~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Ugh and challenging toddlers.. I have one! Yesterday was horrible. I had a major pregnancy grump and she was constantly running off in the shop. Didn't want to be carried, didn't want to sit in a trolley. I even lost her once for about 10 seconds! I felt horrible :cry:.

Luckily the afternoon was better going to soft play and wearing her out!
Hey ladies, just thought id update. I'm in the ER of my local hospital and they're admitting me due to severe dehydration and low sodium from hyperemesis :( please pray for me!

I know how hard that is, I was rehydrated multiple times when pregnant with my son and had to deal with it for the full 9mo. You CAN get through it and it IS worth it...

Thanks that makes me feel a bit more normal.

Aaisrie our bean is due 4 days after my DH's birthday and 5 days before my DD's birthday. We also have our wedding anniversary all in July!

We just got married on the 10th November!! But my 2 niece's birthday's are also in July LOL
Just realized. We'll have to travel to the Netherlands when this bubs is less than 6 weeks for my sisters wedding. Then to Poland when the baby is 3 months old for my husband's best friends wedding!

How much fun is that going to be!
just breastfeed on the way up and on the way down :) you will be fine :) We took our DD on a 15 hr flight when she was 10mths old and she slept for 10 of those hours...the flight attendants are usually really sympathetic and eager to help "hold the baby" if you need a break.
Luckily my hubby will be there too. I think to the Netherlands we'll go by car and ferry. To Poland we'll have to fly though.

I've flown twice with Sophie and it went well! But 3 months seems so young to fly! But just hoping for lots of sleep especially in the car when bubs is 6 weeks!
ilovehim - That's the spirit! I'm sure babies must fluctuate in size all the time - and can all measurements truly be accurate at every scan? If they just put it a couple of mms out? :haha:

Becca - Jesus christ! I would have exploded if my sonographer had acted like that! How terrible of them! :hugs:

donna - Don't think like that! :nope: Try and stay positive. They say symptoms come and go, I'm sure it will be fine! :hugs:

Sugar - I'm not breastfeeding but I'm thirsty all the time. Every now and then I have a hypochondriac moment and am convinced I have diabetes. :haha:

junemomma - Praying for you! Get better. :hugs:

1 more day until my scan. Very nervous but excited too! Wish it was today!
Junemomma - so sorry to hear you're suffering! Get better soon xxx

Ilovehim - I can't believe they were so rude to you! I better get a nice sonographer tomorrow! I hate the way we're treated like we're not pregnant until at least 8 weeks when we finally get to see a midwife! Well that's what it's like in the UK anyway. We're all well aware that the first few weeks carry the highest risk of miscarriage, but even if we do miscarry we were STILL pregnant and STILL deserve to be treated like it... instead of all the 'don't get your hopes up', 'it's not really a baby yet'... blah blah blah!!

I'm paying for a private scan tomorrow, which I don't mind doing cos I know we're lucky to have the NHS and they can't afford to send everyone for early scans. I just hope cos we're paying for it, we get treated well! Eeek I'm so excited/nervous!!!

Whigfield - good luck! xx
Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well today. Happy thanksgiving to all those celebrating it. Feeling a bit tired today as didnt get much sleep last night.

I hate being the end of the month due date!! LOL You guys are all miles ahead of my, I don't even have my GP appt until Friday and won't be getting a scan for weeks!!!

I feel so behind too, I don't have my first doctors appointment until 8 weeks And then first Scan end of dec/beginning of jan! Seems sooo far away especially as so many of you have seen your little beans already!

I have my first booking appointment in December and no idea when I will get a scan. It does feel like its ages away.

So I scheduled my gender scan, Jauary 7!!! Also I went to my intake appointment today, and found out that the baby WAS measuring right on time. I questioned the first measurement so she changed the wand position and measured again, right on time. I saw the ultrasound picture/measurement said 7w3d. but since she had already put in the smaller measurement of 6w4d it changed the average. SO my due date of the 1st was spot on, she just messed up. the RN I talked to today agreed that it was a mistake, but since its only 4 days they arent going to bother, i'll just end up measuring "ahead" for the duration of the pregnancy

Also, the seabands have been working!! I only threw up once today and have been able to actually eat a bit more than a couple bites. its been lovely especially because I started thanksgiving cooking today and really couldnt have handled that with the extreme nausea/ms. They dont take the nausea completely away but it does lessen it enough that I am able to get off the couch :) So i definitely think they are worth a try for anyone suffering, they are mildly irritating on the wrists but DO work!

good to know you were right about the date. Glad to hear the seabands are working.

