~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Happy Birthday Eve!! Hope your day stayed 'sick free!'

Can't believe how much my belly has started itching the past 2 days. Gotta keep up with the bio-oil! I didn't get stretch marks till week 35 last time, but I've already got the associated itch so I'm kinda freaked. I'm not eating more than normal and I've only gained 3lbs but golly! I think baby is having a growth spurt! Or at least telling my belly to make more sense!

My next scan is Monday! Less than a week away now.

I've got a craft group night tonight so I'm going to go and try to have fun. I was going to make cookies but fell asleep with jessie was watching the Land Before Time 6 or something like that. Guess I'm bringing a big bowl of pre chopped watermelon instead!

What is the best oil/lotion to prevent stretch marks? I have bought palmers cocoa butter cream for the moment, but will get bio oil I think. But is it worth the money?
Hey Ladies,
How are you all? Hope it's not too late to join your thread. I'm due 25th July.
For those in Australia I hope the cyclone hasn't caused you too much issues.
It's been raining alot here in Sydney.

Is everyone feeling better in the 2nd Trimester? My symptoms have calmed down.
I have a 15w scan on Feb 4th. I know it may be too early but I'm going to ask my OB if he can tell what the gender is ((fx)).

Welcome!! Hope he can find out the gender for you :flow:!

I still don't feel pregnant :cry:. No movements or any other symptoms for that matter! So happy I have my doppler! Or I'd have gone mental by now!

Sophie is doing really well which helps. She's now weaned off her dummy :happydance: and sleeps in her toddler bed. It's made such a difference to her sleeping and napping, I'm delighted! Right at this moment she's painting her hands with porridge :rofl:. She's also going through a growth spurt, madness! She eats more than my husband does!
Hi Scorpio and welcome,
I don't feel pregnant either, apart from looking a little fatter, my sickness has stopped and I have no movement yet! I also have a Doppler so know its in there :haha:
I most certainly have a bump going on, but that's kind of where my pregnancy symptoms stop!
i have days where i def dont feel pregnant any more!! i listen in with doppler once/twice a week just to make sure its still there!!

no def movements yet, times where im not sure if ive felt something or not.

I went to my 1st ante-natal yoga class last night, it was run at my local children's centre. It was brill, im not the bendiest person but the stretching was good and very relaxing. It was the best night sleep ive had in a while!
Pandaspot-there are.no proven ways to prevent stretch marks. A stretch mark is a tear deep in your skin, it tears the collagen. Nothing you put on your skin will absorb deep enough to help with prevention. There are things that reduce their appearance, once they are already there. But in my experience they do tend to significantly reduce in appearance as you get down to pre pregnancy size and your body has a chance to not be pulled on, basically.

The Palmers does work great for the itching caused by the skin stretching though!

Eta-guess I should update on me! No real changes here, baby is moving a ton now. My husband and boys like to watch my belly wiggle. I dpnt feel all that pregnant other than the contractions, moodiness, and movement LOL I dont feel nearly as awful as I did with my others. As long as I dont over do it the contractions arent even that bad this time. Out anatomy scan is next week, and my husbsnd leaves for a short time pretty soon so he'll miss the scan. Totally sucks cause it stressrs me out to leave my kids so far from me (the perinatologist is an hour away). Im still fitting in my pre pregnancy Jeans, I think im carrying this babe much higher than the others cause I couldn't fit in my pants by this time before!

My husband is getting sick of the daycare I work for, I've told them I cannot take regular kids, right now I only do care for other providers when they need someone elde to watch THEIR daycare kids. But at least two times a day I am getting callsfrom the office or from parents wanting me to take full time kids. Its getting very frustrating! He wants me to quit but it took five months to go through training and prepare our home, I dont want to give up that easyz!
Well DH went in to work after callin in on Sunday and they told him it was fine. They said show up by 6 and he did. When he got there they told him work wasn't starting til 7. So he did end up quitting. It honestly wasn't worth the money. I'm just hoping he finds something to suit him soon. He has always worked odd jobs and has been doing pretty well with it but we need more steady income now. I'm really hoping something pops up soon.

