~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

finally made it home!!!! so here is the picture they gave me well actually that i had to ASK for,im so sick of these rude medical people too!!!! i mean who do they think they are?!
so i guess since baby is only measuring 6w 2d that my due date changes but i got to fig that out myself since the teach was such a dummie but oh well i cant wait to go see my doctor that took care of me when i was pregnant with my son because she isnt rude at all she probably the only doctor ive ever liked

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Oh what an adorable little bean! :happydance: I'm not sure if I would change your due date because baby can suddenly catch up. Maybe wait til 12 week scan so you know more?

Me too me too! Mine is 10am UK time x

Eeee! I'm 11.30am. I'll be mass refreshing this thread for your results whilst anxiously waiting for mine! :haha:

I hate being the end of the month due date!! LOL You guys are all miles ahead of my, I don't even have my GP appt until Friday and won't be getting a scan for weeks!!!

Awww! You're not too far behind though! :thumbup:

I don't *think* my dates are wrong but I could be, you never know. I'm actually feeling a whole lot better. Looked up development online, If I knock my due date back a few days, then pip is meeting all the right spots, heart rate was appropriate, and is measuring 4.9mm, wouldn't necessarily get a heartbeat if it's less than 5mm. Going to try and relax a bit now (if possible) and just enjoy thanksgiving holiday (my first since i moved to the US!) We'll hopefully see a nice HR and bigger pip next friday.

That's good! Have a great Thanksgiving. :flower:
I hate being the end of the month due date!! LOL You guys are all miles ahead of my, I don't even have my GP appt until Friday and won't be getting a scan for weeks!!!

I'm late in the month too - we can look at it like a preview of what's coming up! my first appointment is Tuesday. :)
yay for getting at least a pic of your bean ilovehim! one of my friends (due dec 5th) got put back a wk with both this baby and her son, baby just measured behind no idea why, just what seems to happen to her, so fx;ed all will be fine with your baby!

i'm kinda with you ladies on thinking i'm so far behind! i know i'm due middle july so right in the middle of the group but with my son i was due right at the start so did most things first, although he still took until the 13th to actually turn up :rofl:. Also i think it seems like the wait it longer in the uk cos they don't generally scan here until 12wks :(
The vomiting has begun!!!! :( I'd only had some raisins and milk this morning when I wound up in the loo gagging. TMI - so much of it was stomach bile so it hurt!!! Of course my little girl wanted to be in on the action. Quote of the day - "momma, why you have poop in your mouth??" ....:dohh: KIDS! Then she came around behind me, hugged me while my head was still in the toilet and told me that she'd take care of me. Little sweetheart. Got the four hour drive tonight... gotta make sure I have a leak proof plastic bag in the car!!! eww

Breadsticks - Glad your appointment went well this morning! Poo on absentee tech! Probably skiving off early for Thanksgiving.

Lalalo - I'm not sure why but u/s techs always seem to get me down unless you go for a private one. Like you're bothering them by being there and they never seem very supportive.

Sw33tp3a - that has always scared me about amnio. In uni during my semester in Reproduction and the Embryo they advised against it unless absolutely necessary. So sorry for your cousin. I can't even imagine the heartbreaak :nope:

ilovehim - I'll repeat what I said to lala but more consisely .. bloody techs!!! :x

Aaisrie - it might seem you're ages behind at the moment but wait nd see what happens at the end of the 9 months. I was due on the 8th with my first and she decided to drag her feet until the 18th! I felt like everybody was popping out babies before me! :hugs:

