~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

yeah I'm beyond annoyed. STILL no letter for a date for my scan! Went out today and came back and had no mail through the letter box at all.

19 weeks tomorrow. Yep definitely phoning them!

Yep, time to give them a call I think!
wow i've missed like 10 pages i read through them briefly but don't remember everything :haha:

congrats everyone that found out genders and had anatomy scans recently! i can't believe we're all almost halfway through!

afm ive been sick. i haven't been to work in 3 days!! i had a dr appt this morning and she gave me a note to excuse me from work since i wasnt functioning well. my manager threatened to fire me since ive had a lot of absences (last year i was having issues with IBS and i've been sick most this pregnancy) i asked her if i could fill out the paperwork for FMLA and she told me no i don't qualify and i need to either come to work or lose my job. i went above her and HR told me that she lied to me and helped me fill out all the paperwork so i'm now on intermittent job protected leave which means i can't get fired for being sick during pregnancy thankfully! i'm hoping to not come back to work after i have the baby but i need the job until then!!

on a completely off subject note i went to get the oil changed in my car today and come to find out my brakes were completely shot and one of my tires is ready to blow at any moment. lucky me spent $300 on repairs and still have to go back tomorrow or friday to get 2 new tires for like $200 now!!! i hate cars i wish i didn't need one :haha:
ack my DH is doing my head in. Every time I have a little grumble about my back hurting, or say that I could do with a sit down, he comes out with some remark about how it can't be that bad as I'm nowhere near as big as him.


I KNOW I'm nowhere near as big as him. He's just under 22 stone for goodness sake (he was just over 33 stone at his biggest a couple of years back), so heaven help me I never want to GET to be as big as him, but it's as though he compares everything to him.

I can't POSSIBLY have backache being the size I am, because I'm not as big as him.

Obviously :roll:

He's always like this when I'm pregnant. It means that even when I'm full term with a bump the size of a zeppelin, he still has zero sympathy, because I'm still not as heavy as him.

For goodness sake.
Breadsticks, yeah the storms were bad! I hate when they come through at night. Normally it's not as big of a deal though because I actually get some sleep. But with being pregnant, I don't get much sleep as it is so I end up losing that much more. DS and OH slept through the storm. I was the one that stayed up to protect them. My OH doesn't know how to do that. I'm the one who has to check if I heard a noise because he's too engrossed in his game or tv and I say "What's that noise?" and he finally would look up after a min and say oh, what noise? So I generally get up and I'm like whatever, I'll see what it is and you just sit on your tush! So then he gets irritated and follows me around while I try to figure out what the noise is. I think I've had that rant before in here. LOL! I'm the protector of the family and of course it figures as I'm the most paranoid person!

Alice, definitely give them a call to figure out what is going on! You should already have your scan booked!
tlh97990: What a terrible boss. What is FMLA? Here in Australia its against the law to fire anyone who is pregnant. I told my manager that I was pregnant after needing three days off work at 11 weeks. I had some bleeding and needed tests/bed rest.

alicecooper: sorry to hear about the zero sympathy from DH. Men can hard to live with at times.

AFM: I have a dr's appt due next Monday. I'm excited to see my OB and ask questions. I wanted to ask you ladies what happened during your 15w/16w appointment? I wanted to prepare/educate myself as to what may happen.
At my 16w appointment it was just like the ones before... my weight was taken (scary!) and blood pressure. Then he measured my tummy (first time this happened) and then pulled out the doppler and we listened to the baby's heartbeat - until the battery went dead :(
I could ask questions etc and I just told him how anxious I was about the 20 week scan. Terrified of spina bifida ... he replied with, "Want something realistic to worry about? Someday, unfortunately, your child will be rude to you"... my doula and I burst out laughing and he totally put me at ease.

I'm in Canada though, 16w appointment could be different elsewhere.

