~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

just wondering if any of you ladies are having trouble with scars? i had my appendix out nearly 2 years ago and the scar is swollen and lumpy! i also get bad stretching pains. How are the people with c-section scars coping?

I had an appendectomy 16 yrs ago and it never bothered me when I was pregnant with DS 9 years ago, or now. You might have scar tissue that is getting irritated. You might call the doc and ask them if there is something to be concerned about or if they can give you something or suggest something you can put on it.
The sun came out yesterday! So happy about that. DD is well recovered and eating like her normal non stoppable self.
With my csection scar I use the palmers cocoa butter...it helps with the itching and smells tasty. I could almost eat it! I have not tried Bio-oil but I know many hospitals recommend it with scars. My brother inlaw had surgery on his jaw and used bio-oil. He still has a scar but he is fortunate he can hide it under his beard.
Like Becca said...stretch marks are mostly genetic. I had none with my DD until the last month of pregnancy. Most of my stretch marks actually happened during the csection where they pulled the clamp thing to hold my skin back to get the baby out of me...if I had a natural birth I probably would have very few marks.
As for this pregnancy I would like to try for a Vbac but it all depends on what is safe for me and the baby. The doctor freaked me out saying about the uterus rupture and how some women need a hysterectomy! Totally scared me silly! But since researching information I have concluded it is a very VERY small percentage that this happens to and most = 75% of women have no dramas with a Vbac. From what I have read another csection would actually hold greater risks for me as blood loss basically doubles with each csection. I lost so much blood with the first csection so this really worries me.
oh dear lol - 10 pages for me to catch up on!

First of all, thanks ladies for the compliments on the outfits xx I hope to goodness I still fit into them at some point in my life again lol. Preferably before I'm 90 lol

donna - sorry to hear you're uncomfortable. I hope it eases for you. you're right maybe some physio would help.
glad you managed to get some good sleep though.
and yay for hearing the heartbeat with your doppler :)

junemomma - oh gosh how scary when they couldn't find the heartbeat. I bet you were so worried. I'm SO glad the baby is okay hun.
I'm sure the infection will be treated and clear up soon x
and yay for signing your lease!
Emma Claire is a beautiful name :)

Libbysmum - glad your appointment went well, but yeah I'd be annoyed too if somebody queue jumped. gah.
Don't worry about the toilet training. It'll happen in time.
as for the section v VBAc, which would you prefer?
I'm so sorry that your DD was poorly, but glad to hear she's on the mend now. That's good that her eye is clearing up.

nenna - I wish I didn't have a sizeable bump lol. grass is greener syndrome. enjoy your small one whilst it's still small ;)

myra - yeah I have days too when I've got way less energy than other days
wow how awesome your OH got to feel some kicking! That's fab! That's so sweet that he talks to the baby.

caro - yeah a small bump is definitely easier to move around with than a big one.
as for the changing of 2 bums, aye I had to do that with DD and DS1, and DS1 and DS2. Bit of a pain but nothing major.
the weird pain under your ribs sounds just like ligament or muscle pain. I keep having AWFUL pains in my stomach muscles if I sneeze, or cough - especially if I'm lying on my back.

missfox - sorry about your hip pain. mine have been hurting too when I'm in bed. not so bad during the day though.
congrats on your daughter's sleeping and diaper progress! that's great!
try not to worry too much about your DH's job situation. If he was unhappy then it's probably best he packed it in for the moment. I'm sure he'll find another one soon.

tlh - ouch I'm sorry about your hips, and that you have been feeling poorly. are you any better?
and wow lol your poor OH dealing with a poo-covered room

pink flowers - oh dear that's not good that you feel so poorly. I hope you feel better soon. Have the antibiotics helped? There's a lot of chest infections around lately.
don't worry, 12th march isn't so far away as it sounds.

sue - yeah that's a sizeable onion lol
that dinner you had sounds gorgeous. I loooove lemon meringue pie!
how nice of your mum to do your vacuuming. mine is more likely to whinge about me having something out of place in my house!
I'm sorry to hear you're usually lonely. I know what you mean. I only have my family, but no friends at all.
woo just one week till your scan. that'll fly by!
that sucks that you haven't been feeling too well.
the business trips sound rather pleasant :)

JJsmom - did the dizziness pass?
sorry to hear you were feeling sick. how are you now?
lovely quilted cross stitch!
and gosh, it sounds like you were really kicked a lot!

