'll be 7+5 then eeeek that sound fab i just so hope i make it that far!!

Whatmake pg test are u using? is it a frer? I would try not to worry but def ask doc to do betas so youu can be reassured! My ic's took ages to go dark.

Laubull hope you survived the night out...did you get away without q's??

Hope everyone else is ok!!
Good luck for the scan, very exciting!

It is a big pack of 25 ICs that I'm using my way through (from ebay). With Bree though I got a good result on ICs that got darker every day, unless its a bad batch this time. Well we'll see what midwife says tomorrow!
Ooooh let us know what she says hun fx for you x
SilverWillow I wouldn't panic, even frers were quite faint for me and yet cb digi picked it up. Get a blood test and if not then try a cb digi. Plus you're getting symptoms so keep positive :)

Nimbec I didn't managed to keep quiet Saturday, it would have been too obvious in the end and I figured if anything did go wrong I'd tell them then so no harm in telling them now. They were happy as I drove!

I've got a good feeling for all of us in this thread, April babies here we come!!

Dare I ask if anyone's got any names yet? Also I can't stop looking at baby stuff, I'm obsessed!

Ooooh now that is exciting! We have decided we want another short name but no ideas yet! I will definitely have the gender scan at babybond at 16 weeks again then after that we'll decide I expect, Bree was named on the way home from the scan! Also I will resist the urge to shop until after that too so I know whether to shop pink or blue (mind you if it is another pink one I won't need much, Bree has sooooo many clothes!) Ok now you've got me all excited :dance: Why does it feel like tempting fate to get excited? It's ok to isn't it?
It's not tempting fate, it's only natural to think ahead and to hope :) I am tempted to find out but DH doesn't want to. If it's a girl we love the name Niamh Elizabeth but for a boy we can't agree, I love Henry but DH disagrees!

Positive thoughts, positive thoughts, positive thoughts! X
Bree would have been Henry if she had been blue! :) Love Niamh too.

Definitely thinking positive :) Also with number two I seem to have much less time to worry!
Love the names!!! Its only natural to be excited!! YEY WE ALL DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone, hope you are all ok today :flower:

I have been getting pinky brown discharge all morning which is a bit worrying, I am still feeling positive though because I know lots of people get it in early pregnancy but I'll feel a lot better after I've seen the midwife at 2.15 today. Will let you know what she says x
Silverwillow keep us informed i'm sure its fine lots of people spot a little esp if its brown shouldn't be anything to worry about!!

Let us know what midwife says!!

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