~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

Does everyone have the glucose test? I haven't heard anything about having one

I am having bloods at 28 weeks but shouldn't you get invited to the hospital for it?

I've never heard of the glucose test apart from on here - it's not in my notes of what to expect at each appointment :shrug: Maybe I will ask on Sunday at my 28wk appointment.

Panda- I don't know if its standard everywhere but here they do the glucose test sometime after 24 weeks.

Baby had a good night and we're moving on to the start of day 6!

:happydance: :happydance: SOOO glad your little boy is holding on to you Mumma!!!! You're both doing fabulous.

yay myra!

glucose test is done round here at 28wks, but its only the one where you drink a set amount of lucozade then have blood taken an hour later, you just do it whenever convenient as take the drink at home (and have to go buy it yourself!) then rock up to the hospital an hour later and buzz to skip the queue! if you fail that you'll go onto doing the fasting test thingy.

Having our windows replaced today and tomorrow...omg noisy, messy and cold :haha:

Good Luck with the windows, hope it's a speedy process as it looks cold out today!!!

Well I went pram shopping today with my step mum and sister, was very pleased with my self when I managed to assemble the pram. I have even been practising pushing it round the house and drive!! Lol I need to get the base for the car seat. And I need to find a way to fit the pram in the car, it doesn't quite fit in the boot.

Yay! Lovely pram, I can't wait until mine arrives so I can start driving it around the house / driveway!!

Well as for me - I went into the hospital last night. My tummy and back were cramping up and really sore and I hadn't felt Millie move like her usual self all day so I put a call into my midwife about 6pm and she said to phone the PANDA Ward at my hospital and they had me go in for monitoring.

Baby was being a little naughty because she started moving when the belly band heartbeat monitor thing invaded her space but I still felt a little poorly so they have put it down to a stomach virus. Everything to do with baby (BP, wee etc) was all normal as it's always been.

So that has kind of given me a little scare, I decided to take the rest of the week off after their advice, so today I have worked on my 'just in case' hospital bag. Still planning my homebirth but if I get another episode like that, the consultant said she would take over my care.

So baby's bag is all packed :happydance: and mine is halfway done :happydance: I feel like I have made progress today - and I haven't even needed to get dressed out my onesie! :haha:

Does everyone have the glucose test? I haven't heard anything about having one

I am having bloods at 28 weeks but shouldn't you get invited to the hospital for it?

I only had the glucose test because I've previously had big babies. I don't think it's absolutely standard for everybody, usually it's if you've had big babies, or a history of diabetes in the family, or a history of gestational diabetes in previous pregnancies.

I mean SOME hospitals might do it as routine for everybody, but mine definitely doesn't, and Leeds doesn't either (where I had my last three kids).

I had mine on Friday. It was fine, I don't have GD. I knew it would be fine. I have big babies but I've never had GD before.
I think in the US it is a standard test, they test you even if you have ZERO risk factors. I have none of the risk factors, and have been tested with each baby. Only failed the 1hr once.
afm...4 wks left at work till mat leave now (well annual leave which leads straight onto mat leave)!! which is only actually 9 working days :D

Not long to go! I will have 9 weeks from Monday but have few days holiday here and there.

I had my 3 hour glucose test today. Should have the results back either tomorrow or Friday. Hoping for good news! I couldn't eat or drink anything while I was there. Stopped by fast food on the way to work as I was in a hurry since the test took so long but when I got to work and clocked in I started eating. After a few bites I started sweating something awful and felt like I was lightheaded and going to pass out. I told my coworkers that my OH is listed in my phone as Hubby in case I happened to pass out. I had my fan on me and my shoes and socks off and I couldn't stop. I kept eating and emailed my mom asking what it would be. She said my sugar levels had plummeted as the sugar drink they gave me wore off at that point and I hadn't eaten anything since the night before. She said keep eating and I'll feel better. Sure enough once I finished my chicken sandwich I was feeling MUCH better! I'm scared that the test will come back positive and that I'll have to go on a special diet and watch everything I eat. I know it won't be bad for me, but my family isn't going to be happy because I won't make 2 separate meals for everyone to eat every night.

Hope everyone is doing well! I think my insomnia is making it's way back to me like I had in the first trimester!