ProudArmyWife - are you feeling any better? january is rife with viruses at the moment.
nice that you got to feel so much movement.
bet you're excited for your scan :)

pandaspot - oh dear that's not a good day you had! I've never experienced a nosebleed myself actually. I don't think they're uncommon though.
as for what prevents stretchmarks, I dunno. I used palmers cocoa butter cream when I was pregnant with DD and it didn't help one bit. So I just never bothered trying to prevent them for my other pregnancies. Didn't see the point.

aaisrie - wow lovely bump!
I hope you had a really lovely birthday
don't worry, march 6th will be here soon. February is a short month ;)

kaths - 4 weeks will fly by I'm sure :)
aww your little boy looks so cute, and handsome in his shirt.

JW - congrats on being team blue!

Sw33t - cute bump pic :)

Becca - hooray for movement!
as for itching, my bump isn't itching yet, but my back and shoulders and head and upper arms have been itching a lot for a few weeks now. I'm sure I'm getting mild PUPPPs - I've had it before with all my pregnancies. Sorry you're having the itches - so not fun!
I bet you're really looking forward to your scan.
How did craft group night go?

Breadsticks - I dunno, I've never thrown up from a cold before. My MIL recently has had both the flu, AND the norovirus at the same time. Poor woman! Could you have picked up a tummy bug as well?

misshastings - congrats on being team pink!

lauki - patience is a virtue ;) don't worry, your scan will come soon enough
yay for your DD weaning off her dummy and being in her toddler bed. that's great!

rabab - congrats on being team blue!

hopeful - ooh a gender reveal party sounds like fun

scorpio - welcome to the group :)

alanna - don't worry about the lack of moments. I was 17+1 when I felt my first flutters. Even now they're very faint. If you have an anterior placenta as well it could be much much later before you feel anything.
glad you enjoyed your antenatal yoga class.

oneandtwo - so jealous you have visible exterior movements! that's cool :)
that's a shame that your husband will miss the scan.
yay for still fitting in pre-preg pants.
the daycare stuff does sound very frustrating.

miss bellum - yay for you having a date for your scan :)

whew I think that's me caught up. If I missed anybody / anything please let me know ;)

Well my update - 18 weeks + 5 days and STILL NO EFFING DATE FOR MY ANOMALY SCAN! It's driving me INSANE.
If I haven't heard anything by Thursday I'm ringing the hospital.

I mean, for goodness sake, don't they realise people have lives? I bet they'll pick some really annoying date/time that clashes with me having to take kids to/from school or nursery, or choose a day when DS2 is NOT at nursery, and when MIL is working, so she wouldn't be able to watch him (which would mean DH wouldn't be able to come with me for the scan, as he'd have to watch DS2).
I just want my date and time for heaven's sake! Talk about leaving it till the last minute!

DH is still aching from his vasectomy. He says it's not the stitches that hurts - it's like an aching in his stomach almost. Like being kicked in the balls a couple of hours ago (so an ache that is dull and dying away, but it doesn't seem to be going). Not that I know what being kicked in the balls feels like lol, but that's how he is describing it.

The kids keep changing their minds about whether they want the baby to be a boy or a girl.

Originally DD wanted girl, and the boys wanted a boy. But then yesterday DS1 changed his mind to want a girl.
Today they've ALL decided they want a boy haha. I've told them they'll get what they're given :p

I have a sore throat again. Really badly on the right hand side. I think it could be mild tonsillitis. It hurts to chew and swallow and move my jaw! I've taken some paracetamols but it only helps a tiny bit. SO annoying!

I'm feeling really tired lately but DH keeps snoring which is doing my nut in.

Feeling a fair amount of moment lately but it's only faint kicks, nothing big and jumpy yet.

The dizziness did pass. I'm doing well now thank you! Sorry you're not feeling well again!!! Feel better soon!!!
hi everyone - i haven't been on in a while have been in and out of hosp with Hyperemesis gravidarum seems to be taking a lot out of me and have dropped a lot if weight from it, was a little worried about it affecting my little girl but the docs have reassured me she is fine so now just hoping it passes. don't want to go back into hosp but i guess if i have to i will. glad to hear everyone else is doing better with there sicknesses.
Xx, hope you feel better soon and pray you dont have to go back into the hospital again!!!

