~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

alice- how are you feeling? I hope the dizzy spell passed quickly!

missfox-Is everything ok now? Sickness and spotting gone? Happy birthday to your LO

Caro- birthday wishes to your LO too! Congrats on 3rd tri!!!!!

tlh- happy to hear you love the new hospital. Must take a level of anxiety off.

And for all the nesters, hope you're having fun getting organized and ready for baby!:flower:

Still holding strong here. We've had a couple days where I've been sent down to labor floor for monitoring because baby's heart rate dropped again. Once we get down there, though, everything is fine. Doc said at this point it's still better to keep baby inside but moved up our goal from 34 to 32 weeks.
Yea imbfeeling tons better. I look awful though!
So glad that your little boy is hanging in tight!!!
Tlh glad you like your new hospital!
25 weeks for me today and my food changed! Yay!!
Myra glad to hear your still hanging in there :)

We took a little mini vacation this past weekend we did and little fishing and took dd to the beach. I've never been one to burn in the sun so I didn't think to put on loads and loads of sunscreen I only applied it like 2 or 3 times. Well I ended up with a lovely sunburn that hurts something fierce! It's starting to heal now but I'm still pretty sore.

And on top of that I have been having horrible hip and pelvic pain the last few nights. I really can't roll over in bed unless I keep my hips perfectly aligned otherwise I feel like they are going to snap :(

Plus side baby has been very active sometimes to the point where all her twisting and turning makes me nauseous :haha:

On an exciting note we have our 4d ultrasound next week and I'm super excited to get a peak at our little girl again :) down side is I have my 30 week appt right after and I have to get my rogham shot... Boo oh well she's worth the pain :)
Well baby's room nearly all done, just little finishing touches to do. I love it, keep going and sitting in there for quiet moments day dreaming!!

Myra glad everything is going ok, fingers crossed it stays that way.


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Myra, so glad Connor is still hanging on! :happydance: You two have got this :)

MissFox, so glad you are feeling better! How was your daughter's birthday?

Tlh, so glad you love your hospital and that your husband is home! You still have plenty of time to get things done :)

Alice and Motherearth, hope the dizziness goes away!

Nesters, I have been the same way! Sadly, I have finals in a couple of weeks so I'm trying to hold back cleaning until afterwards. It is hard to not clean when that is all I want to do :haha:

As for me, I was planning on doing my GTT on Saturday. Got to the hospital and everything but I had forgotten the lab order form at home! Since it was a Saturday, the lab wasn't open very late so I didn't have time to go get it. :dohh: The next day I can do it is Thursday, which is my birthday. Not thrilled lol but oh well!

I have spent all afternoon planning our vacation! We are visiting my grandparents in Vegas in May and then driving out to WI immediately after. It will be 2 weeks total between the two. Should be fun! It has been so stressful trying to plan it though. I keep thinking that if I just wait till August we can take Aisling to see them. But the whole reason why we want to go now is because my grandma has had lots of strokes and her health is very variable. My husband has never met them, every time we try to get out there something else comes up, a death in the family or massive medical bills. My grandma was not well enough to come out for our wedding four years ago, she has not been able to travel for quite a while. The WI trip has been set for a while, it will basically be an extended weekend celebration of rugby (my SIL plays for her high school), same SIL's high school graduation, mine and 2 other SILs baby showers (possibly), and my niece's baptism.

Also, tomorrow morning my boss is throwing me a baby shower! It will be at work because my schedule is so iffy right now with finals and we are merging clinics. I'm getting paid to have a party tomorrow! :happydance: Hahaha!

Anyway, just thought I'd give a quick update. Back to my studies now...
Her birthday was great! We had so much fun and she kept saying "my birthday party!!!"
I hope you have a great Tims at your party tomorrow!
Myra, so happy to get on here and keep seeing wonderful updates from you! Glad your little man is still doing well! He needs to stop laying on that cord so you don't have to worry due to his heart rate dropping!

Breadsticks, sounds like a great vacation you are planning!

alannadee, wonderful room!! I can understand why you'd be in there daydreaming! I would be too! :)

Proudarmywife, sorry you're having bad hip pain!!! Hopefully it goes away soon! YAY for your 3D/4D ultrasound!!!

As for me I'm kind of upset at my little sister. My bridal shower is this Saturday and not one person has got an invite. She claims she sent them out in the mail 1 1/2 weeks ago, but no one even close to her has got them! So that has left people not going because they didn't have enough notice when I asked her to send them out last month! Now I'm left posting on FB about it hoping to get word out! I'm not sure if I should post where I'm registered along with the invite I have or just post the invite and say hope to see you there. Any advice?
JJsmom- sorry to hear she's been so slow to get the word out about your shower! I'd post on fb or email out the invite with where you are registered. People will be looking for that information.
Make an event for it. Make sire you post a picture of the invite big enough/ clear enough to read. Some will get where you are registered and some will ask. You can also post all the text for the invite as a caption or in the description. Make sure people know they were sent out but there was something wrong and they will understand. Hope it all works out!!
Hi ladies!!! Good to hear everyone is doing well. I think the nesting has started with me as well. Myra so good that little one is hanging in there :)
We leave in 2 days for our vacation to Disney World :) I'm so excited to surprise our kids. They think we're going to Tampa Lol