Hi to the new ladies!! And congrats to those who have found out!
Forgot who said it but by 15 weeks they can usually see. Sometimes they still won't tell though. I was told at 13w2d they can usually see but then again she went on to tell us she couldn't see boy or girl parts so was guessing girl.
just wondering if any of you ladies are having trouble with scars? i had my appendix out nearly 2 years ago and the scar is swollen and lumpy! i also get bad stretching pains. How are the people with c-section scars coping?
My scar seems fine. It itches here and there or feels kinda funny but mostly good
My c-section scar seems fine. It's been a bit itchy sometimes, but nothing bad or uncomfortable!
Evening all, hope everyone is doing OK.
I finally have a date for the 20 week scan - 18 Feb so a few weeks to go, cant wait :happydance:

Think my bump is finally starting to show, so I might have to tell people at work. I'm sure they have probably guessed but don't want to offend me if they think I am just putting on weight!

kaths101 - Hope Jack had a happy birthday, lovely picture

Sw33tp3a - Cute bump picture

BeccaMichelle - Good to know baby is moving again!

Breadsticks - hope you are feeling better :hugs:

JJmom - cute cross stitch x Good that your LO is so active!

Junemomma09 - Like the name, very pretty. We are having difficulty in thinking of a boy's name too.

Libbysmum - Sorry the weather spoiled your trip :) Hope your DD is feeling better soon :hugs:

Aaisrie - Happy birthday for yesterday x

myra - So cute that your husband talks to the LO. Mine does too, its very sweet x

sue_88 - Good that you can put the travel expenses into your travel fund. Enjoy your meal, think you will deserve it. I have my scan date for the 18th Feb so looks like we have broken the pattern!

Scorpio23 - Welcome and congratulations!

Pandaspot - I have Palmers coca butter too. I have seen lots of recommendations for different oil/lotions but it seems from the research that it doesnt really matter. Stretch marks are mainly genetic and as my mum got them badly, I think I am doomed.

Lauki - I know what you mean, I dont have much by the way of symptoms either and it sometimes all seems a bit unreal. Good to hear Sophie is doing so well.

alannadee - Glad you enjoyed the class. I am not so keen on group exercise, so I have bought a DVD. I should probably get round to doing it!

oneandtwo - Sounds very frustrating, cant say I blame you for not wanting to give up though.

missfox - Hope you hubby finds something soon x
Yay on your scan date Miss!

Gutted we've broken the cycle though - but it's only 2 days different, close enough? hehe!

Baby has given me a couple of kicks today - one as I was standing earlier. It was so lovely. Just had a bath and spent ages what my belly - just incase it moved. No luck though :haha:

Now just relaxing watching Eastenders and will no doubt curl up in bed very soon. :) really enjoying my early nights lately!!

Hope everyone is ok....................6 more sleeps until my big gender reveal!!!! :happydance:
Yay on your scan date Miss!

Gutted we've broken the cycle though - but it's only 2 days different, close enough? hehe!

Baby has given me a couple of kicks today - one as I was standing earlier. It was so lovely. Just had a bath and spent ages what my belly - just incase it moved. No luck though :haha:

Now just relaxing watching Eastenders and will no doubt curl up in bed very soon. :) really enjoying my early nights lately!!

Hope everyone is ok....................6 more sleeps until my big gender reveal!!!! :happydance:

it is a shame we broke the cycle, still not far behind you. Maybe we will get back in sync on the next one :)

I tend to be crashed out early these days too!

Not long till the big reveal, how exciting!
re. stretch marks don't feel your deffo doomed, I got really bad stretch marks as a teenager so thought i was def going to get them bad in pregnancy, I only got slight extensions of the ones on my hips i already had from puberty, then after i went overdue he got me slightly on my lower tummy, like 4-5only which were pretty small! fx'ed this time is similar! (or no new ones would be even better :haha:)
re. stretch marks don't feel your deffo doomed, I got really bad stretch marks as a teenager so thought i was def going to get them bad in pregnancy, I only got slight extensions of the ones on my hips i already had from puberty, then after i went overdue he got me slightly on my lower tummy, like 4-5only which were pretty small! fx'ed this time is similar! (or no new ones would be even better :haha:)

Ooo that gives me some hope.

