~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Vankiwi are you in Vancouver? My brotherinlaws brother and his wife and baby live in Vancouver. They love it. They are applying for permanent residency to stay.
Had a big morning out. Got caught in the rain so stayed an extra hour or so at the shopping centre than planned. Finally made a run to the car with DD and she promptly fell asleep in the car trip home. Got to go get DH from work and do the mad dash out in the wet again in about an hour. Thinking we may do an easy dinner tonight as I am tired!

Yes I'm in Vancouver, but from NZ! We have applied for permanent residency too, we've been here for 3 1/2 years so far. Does mean we have no family here though (we're both from NZ) so I'm not sure how it will be having a baby and no family here! :shrug:
Libbysmum, your hubby sounds like me :blush: I always tell my husband that aches and pains can be cured by a good romp :haha:

ProudArmyWife, so cute! It is definitely perfect for your little Florida Sunbeam :D I can't wait until we are all done with our nurseries so we can post pictures! Though I will tell you all right now, ours is going to be very mismatched :haha: As of now we have a Lego Star Wars poster, a Green Bay Packers wall decoration, and a painting my mom made when she was pregnant with me (it's a mouse in a bathtub lol). There will be animal stuff to actually go with the theme we picked but we haven't bought anything yet. I'm sure there will also be some Hoosiers stuff at some point. Ugh, your work is being great too? :dohh: I'm sorry that you have had problems with your employer, I hope you find one that is more family friendly soon!

ValleyGurl, congratulations on your little girl! :happydance:

Tlh, your boss sounds like a real winner. :wacko: I really hope you hear back from the other employer soon so you can move on from that terrible place! I can't wait to hear back from you as to whether you are having a little boy or girl!

Tonya, congratulations on your little man! :happydance:

As for me, I am so sleepy! I wish I could just take a nap but it is midterms time so I have projects and papers due. Which is why I'm procrastinating on BnB :haha:

I actually remembered to take a bump picture today! Here I am at 21 weeks :)

Congrats to everyone joining the blue and pink teams! To those staying yellow, you have way more will power than I! :)

Is anyone feeling more tired? I get home from work and can't keep my eyes open, so I end up napping on the couch. So much for second trimester energy, lol.
i had loads of fun at the two babyshowers. i think becouse i was all relaxed and able to not worry about having homework lol... gotta get use to that idea....:happydance:

asfm- my hubby surprised me when i woke. for graduating. he had gotten me a sewing machine and my step mom is gonna re teach me how to use it becouse its been since high school since i sewed. and he got me a Paula Deen cook ware set it has 18 pieces, so excited.:happydance:

Sounds like your shower was great fun, glad you had a good time. What a lovely present from your husband x x

Hi ladies,

I've been reading his thread for ages but it moves so quickly! My EDD is July 24th. Congratulations to all the pink & blue bumps (and yellow!).

Welcome & congratulations x x

Just purchased my Ergo!!

I love it. :D

Been reading but not posting, trying to keep up with everything. Hope everyone is well xx

Very nice! A carrier is one of the things I would like but I am having difficulty in making a choice. Think I will add this to the list of possibles.

We just bought a carrier also! My husband is very excited to use it and I can't wait to see him wearing Aisling, I may cry :haha: We also have an awesome stroller so we will be using both depending on the situation.

My maternity shirts came in yesterday and I love them! I just need to wash them. We got her crib set up and bought one of those cubby things where you buy the cloth bins for it. We are going to use that for her clothing for now till she is older and then we'll get her a sturdy dresser and the bins can be used for toys :) Her room is pretty much done minus any decorating we'll be doing, which won't be much since we will probably move next summer.

I hope everyone is well! Sw33tp3a, congrats on graduating! :happydance:

Good to hear the maternity shirts are lovely. Sounds like you are very organised!

So excited i was finally able to pick out a bedding set and have a picture in my head of how the room will look :happydance: AND dh actually likes the bedding too!!! not everyday we agree on something like that :haha:

How exciting, good that you both agree on it!

Vankiwi are you in Vancouver? My brotherinlaws brother and his wife and baby live in Vancouver. They love it. They are applying for permanent residency to stay.
Had a big morning out. Got caught in the rain so stayed an extra hour or so at the shopping centre than planned. Finally made a run to the car with DD and she promptly fell asleep in the car trip home. Got to go get DH from work and do the mad dash out in the wet again in about an hour. Thinking we may do an easy dinner tonight as I am tired!

Sounds like an exhausting day, cant say I blame you for taking it easy tonight.

