~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

MissFox, that would be great!! Early maternity leave is always a good thing!

Miss Bellum, Hope you feel better soon! Fainting would definitely give me a fright as well!! Take it easy and rest up!!

libbysmum, take it easy so you don't over due it! I've heard like MissFox said that they do give the leeway of around 2 weeks for the baby in either direction. Just watch the period type pains as my provider always asks me about pains and I've heard period pains are definitely a sign of labor. If anything, they can always check you out!

Breadsticks, Sorry Aisling didn't want to cooperate again!! She's just being shy and doesn't want you to see her until after she is born!

tlh, congrats on the promotion!!! How exciting!!!! You must be doing a wonderful job to be promoted! And to think...you were so under-appreciated at your last job!! At least now you know you have a great place of employment!!

As for me, I spoke with our Aflac representative today and he told me how to go get the forms I need filled out for my short term disability. It really stinks when work won't pay the maternity leave and you just have to take the time off with no pay!! I'm thankful my friend told me to get the Aflac or else I'd be up a creek without a paddle! I have my weekly appt on Thursday so we get to see Coltyn again and do the NST. I have to say, I really don't like doing the NST every week. It's going to put me to sleep again and I have to push the button every time I feel him move, and then on top of that I have to go to work afterwards! Listening to his heartbeat is nice but for 20 mins I'm ready to pass out!! LOL!

We are on count down until the wedding!! 11 days at this time and I'll be dancing at my reception!! EEKKK!! It is just around the corner! My brother and sister will be coming into town in 6 days and my mom will be here in 7 days! It's going to be so great seeing all my family again!! It's been far too long since I've seen my siblings and my nephews!! I'd say....2 or 3 years. (pregnancy brain don't let me count high enough) LOL!! My sis is pregnant too and I'm hoping we find out while she's here that she's having a girl! I really hope so! Everyone in my family has 2 boys, then they get pregnant with the 3rd and it's a girl. So I'm hoping it's the same for her and me! LOL!
ive had the period like cramping as well. i asked my doctor about it yesterday and about the pressure. he said with second pregnancies its common..i;m sure if it was a concern theyd tell you!
Thanks ladies I am taking it easy . Had my 2nd physio appointment. Omg she massaged something and I could barely walk to the car after it. Must have really needed it. DH has Friday off :) hooray, we are going to the coast for the day.
Alice lovely big bump.

Had my 32 week appt baby's turned and head down but not engaged yet.

Lovely scan pic & fab name choice.

What you all think of my little girls name.

Here's my last bump pic last week will be doing another tomorrow



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feel better soon proud army!!

jjs...enjoy the last few days before you're a married lady :D

libbysmum, enjoy tomorrow with your DH off!

lovely bump Shona :)

afm...not much to report really! babies room is getting there, think we're off to try and hand the curtain pole and blind (for about the 5th time) in a sec, as now put a wooden batten up, so fx'ed that'll hold them, as the wall just crumpled!!

Haven't really posted much here, but i'm on bed rest, and looks like i'll be taking it easy. So plenty of time to post! How is everybody?
Have my weekly appt tomorrow. Will see how it goes! I told OH earlier that I feel like as soon as I get back from my honeymoon that the doc office going to write me off. I really don't want that as I feel that even when I go on leave that the person doing my work will screw so much up! I've already had so many emails and phone calls about stuff being wrong. I don't know what else to do to get the girl to understand what she's supposed to be doing. My manager asked me to get her caught up this week so as of when we left today her desk is empty. I will be gone from next Wednesday on through the entire following week and know when I come back her desk will be piled up and I'll be the one who has to deal with it because the girl just doesn't care about it and wants everyone else to help. It's funny because I work in billing, I taught her my job, and yet she can't seem to keep up yet Monday and Tuesday this week I keyed 80 bills in the system each day and she managed a whopping 12 and 20. it's stressing me out thinking it wont get done. Sorry for the rant! I just dont' want to come back to a mess so I guess I'm just hoping my doc will write me off! LOL!
Phew, I am exhausted this week! Last weekend, hubby and family&friends helped pack up our entire apartment and move us 2 hours away for a new job hubby just got! I felt really bad that I couldn't help move, but at the same time I knew I needed to take it easy because of how sore my belly muscles have been lately.
Had to transfer to a new midwife, and I actually like her a ton more than my old one! The only bummer is that they don't accept insurance since they are a smaller practice, and the fees add up to about 5000 which we don't currently have after moving and putting a deposit on the new apartment, :( But they are okay with setting up a payment plan for now.
Then today we found an apartment (we have been staying with a family friend, boxes and all since Sunday)!! Signed a lease, moved in, and I am in love with it. We really lucked out. High ceilings, skylight in master bedroom, tons of kitchen storage, and a cute second bedroom/office. And we are right downtown within 1 mile walking distance to hubby's new job. We are thrilled.
As far as pregnancy, I am actually quite uncomfortable lately. My belly muscles ache and twinge all the time, which I'm sure is just round ligament pain... but it is awful!! I can't carry anything heavier than a purse or my cat without feeling pains. And the skin is terribly itchy, even though I slather vitamin E oil on it daily. Samson is definitely having a growth spurt. Reaching for things, like in cabinets above the stove is becoming difficult because of the muscle pains. Feels like they are ripping!! Told my new midwife about it, and she decided it's best if I see her every week until the birth just to make sure the pains don't get a lot worse or turn out to be anything serious.
Other than that, I love being heavily pregnant! Strangers smile and hold doors for me, I even got to use the employee restroom at my bank today after the lady saw my belly. ;) Ahh the perks of being pregnant. And good thing she did let me use it because I was on the verge of hiding in the shrubbery out front and squatting!! Anyone else's bladder not let them know it's full until it's about to burst?? It's very inconvenient.
Hahaahad to laugh...some stalls are so small I start to empathize with fat people while I am pregnant. I am baking cheese scrolls as the weather here is getting so cold. I dread the thought of sitting in the night of winter trying to breastfeed!
Anyone heard from Myra lately? Or Eve?
i was wondering about eve, doesn't seem like she's been on for ages?
I was wondering about both Myra and Eve myself! I hope they both are still doing well!