How much weight have you ladies gained? I feel MASSIVE but have only gained 1 kg...
Thanks honey. If we have a scan I want to ask OB if he can guess the gender.
I didn't get on the scales or do measuring last time. Just had blood tests ordered.
I weighed myself a few weeks before I fell pregnant so *I think I've gained 2kgs.
Yesterday when I was getting changed after my shower, I caught a glimpse of my naked self in the mirror "OH DEAR". I look very big now LOL. It's all middle weight. My arms, legs and face don't appear to have gotten bigger (yet).
hope ladies who feel icky feel better soon!!

alice, sorry you're DH is giving you no sympthy, sounds like he'd be a candidate for a strap on belly thingy!! and his weight has gone on gradually and is no doubt all over, slightly different!!

heres my pathetic excuse for a 16+3 week bump :blush:
Bump baby No.2 16+3 weeks (1).jpgBump baby No.2 16+3 weeks (2).jpgBump baby No.2 16+3 weeks (3).jpg
Nice bump Caro!!!

I just weighed myself and it says I'm still down 3 lbs! So I haven't gained YET! But I'm sure it won't be long before I start putting it on! I'm hoping to only gain around 10 lbs but with how much I've eaten so far I'm sure it will be more like 20 lbs. 20 lbs is the max they want me to gain because I'm already a big girl. I just can't seem to stop eating lately! I'm starving!! I eat a good meal and then not even an hour later my tummy is growling again. Hoping this part goes away after a few days!!
I'm hoping to only gain 20 lbs as well as I was 162 lbs before I got pregnant. I needed to lose weight and now I know it's going to be that much harder after baby is born :-(
RIGHT I rang the hospital. Got passed around to 2 different departments before they finally put me through to the ultrasound department.

I was told that the ultrasound department hadn't been given any paperwork about me!
No wonder I hadn't received a letter!

Anyway, I've now been put down for 2pm on 11th Feb for my 20 week scan (I'll be 20+4).

blimey, good job you chased them alice!! glad you've finally got a date though!

weight wise i'm back up to what i weighed when first fell pregnant, amazingly i lost some over xmas despite eating like a pig! :shrug:, I technically weigh less on the scales now than i did with my son, yet my middle deffo looks fatter! just goes to show what having a baby does to you :dohh:
Last weigh in was on jan 23 and i was down 4 lbs. The max they want me to gain is 20more due to my weight beforehand.
Golly gee - I WANT to read back and comment on particular things but am feeling oddly apathetic this morning.. so let's see what I can remember....

Scars - I didn't have a c-section but I had my gall bladder out when Jessie was 6 months old so I have four little scars from that. They're not bothering me as of yet but I was veyr confused the other day when I looked down and could only find 3, turns out the 4th has migrated almost around to my side!! It used to be on my front!! How bizarre!

I'm trying to remember the bio-oil but I'm just so exhausted by bedtime that I don't normally bother... I'm going to regret that later.

Kegals - Argh!! I did these every day last time and only a handful of times this go around! BAD ME! Help me remember girls! These things are important!

Alice - I'm glad you've finally gotten yourself a date! Your DH is just being daft. lol Being overweight is NOT the same as being pregnant. Yes you both have extra weight to carry around, but are his bones moving? Does he hurt after eating because baby is squishing up his stomach space? Does it feel like someone has hit him in the nether regions with a bat? Does he get dizzy when he stands up because of all the extra blood in his system? Is he starting to waddle from hips spreading? Is his dinner kicking him from the instead with a big ol'baby foot? *laughs* Not the same! You'd think after having 3 he'd have figured out that it's not exactly equal! :)

ME: I've gained 4lbs so far. (2 in the past 2 days?! I'm hoping baby had a growth spurt or something lol) I was 172 when I got pregnant (about 4lbs more than when I got pregnant with my first) and my goal is not to crest 200lbs.. because that would TOTALLY freak me out.

Had a nightmare last night about the baby. I had a weird flap on my stomach that if you flipped open you could see the baby's face, and he wasn't developing right. :( The eyes were strange. I was having all these tests done and was really upset. Strangely enough I knew even in the dream that this flap thing wasn't normal and that was upsetting me too! Like a tiny kangaroo pouch. One time I opened it the baby was hungry and wanted to nurse.... even though it was only 18 weeks... on the other hand I'm feeling much closer to the baby this morning and can't wait to have my tiny little one in my arms.

