~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Thanks for advice, I will talk to dr, I am sure it's nothing serious and the main thing I ought to grin and bare it, maybe my fuse is a lot shorter lol and I just don't want to be treated any differently tbh.

Sorry your feeling so lonely Donna :( that makes me sad.
I've cried the last 5 days and can't get myself out of it. My poor hubby. He doesn't know how to handle these emotions so he ends up getting angry or frustrated and that makes me worse. I feel had because I know with my daughter things didn't get better for us until a few months after her birth. I tried to tell my Dr I thought I had ppd and she said "oh honey everyone feels sad after they have a baby" but didn't acknowledge how miserable I was my entire pregnancy. It keeps me up at night with my anxiety and racing thoughts. The office I'm going to for my appointments actually offers councelling for pregnant women and seem more interested making sure mom is mentally OK through the entire process. I'm sorry you are going through this ladies. Pregnancy is a lonely time. I've recently lost my 2 best friends (set in stone yesterday when neither wished me a happy birthday) and that was rough. I now feel like my life is nothing but getting up, going ti work, errands and being stressed at home. I don't see it changing any time soon. I wish I could be that carefree pregnant lady but seems it just inst in the cards for me.
My friends once told me that no matter the emotional rollercoaster being pregnant is to do your best to enjoy as much as you can of it. There is nothing like it. It is an amazing and beautiful gift and even when it is hard you are doing something's so amazing.
I've cried the last 5 days and can't get myself out of it. My poor hubby. He doesn't know how to handle these emotions so he ends up getting angry or frustrated and that makes me worse. I feel had because I know with my daughter things didn't get better for us until a few months after her birth. I tried to tell my Dr I thought I had ppd and she said "oh honey everyone feels sad after they have a baby" but didn't acknowledge how miserable I was my entire pregnancy. It keeps me up at night with my anxiety and racing thoughts. The office I'm going to for my appointments actually offers councelling for pregnant women and seem more interested making sure mom is mentally OK through the entire process. I'm sorry you are going through this ladies. Pregnancy is a lonely time. I've recently lost my 2 best friends (set in stone yesterday when neither wished me a happy birthday) and that was rough. I now feel like my life is nothing but getting up, going ti work, errands and being stressed at home. I don't see it changing any time soon. I wish I could be that carefree pregnant lady but seems it just inst in the cards for me.
My friends once told me that no matter the emotional rollercoaster being pregnant is to do your best to enjoy as much as you can of it. There is nothing like it. It is an amazing and beautiful gift and even when it is hard you are doing something's so amazing.

hope your emotions gets back in wake i have these times and i try and remember it just me and being emotional and i tell my hubby to to ignore me for the time being and then he goes ok hun and is fine after that.

[QUOTE:sue_88] Well ladies, I'm having a baby girl!!!!

I'm so emotional and overwhelmed but so in love. She's perfect!! [/QUOTE]

congrats un.... :)

afm- i am about to go to my doc appointment and we hope to find out today what we are having.... so excited and ready to be able to put a better identity to our little bean.
I've cried the last 5 days and can't get myself out of it. My poor hubby. He doesn't know how to handle these emotions so he ends up getting angry or frustrated and that makes me worse. I feel had because I know with my daughter things didn't get better for us until a few months after her birth. I tried to tell my Dr I thought I had ppd and she said "oh honey everyone feels sad after they have a baby" but didn't acknowledge how miserable I was my entire pregnancy. It keeps me up at night with my anxiety and racing thoughts. The office I'm going to for my appointments actually offers councelling for pregnant women and seem more interested making sure mom is mentally OK through the entire process. I'm sorry you are going through this ladies. Pregnancy is a lonely time. I've recently lost my 2 best friends (set in stone yesterday when neither wished me a happy birthday) and that was rough. I now feel like my life is nothing but getting up, going ti work, errands and being stressed at home. I don't see it changing any time soon. I wish I could be that carefree pregnant lady but seems it just inst in the cards for me.
My friends once told me that no matter the emotional rollercoaster being pregnant is to do your best to enjoy as much as you can of it. There is nothing like it. It is an amazing and beautiful gift and even when it is hard you are doing something's so amazing.