Hope your tests come back ok. If you do need to go on to a special diet, and your family complain, tell them to cook their own food!

i decided to change my appointment with my new OB to this Friday. My ears aren't getting any better and I don't want to be deaf for 2 more weeks! my hubby is going out of town for a week starting tomorrow morning so its just going to be me and a toddler so hopefully they can help!

i keep checking to see how you are doing myra. i'm glad to hear hes still in your belly!!

Good luck with your appointment, hope they can give you some answers.
Panda- I don't know if its standard everywhere but here they do the glucose test sometime after 24 weeks.

Baby had a good night and we're moving on to the start of day 6!

Good news, hope it all continues to go well x

Well I went pram shopping today with my step mum and sister, was very pleased with my self when I managed to assemble the pram. I have even been practising pushing it round the house and drive!! Lol I need to get the base for the car seat. And I need to find a way to fit the pram in the car, it doesn't quite fit in the boot.

Nice pram, its good that you can assemble it yourself. I really should get shopping, we still have nothing!
:happydance: :happydance: SOOO glad your little boy is holding on to you Mumma!!!! You're both doing fabulous.

Well as for me - I went into the hospital last night. My tummy and back were cramping up and really sore and I hadn't felt Millie move like her usual self all day so I put a call into my midwife about 6pm and she said to phone the PANDA Ward at my hospital and they had me go in for monitoring.

Baby was being a little naughty because she started moving when the belly band heartbeat monitor thing invaded her space but I still felt a little poorly so they have put it down to a stomach virus. Everything to do with baby (BP, wee etc) was all normal as it's always been.

So that has kind of given me a little scare, I decided to take the rest of the week off after their advice, so today I have worked on my 'just in case' hospital bag. Still planning my homebirth but if I get another episode like that, the consultant said she would take over my care.

So baby's bag is all packed :happydance: and mine is halfway done :happydance: I feel like I have made progress today - and I haven't even needed to get dressed out my onesie! :haha:


Sounds like a nasty scare there! So pleased Milly is fine, must have been such a relief! Sounds like you are very organised with the bags. x
Sue- I'm glad that everything turned out to be ok!! Sorry you had that scare. I hope with some rest, you feel better soon!
Still no results on the 3 hr glucose test. Should have them tomorrow.

Junemomma, here's my suggestion: bring a snack to eat as soon as they draw your last blood. You don't want your sugar to plummet like mine did. It was horrible!
JJsmom-thanks for th suggestion! :) I'll have to do that. DH even said he'd take me and keep me company during the three hours I have to stay there so I don't get bored. He said he doesn't really want to stay but because he loves me he's going to. He's sweet sometimes :)
Isn't it funny how things affect people differently? when I had the glucose test I felt no different at all. The midwife was offering me sandwiches and cups of tea afterwards and getting all worried that I'd pass out (she said that's really common) and I was like "no I'm alright thanks I'm fine, I'll have something when I get home" and off I went. It just did nothing other than bore me senseless sitting around waiting all that time.
Isn't it funny how things affect people differently? when I had the glucose test I felt no different at all. The midwife was offering me sandwiches and cups of tea afterwards and getting all worried that I'd pass out (she said that's really common) and I was like "no I'm alright thanks I'm fine, I'll have something when I get home" and off I went. It just did nothing other than bore me senseless sitting around waiting all that time.

I now only have an hour to go but let me tell you, the first hour after drinking that disgusting drink was horrid! I felt so awful. I was lightheaded and whoozy. I felt and still feel extremely tired :( same way I felt when I failed my one hour test except it was worse this time. Not sure if that's because I fasted for it or what but I hope I never have to do this again!
Isn't it funny how things affect people differently? when I had the glucose test I felt no different at all. The midwife was offering me sandwiches and cups of tea afterwards and getting all worried that I'd pass out (she said that's really common) and I was like "no I'm alright thanks I'm fine, I'll have something when I get home" and off I went. It just did nothing other than bore me senseless sitting around waiting all that time.

I now only have an hour to go but let me tell you, the first hour after drinking that disgusting drink was horrid! I felt so awful. I was lightheaded and whoozy. I felt and still feel extremely tired :( same way I felt when I failed my one hour test except it was worse this time. Not sure if that's because I fasted for it or what but I hope I never have to do this again!

I hope the last hour goes quickly!!! Good luck!
Gosh you guys are making me eager for my test on Monday!! I get woozy enough as it is! (I'm pretty sure if I get too much salt that triggers it too.)