Felt a little bit of movement this morning. Similar to tiny dolphin flips in my belly. These big gaps between movement are not reassuring. Can't wait till my scan on Monday.. honestly, I'm really nervous though - as evidenced by my dreams!
Becca- I know I've heard doing kegals is important, but I don't know why....what's the theory behind that and did it help you in y our last pregnancy?
dreams are weird sometimes, especially during pregnancy.

I've had some VERY peculiar dreams whilst pregnant.
Glad you finally got a date Alice! You go the day before me :)

As far as weight my last appt was at 15 weeks and I was down 4lbs from pre pregnancy weight. I'm pretty sure I've gained that back now though plus some probably cause I have been eating like crazy! I swear I have days where I just cannot get full
myra - Super important! They help prevent incontinence. Help with pushing during labour. Helps everything bounce back faster. Never had issues with 'leaking' when sneezing after my first! This time I haven't done them and it's totally more of an issue. That said... I did just read this article... https://breakingmuscle.com/womens-fitness/stop-doing-kegels-real-pelvic-floor-advice-women-and-men

So really... I'm going to keep doing the kegals but also endeavor to add squats into my 'labour readiness' routine! lol Trainers love squats because they work so many muscle groups. Especially if your form is correct. You'll really feel it the next couple of days.

Alice - I preferred my dreams last time! There were a lot of erotic ones!! You can tell I'm way more nervous this time around. It's manifesting subconsciously... haha consciously too if I'm honest!

ProudArmyWife - I envy you! I really really wanted calzone last night. Hubby brought me home one... I didn't even eat all of it and I felt like I was going to bust! There's no room for food in my belly anymore. It all pushes up into my upper abdomen. It gets super hard and bloated and then I'm mad at myself for eating. Starving goes directly to over stuffed. Unpleasant.

ME: I let Jessie choose from few shirts on etsy this morning. Should have known better than to show her a princess one... She was completely against all the cute animal versions as soon as she saw it. I'm going to order this one for her Monday after my 20 weeks ultrasound. (yup that's how paranoid I am. I want to make sure everything is okay before getting her even more excited and erm having her shirt tell random strangers.) -but with light brown hair-
I am still under pre-pregnancy weight also. According to my scale at home, I'm down 4 lbs. My weight fluctuates a lot, but I was on the upper end of a normal BMI. My dr hasn't said exactly how much I should gain, but I'd like to stay under 35 lbs. Preferably a bit less since I was so close.to an overweight BMI which would put me ideally gaining 15-25 lbs. I am not overly concerned though. Mostly I just don't want to gain a lot and have complications arise because of it but if I gain more safely I won't mind. I think it would be awesome to get my body back right away but it won't kill me if it takes time.

My husband puts lotion on my belly every night before bed. It is so relaxing and he likes to talk to the baby when he does it. It's a very nice massage and takes care of the itching :) I don't know what to expect with stretch marks. I have some from puberty on my hips but they aren't bad. I don't remember my mom getting them terribly with my little brother but it could just be my forgetfulness.

Alice, I'd be annoyed with my husband too! It's absolutely not the same lol. Some of us have lost weight and we are getting aches and pains from the pregnancy...it's not just about the weight gain. :haha: I'm glad you called in and got your scan taken care of! How frustrating though! At least it is all fixed now :) I hope it is a day that works well for you.

Pregnancy dreams are the weirdest! I feel like I'm having nightmares more often. But then again the happier dreams are so happy too. I frequently have to ask my husband if things really happened or not because they seem so real and sometimes contain conversations that would actually happen.

I'm still feeling like crap, I am a bit more awake now that I had been earlier in the week but beyond that no other improvements. The wind is insane outside, it hasn't let up in over a day now. It is relaxing to listen to though. My husband went back to work today. He was also sick but his only lasted from Sunday night till Tuesday :p He stayed home to rest and take care of me Monday and Tuesday and had the day off yesterday. It was nice to have him here to help me with things. I'm sure he's happy to get out of the house though, I know I am looking forward to it when I'm feeling better!

Can you believe it is February tomorrow?!?

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