~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Sorry to type so quickly!
We are having a little GIRL :pink::pink::pink:

we are in awe and completely delighted and besotted.
Her name is Elsie... second name to be decided.
Abigail love the color! I'm still trying to figure out what exactly I'm wanting to do. Her bedding is going to be pink and green so been trying to decide how I wanna do the walls. I know I want to get it done before I'm to big and miserable but a part of me is procrastinating because she will be in my room with me for at least a few months. Dd1 slept in our room (in her own bed) till she was 6 months old.

Thank you to everyone who commented about my birth story :) it really was a wonderful experience and I really am hoping I will have a repeat :)

Also I hope everyone else has nice easy deliveries as well. It's kinda crazy to think that we really aren't terribly far off from all that!

Hope everyone else is doing well. I don't remember everything I read and I don't know how to do the whole multi quote thing :haha:
Welcome kwills55!!! Congrats!!!

Abigail, beautiful room!!

tlh, good luck on the job interview!!! Hopefully it'll be a much better fit for you than your current position! I still can't believe how rude they are and how they treat you!

Congrats Hopefulhoney!!!!

Pink Flowers, Sorry to hear about your grand dad!

Anon, we also got about 15 dead tree printouts on top of the cd. LOL! Can't wait to get more pics on the cd when we go back in 4 weeks! Then 4 weeks after that I'm planning on doing the 4D and will have another CD with hopefully plenty of video imaging!

Alice, great bump!!!
good luck tlh! i can't beleive they would fire you for that what a nightmare it sounds like. i was a victim of severe workplace bullying and have ptsd from it. 6 years ago and it still feels like yesterday. destroyed whole life and i have no hope of a meaningful career. so get out! no job is worth being mistreated. i work for another bully now but i just ignore him and it pisses him off he can't get to me.
hope you get the job tlh!!

honey, congrats on team pink!!

errr...that's as far as my memory goes :dohh:

afm, baby has been sooo quiet yesterday and today :(, felt it a couple times yesterday but as yet today nothing i don't think. I know this is normal at this stage but it was sooo much more reasurring when i felt it regualrly!!
Congrats to everyone who has found out if they have little princes or princesses on the way! :happydance:

Donna, so sorry about your previous employer! I'm glad you got out of that situation though I wish your current employer wasn't a bully too!

Caro, I feel like I read somewhere that they start establishing longer sleep cycles, though I honestly can't remember where I saw it. Aisling almost never stops moving and kicking, I am scared for how crazy she will be when she is born! :haha:

I've been really busy this week. Lots to do for classes and work has been busier than normal. Also, I can't stop working on Aisling's room any chance I get :) It is actually looking decent! I mean, there is still a LOT to do but considering it was an office/spare bedroom for family...now it is looking more like a nursery. With all the furniture that was in there before, the room looked so small. But now it looks much bigger, room for her to play even when she's a bit older (if we haven't moved). We're keeping a futon in there for family though I'm wondering how much use it will even get since my mom is adamant that they will be staying in a hotel when they visit this summer.

I decided I am staying home from classes today. Bad girl, I know lol. We had a storm last night that left a lot of ice, my husband said it is not solid, more slushy, but still slick and to be careful walking around outside. Well, we are allowed a certain amount of free absences so I think I'll use one of mine today and just take it easy. I had quite a bit of leg/hip/back pain yesterday that is still lingering today so it will be good to rest. Plus, I don't know how much control I'll have walking on the ice/slush when my body is all out-of-whack...yesterday I almost fell standing on carpet from it :haha: Not that I need to explain myself to you ladies, y'all know what I'm talking about!

Oh! Here is my 20 week picture, taken on 20+3.

Sorry to type so quickly!
We are having a little GIRL :pink::pink::pink:

we are in awe and completely delighted and besotted.
Her name is Elsie... second name to be decided.

Congrats on your little girl :) What a cute name x x

hope you get the job tlh!!

honey, congrats on team pink!!

errr...that's as far as my memory goes :dohh:

afm, baby has been sooo quiet yesterday and today :(, felt it a couple times yesterday but as yet today nothing i don't think. I know this is normal at this stage but it was sooo much more reasurring when i felt it regualrly!!

Hopefully baby has just been sleeping and will start moving soon x

Congrats to everyone who has found out if they have little princes or princesses on the way! :happydance:

Donna, so sorry about your previous employer! I'm glad you got out of that situation though I wish your current employer wasn't a bully too!

Caro, I feel like I read somewhere that they start establishing longer sleep cycles, though I honestly can't remember where I saw it. Aisling almost never stops moving and kicking, I am scared for how crazy she will be when she is born! :haha:

I've been really busy this week. Lots to do for classes and work has been busier than normal. Also, I can't stop working on Aisling's room any chance I get :) It is actually looking decent! I mean, there is still a LOT to do but considering it was an office/spare bedroom for family...now it is looking more like a nursery. With all the furniture that was in there before, the room looked so small. But now it looks much bigger, room for her to play even when she's a bit older (if we haven't moved). We're keeping a futon in there for family though I'm wondering how much use it will even get since my mom is adamant that they will be staying in a hotel when they visit this summer.