I've been a bit of a yo yo dieter in my teens and have gone from UK size 4 up to 14, then down to 10 = me covered in stretch marks! I was thinking that I was completely doomed for getting them all over my tum in pregnancy but you have given me some hope!! :happydance: fingers crossed for no more!
re. stretch marks don't feel your deffo doomed, I got really bad stretch marks as a teenager so thought i was def going to get them bad in pregnancy, I only got slight extensions of the ones on my hips i already had from puberty, then after i went overdue he got me slightly on my lower tummy, like 4-5only which were pretty small! fx'ed this time is similar! (or no new ones would be even better :haha:)

Thanks for hope! will just keep my finger crossed and see how I get on ::)
Happy Birthday Eve!! Hope your day stayed 'sick free!'

Can't believe how much my belly has started itching the past 2 days. Gotta keep up with the bio-oil! I didn't get stretch marks till week 35 last time, but I've already got the associated itch so I'm kinda freaked. I'm not eating more than normal and I've only gained 3lbs but golly! I think baby is having a growth spurt! Or at least telling my belly to make more sense!

My next scan is Monday! Less than a week away now.

I've got a craft group night tonight so I'm going to go and try to have fun. I was going to make cookies but fell asleep with jessie was watching the Land Before Time 6 or something like that. Guess I'm bringing a big bowl of pre chopped watermelon instead!

What is the best oil/lotion to prevent stretch marks? I have bought palmers cocoa butter cream for the moment, but will get bio oil I think. But is it worth the money?

I do love my bio-oil but honestly, it's genetic. I used it religiously the entire time and still got stretch marks at 35 weeks. The best advice I can give you is to find something that keeps it from itching. When the skin starts stretching the itch is ridiculous.
:D no worries ladies!

i totally agree on finding something to stop the itch though! i was using bio oil about 3 times a day some days towards the end! just using once per day atm but will up to twice if bump every decides to pop properly :haha:
oh dear lol - 10 pages for me to catch up on!

First of all, thanks ladies for the compliments on the outfits xx I hope to goodness I still fit into them at some point in my life again lol. Preferably before I'm 90 lol

donna - sorry to hear you're uncomfortable. I hope it eases for you. you're right maybe some physio would help.
glad you managed to get some good sleep though.
and yay for hearing the heartbeat with your doppler :)

junemomma - oh gosh how scary when they couldn't find the heartbeat. I bet you were so worried. I'm SO glad the baby is okay hun.
I'm sure the infection will be treated and clear up soon x
and yay for signing your lease!
Emma Claire is a beautiful name :)

Libbysmum - glad your appointment went well, but yeah I'd be annoyed too if somebody queue jumped. gah.
Don't worry about the toilet training. It'll happen in time.
as for the section v VBAc, which would you prefer?
I'm so sorry that your DD was poorly, but glad to hear she's on the mend now. That's good that her eye is clearing up.

nenna - I wish I didn't have a sizeable bump lol. grass is greener syndrome. enjoy your small one whilst it's still small ;)

myra - yeah I have days too when I've got way less energy than other days
wow how awesome your OH got to feel some kicking! That's fab! That's so sweet that he talks to the baby.

caro - yeah a small bump is definitely easier to move around with than a big one.
as for the changing of 2 bums, aye I had to do that with DD and DS1, and DS1 and DS2. Bit of a pain but nothing major.
the weird pain under your ribs sounds just like ligament or muscle pain. I keep having AWFUL pains in my stomach muscles if I sneeze, or cough - especially if I'm lying on my back.

missfox - sorry about your hip pain. mine have been hurting too when I'm in bed. not so bad during the day though.
congrats on your daughter's sleeping and diaper progress! that's great!
try not to worry too much about your DH's job situation. If he was unhappy then it's probably best he packed it in for the moment. I'm sure he'll find another one soon.

tlh - ouch I'm sorry about your hips, and that you have been feeling poorly. are you any better?
and wow lol your poor OH dealing with a poo-covered room

pink flowers - oh dear that's not good that you feel so poorly. I hope you feel better soon. Have the antibiotics helped? There's a lot of chest infections around lately.
don't worry, 12th march isn't so far away as it sounds.

sue - yeah that's a sizeable onion lol
that dinner you had sounds gorgeous. I loooove lemon meringue pie!
how nice of your mum to do your vacuuming. mine is more likely to whinge about me having something out of place in my house!
I'm sorry to hear you're usually lonely. I know what you mean. I only have my family, but no friends at all.
woo just one week till your scan. that'll fly by!
that sucks that you haven't been feeling too well.
the business trips sound rather pleasant :)

JJsmom - did the dizziness pass?
sorry to hear you were feeling sick. how are you now?
lovely quilted cross stitch!
and gosh, it sounds like you were really kicked a lot!