My nurse said I could eat directly before drinking the drink (which I get to do at home as long as I down it within 5 minutes) and said that it would be easier if I didn't have an empty stomach. Strange. I remember the 4 hour test in britain and all the fasting it required.

I don't think the test was standard in Scotland, but I was measuring big for my dates so that's why they gave me the test. the 4 hour shabang. but I guess because they have a 1 hour test they can use here it's more standard in America.

I was looking at my belly last night thinking.. whoa. where did that come from. Stepped on the scale this morning and I'm 4lbs heavier than I was 3 days ago!! Guess that's what happened! growth spurt! That's 19lbs up with 12 weeks left to go... looks like I'll be gaining more like 40lb than 25.

I'm glad baby is staying put Myra!!
Got my results back from the 3 hr test! They said they're normal!! YAY!!!!!! She said because I failed my 1 hr test to watch my diet and not eat too much sugar as it can still cause me to gain a lot of weight and have a big baby. Which I already started doing anyways! Trying to exercise more by walking on my breaks at work.

My poor DS is sick today. Got a call while at work. His doc told me when I called them it's the stomach flu as that's all they are seeing people for lately. So they called some phenergan in for him for the nausea and said immodium AD for the diarrhea. Now we are sitting in my bed watching movies for the past 3 hrs! LOL!
I don't often peek in here but I had to share some shots today of my ever growing son!

His little face!

His five tiny toes!

Taken this afternoon, at 26+2. He wouldn't cooperate for a profile shot(He had his arms in the way) so they ended up scanning through his arms to get the picture of his face!
I don't often peek in here but I had to share some shots today of my ever growing son!

His little face!

His five tiny toes!

Adorable! Thanks for sharing!
Isn't it funny how things affect people differently? when I had the glucose test I felt no different at all. The midwife was offering me sandwiches and cups of tea afterwards and getting all worried that I'd pass out (she said that's really common) and I was like "no I'm alright thanks I'm fine, I'll have something when I get home" and off I went. It just did nothing other than bore me senseless sitting around waiting all that time.

I now only have an hour to go but let me tell you, the first hour after drinking that disgusting drink was horrid! I felt so awful. I was lightheaded and whoozy. I felt and still feel extremely tired :( same way I felt when I failed my one hour test except it was worse this time. Not sure if that's because I fasted for it or what but I hope I never have to do this again!

I hope the last hour goes quickly!!! Good luck!

Hope all you ladies are well and healthy .

Myra , thinking of you and hope you are ok and hope you keep your little boy a few more weeks inside , (baby , keep growing and hand on in there a bit longer).

I will go for GTT test on Monday :dohh: Last test after drinking that bad (drink) I felt dizzy، lightheaded , extremely tired and headache . Plus the boring feeling due to awful sitting waiting all the time .
Hope this test is better .
All tests due to GD in my first pregnancy .
We were allowed to leave the lab but had to come back every hour to have blood drawn. I had to sign a waiver saying I wouldn't eat or drink anything though they did let me take sips of water. After we were done we were so hungry (DH fasted with me so sweet of him) we went to olive garden for soup, salad and breadsticks! Yum! After we were finished I started feeling so bad. I was nauseas, extremely tired and had a headache. As soon as I got home DH helped me inside and into bed. I slept for a few hours. Feeling a little better now but I hope I NEVER have to go thru that again!!!

Hope the rest of you ladies who still have to do the GTT have better luck than me.
rabab good luck on your GTT!

junemomma, hope you get good results back from your test!! You were lucky to be able to get out of there! They told me I had to sit there the whole time! Glad your DH went with you and was there to help you afterwards!
I am SO excited to say we've made it to the one week mark without giving birth!! Looks like our baby has decided to beat the odds. :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

Still trying to keep the "one day at a time" mentality while hoping this means a long hospital stay!! We had an ultrasound Thursday and Connor is looking great- passed all his tests with a 10/10 score! My fluid levels, as to be expected, are low but as of Thursday were in the "mild" range (versus the next levels of moderate and then severe). I had my last round of antibiotics yesterday, so now we just need to be on alert for an infection developing. If that happens, I would be induced immediately. If it doesn't happen AND no complications develop AND my body doesn't go into labor, we can get as far as 34 weeks when they would then induce. Fingers crossed!!

Excited too that we'll be hitting 29 weeks tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! The way last weekend went, we certainly didn't expect to get to this point with baby still incubating away. :happydance::happydance::happydance:

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