We finally got our gender ITS A BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on your little girl X X :)

so i received a call from HR department at my work Friday and when i called back this morning they said they received an e-mail from my manager saying i was off work for pregnancy issues again. HR told me to stop by and pick up a form for my doctor to fill out at the appointment today. I said that was fine and I'll be there. A few minutes later my manager text me telling me to call a different person in HR saying that I could no longer work full-time and she wants a full-time employee. I told her I spoke with someone else and they told me to have the form filled out. My boss said "Ok well I still want a full time employee" i didn't even respond. She knows she can't fire me without reprecussions if i get this note so she's trying to guilt me into quitting. If i quit i won't qualify for unemployment which i'll need if i don't get this othr job. I'm just hoping i get a callback this week so i can tell my boss to shove it!!!

on a lighter note i find out the gender in of the baby in 3 hours!!

Sucks that your boss is so horrible! Hope you get the new job. Good luck wit your scan x x

Please add me to the blue team. We are having a boy!

Congrats on your little boy :) x x
so i received a call from HR department at my work Friday and when i called back this morning they said they received an e-mail from my manager saying i was off work for pregnancy issues again. HR told me to stop by and pick up a form for my doctor to fill out at the appointment today. I said that was fine and I'll be there. A few minutes later my manager text me telling me to call a different person in HR saying that I could no longer work full-time and she wants a full-time employee. I told her I spoke with someone else and they told me to have the form filled out. My boss said "Ok well I still want a full time employee" i didn't even respond. She knows she can't fire me without reprecussions if i get this note so she's trying to guilt me into quitting. If i quit i won't qualify for unemployment which i'll need if i don't get this othr job. I'm just hoping i get a callback this week so i can tell my boss to shove it!!!

on a lighter note i find out the gender in of the baby in 3 hours!!

sounds like she needs to get a grip. best wishes hun.
I guess I am a little late to the party here, but I would love to join! My EDD is July 28th and this is our first baby. Our gender scan is March 7th and we cannot wait!!
Libbysmum, your hubby sounds like me :blush: I always tell my husband that aches and pains can be cured by a good romp :haha:

ProudArmyWife, so cute! It is definitely perfect for your little Florida Sunbeam :D I can't wait until we are all done with our nurseries so we can post pictures! Though I will tell you all right now, ours is going to be very mismatched :haha: As of now we have a Lego Star Wars poster, a Green Bay Packers wall decoration, and a painting my mom made when she was pregnant with me (it's a mouse in a bathtub lol). There will be animal stuff to actually go with the theme we picked but we haven't bought anything yet. I'm sure there will also be some Hoosiers stuff at some point. Ugh, your work is being great too? :dohh: I'm sorry that you have had problems with your employer, I hope you find one that is more family friendly soon!

ValleyGurl, congratulations on your little girl! :happydance:

Tlh, your boss sounds like a real winner. :wacko: I really hope you hear back from the other employer soon so you can move on from that terrible place! I can't wait to hear back from you as to whether you are having a little boy or girl!

Tonya, congratulations on your little man! :happydance:

As for me, I am so sleepy! I wish I could just take a nap but it is midterms time so I have projects and papers due. Which is why I'm procrastinating on BnB :haha:

I actually remembered to take a bump picture today! Here I am at 21 weeks :)


Speaking of great workplaces I got a letter in the mail from mine today saying I was being written up for not attending a mandatory staff meeting that I didn't know about because I haven't been on the schedule in almost four months and no-one bothered to call me and tell me there was a meeting or that I was required to attend! Let's just say they will be getting an ear full from me cause I won't have a negative write up in my file when I did nothing wrong!

Your nursery sounds like it will have character :) I'm sure it'll all come together very well in the end.
Hey Ladies... I know I missed a lot been kinda overwhelmed with getting to school early in the morning. Now I have more free time since changing from Campus to Online schooling :). Tomorrow I will be 22 weeks pregnant found out I will be having a baby boy. I'm super excited my pregnancy so far in my second trimester has been awesome. I thought it wouldn't get so comfortable I'm loving my pregnancy so far. Had some troubles during my first trimester but all is all. How has everyone else been I hope I still have time to get to know each lady and hope I can become apart of the group/family again. Have a great day ladies!
Thanks everyone! I was hoping for another girl and hubby was hoping for a boy...I got my wish its another girl! I'm so excited to have two girls under two. Luckily I have all madelyns stuff still!