On a side note- I think I did too much today as I've started having pretty painful contractions. I'm getting about 3-4 an hour :( I'm laying on the couch and drinking water but they aren't going away yet. I'm praying they do! Not only are they painful but I don't want to go to the hospital again. I feel like I've been there so much recently. I just went last week due to lack of movement and after searching for the heartbeat for what seemed like forever and me practically having a heart attack, Emma decided to suddenly wake up and kick constantly. She's giving me a hard time already ;)
Thanks Myra and MissFox. I did make a post on FB to my family and stated that the invites were mailed but not sure what happened with the post office as no one actually got the invites. I asked them to pass the info on to other family members that I didn't have included in that message as I am not friends with all the family that were invited. So hopefully they'll help get the word out.

Junemomma, don't ever feel bad about having to go to the hospital if something doesn't seem right! You can always give your doctor a call and ask them their opinion! Especially if you've been drinking a lot of water and laying on your left side! If they aren't easing they may want you to go to the hospital. If you're still feeling them definitely get checked out!
Well baby's room nearly all done, just little finishing touches to do. I love it, keep going and sitting in there for quiet moments day dreaming!!

Myra glad everything is going ok, fingers crossed it stays that way.

Lovely nursery! I used to do that in my son's too :cloud9:...aww the memories!

As for me, I was planning on doing my GTT on Saturday. Got to the hospital and everything but I had forgotten the lab order form at home! Since it was a Saturday, the lab wasn't open very late so I didn't have time to go get it. :dohh: The next day I can do it is Thursday, which is my birthday. Not thrilled lol but oh well!

I have spent all afternoon planning our vacation! We are visiting my grandparents in Vegas in May and then driving out to WI immediately after. It will be 2 weeks total between the two. Should be fun! It has been so stressful trying to plan it though. I keep thinking that if I just wait till August we can take Aisling to see them. But the whole reason why we want to go now is because my grandma has had lots of strokes and her health is very variable. My husband has never met them, every time we try to get out there something else comes up, a death in the family or massive medical bills. My grandma was not well enough to come out for our wedding four years ago, she has not been able to travel for quite a while. The WI trip has been set for a while, it will basically be an extended weekend celebration of rugby (my SIL plays for her high school), same SIL's high school graduation, mine and 2 other SILs baby showers (possibly), and my niece's baptism.

Also, tomorrow morning my boss is throwing me a baby shower! It will be at work because my schedule is so iffy right now with finals and we are merging clinics. I'm getting paid to have a party tomorrow! :happydance: Hahaha!

Anyway, just thought I'd give a quick update. Back to my studies now...

what a way to spend you bday! lol. Sounds like you've a brill holiday planned! and wow so lucky you're getting a baby shower at work and in work time!!

As for me I'm kind of upset at my little sister. My bridal shower is this Saturday and not one person has got an invite. She claims she sent them out in the mail 1 1/2 weeks ago, but no one even close to her has got them! So that has left people not going because they didn't have enough notice when I asked her to send them out last month! Now I'm left posting on FB about it hoping to get word out! I'm not sure if I should post where I'm registered along with the invite I have or just post the invite and say hope to see you there. Any advice?

i'd be upset about that too :hugs:, fb sounds like the best plan, with an event you can do both :)

Hi ladies!!! Good to hear everyone is doing well. I think the nesting has started with me as well. Myra so good that little one is hanging in there :)
We leave in 2 days for our vacation to Disney World :) I'm so excited to surprise our kids. They think we're going to Tampa Lol

On a side note- I think I did too much today as I've started having pretty painful contractions. I'm getting about 3-4 an hour :( I'm laying on the couch and drinking water but they aren't going away yet. I'm praying they do! Not only are they painful but I don't want to go to the hospital again. I feel like I've been there so much recently. I just went last week due to lack of movement and after searching for the heartbeat for what seemed like forever and me practically having a heart attack, Emma decided to suddenly wake up and kick constantly. She's giving me a hard time already ;)

hun, ring your Dr...hope everything settles down! let us know how you get on xx

Myra...hope everything is ok still today! xx
Its true. I called when I was sporting and ended up with my drs cell number. Yea I saved it lol. And then at my appointment yesterday he did an internal since I had mentioned having 8 braxton hicks within an hour last week. I said they went away and weren't bad but he wanted to make sure my cervix was closed and it is. always call and ask. They will tell you if you should cone in or not.
When I was preggy with my dd I called because I had this crumbling under my ribs on one side. And you could heat it front the outside. They laughed a little and said they gets get calls on it all the time and it was.... GAS!! :rofl:
June- how are you doing today? I hope contractions have subsided. This is a rather belated response to your post, but I would call your doc's office (esp I'd they are continuing) I know it's annoying to have to go into hospital again (we've had waaaay too many hospital visits this pregnancy) but at the very least they can reassure you and then monitor or follow up if needed.