I'm sorry you're in such a rough patch right now. The good thing is it sound slike you're doctor's office will be more supportive and aware than your previous doctor. I'm glad you at least have that and I hope if you go to counseling that you find it helpful.

I've lost one of my closest friends during this pregnancy as well. I'm not sure why she has just stopped talking to me. I last called her back in the December- when the overnight doc I spoke with on the phone told me I was miscarrying. I called my friend after getting off the phone with the doc and left a voicemail asking if she might be able to spend time with me the next day so I didn't have to be alone if I did miscarry since OH would have to be away for part of the day. The next night she sent me an email saying she was sorry I was having a tough time and that she hoped everything was ok. That was her only response to me telling her I'd just been told I was going to miscarry! I was shocked at how impersonal it was and that she didn't even call me back...and I haven't heard from her since. A mutual friend said it might be because she wants to have a family too and isn't in a happy relationship. Whatever her explanation, if she ever choses to get back in touch, I don't feel like I could get past that and ever want to be friends again. That was the hardest and scariest 2 weeks in my life and she just walked away.
BeccaMichelle - hope all went well at the scan & your party

Aaisrie - Cute bump pic, glad you are out of the hospital x x

tsyhanochka - Glad all is going well, and great to hear you can finally feel movement. I can't wait to feel something!

tlh97990 - I was thinking the same, and then my bump seemed to appear overnight! Maybe you will be the same.

Libbysmum - Hope you enjoyed the holiday. Sucks that you have to pay for scans but at least you can claim it back from insurers.

pandaspot - I would agree with libbysmum, worth bringing up with your doctor/midwife. It does get a bit tedious, when you keep getting the same questions over & over again. I just try to bear in mind most people are trying to show an interest and dont know how many times in one day you have been asked the same question!

sue-88 - Congratulations on your little girl! x x

donnanoble - Sorry to hear you feel sad, ope things get getter for you soon :hugs:

Missfox - Sorry things are tough at the moment, hope they get better soon x:hugs:

Sw33tp3a - Hope all goes well at your scan x
Junemomma, respect! I don't know that I could wait that long...I'm going crazy just knowing I have to wait until Saturday!

Eve, fantastic bump! So happy you are home :happydance:

T, glad to hear that all is well with you! I love being able to eat again too lol. And feeling the baby move is excellent!

Oneandtwo, love your bump! That is crazy how quickly it happened!

tlh, I've been feeling that way too, but I think I'm finally starting to look more pregnant! :happydance:

Libbysmum, I hope your vacation was amazing! That is really exciting that you are having your scan this week :) I can't wait to hear the results!

Panda, it is definitely good that you are going to talk to your doctor! I have been diagnosed with depression in the past, I never took any medication but did therapy instead since the depression was triggered by events that were going on at the time. I hope your doctor is able to help you feel better. :hugs: I also don't think there is anything wrong with being annoyed by the constant questions. I do like talking about the baby/pregnancy with people but there are times where I just don't feel like it, there's nothing wrong with that! Especially when people are trying to give you "advice" or telling you what's going to happen, that is especially annoying!

Scorpio, not that I am aware of...

Sue, congratulations! :happydance: I very much like the name Millie Amanda that you have picked out. So sweet, I am very happy for you!

Donna, I hope you feel better! :hugs: Is there anyone near you that you can reach out to to help ease the loneliness? Big hugs to you!

Missfox, hugs to you! :hugs: I can't believe your doctor acted that way. Yes pregnancy can cause you to be more emotional but if you are sad a lot then they should help! I'm sorry your friends aren't being supportive either, that is really crappy of them! I hope you still had a great birthday yesterday despite your friend!

Sw33tp3a, I hope your appointment went well and I can't wait to hear if it's a little boy or girl! :)

Myra, that is insane that your friend acted like that! I'm sorry you had to deal with that. :hugs: I would be so hurt if that happened to me. There are a lot of things that teach us who our true friends are, I guess pregnancy is one of those things!