We already got a call from my son's school they are on a 2 hour delay tomorrow due to severe thunderstorms we're getting tonight with wind gusts up to around 70 mph according to the weather channel. Tornado watch included in these storms. I hate getting them over night!!
Congrats xx on the girl! Hope you feel better soon!
I can hardly wait to find out what we are having
DD is sleeping...one good thing about day light savings time!
evening girls! :) i had my 18 week appointment today! :) i got to hear bubs heart beat and it was wonderful at 150bpm, we dont have to go back for 4 weeks now YAY! we have an appointment to book in for our c-section at the end of February so things will become a lot more real! we find out what we are having in February and find out when we are having bub! :) hope everyone is well!
Exactly one week from today we find out what we're having!! So excited!!! Now, to go wake my son up and give him his balloons and wish him a happy birthday! He is on a 2 hr delay at school due to the storms that came through this morning. They didn't want the kids out in that rain along with the tornado warnings. Hope you ladies have a wonderful day!!
I finally got dh on board with a girl name!! :happydance:

Kyleigh Madisyn!

I love the name! And the spelling of Kyleigh

AFM I have been stalking this thread since I posted my pregnancy.
I am 15 weeks and am not showing but hope to be soon. I had a sub chorionic hemmorhage early on but it seems to have healed now. Everything is going great. I won't get my anatomy scan until the end of February.
Morning ladies! 10 days for me until I find out what sex this monkey is! Lots of movement the past few days, and a couple I've felt from the outside, and I'm FINALLY starting to show. DD is home from school for the 3rd time this year due to weather conditions. We are expecting 6-8 inches of snow. Which is hard to believe since it was 50 out yesterday and thunderstorming, but the roads are already a mess. Thankful I have off of work today.
JJsmom, those storms! I couldn't believe it when my phone started going off and it said "tornado warning - seek shelter now." I woke my husband up and the first thing he said was "but the siren hasn't gone off...?" And then it started :p We went downstairs and camped out, started looking at the radar and the storm was nowhere near us! And we were thinking a tornado had been sighted. It took 45 min for the storm to reach us. Crazy! Luckily everything was fine, just some flooding in some parts of town.

I am still sick :( I went to the dr today, he put me on antibiotics and gave me an excuse through Monday. Hopefully I won't need to stay home that long. I did get to hear baby's heartbeat again, that made me happy. My next ultrasound with the clinic is the 28th though we do have the private ultrasound in a little over a week. :)

I hope you ladies are all well. Baby and I have been getting lots of kitty snuggles this week. They don't leave me alone when I'm sick lol. But also with the storms last night, we usually don't let them sleep in our room (they get playful) but they were scared so wanted cuddles.
breadsticks hope you feel better soon!

alice, cannot believe you've still not got a date!! def ring them tomorrow. hope you feel better soon too.

afm looks like we've got a preliminary moving date :happydance:, 15th feb! eeek seems sooo close!!
breadsticks hope you feel better soon!

alice, cannot believe you've still not got a date!! def ring them tomorrow. hope you feel better soon too.

afm looks like we've got a preliminary moving date :happydance:, 15th feb! eeek seems sooo close!!

yeah I'm beyond annoyed. STILL no letter for a date for my scan! Went out today and came back and had no mail through the letter box at all.

19 weeks tomorrow. Yep definitely phoning them!
Wow Alice can't believe they still haven't gotten you a date! That's crazy! Hope you get an answer from them soon.

Having a pretty good day went to lunch with dh and dd tried a new restaurant that was soooo yummy and the. Dh took me to motherhood maternity and bought me two pairs of maternity shorts :) I'm in heaven since its been mid 70-80s here recently.
sorry i have been rubbish at keeping up.

Anti biotics seem to be working. Have had a nasty head ache today.

Hope you are all ok xx
pink flowers glad they're working but hope your head feels better soon :hugs:

I'm munching through a tube of smarties!! yum yum! and finally took a bump pic but now have lost my camera lead :( so can't upload. But also tbf it really still doesn't look like a bump :dohh:
I have just bought myself the Angelcare Movement and Sound monitor!

It is on offer at Kiddicare with just over £30 so I couldn't resist!! :) my Grandad gave me some money for the baby so I have used that. :)

only 5 sleeps now to my gender reveal....getting excited!!
We had our 18 week anatomy ultrasound today and baby looks perfect! On top of that good news, we got more good news: the hematoma is gone!
Needless to say we're both thrilled and quite content :)

I hope your weeks are all going well!
Congrats Myra! That is wonderful news!
Breadsticks sorry you are not well...praying for a speedy recovery! Often when you are pregnant you get a bad run with germs cause your immunities are lower to protect the baby. No fun at all though. :(
Mara glad you got to hear the hb! All the best for your next appointment.
No news to report here. Still down south on holidays...we go home Sunday night.

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