caro103 - in the UK it was unheard of to have one before 12 weeks unless something was wrong so I was quite surprised when they told me they'd be doing one at 8 weeks here.
lala- aww it will be ok i had a scan today too and em behind i had this happen with my son im sure the next time we go for our scans the babys will have caugh up!! atleast we know that are babys are there and with heartbeats:) my day hasnt gone that well either my teach wouldnt let me see the screen or hear the heartbeat or tell me nothing for that matter i had to ask for a picture i mean she was just so rude she really made my day go from super happy to super bum and dh took off work for this too:-/ im sure that all is well if u need to talk lemme know:hugs:
I feel so behind too, I don't have my first doctors appointment until 8 weeks And then first Scan end of dec/beginning of jan! Seems sooo far away especially as so many of you have seen your little beans already!
i layed down to get warm under a blanket not even tired but fell asleep, couldnt wake up till 4 hours later. and i still feel like im overly tired but i have to make coconut dream cookies for my husbands pot luck tomorrow at his work. i made 6 dozen chocolate chip pumpkin muffins yesterday for my mother in laws pot luck at her work today. im gonna be baking burned out.
whig- you know i was just thinking about that before i got back on here,i remember what you said and i also remember that my first u/s of my son i was behind too but then when i got a u/s at 10weeks the baby had measure bigger! you know as long asmy baby comes out healthy by the time that i give birth then i'll be just fine with that:)

libby-im not so worried at the baby measuring behind because i have irreg periods,plus wasnt doing nothing at the time i got pregnant so you know im not really sure of when i did get pregnant not only that but even when u do get your due date u wind up not having the baby that day either!!.
i was just mad that she didnt show me the screen at all and when i kept asking her questions she was just so rude but im just glad baby is good<3

hopefor-thanks im so glad that i said something so that i could bring a picture to show everyone,i wouldve have been so flipping mad if she wouldnt of given me one!!!
but i know what you mean now i cant wait for my next scan to see the baby getting bigger:) then to find out the gender. i truely think im having alittle girl i just never felt like i did with my son,i didnt have no symptoms with him but this baby i have everything morning sickness even around my nipples are getting super dark sorri tmi i really do hope its a girl! i had a dream about a year ago of how she looked omg she was so beautiful she had blue eyes like dh and brown curly hair like me god she was so WOW but either way i just cant wait to meet my little jelly bean<3

becca- lol i like how you guys talk in the UK but yeah those bloody teachs they Suck big time but you know what ive notices is that it doesnt matter where your from there are so some MANY RUDE PEOPLE in this world
yeah I had a rude one at 20 weeks last time when I was hoping to find out the gender... wonder if I can find my blog post on it real quick..... https://meatballsmith.blogspot.com/2009/09/less-than-impressed-but-still-thrilled.html there it is. It's a short moan.
So I scheduled my gender scan, Jauary 7!!! Also I went to my intake appointment today, and found out that the baby WAS measuring right on time. I questioned the first measurement so she changed the wand position and measured again, right on time. I saw the ultrasound picture/measurement said 7w3d. but since she had already put in the smaller measurement of 6w4d it changed the average. SO my due date of the 1st was spot on, she just messed up. the RN I talked to today agreed that it was a mistake, but since its only 4 days they arent going to bother, i'll just end up measuring "ahead" for the duration of the pregnancy

Also, the seabands have been working!! I only threw up once today and have been able to actually eat a bit more than a couple bites. its been lovely especially because I started thanksgiving cooking today and really couldnt have handled that with the extreme nausea/ms. They dont take the nausea completely away but it does lessen it enough that I am able to get off the couch :) So i definitely think they are worth a try for anyone suffering, they are mildly irritating on the wrists but DO work!
Well DD was EDD for the 5th and came on 8th, DS was EDD 17th and came 21st and this one is due 27th so likely wont be here until August!! Lol I don't really mind, I just want something to talk about too lol :D
In fact this one is due 6 days after DS 2nd birthday!!
Pretty sure I an going to miscarry again. My symptoms have drastically disappeared. My boobs are shrinking and not so red. No mood swings. I knew it was too good to be true. I'm sure it will be confirmed Monday at scan unless it happens first
How far along are you Donna?? Remember that towards the end of 1st try the placenta takes over and a lot of people lose symptoms from 8w on?
Becca, I had been vomiting all last week and had a wedding to go to over the weekend. It was two hours away so not nearly as long but peppermints got me through the trip vomit-free! They have been my savior lately lol.