As for my boss I text her to let her know I was released to come back to work and she said "for how long I want someone fulltime that will be here awhile"
I'm nervous to see how tomorrow goes everyone said if she's rude to me I should go to HR and say shes creating a hostile work environment for me
Thanks everyone! I was hoping for another girl and hubby was hoping for a boy...I got my wish its another girl! I'm so excited to have two girls under two. Luckily I have all madelyns stuff still!

As for my boss I text her to let her know I was released to come back to work and she said "for how long I want someone fulltime that will be here awhile"
I'm nervous to see how tomorrow goes everyone said if she's rude to me I should go to HR and say shes creating a hostile work environment for me

Congrats on the news of you having another baby girl :happydance:

Yes if your boss continues I would definitely go to HR they should put her in her place. Hope all goes well for you tomorrow as well!
Th9 your boss sounds awful! I really hope she wakes up to herself and realizes that you didn't get pregnant to make life difficult for her. I really hope HR sorts it out.

We looked at a house today...omg have you ever seen that show hoarders? Eeek! Plus it smelt like cats pee. Horrid! Was too scared to put DD down on the ground in case she caught something.

I really hope our luck changes soon and we find someplace to live that is half decent!
We have our anomaly scan today, so nervous but also very excited too. We will find out what we are having in 6 hours :)
hello everyone, sorry I have been rubbish at keeping up. Have now come down the bloody flu!
We had our scan, baby is all healthy and we are having a girl!!

Sonography women was so grumpy tho, she said 90% sure it's a girl, can't say anything else. We are having a 4d scan in a few weeks so will reconfirm :)

Thanks everyone! I was hoping for another girl and hubby was hoping for a boy...I got my wish its another girl! I'm so excited to have two girls under two. Luckily I have all madelyns stuff still!

As for my boss I text her to let her know I was released to come back to work and she said "for how long I want someone fulltime that will be here awhile"
I'm nervous to see how tomorrow goes everyone said if she's rude to me I should go to HR and say shes creating a hostile work environment for me

definately go to hr. you might even want to think about a lawyer. pregnant women do have some protection under the law and what this lady is doing is totally forcing you out. not right at all!
We finally got our gender ITS A BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!

woohoo, congrats!!

so i received a call from HR department at my work Friday and when i called back this morning they said they received an e-mail from my manager saying i was off work for pregnancy issues again. HR told me to stop by and pick up a form for my doctor to fill out at the appointment today. I said that was fine and I'll be there. A few minutes later my manager text me telling me to call a different person in HR saying that I could no longer work full-time and she wants a full-time employee. I told her I spoke with someone else and they told me to have the form filled out. My boss said "Ok well I still want a full time employee" i didn't even respond. She knows she can't fire me without reprecussions if i get this note so she's trying to guilt me into quitting. If i quit i won't qualify for unemployment which i'll need if i don't get this othr job. I'm just hoping i get a callback this week so i can tell my boss to shove it!!!

on a lighter note i find out the gender in of the baby in 3 hours!!

omg, your work makes mine sound wonderful :hugs:

Please add me to the blue team. We are having a boy!

congrats on your little boy!

Thanks everyone! I was hoping for another girl and hubby was hoping for a boy...I got my wish its another girl! I'm so excited to have two girls under two. Luckily I have all madelyns stuff still!

As for my boss I text her to let her know I was released to come back to work and she said "for how long I want someone fulltime that will be here awhile"
I'm nervous to see how tomorrow goes everyone said if she's rude to me I should go to HR and say shes creating a hostile work environment for me

yay for another girl :D! x

We had our scan, baby is all healthy and we are having a girl!!

Sonography women was so grumpy tho, she said 90% sure it's a girl, can't say anything else. We are having a 4d scan in a few weeks so will reconfirm :)


wow another girl!! congrats hun! so sorry the sonographer was grumpy though!

afm, we had our 20wk scan today too!! and remained team :yellow:...sorry guys ;). baby is all looking healthy though and practically bang on average for all measurements! so this ones gonna be a bit shorter and fatter than my son :haha: as he was all long legs and skinny tummy at this stage! baby is estimated to be 13oz so far! so my 1kg of weight gain prob is pretty much all baby :D xx
Sooo exciting for the the new pinky bumps & bluey bumps!! :D

Glad everybodies 20wk scans are also going well - great that we are going some wonderful babies! :D
I'm at work now and being completely ignored. It makes for a lovely day! Only 8 hours to go...
I'm at work now and being completely ignored. It makes for a lovely day! Only 8 hours to go...

I hope that phone call with the new job offer (fingers crossed) comes sooner rather than later!!! If I could whack a book over your bosses head - I would!! A big book. The Oxford English Dictionary. Yes, that is my book of choice! Stupid woman!!


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