I decided I am staying home from classes today. Bad girl, I know lol. We had a storm last night that left a lot of ice, my husband said it is not solid, more slushy, but still slick and to be careful walking around outside. Well, we are allowed a certain amount of free absences so I think I'll use one of mine today and just take it easy. I had quite a bit of leg/hip/back pain yesterday that is still lingering today so it will be good to rest. Plus, I don't know how much control I'll have walking on the ice/slush when my body is all out-of-whack...yesterday I almost fell standing on carpet from it :haha: Not that I need to explain myself to you ladies, y'all know what I'm talking about!

Oh! Here is my 20 week picture, taken on 20+3.

Cute bump pix. According to the tech, our little one is very active too, I just wish I could feel it more. I suppose once I start getting kicked a lot, I will probably want to go back to not feeling much! Cant say I'd blame you for staying at home, sounds like you could use the rest. Hope you feel better soon. x x
thanks everyone i'm really hoping i get the job tomorrow. it is the perfect job for me and the hours are much better when it comes to traffic and having time at home before bed with my DD i'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow! i have a feeling when i go back to work on tuesday ill get fired because i missed tuesday and wednesday from being in the hospital due to early contractions. everything is fine but they wanted me to take it easy with feet up for a couple days. im stuck home today because we got iced/snowed in. so hopefully if i get fired tuesday i can at least say i have a new job anyway

Good luck tomorrow! I'm sure you will rock their socks off :happydance: I am very sorry about the issues with your current employer. It is crazy that they are causing so many problems for you. You deserve a employer that treats you well! As far as telling them you are pregnant tomorrow, I personally would. I just think it is best to be completely honest up front, especially since they will know how far along you are when you do tell them and they will wonder why you didn't mention it to begin with. But that's just me :)

thanks i think it went well. i didn't tell them i was pregnant because there never really seemed like an appropriate time to mention it. they did a bunch of other interviews too and said they hope to have a decision by the end of next week so i figure if they offer me the job i'll tell them then.

Finally finished painting the nursery! You can't really tell in the pic but I painted the tray around the ceiling a more tan color than the walls. Her bedding and room decor is green and brown with elephants so this should work perfect. Next is shopping for window treatments to replace ugly blinds, I want to get some of those pull down blinds that don't have any strings - much safer for baby :)

i love the color you did for the room. it looks awesome!!! did you paint it yourself??

Sorry to type so quickly!
We are having a little GIRL :pink::pink::pink:

we are in awe and completely delighted and besotted.
Her name is Elsie... second name to be decided.

congrats on your little girl!!

good luck tlh! i can't beleive they would fire you for that what a nightmare it sounds like. i was a victim of severe workplace bullying and have ptsd from it. 6 years ago and it still feels like yesterday. destroyed whole life and i have no hope of a meaningful career. so get out! no job is worth being mistreated. i work for another bully now but i just ignore him and it pisses him off he can't get to me.

i'm sorry you've been through it too. its so hard to get up in the morning and sit somewhere where you feel so uncomfortable! i never felt that way until after i started missing work due to pregnancy symptoms. i feel like a person in a management position should not be as petty as mine is! i really hope i get a callback from the place i interviewed today it was a 10 minute drive not taking any major highways and it was a clean quiet office!! fingers crossed!!!

on another note i find out Monday what the gender is :happydance: i can't believe its finally here!!
Miss Bellum, thanks! It was definitely nice to rest and avoid the yucky weather. Our tech said the same thing about her being so active! I never thought a baby would move this much :haha: Earlier this morning it felt like she was trying to kick her way out of my uterus and I could feel her with my hand from the outside. What is funny is I have an anterior placenta and was warned that I probably wouldn't feel much until later!

Tlh, SO glad to hear the interview went well! :happydance: I hope they give you an offer next week, it just sounds too perfect for you!

I had a nice little nap this afternoon and woke up to my husband home from work rubbing my belly and hugging me and all three of my kitties in the room with me, one snuggled up to my bump :) So naturally i am in a very good mood :D Hungry too :haha:
hope you get the job tlh!!

honey, congrats on team pink!!

errr...that's as far as my memory goes :dohh:

afm, baby has been sooo quiet yesterday and today :(, felt it a couple times yesterday but as yet today nothing i don't think. I know this is normal at this stage but it was sooo much more reasurring when i felt it regualrly!!