Motherearth, that's funny! I enjoy the perks as well! Thankfully not everyone is putting their hands on my belly but my coworkers are and luckily it isn't bothering me anymore since I've got so much bigger! My bladder is about the same as yours. I don't think I have to go and then I think Coltyn moves around on it and I have to run! If I don't run I'll end up with it all over me!

Doc appt today! Hopefully I didn't gain more weight this week! LOL! Going to weigh myself at the house first and see what their scale says compared to mine.
Yay 32 weeks now - only 5 weeks and 5 days till this bubba is born.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Hi guys! Just checking in :) I've been following along but haven't said much recently.

I'm still getting the daily dizzy spells but my blood pressure is good and I'm on iron pills so they're not worried. Platelets came back up to 122! (I think I mentioned that earlier though) so now it's just a matter of trying to keep them up for the next 7 weeks so I can have an epidural, or at least the option of one! (I seriously don't want to be put under general for a c-section)

Our new sofa arrived today. It's not AS awesome as the last one... the seats are nearly as deep... but they all recline electric rather than manual so I guess it has it's perks... just need to get to used to it. Must admit, having an electric recline is sooo much easier to get out of pregnant than a normal one. LOL

I feel like 7 weeks is forever away and I'm not even fussed that we don't have anything prepped for the baby... and then 10 minutes later I'm all... "another baby? in 7 weeks?! AHH!"
Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well.

jjsmom - Glad the Aflac rep was able to help you out. Your wedding is coming round so fast! Sorry to hear about your work situation, that sounds really sucky. Hope you can get the doc to write you off so you don't have to deal with it for long.

wantingagirl - cute bump pic x Is your little girl's name Erin Mae? I think it is very pretty.

Proudarmywife - Hope you get over your cold quickly x x

caro103 - Sounds like your baby's room is going well.

july 2013 - Hope nothing serious has put you on bed rest

motherearth23 - Sounds like a busy weekend, not surprised you are feeling tired! Hope you are settling into your new apartment.

libbysmum - it seems a bit odd to think of it getting cold over there, when we are just approaching our summer! Not really expecting any heat waves though.

beccamichelle. - Glad you are doing well. New sofa sounds great. I can't believe its only 7 weeks till our LO are due! We are not ready yet either - still keeping our fingers crossed we can finish all our renovations so we don't bring LO back to a building site!
oh my gosh guys... just got home from a playdate at a friend's. Jessica's best buddy to be exact... it did NOT go well! The other little girl cut Jessica's hair and her ear!! My hormones are all over the place. Jessica hasn't even had her first haircut yet and we had no intentions to cut it!! I didn't want to cry infront of the other mum or infront of Jessie (because that would just make her feel worse) but oh my gosh it was soooo hard holding it together. I could barely see straight and was shaking. There was just hair everywhere.....

Honestly it could have been worse... she has a fringe now... and there's only one patchy type spot, but I still want to cry every time I look at her. We waited sooo long for her hair to grow in... it was still super short just last year. :(

Ridiculously I'm almost glad the other little girl cut her ear because it finally made Jessie cry and we went in to check on them. I can't bear to think how much would have been cut otherwise. The little girl went into her mom's bathroom, opened a drawer and found her tiny eyebrow scissors at the back of the drawer. Apparently she thought Jessica's hair was in her face and could fix that. *deep breath* Jessica was pretty much in shock over the whole thing. We've have a long conversation now about how even though someone else wants to do something, if she doesn't want it she can yell at them, say no and run away. (I think she was worried she'd make Avery mad if she said no, and she's always looked up to her as Avery is 6 months older than she is.)