Nikki, thanks for sharing your pictures! Baby is so cute! I hope your next tech isn't so rude!

I have an early July due date but still feel behind as I haven't gotten an early scan. My first is set for what I believe to be my 11th week.
Is anyone else breastfeeding here while pregnant? DD is almost 17 months and still breastfeeds often. My nipples have just started to get really sore, wondering how to handle weaning her down to only a few times a day before my nipples get worse!

I'm downing water SO fast lately. I can't stop drinking, I'm always thirsty. I drink a whole glass of water in one or two sips!

With DD, I was really sick all the time from 3 weeks and 6 days. I'm occasionally sick now, but half the time I feel really good! It's just all of a sudden I'll get hit hard with feeling sick, or I'll feel like I just can't stay awake no matter what. It's hard to get used to this all again, even though I just did it two years ago!
Wooohoooo!! Today I got a wild hair up my rumpkiss and decided to for the first time ever make a really good chocolate pie that my mom always makes. So here goes nothing! Pie crusts are currently baking. I'm hoping so much that these turn out absolutely delicious!!!
Is anyone else breastfeeding here while pregnant? DD is almost 17 months and still breastfeeds often. My nipples have just started to get really sore, wondering how to handle weaning her down to only a few times a day before my nipples get worse!

I'm downing water SO fast lately. I can't stop drinking, I'm always thirsty. I drink a whole glass of water in one or two sips!

With DD, I was really sick all the time from 3 weeks and 6 days. I'm occasionally sick now, but half the time I feel really good! It's just all of a sudden I'll get hit hard with feeling sick, or I'll feel like I just can't stay awake no matter what. It's hard to get used to this all again, even though I just did it two years ago!

I started weaning my 18mo a few days after we found out I was pregnant. He was completely weaned by the time I was 5 1/2wks I think? I just told him no more nursing, lets snuggle instead. and would hold him and give him a sippy of cows milk. he did cry a little but I just made sure to reassure him and snuggle on him lots. I took away day time feeds, then tackled the night feeding (which was the brunt of his nursing, he was still nursing every 3-4hrs throughout the night) the night feeds WERE rough to stop, but We just snuggled lots and he is fine now, he fell asleep ON my chest most nights. he is still very much attached to my boobs though he puts his hand in my shirt when he is tired. has only tried to nurse once or twice since his last feed. We just finished our BM stash too :( kinda makes me feel bad, but I know it was better especially cause I had zero engorgement. it was time, AND he is sleeping through the night...now we just need to train him out of our bed LOL

I know its perfectly safe to feed through pregnancy, but mine tend to be mildly complicated since i have irritable uterus, i have to minimize stressors as much as possible. and nursing with the oxytocin release did not feel safe to me!
Well DD was EDD for the 5th and came on 8th, DS was EDD 17th and came 21st and this one is due 27th so likely wont be here until August!! Lol I don't really mind, I just want something to talk about too lol :D

LOL My oldest was due on the 9th of november and was born the 4th, second was due the 24th of november I think? and was born the 18th. and my youngest was due the 20th of may and was born the 4th. So the babe is coming early I have no doubts, but would not like to be given hell from staff if they deem the infant "early" when it is in fact, not. KWIM? they considered my last early but his dates were off as well and he was my biggest, healthiest baby, and my ONLY one to measure ahead of dates :) but they still try to be jerks in the hospital about him being "early"
Wooohoooo!! Today I got a wild hair up my rumpkiss and decided to for the first time ever make a really good chocolate pie that my mom always makes. So here goes nothing! Pie crusts are currently baking. I'm hoping so much that these turn out absolutely delicious!!!

OMG! every year my husband asks for a chocolate pie that his grandma used to make him. and every year I ruin it! I am DETERMINED to get it right this year!! Good luck!! I suck at pies :p

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