ProudArmyWife - are you feeling any better? january is rife with viruses at the moment.
nice that you got to feel so much movement.
bet you're excited for your scan :)

pandaspot - oh dear that's not a good day you had! I've never experienced a nosebleed myself actually. I don't think they're uncommon though.
as for what prevents stretchmarks, I dunno. I used palmers cocoa butter cream when I was pregnant with DD and it didn't help one bit. So I just never bothered trying to prevent them for my other pregnancies. Didn't see the point.

aaisrie - wow lovely bump!
I hope you had a really lovely birthday
don't worry, march 6th will be here soon. February is a short month ;)

kaths - 4 weeks will fly by I'm sure :)
aww your little boy looks so cute, and handsome in his shirt.

JW - congrats on being team blue!

Sw33t - cute bump pic :)

Becca - hooray for movement!
as for itching, my bump isn't itching yet, but my back and shoulders and head and upper arms have been itching a lot for a few weeks now. I'm sure I'm getting mild PUPPPs - I've had it before with all my pregnancies. Sorry you're having the itches - so not fun!
I bet you're really looking forward to your scan.
How did craft group night go?

Breadsticks - I dunno, I've never thrown up from a cold before. My MIL recently has had both the flu, AND the norovirus at the same time. Poor woman! Could you have picked up a tummy bug as well?

misshastings - congrats on being team pink!

lauki - patience is a virtue ;) don't worry, your scan will come soon enough
yay for your DD weaning off her dummy and being in her toddler bed. that's great!

rabab - congrats on being team blue!

hopeful - ooh a gender reveal party sounds like fun

scorpio - welcome to the group :)

alanna - don't worry about the lack of moments. I was 17+1 when I felt my first flutters. Even now they're very faint. If you have an anterior placenta as well it could be much much later before you feel anything.
glad you enjoyed your antenatal yoga class.

oneandtwo - so jealous you have visible exterior movements! that's cool :)
that's a shame that your husband will miss the scan.
yay for still fitting in pre-preg pants.
the daycare stuff does sound very frustrating.

miss bellum - yay for you having a date for your scan :)

whew I think that's me caught up. If I missed anybody / anything please let me know ;)

Well my update - 18 weeks + 5 days and STILL NO EFFING DATE FOR MY ANOMALY SCAN! It's driving me INSANE.
If I haven't heard anything by Thursday I'm ringing the hospital.

I mean, for goodness sake, don't they realise people have lives? I bet they'll pick some really annoying date/time that clashes with me having to take kids to/from school or nursery, or choose a day when DS2 is NOT at nursery, and when MIL is working, so she wouldn't be able to watch him (which would mean DH wouldn't be able to come with me for the scan, as he'd have to watch DS2).
I just want my date and time for heaven's sake! Talk about leaving it till the last minute!

DH is still aching from his vasectomy. He says it's not the stitches that hurts - it's like an aching in his stomach almost. Like being kicked in the balls a couple of hours ago (so an ache that is dull and dying away, but it doesn't seem to be going). Not that I know what being kicked in the balls feels like lol, but that's how he is describing it.

The kids keep changing their minds about whether they want the baby to be a boy or a girl.

Originally DD wanted girl, and the boys wanted a boy. But then yesterday DS1 changed his mind to want a girl.
Today they've ALL decided they want a boy haha. I've told them they'll get what they're given :p

I have a sore throat again. Really badly on the right hand side. I think it could be mild tonsillitis. It hurts to chew and swallow and move my jaw! I've taken some paracetamols but it only helps a tiny bit. SO annoying!

I'm feeling really tired lately but DH keeps snoring which is doing my nut in.

Feeling a fair amount of moment lately but it's only faint kicks, nothing big and jumpy yet.
Wow! Amazing to see everyone coming out with the genders... I'm also relieved to see that there are others who keep stalking but don't write all the time... I'm like that ;)
Our scan is set for Feb 18th but in BC we don't get told by the technician, we have to visit our doctor a few days later for the results.
We can't wait! We're planning on having the doc tell us, but revealing it to friends at a gender reveal party :)

We're having a gender reveal party as well but we will find out the gender along with out guests at the party :D we can't wait!

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