Okay I'll stop emotionally venting... it's just she's my baby girl... she's healthy and the ear didn't need anything serious like stitches so I need to just suck it up... it could be way worse. Hair grows back. *sigh* I'm pretty sure I'll bawl after hubby gets home and we put J to bed.
Oh Becca! I would freak if my kid came home with an unexpected haircut! I have only ever trimmed her bangs and mostly just tie it up with hairties to keep it out of her face. I would have found that hard to hold myself together too! I was upset with Dh this morning as he wanted to go to a work organized breakfast but he left the screen door open and his hot cup of coffee sitting where L can easily reach it. I was in the kitchen and didn't even realize it was in her reach! He is usually pretty safety conscience so I was surprised. Thankfully I found it when I did!
he is currently in a head strong mind of wearing the new baby clothes...I have told her they are not hers but she refuses to listen. Crazy little moppet!
Have my weekly appt tomorrow. Will see how it goes! I told OH earlier that I feel like as soon as I get back from my honeymoon that the doc office going to write me off. I really don't want that as I feel that even when I go on leave that the person doing my work will screw so much up! I've already had so many emails and phone calls about stuff being wrong. I don't know what else to do to get the girl to understand what she's supposed to be doing. My manager asked me to get her caught up this week so as of when we left today her desk is empty. I will be gone from next Wednesday on through the entire following week and know when I come back her desk will be piled up and I'll be the one who has to deal with it because the girl just doesn't care about it and wants everyone else to help. It's funny because I work in billing, I taught her my job, and yet she can't seem to keep up yet Monday and Tuesday this week I keyed 80 bills in the system each day and she managed a whopping 12 and 20. it's stressing me out thinking it wont get done. Sorry for the rant! I just dont' want to come back to a mess so I guess I'm just hoping my doc will write me off! LOL!

I know how you feel! i am so ready (physically) to go on maternity leave..but im dreading what i'm going to come back to when i get back. they just hired a new girl that is starting Monday to fill in for me while i'm on maternity leave so im hoping she is a good worker and doesn't screw everything up! I like things the way i do them and i hate leaving stuff for other people to do but i know i have to!

oh my gosh guys... just got home from a playdate at a friend's. Jessica's best buddy to be exact... it did NOT go well! The other little girl cut Jessica's hair and her ear!! My hormones are all over the place. Jessica hasn't even had her first haircut yet and we had no intentions to cut it!! I didn't want to cry infront of the other mum or infront of Jessie (because that would just make her feel worse) but oh my gosh it was soooo hard holding it together. I could barely see straight and was shaking. There was just hair everywhere.....

Honestly it could have been worse... she has a fringe now... and there's only one patchy type spot, but I still want to cry every time I look at her. We waited sooo long for her hair to grow in... it was still super short just last year. :(

Ridiculously I'm almost glad the other little girl cut her ear because it finally made Jessie cry and we went in to check on them. I can't bear to think how much would have been cut otherwise. The little girl went into her mom's bathroom, opened a drawer and found her tiny eyebrow scissors at the back of the drawer. Apparently she thought Jessica's hair was in her face and could fix that. *deep breath* Jessica was pretty much in shock over the whole thing. We've have a long conversation now about how even though someone else wants to do something, if she doesn't want it she can yell at them, say no and run away. (I think she was worried she'd make Avery mad if she said no, and she's always looked up to her as Avery is 6 months older than she is.)

Okay I'll stop emotionally venting... it's just she's my baby girl... she's healthy and the ear didn't need anything serious like stitches so I need to just suck it up... it could be way worse. Hair grows back. *sigh* I'm pretty sure I'll bawl after hubby gets home and we put J to bed.

i would have had a heart attack. we still haven't cut my daughters hair and i have no intention of cutting it honestly ever :haha: i probably wouldnt have been able to hold it together for the time being so good job!!!
Libbysmum - Jessica does that with the baby's things as well. Not that she'd fit in them but if we buy him a toy or something, she says "I'm going to share this with the baby." It's actually kind of cute.

It's hard as they get older and we're not AS on top of them as we used to be. It's that hard age where they can handle some independence but you just don't know how much. It makes me more keen than ever to make sure I ask any new friends if they have guns in the house and how they lock them up. I mean, heaven forbid!!!! You try to keep your house safe but you never know what other parents are and aren't doing.

tlh97990 - I was pretty much in the same 'never cutting it ever' camp!! It was so hard to hold it together, but I didn't want to upset her more than she already was. I managed to wait until my husband got home, planted J in front of an episode of Banana's in Pajama's and left the room to sob on his shoulder for a few minutes. I think I'm okay now, but I definitely have a headache which is obviously a tension/stress headache.

At least my friend was visibly upset too, I could tell she was about to cry as well. It was easier not to be mad at her.

Hope your replacement is competent (but not too competent so they're eager to have you back :)
Eeek yes, I am with you on that about guns! Thankfully the laws in Australia are tight with gun owners having to have them locked up but you never know all it takes is one slip of the mind or distraction in not locking them up safe...I am forever on hubbys back about leaving knifes or scissors low enough for her to grab...even pens bother me cause I think she could stab herself or choke on the small parts. Maybe I am overly cautious as I have worked in child care when I was younger and had to be so strict about cleaning products and ANYTHING harmful to be out of reach then with teaching school kids I still felt it was my duty to keep them safe while in my care. We just put the heater on yesterday for the first time this season and I told Libby not to touch it as it is hot and might bite her. She is so sly and sits as close to it as humanly possible without touching...why she has to seek out danger is beyond me...if she survives til adulthood it will be a miracle!

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