As for me, finally got back to classes this week. My professors are being great about my missed time so I'm happy about it. We booked our hotel for this weekend, originally we were just going to stay Saturday night but we decided might as well make it a whole weekend! I got a pretty good deal on the hotel room :thumbup: We're going to head out Friday night after my husband gets off work. We'll get dinner there at one of the German restaurants (we haven't had German food in a while!) and just relax. The gender scan is at 11:30 Saturday morning. After that we will go to the museum, I was able to get combination museum admission and IMAX tickets for that day. After the museum closes we'll probably go get dinner then the Hobbit starts around 8:30PM. I am just so excited!!! :happydance:

And I'm finally looking a bit pregnant! :haha: Here I am today at 18 weeks...

What beautiful bumps!
I am 18w1d (my ticker is a little off)... and I had a gorgeous bump all weekend. But this morning it seems to have hidden away somewhere, is this normal? Would love some replies :haha:
Congrats Sue I'm sure Millie is absolutely beautiful!!!!

Ohhh!!! Look at all the lovely bumps! I really should take a picture of mine.

Hormones kicked in last night, my poor OH! I made a comment about getting excited for late spring/early summer when I start to waddle, and he said "Honey, you are already starting to waddle a bit!" Instant tears, my crying I felt like a whale, and him getting me a bowl of ice cream, then cooking me a steak when we were still up at midnight because I couldn't stop crying. He was so confused..."I thought you wanted to waddle" Me: "Not at 18 weeks" It's funny now, wasn't so much last night.

5 more days until we see monkey!
What beautiful bumps!
I am 18w1d (my ticker is a little off)... and I had a gorgeous bump all weekend. But this morning it seems to have hidden away somewhere, is this normal? Would love some replies :haha:

Ya I think its fairly common. Mine is very small in the morning, as I relax my muscles throughout the day it pops back out.
Hi all

I want to ask a question and have your opinions, I thought a couple of weeks ago I must be suffering from depression but now just think it's hormones? I originally thought it was depression as I have suffered in the past. I have a drs appointment tomorrow but now think he will think I am stupid

I originally made the appointment after me and oh went to his parents for the evening. I was fine to begin with, but soon shut off and didn't want to talk. I sat looking miserable until we went home. Oh was annoyed, I used to be so chatty when visiting but wasn't then. Or since with them, and tbh I haven't been with my own family.

I have put it down too, I get sick of being asked the same questions by oh mother. How are you feeling? Are you feeling sick yet? Etc etc. the are you feeling sick bit really gets on my nerves, cause no at 16 weeks I am not going to start morning sickness, didn't have it before not going to start now. I also think I don't want to chat about myself or my feelings to anyone apart from oh. No one has ever been that interested before.

I do sound a bit angry lol

In truth I feel fine, I just can't be bothered to answer tedious questions. I know they don't mean any harm, and they are excited but jeez. Now when oh says shall we go up on Friday, I think no but I haven't the heart to say what's getting to me. I feel excited for the baby, I can't wait for my life to change for the better, but I just don't want constant involvement from oh family or my family.

And they insist on rubbing my tummy!!!!! Get off lol

I probably do have a bit of social anxiety but doesn't everyone? Plus I find people who have been drinking extremely tedious lol

I will mention it to dr tomorrow but my main reason for going now is my severe hip pain, I can't walk when I get an attack of it, whether I am in the street/park etc

Sorry if I sound a bit angry or mad. Haven't been able to say any of that to anyone before, there is more but I edited it lol :)

i don't think it'd be a bad idea just to bring it up to the doctor! i've been the same way though. i was off work all last week from being sick not sure if its pregnancy sickness or i caught a virus, but every day my mom would call and ask if i was feeling better and when i'd say no every day she'd say do you think its the baby or your sick. after the 6th day of her asking that i flipped out on her and then she got mad at me for being rude. i told her to just not talk to me while i'm pregnant then because i can't help it!

Well ladies, I'm having a baby girl!!!!

I'm so emotional and overwhelmed but so in love. She's perfect!!

congratulations on your little girl!!!