On Day 11 here! :)
Hi ladies! I'm still getting them, but some hours I get four and some I only have two. I'm still drinking plenty. Trying to rest as much as possible but there's just so much that needs to be done before we leave Thursday morning. I have an appt with my OB tomorrow morning. I just hate calling all the time and going into the hospital. I feel like they're looking at me thinking "seriously? You're here again?"
Im only concerns cuz I'm getting them daily even though they aren't consistently regular but are starting to get more frequent :( plus I went into preterm labor with DD9 at 32 weeks. I was given IV meds to stop the contractions and put on a prescription at home with moderate bedrest. I was taken off the meds at 36 weeks and had her at 38 weeks.
Hi ladies! I'm still getting them, but some hours I get four and some I only have two. I'm still drinking plenty. Trying to rest as much as possible but there's just so much that needs to be done before we leave Thursday morning. I have an appt with my OB tomorrow morning. I just hate calling all the time and going into the hospital. I feel like they're looking at me thinking "seriously? You're here again?"
Im only concerns cuz I'm getting them daily even though they aren't consistently regular but are starting to get more frequent :( plus I went into preterm labor with DD9 at 32 weeks. I was given IV meds to stop the contractions and put on a prescription at home with moderate bedrest. I was taken off the meds at 36 weeks and had her at 38 weeks.

I wouldn't worry about calling!!! Better to bother people who are paid to be there anyway than to miss something important with your baby that early intervention could fix!! Never worry about calling with a stupid question - that's what they're there for.
Evening all, hope everyone is well.

Had my 28 week check up today and everything was fine so that was good. MW was able to find the HB straight away this time, so good to hear it beating away. I have now booked in for my NHS antenatal classes. I had a choice of two dates, and picked the earlier one so I can take time off work instead of during my holiday!

Our bathroom is now nearly finished, just waiting for the sealant on the bath to dry so this time tomorrow it will be ready for use! I can't wait to be able to have a lovely long soak in my own bath, in the warm and not be surrounded by dust & building tools! Rest of the building works are due to be finished by 14 June, the same date I start holiday/ML so it is a bit of a race now to see which will happen first! I am keeping my fingers crossed that LO stays put until the works are done.

Miss fox - hope your little girl's party went well and you are feeling better.

caro103 Happy 2nd birthday to your LO! I can't believe how quickly time is flying either. Cute bump pic x

sue_88 - Good to hear all was well at your 28 week appointment. It must be nice to have your house all ready for LO - I think the challenge is keeping it that way! I have given up at the moment, no point in trying to keep the house presentable when so much building work is going on.

mother earth 23 - Hope you are feeling better now. Sounds like your nesting is going well too.

tlh97990 - Great news that your hubby is back! Sounds like you made the right decision over what doctor to use. I haven't bothered getting anything yet, as living in a building site makes it seem a bit pointless. Hopefully, there is still time!

mamichul5 - congrats on finishing the nursery.

myra - good to hear all is still well, things crossed it stays that way x x

proudarmywife - sounds like a lovely holiday. Hope the pelvic pain doesn't last much longer. Hope you can get some good pics at your 4d ultrasound

alannadee - Your nursery is lovely!

Breadsticks - sounds like a fantastic holiday. How nice of your boss to throw you a shower, hope you have a good time.

JJsmom - how frustrating! I would be so cross with little sister too. Hope your bridal shower still goes well.

junemomma09 - Have a fantastic holiday! I agree with the other posters, don't feel bad about asking for advice if things don't feel well - Better to ask & be reassured, then make things worse by worrying.
i always feel bad about calling the doctor or going to the hospital too when sometimes it ends up being something silly. however id rather annoy the crap out of them and nothing be wrong than me think i dont want to bother them and something happen..it never hurts to call!!

myra im glad to see your little guy is hanging in there!! only a few more weeks for you if they're shooting for 32 weeks..do you guys have everything ready for his arrival?

afm i had to leave work early today to get DD she had a fever at daycare. went to the dr and she has another ear infection. poor kid just cant catch a break!! she also got a nice little shiner from daycare today too. i guess her and a little boy were up to no good and they both some how ended up getting hit in the face with a plastic chair. of course she didnt cry or act like it mattered and i freaked out when i saw it :haha: i understand kids are going to scrapes and bruises but i feel like when shes at daycare and her class only has 4 students they should be able to avoid something like that happening
With only 4 students?! Then YEAH definitely. Coming home with injuries is not okay for that size of class.

My little one has a fever today too :( she was up vomiting most of the night and has developed a fever this morning. Sneezes have started too. I'm worried she's got the flu this time. I've put in a call to the nurse and they're going to call me back and let me know if I need to bring her in. Poor thing just feels like rubbish. Laying in bed watching tv, snuffling with flushed cheeks. Hate it when they're sick!!!
Hope both your LO's are better very soon! horrid when they're ill!

omg I had such a boring day...was all alone at work for all but the first couple of hours of the day :(, boy did it drag!! however gave me the sneaky chance to do some research and ordering of stuff for new babies room ;)...you guys in the usa officially have way better selection of winnie the pooh borders than we have :(, but postage costs a fortune so its just not worth it! my nursery bedding is winnie the pooh from DS or i'd just switch to a different theme :dohh:

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