Pretty sure I an going to miscarry again. My symptoms have drastically disappeared. My boobs are shrinking and not so red. No mood swings. I knew it was too good to be true. I'm sure it will be confirmed Monday at scan unless it happens first

I am sorry to hear that, hopefully it is not a miscarriage and just a let up on the symptoms. Sending you my best wishes, and hopes that your scan shows everything is ok. :hugs:

Hey ladies, just thought id update. I'm in the ER of my local hospital and they're admitting me due to severe dehydration and low sodium from hyperemesis :( please pray for me!

My thoughts are with you, hope all goes well :hugs:

Does anyone else find they have every other day symptoms?
Like my boobs generally hurt all the time but every other day they absolutely KILL! Also same with sickness..... :shrug:

Mine seem to come & go in waves but there doesnt appear to be any pattern at all,

Hi ladies, can i join the club, just found out I'm pregnant 5 days ago. I'm only 4 weeks gone and my estimated EDD is 31 July 2013 (just about made it...lol):haha:

Congratulations, hope you have a healthy and happy 9 months.

Oh thank the Lord...DD finally crashed out and went to sleep in her cot...Why do they fight sleep when you know they need it so bad? Bloody awful day got nothing done at all round the house cause of her screams and getting into all the cupboards. I just took a little lie down to recover!
I don't know how other women get by? A friend of mine has a 2mth old and she leaves it happily with her sister to babysit and goes out to hear Coldplay ...heck when I had a 2mth old I hardly had time to shower and stayed in my pjamas most days til at least 10am! What is wrong with me?

Sounds like a bad day, but it can only get better! Most of my friends with little ones spend a lot of time in their pjamas so I think it is more normal than being super glam and going out!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!! I can't wait to go to my granny's very shortly to start working on our feast! YUM! Getting ready as we speak and looking forward to eating some yummy turkey and ham!!! Hope everyone has an awesome day!!!!!!

junemomma - really hoping you feel better soon!!!!
I'm fine with continuing to breastfeed, if she'd just agree to do it less! Two months ago, I had her down to every 4-6 hours. But now she wants to do it every hour or two, I don't know why the last week or so she suddenly is addicted again! I've snuggling as well but it makes her angry, she is so grumpy without getting a nursing session. Right now I'm trying to distract her with yummy foods and watching Blues Clues between some of her big feeding times. Night feedings I'll have to tackle later, as daytime is hard enough!

you might find your milk supply has gone down a little due to the pregnancy hence why she wants to feed more often, or apparently the taste changes so maybe she likes it better now! I just weaned my LO about 2 wks before i got my bfp, just because i'd kinda had enough of bfing after 18+mths :). We did distraction too and offered a cup instead, it took a few nights but really wasn't too bad, but i'd already weaned him down to once a day for a few mths anyway and didn't get encorged after stopping so i think he was hardly taking any milk anyway :), good luck!

Hey ladies, just thought id update. I'm in the ER of my local hospital and they're admitting me due to severe dehydration and low sodium from hyperemesis :( please pray for me!

:( hope you're ok hun xx

Hi ladies, can i join the club, just found out I'm pregnant 5 days ago. I'm only 4 weeks gone and my estimated EDD is 31 July 2013 (just about made it...lol):haha:

:yipee: congratulations!!

Oh thank the Lord...DD finally crashed out and went to sleep in her cot...Why do they fight sleep when you know they need it so bad? Bloody awful day got nothing done at all round the house cause of her screams and getting into all the cupboards. I just took a little lie down to recover!
I don't know how other women get by? A friend of mine has a 2mth old and she leaves it happily with her sister to babysit and goes out to hear Coldplay ...heck when I had a 2mth old I hardly had time to shower and stayed in my pjamas most days til at least 10am! What is wrong with me?

eugh i'm with you on a day like this! like he turns into a monster child after being at nursery for a couple days. Yet they say he's lovely there and eats everything! sooo not my child :rofl:. Hope the day improves for both of us!
My spotting is really weird and I'm just beyond worried now :(
Today I have had pink-redish spotting and then a few teeny tiny clotty bits a then my CM goes back to normal?
This doesn't seem like any 'normal' miscarriage to me.... Even though I fear the worst :(
Clo it doesn't sound normal, any chance of getting in touch with epu or anything??
I don't think they'll scan me again till Tuesday....
Shall I ring and see what they say? :(
This sounds horrid but I just wish if I was miscarrying that itd just do it :cry:
I really understand what you mean. I took a DIGI today and my weeks are now 2-3 which made me feel better as I know my levels must be rising but I know what you mean, it's the not knowing that's hard to deal with!! Give them a ring? The worst they can say is no?
happy thanksgiving everyone