I've cried the last 5 days and can't get myself out of it. My poor hubby. He doesn't know how to handle these emotions so he ends up getting angry or frustrated and that makes me worse. I feel had because I know with my daughter things didn't get better for us until a few months after her birth. I tried to tell my Dr I thought I had ppd and she said "oh honey everyone feels sad after they have a baby" but didn't acknowledge how miserable I was my entire pregnancy. It keeps me up at night with my anxiety and racing thoughts. The office I'm going to for my appointments actually offers councelling for pregnant women and seem more interested making sure mom is mentally OK through the entire process. I'm sorry you are going through this ladies. Pregnancy is a lonely time. I've recently lost my 2 best friends (set in stone yesterday when neither wished me a happy birthday) and that was rough. I now feel like my life is nothing but getting up, going ti work, errands and being stressed at home. I don't see it changing any time soon. I wish I could be that carefree pregnant lady but seems it just inst in the cards for me.
My friends once told me that no matter the emotional rollercoaster being pregnant is to do your best to enjoy as much as you can of it. There is nothing like it. It is an amazing and beautiful gift and even when it is hard you are doing something's so amazing.

hope your emotions gets back in wake i have these times and i try and remember it just me and being emotional and i tell my hubby to to ignore me for the time being and then he goes ok hun and is fine after that.

[QUOTE:sue_88] Well ladies, I'm having a baby girl!!!!

I'm so emotional and overwhelmed but so in love. She's perfect!!

congrats un.... :)

afm- i am about to go to my doc appointment and we hope to find out today what we are having.... so excited and ready to be able to put a better identity to our little bean.[/QUOTE]

good luck at your appt hopefully you find out if its a boy or girl!!

afm we've had quite a hectic day. woke up to a neighbor ringing our doorbell to tell us the light connected the sewage pump was on and we should call a plumber before running water or flushing toilets. my hubby kept yelling at me for having to pee every 20 minutes but i couldnt help it so i just had to let it sit instead of flushing each time :( thankfully everything is fixed now but unfortunately it cost $900!!! maintaining a house is expensive when you're not renting!!

during that fiasco i had to take my daughter to the doctor for her 15 month wellness check. apparently she's extremely advanced for her age :happydance: she told the doctor "thank you" after the doctor handed her something. her dr was shocked that she said it and knew when to say it! i must say i'm one proud momma!!
congrats on a little girl sue!!

tlh sorry today was so expensive :/

our move has been delayed until the beginning of march :(, was meant to be next week! grrr. I wish our buyers would just pull their fingers out and get stuff sorted!!
Congrats Sue I'm sure Millie is absolutely beautiful!!!!

Ohhh!!! Look at all the lovely bumps! I really should take a picture of mine.

Hormones kicked in last night, my poor OH! I made a comment about getting excited for late spring/early summer when I start to waddle, and he said "Honey, you are already starting to waddle a bit!" Instant tears, my crying I felt like a whale, and him getting me a bowl of ice cream, then cooking me a steak when we were still up at midnight because I couldn't stop crying. He was so confused..."I thought you wanted to waddle" Me: "Not at 18 weeks" It's funny now, wasn't so much last night.

5 more days until we see monkey!

Sorry but that's soo funny :haha:
I'd be the same. Men can never say the right thing!
DD was happily watching Peppa pig this morning and turned around to talk to me and I noticed she had cheese all over her face! Hilarious. I sent her to DH to clean up. Off to playgroup this morning then on with chores and loads of "holiday" laundry.
Congrats, Sue!!!

I can't wait to find out what all of you are having- this is set to be an exciting month as everyone's big news rolls in!! And for those of you staying team yellow, I guess I'll just have to wait for July on that news from you :)
we just finally got home from the doc appointment stopped at a few places( in-laws and my parents to show them the pics to see if they could guess.) i cant get a good enough shot of the pics to post them so ill tell ya what we are having.
its a .......... :pink:
my intuition was right all along. :)
we go again in 4 weeks and have my 3d4d scan done. to check all the functions are growing right like the heart and so on by the specialist.
so ecstatic.
we just finally got home from the doc appointment stopped at a few places( in-laws and my parents to show them the pics to see if they could guess.) i cant get a good enough shot of the pics to post them so ill tell ya what we are having.
its a .......... :pink:
my intuition was right all along. :)
we go again in 4 weeks and have my 3d4d scan done. to check all the functions are growing right like the heart and so on by the specialist.
so ecstatic.

Congratulations on your little girl :cloud9:

lol and I'm scared to death!! :happydance:

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