~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

June, yes I am very proud of him! He is a great man and I'm glad he can finally start seeing it in himself. He's had low self esteem from his mother and I can only tell him so much how proud I am of him. He's finally seeing it himself and he's becoming the man he's meant to be.

Happy Mother's Day to each and every one of you!!!! I hope you all have fabulous days!! I know some men don't see it that you are a mom yet, but you are even if they don't believe it since your LO isn't here yet! You became a mom the moment you became pregnant and you are all blessed to have that LO!! I can't believe we are all heading towards the end of our pregnancies and will soon be meeting our boys and girls!!!
happy mothers day ladies whose mothers day it is today!!

we've had a rough rough day :(, one tantrum after another...sooo not good! hope this phase passes before the new baby arrives!

I have a mountain of tiny baby clothes next to me to be ironed...not feeling the motivation atm esp as DH has football on tv :dohh:
I wonder how our Mummy Myra is getting on with sweet baby Connor?! Hope they are doing well :)

I'm watching the BAFTA's now, about to climb into bed with a hot chocolate. Mmm.

Happy Mothers Day, and Happy Mommy to be Day... to those celebrating today! :flower:
SO don't want to go to work tomorrow :dohh: only 4 day week....then 4 day weekend! Sure I can power on through!

I've been reading but not posting much. Wanted to say Happy Mother's Day!!! :flower:
Finally made it to my last week of work before 3 weeks holiday... then starting maternity leave! Can't believe it's actually here! My beautiful baby girl is so nearly here now!!!

I'm so excited :) xxx
I work this full week, then 2 days next week. I'll be off for the next week and a half and go back on June 3rd. Not sure when my little man will be coming exactly and depends on how they like the BPP (just found out this is a biophysical profile) and the NST. And hopefully my blood pressure doesn't go up! It's going to be such a stress filled week trying to make sure all last minute preparations are done for my wedding in a week from this Saturday!!! I won't be around for a while after next Tuesday as my mom will be in town and we'll be busting butt to get everything done!
thats so exciting i have 6 weeks left of work still unfortunately im ready to be done!!!
12 days left for me.....well 11 after this one! Bring it on! I finish on the 31st with some holiday in between. Can't wait!!!

My poor little bunny had his dental operation I was so worried just waiting for the phone call that he was awake which he is! So very happy picking him up later for big cuddles xx
Tlh- I feel you! I'm so ready to be done! I qualify noe but my Dr seems less than interested in writing me off work. And now I've had this muscle in my bump like RLP but it won't go away. I get stuck on the floor or in bed and I can't sleep because of it. It hired so much every time I move that I have to be awake toss and turn
I had my 30 week appt today and was really hoping my doctor could give me some kind of information or ways to help with all the pelvic pressure and pain i've been feeling. Unfortunately he said 2nd pregnancies are usually much more uncomfortable than first because your muscles and ligaments are less tight than before..also with me only having my daughter 18 months ago doesn't help. so yay for being in pain for another 10 weeks!! i'm thinking when i stop working it'll be a little better but i can only take off 2 or 3 weeks before my due date which still seems far away!!

on another note today was my first day doing my new job. not sure if i mentioned before but i was promoted at the job i started 2 months ago already. it came with a pretty hefty raise so i didn't care what i'd be doing honestly :haha: but i actually loved it today! my day went by so much faster because i was actually busy it was great!! i'm thinking maybe 6 weeks will go by quicker now..
Tlh, promoted already! :happydance: Congratulations!

We had our rescan this afternoon. Aisling still did not want to cooperate! She had her arm up the entire time, hand covering her face most of the time :haha: I will post pictures when we get home, our flight leaves at 1:45AM so it's going to be a long night! I look forward to when we arrive home so I can snuggle my furbabies, though I'm not quite ready to go home yet!
Do hope everyone is well...been having issues with laptop...it needs a new motherboard.
Been restless with back pain in the night and period like pain especially on right side. Am wondering if this is bra ton his or something with my spd? Quite painful and comes and goes...each pain seems about 20 seconds long?
Forgotten to mention at my appointment I was measuring 2 weeks behind And baby had a rapid heart beat...has anyone else had this? I
Wonder if I been drinking too much coffee?
libbysmum-keep an eye on that period pain. the only time I've experienced that cramping was the start of labor. ive already been contracting for 15wks now, its an all day thing, and even with my belly being sore from it, i still dont get the period cramping.

if baby is measuring behind, its possible that is why his heart is faster? how fast was it, are they not concerned? i think a rapid hr can be as sign of distress, no?

geez i sound awful! dont mean to be negative, i always get parNoid about that kinda stuff, I'd definitely keep an eye on it all. and if it concerns YOU tell your ob so that they can ease your mind.
Hope everyone is doing well.

I seem to have picked up a bug and had a poorly tummy on Sunday. Thought I was better on Monday so went out to meet my friend (who is also pregnant) for brunch, and managed to faint on the pavement! Gave us both a bit of fright so I am taking it easy at home today to make sure I have got over the bug.

Off to our second NCT class tonight so should be good. First one was on Saturday and was very good. Got some good hints/tips and everyone seems to be very nice.

sue_88 - Poor bunny! Hope he has well recovered now.
Miss Fox - sorry to hear you are having problems sleeping, hope it gets better.
tlh97990 - sorry to hear about your pelvic pressure, hope it eases soon. Great to hear that the new job is going well. Promoted already, good going :)
Breadsticks - Shame Aisling did not want to co-operate with the scan, hope you still got some good pics. Have a safe trip home.
Libbysmum - hope the back pain gets better soon. Hopefully nothing to worry about with LO, I'm sure the doctor would say if there was a problem.
I get the period type cramps and have been having braxton hicks since 14 weeks. They're something I have to breath through sometimes now.
I also think they give a 2 week leeway on measurements because if baby is a few days behind on a growth spurt it could make up that two weeks with a growth spurt. But I would definitely call and ask them to explain to you more about it if you are concerned. Remember to listen to your body!
Congrats on the promotion tlh
Miss bellum hope you're feeling g better!!!

I've pulled my round ligament. They said it takes 6-10 days to get better but I'm likely going to pull it repeatedly until the end of pregnancy. They are also talking about writing me off work. Woohoo!! Mostly since I can't afford to take time off without pay. I'm excited! Early maternity leave!!

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