well lets see im up early today not feeling so hot,ithink it might be because all of the food cooking together at once ugh the smell is kinda making me sick:-( i mean it does smell good but lil bean don't like the smell!!! good thing dh is helping me cook today because im not sure if im gonna be able to handle smelling all that food cooking together lol i dont wanna be cooking and throwing up in the trash can yucky thats gross.
i just can't wait to eat:)

lauki- aww dont feel bad ive been having alot of issues lately with my DS yesterday my dad got him from school then had to call me because he run off from him in the we and stuff ugh so thank god he called me i hurry up went down there he also gave me alot of trouble he wanted me to carry him but i just couldnt you know he 5yrs old he weighs alot more!! you know you gotta look at it like this we are all humans we all are not perfect!! so just know that your not alone :hugs:

whig- you know what i dont even think the teach really knew to much of what she was doing because at first she was like your measuring at 6w 5d then she like no no no 6w 3d no no no i got it now 6w 2d im like WOW really?!?!?!? im gonna call my doctor up tomorrow to see if i can't get more info.....you know what i think im gonna do too because im still p.o im going to call the place where the did my u/s see if i cant find out her name and just let them know HOW RUDE she was:-/

mrs- i know what you mean about them not thinking we are really pregnant till we reach atleast 8weeks in pregnancy.
you know when i was pregnant with my son my obgyn doesn't really see you until about that time and when i ask her why you know it was also because of the m/c she was just telling me that theirs not to much that they can do if your having one:-/ but it kinda makes me feel like they just dont wanna take their time to see you until they think your gonna carry the whole 9months but i think alot more woman would feel more relax and at peace if they saw their doctor earlyer to know everything is ok,i mean i know id be.
now the doctor that ive been seeing now they got me in asap actually ive seen her twices already but i know they need to monitor me alittle more but you know they didnt know that when i had called them on the phone but im sure thats why she had me come back so soon plus i was having alittle bit of bleeding!! im just glad that i live in the US because they'll do a scan just because.
like when i was at the hospital this sunday that just passed, i wasnt there at all for no bleeding or pain or none of that!! i think it really sucks that the UK dont take pregnancy more seriously,like i heard that they dont even take your blood much to check your levels i mean that just sounds crazy:wacko: i guess even the UK is beautiful from what ive seen in books & tv that im glad i live in the US because we do have alot of good doctors and they do take pregnancy alittle bit more seriously:)u know what im saying?!

fert- congrats on your :bfp: im so glad to see that you have just made it in the thread:-D welcome welcome welcome wishing you a very H&H 9months :hugs:

me im thankful for my DH all our kids my mother:) we have really been getting along really good since ive had that talk with her/my dad who really isnt my real father but has step up to the plate 100% and has done a wonderful job and been the best pop pop ever to my son/my real father hoping i get ahold of him one day because i miss him so much/my grandmother who is stuck in her ways but means well lol the little bit of friends that i do have for being there for me no matter what & last but not least all of my JULY SUNBEAMS im so glad that we all have each other to go threw this long 9months together happy thanksgiving everyone may god bless all of you your family/friends and of course your lil beans growing inside of you
Unless I'm soaking 2 pads an hour they won't see me till Tuesday. She didn't seem to know much tbh :(
My spotting is really weird and I'm just beyond worried now :(
Today I have had pink-redish spotting and then a few teeny tiny clotty bits a then my CM goes back to normal?
This doesn't seem like any 'normal' miscarriage to me.... Even though I fear the worst :(

ive had the same things happen to me and it was nothing im sure everything is fine! matter of fact before my ultrasound yesterday i had wipe alittle bit of blood and had a teeny tiny clot in the toliet and all was well<3 call your doctor first thing in the morning thou see if you can get some blood work done or something best of luck to you:hugs: feel free to inbox me if you ever need to chat
Unless I'm soaking 2 pads an hour they won't see me till Tuesday. She didn't seem to know much tbh :(

you know i know you dont wanna jinx yourself or nothing but if i was you i would call them up and make it sound worse then it is or what about the ER?! ugh all these doctors and teachs are just really making me so MAD lately
Unless I'm soaking 2 pads an hour they won't see me till Tuesday. She didn't seem to know much tbh :(

you know i know you dont wanna jinx yourself or nothing but if i was you i would call them up and make it sound worse then it is or what about the ER?! ugh all these doctors and teachs are just really making me so MAD lately

I went to A&E (your ER) and I just got fobbed off last time. They did my bloods and tested my urine and that was it. Plus I was waiting round for 5 hrs and ha to leave my son with my mum.
They honestly don't seem to care about you in early pregnancy here :(

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