My little one didn't move much the past couple of days...I was getting worried that something terrible happened. Any movement down there was just gas and I was thinking maybe we accidentally squashed him while DTD or something?:blush: Can that happen?:wacko: I don't even know! Anyhow I have felt some moving today but still not as full on as it was. I been feeling light headed today and almost vomited earlier my stomach just feels unsettled.
Took DD to the park this morning because it's actually NOT raining outside today!:thumbup:
i was worried yesterday because i wasn't feeling anything but today the little bugger is going crazy! everything i read online said it's normal right now to not have movement for days.
how far along are you supposed to be when you should be feeling regular movements? i usually feel baby a couple times every day but i wouldn't necessarily call them regular..
how far along are you supposed to be when you should be feeling regular movements? i usually feel baby a couple times every day but i wouldn't necessarily call them regular..

My placenta is anterior so I usually only feel the really strong kicks down by my side or right low by my pelvis. But that has been pretty regular for about a week or so now. I didn't feel anything with DD until about 23 weeks so I guess it depends a lot on the individual body shape, where the baby is positioned and where your placenta lies. :flower:
I think the time frame for feeling regular movement varies from woman to woman. With dd I hardly felt her at this stage because of an anterior placenta. This LO I have been feeling everyday since 16 weeks. Now she kicks so hard and moves my belly. I feel her multiple times a day and can even pester her a little and get her going :haha:
glad i'm not the only one not feeling baby much atm! my midwife said they don't worry about you feeling movements regularly until you're 24wks plus :), then its establishing whats normal for you and your baby, so some won't feel baby much and others will feel baby loads, its if there's a difference to this movement there might be a problem (although still unlikely :) xx
If your worried about a,lack of movement, drink something sweet and sit or lie on your left side for a while, the sugar makes them get a little more active!

our LO moves a ton, ive noticed a pattern with her wake/sleep, like when she is usually awake and when shes not. If shes not moving when she normally is I drink loads of water and some juice or soda and take a,minute to pay attention to her movements.

Im so glad (kind of) that shes transverse most of the time, it doesnt put as much pressure on my pubic bone, with my last son it was excruciating and she doesnt get me in the cervix. I just hope she decides to turn permanently soon, I dont want a csection!
im sure i missed alot but im back i finished my final today yay..
im almost 22 weeks and i feel the baby all the time mostly at about 8pm is when i think she wakes and gets a moven. i have two baby showers to go to today. one i new about and then one i got invited to last night becouse her friend that is doing it didnt add me. so i had to make some more baby shoes.

hope every one is doing ok ill have to read through the threads tonight.
thanks i think it went well. i didn't tell them i was pregnant because there never really seemed like an appropriate time to mention it. they did a bunch of other interviews too and said they hope to have a decision by the end of next week so i figure if they offer me the job i'll tell them then.

on another note i find out Monday what the gender is :happydance: i can't believe its finally here!!

Glad to hear it went well, will keep fingers crossed for you. Hope all goes well on Monday.

I had a nice little nap this afternoon and woke up to my husband home from work rubbing my belly and hugging me and all three of my kitties in the room with me, one snuggled up to my bump :) So naturally i am in a very good mood :D Hungry too :haha:

Aww, how cute:) I love it when I have all 3 of our kitties cuddled up, it happens so rarely.

i was worried yesterday because i wasn't feeling anything but today the little bugger is going crazy! everything i read online said it's normal right now to not have movement for days.

It does seem to be quite random, glad hes moving around again.

glad i'm not the only one not feeling baby much atm! my midwife said they don't worry about you feeling movements regularly until you're 24wks plus :), then its establishing whats normal for you and your baby, so some won't feel baby much and others will feel baby loads, its if there's a difference to this movement there might be a problem (although still unlikely :) xx

That is good to hear, especially as like you I dont feel our little one often. I think today he was having a good fidget as I seemed to feel him quite a bit. Even Anon thought he might have felt him at one point!

im sure i missed alot but im back i finished my final today yay..
im almost 22 weeks and i feel the baby all the time mostly at about 8pm is when i think she wakes and gets a moven. i have two baby showers to go to today. one i new about and then one i got invited to last night becouse her friend that is doing it didnt add me. so i had to make some more baby shoes.

hope every one is doing ok ill have to read through the threads tonight.

Congrats on finishing your finals! :) Does this mean you get to relax and take it easy for a bit now?
Congrats on finishing your finals! :) Does this mean you get to relax and take it easy for a bit now?

Yes it does:happydance: i have a crochet project i gotta get finished so it will be what will be taking up my time for now.

..... im doing a at home break right now before heading to the next babyshower, it got really cold and windy outside will i was out. hope it doesnt get too bad.
DH went to the rugby with some of the guys last night. I didn't mind. But he sent me a text to say he was on his way home around 8.45pm and by 10.30pm still wasn't home. I sent a couple of text messages to his phone and had no reply...was getting worried they had been in an accident or something but they all went out to eat...and probably drink more but he didn't say lol I was so relieved when he FINALLY got back to me around 11pm saying he was okay. I don't know how I will cope when the kids reach that age where they are out at night! I think I will be a nervous wreck!

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